urch Ni DEERFIELD METHODIST CHURCH Joseph C. McMurray, pastor. Sunday School ? 10:00 a.m. '^preaching ? 11:00 a.m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. ST. LUKE'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH The Rev. W. Todd Ferney bough, priest-in-charge. Holy Communion at 8 a.m. Pint and third Sundays, Holy Communion at 10:S0 a.m. Second, fourth and filth Sun day*, morning prayer at 10:80 a.m. Bible Study, 8:18 a.m. Church School, 10:30 a.m. Evening prayer and Canter bury meeting at 0 p.m. Friday*, Holy Communion at 8 p.m. Saint*' Days, Holy Communion at 8 p.m. BOONE METHODIST CIRCUIT The Rev. R. H. Ballard, pastor First Sunday ? 11:00 a.m. ? Bethelview. First Sunday ? 2:80 ajn. ? Pleasant Valley. First Sunday? 7:80. p.m. ? Hopewell Second Sunday? 11:00 a.m. ? Friendship. Second Sunday night? Bethel view. Third Sunday ? 10:00 a.m. ? Pleasant Valley. Third Sunday ? 11:00 a.m. ? Hopewell. Fourth 8unday? 11:00 a.m. ? Friendship. Fourth Sunday ? 7:80 p.m. ? Bethelview. Holy Eucharist 1 with gospels of Holy Week ation for Easter. KYS IN LENT at 8:00 a. m. ? Holy ??? Friday at 8:00 p. m.? Holy Euehtriit I Thursdays at 7:30 p. m.? Con firmation Instruction WATAUGA METHODIST CHARGE The Rev. Alvin A. Wilson, pastor. First and third Sundays ? Liberty at 10:00 a.m.; V^lle Gruci s at 11:00 a.m. # )MW Second and fourth Sundays Mabel at 10:00 a.m.; Benson's Chapel at 11:00 a.m. Second and fourth Sundays Pine Grove at 7:00 p.m. FIRST BAPTI8T CHURCH The Rev. J. Boyce Brooks, pastor. Sunday School at 0:40 a.m. Morning Worship at 10:99 a.m. Evening Worship at 6:00 p.m. Training Union at 6:49 p.m. RUMPLE MEMORIAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ? Blowing Rock The Rev. A. Blake Brlnker hoff, pastor. Sunday: 0:30 ? Men's Class Coffee Hour. 10:00 ? Church School. 11:00 ? Morning Worship. 6:00 ? Youth Fellowship Pro gram. Wenesday: 3:19 ? Choir practice. 7:30? Prayer and study meet ing. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The Re*. J. X. Parker, Jr., Sunday School at 8:48 ?.in.; Honing Worship at 11:00 a.m. A nursery is kept (or small children daring tin worship service. Westminster Fellowship at 5:45 p.m.; Youth Fellowship at 6:00 pjn.; Pioneer Fellowship at 0:00 p.m. Circles of the won.en of the church meet the first Monday of each month; general meeting each third Monday. Presbyterian prayer service, dial AM 4-2313. STONY FORK BAPTIST CHURCH The Rev. Raymond Hendrix, pastor. Harlan Greene; Sunday school superintendent. Sunday ? Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; preaching first and second Sundays at 11:00 ajn.; Training Union at 0:00 p.m. Wednesday night prayer meet ing at 7:00 o'clock. CHURCH OF CHRIST? Beeae oJhn Allen Thurman, avange list Sunday? Bibel Study at 10:00 a.m.; Worship and Communion at 11:00 a.m.; Evening Worship services at 7:80. Thursday ? Bible Study at 7:00 p.m. GREENWAY BAPTIST CHURCH ? At flmamy and Meadowview Road Rev. C. O. Vance, pastor Sunday School at 0:45 a.m. John B. Robinson, superintend ent. Worship Services 11:00 a.m. Training Union 0:SO. Worship Service 7:00. Family Night? Wednesday? 7:00. ADVENT CHRISTIAN CHURCH The Rev. Floyd N. Boston, pastor. Sunday School ? 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship? 10:45 a.m. Youth Fellowship ? 6:30 p.m. Evening Worship? 7:30 pjn. Wednesday: Prayer Meeting? 7:80 p.m. MT. