Gels New Pteitkm At Appalachian ? Or. DMM i. W?t1 has been MclMf assistant dirac Mr of wliil jb at AwHUm ?Utr TcMfeen College. Or. Ill MUm mwii4 the ?pomibilitiei of this peeitioB to hotter njonUmrte the offoru of Af >?l?ihi?n in provding a fun* ttaaai in-service program tar pub lic school teacher* u decided that the eluk b?]r ? 4-H flag The buaipait meeting waa adjouared, aad the kead?r gave a demonstration on freezing. I i I _ . - k WRONG PAINT ? South 8mM, WaA.? The taut year-old son of Ho. Kim Trwul found ? ran of roofing tar in the yard where' they were vititing and proceeded to paint hi? 20-month old lifter. They were ruihed to the local htapiUl, Where the doctor cleaned the tar out of Um M?Ue girj't eyes. A service stu?k* attendant ?u summoned to bring tiaat noma (as. He bathed the infant ami her ? brother in gas to reroove the tar. War seems remote in West Ger- N many. M Monte Round-Up ... At AivwtiMi la Lif* M M?nf* Mead or Halvn Peaches -"25* Limit 6 C MM At TWs Pric* WMh QHm? Pim>imi Argo Peas" 1 0' Dd MmiN TmmiN Catsup . . ~ 25e M Kate Fruit fiKktiil - 2 "? WHITE ARROW SILVER DUST Detergent 19c %km f of fMf *?fc? *l?k 9540 m mow ardor ASTOR CRISCO Shortening ~59t~69t ?* ? .J- ? * - ?-? ? ? F La*ek>in Bartlett XfZS*.***' GrapS^- 2-lb. bag 23c