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH ? Bauer Elk Rev. Glenn Gentry, pastor Sunday School at 10:00 a.m. Service at 11:00 a.m. Training Union at 7:00 p.m. * CHoir practice at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday. MWS 1st Tb'irsJay evening, 7:30 p.m. Visitors welcome. BLOWING ROCK BAPTIST CHURCH William W. Hamilton, Pastor. Sunday ? Sunday School at 10:00 a.m.; worship service at 11:00 a.m.; evening service at 7:30 o'clock; Training Union at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday ? Choir rehearsal at 7:00 p.m.; prayer meeting at 8:00 p.m. THREE FORKS BAPTIST CHURCH Homer F. Greene, Patsor. Julian S. McGuire, Sunday School superintendent. Morning worship 11:00 a. m. Sunday School 10:00 a. m. Baptist Training Union 6:30 p. m. Evening worship 7:30 p. m. Prayer service 7:00 p. m. Wednesday Choir reharsal 7:80 p. m. Wednesday. Turn Wasteland Into Garden --And Get Out Of The Mud At The Same Time! If you have "wet spot" problem* ? or surface , water you'd like to be rid of ? you'll find a simple, economical so lution by using May mead drain pipe. You Cant Find Better Building Blocks , MM . BOONE, N. C lock Co. AM 4-3618 Father Beany At Saint Johns The Reverend Father Edward J. Beatty haa been appointed Paator of Saint John Pariah, North Wilkesboro by Hi* Ex caUency Vincent S. Waters, Biahop of Saint Eliaabeth Catholic Church here la a Mission of Saint John and Father Monk continues in charge. Father Beatty come* to this assignment from MooresvUle where he was Paator of Saiijf Theresa Pariah for a period of five and a half years. He waa also stationed at Saint Lucten Pariah, Spruce Pine. W The Bishop of Raleigh will be the main speaker at App>4* chian State Teachers College on April 12th. Will Speak At Saint Lukes The Rev. W. T. Ferneyhough announces (hat the Rev. Robert Bally Campbell will be the guest speaker at St. Luke's Episcopal Church tonight (Thurs.) at 7:00 o'clock. Fr. Campbell is rector of the Church of the Ascension, Hic kory, and is also dean of the Lenoir Deanry of the Diocese of Western North Carolina. Fr. Campbell received his de grees from Waahington and Lee University, Union Theolog ical Seminary and Virginia Sem inary. He has served churches In Virginia, Ohio, and North Carolina. Visitor At Church THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK Religion is not something a man can take or leave as he chooses. Religion, rather, ia a debt every man owes in justice to God. Just as each person waa created by God and ia daHy kept alive by the goodness of God ? so every man must, if he is honeat, serve God through religion. Father Ralph Monk St. Elisabeth's Catholic Church Boone, N. C. (adv) GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH Edwin F. Troatman, Paster COffee hour at 0:30 a. m. Serving are Mr. and Mrs. Hu bert In man. Sunday School at 10:00 a. m. Worship at 11:00 a. m. Sermon topic: "Holinesa, the Role of the Christian." < ' Luther League at 6:00 p. m. Lutheran Student Aaaociation at 6:30 p. m. The Week of Prayer is being observed by the Women of the Church each evening at 7:30. Choir renearaal on Wednes day evening, 7:00. Come and worship ST. ELISABETH'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Sunday Masai at 4:00 a.m. Newman Club meets at 10 am Rev. Charles Martin, Jr. Speaker At Boone Baptist r r The Reverend Charles L. Martin, Jr., an aaaociate secre tary in the youth department of the Japan Baptist Convention, will be special speaker at Boone Buptist Church March 14th at 7:19 p. m. Mr. Martin will speak on the challenge con fronting today's student in the mission of the church. Mr. Martin is qualified both by experience and training for this subject. In addition to his responsibilities in student work in Japan, he serves as associ ate pastor of Mejiro ga Oka Baptist Church, Tokyo, teaches a Bible class for students, and writes curriculum material for the Japan Baptist Convention's training organization. He began his college career as an archi tectural student at Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Au burn University) and transfer red to Howard College, Birming ham, where he received the Bachelor of Arts degree. Gradu ate degrees earned are the Bachelor of Divinity and Mast er of Theology from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky. His wartime service with the U. S. Army Air Force furnish ed another part of his experi ence. As a bombardier on a B 29, he flew 31 missions over REV. CHARLES MARTIN, JR. Japan and received the Diitin guished Flying Cross and "a few other medals". One day he saw a Japanese suicide ' plane explode just aa it waa about to crash into his formation. "The Japanese pilot died; I livsd," he says. "I was near enough to look into his face. As I saw him plummet to his death, 1 felt that my life was spared for a pur pose." He became convinced that the purpose was that he might go to Japan as a mission ary. Mr. Martin is under appoint ment by the Southern Baptist Elder W. O. Coe Preaches At Clark Creek "Watch" became a very strong and pointed word in the sermon of Elder W. O. Coe, from Char lotte, at the Valle Cruel. Sev enth-Day AdventUt Church on Clark Creek. Pastor Coe directa the Sab bath School* of the Carolina Conference, comprising the two Carolina*. From hi* office he aende out much material and Instruction a* well as report* of attendance and gift* to mic tion* from all the organizations in the conference. Considering all the visiting he haa in con nection with hi* work, it wa* a treat to hare him here on March i. "Many Christiana," he empha sised, "must wake up. We are asleep," he said. He told of a family who came home at night from a gathering and went to bed. The next morning they found all their Foreign Mission Board, and while on furlough, he is serving as missionary personnel associ ate for the Board, assisting in work among college (tudent*. Presently, he is on a tour which includes 22 colleges in the state. His visit to the college commun ity is sponsored jointly by Ap palachian Baptist Student Un ion and the Department of Stu dent Work of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. valuables gone. Evidently, ? thief bad found hi* my Into the house while they were ?way and waited until they were asleep. This Illustrated tile thief Jesus mentioned. The scientific achievements that were given us by the speak er staggared our imaginations, but in these he found necessity for repeating the call to wake up and watch. Bis first verses were Matthew 24:42-44. Then he used verr frora March IS and Luke 21. Olive Clark. Gleason will return to televi sion next fall. * now itb Pepsi for those who think young All over America there's a great new feeling-people are putting more into their leisure, getting more out of their lives. It's a new outlook called thinking young. This is the life for Pepsi-light, bracing, clean-tasting Pepsi. So go ahead-think young. In stores, buy an extra carton. At fountains, say "Pepsi, please! Bottled by Pepii-CoU Bottling Co., Spruce Pine? N* .cT?*" Under Appointment from Pepd-Cola Company, New York, N. T. ^ i i ?? j iTwTTmi ii ? I PICK A SIZE, I | pick a price | Ntw thirt'i s Dodft In wiry tin. Whit tboy titbr fc oizo, powor, op pointnioriu inl prloSf thiy hivi i' lot Low<*frlotlon stoorino. Tortion-Airt II IWIWI WI^P# ? ^Pw wl?ll ? ^P rido* 32,000 ml It i bilwmi jnm Jobs* IIS DODQE CUSTOM tMl TMa la tha fell ana. Almaat 11 iMt lang. 122* whftlbtso Soots oi*o choir-high. A mighty Ml ml In. VI bait* cut 2M harMgawar. Ifi big, al right. Cuatam mada far tha big ?ar man. NEW SIZE DODQE DART. Shad .1,1,1 ?? ||. ? H.IJJI. -M ? - LI- -J ngm hi mo miooif or no no ono iittio. Tm faat ahartar than A martaa'i lang aat tar; tm faal blggar than fta mat mi ih angina la Mm mat pawartul naar Darfi prka. COMPACT DOME LANCER. Car Ufa magazlna aaha Lannr AwariaTi EaS baaMng lawgait Tart Ml ft you tt^o ring a( Its ttandard 170 mi. In. I. Sa K ym want a aampaat that daaa mart (It DOME CUSTOM M 4-OOOR SEDAN *2964 ' Manufacture'! tufgtsttd rtUII prkt, tichnlvt of donation dmpt, Sup* SpinMr wtocl covm Md wMt? DOME DMT t-CTUNDOl, t-OOOR MDM /mr\ mi I |i. at, ill 1 1.,| a ? * - M , -|.g - ?- - - . . m A "iKiU'wi i *uf?*>i9c rvun pncv, wtciuivvv Of o COMPACT DOim LMCn IK I40M?OMI^ ^ I A. - 1 JMJ^Tv uH W BROWN & GRAHAM MOTOR CO. <1? *? MAIN ST. d||jL Franchued Dealer No. &g BOONE. N. C. If you want to buy or sell a home ... a farm ... a business ? watch this space for real values! 50? NEW 3-BEDR00M BRICK, carport, bath, large living room with fireplace. -Located near IRC plant. Price only $11,500. Priced for quick sale. 51? GOOD COMMERCIAL BUILDING for tale. Located in Heart of Business Section. Ideal for any type business. 1? GOOD, 6 ROOM HOUSE, bath, Just remodeled; barn and ? acres bottom land with nice spring fed stream. Lo cated Just 5-10 mile from Parkway and Q miles from Boone on a good road. 2? MOVE RIGHT INI This new 8 bedroom, bath, two acres land Just one mile out Only $8500.00. Don't miss this value. 3? NEW, 4 BEDROOM, large living room, dining room, Kitchen with built in stove, bath, full basement, lo cated 2 miles out Price $13,000 for quick sale. " 4? THE GOOD LIFE BEGINS in a home that you truly enjoy living in. Be sure and see this new 3 bedroom ranch brick, 2 acres land located about 3 miles out. Price $20,000. 5? BEGIN THE NEW YEAR by purchasing this roomy 3 bedroom brick, large living room with fire place, storm windows, 1-acre lot, Just out of city limits. $17,500. ft? LIVE INN THE COUNTRY? In this 3 bedroom home? . large living room with fire place ? built in sove ? full Price $10,050. Good financing. ft? LOVE A GRACIOUS SETTING?? Here's a wonderful combination of location and space. See this 3 bedroom, 2 bath, large stone fireplace, hot air heat, located Just 2 blocks from campus. Immediate possession. FHA loan. ft? 70- ACRE FARM? Extra gooa 8-room house, ltt bath, fire place, hot air beat approximately 20 acres of bot tom land, .8 tobacco base, good growing timber, located in Valle Cruris section. Good terms: V? down. Im mediate possession. 10? FIVE ACRES LEVEL LAND, new 3 bedroom brick full basement. Located 6 miles out on hard surface road. Price $16,900. 11? COMMERCIAL BUILDING with 200-foot highway front age. Located on U. S. 321 By-Pass, Blowing Rock. Ideal for store or restaurant Can be financed. 12? lft-ROOM HOUSE, 8 baths, 1 acre land, located about one mile out of town on highway. Price: $7,500. 13? NEW BUSINESS BUILDING AND LOT located in heart of Boone. Ideal for store, shop. 14? WANTED? Man and wife with four children to buy this good 5-bedroom house, bath, new automatic fur nace, located 1 mile east of Boone. Good terms. 15? WARM AND COZY? Large living room with fire place,f 3 spacious bedrooms, 1V4 baths, hot water heat garage, < large level lot City water. Only $13,500. Immediate possession. 16 ? NEW, 2 BED ROOM, ceramic bath, carpet wall to wall. Full size basement, hot air heat, located on paved street Just out city limits. Monthly payments, $65.00. 17? WE HAVE 12 ApRES LEFT of beautiful rolling land adjoining the U. S. Parkway on hard surface road. Will sell any size lot you want Ideal for year around home. ? 18? PRICE REDUCED Good 8- bedroom, full basement, located one block from the college campus. 19 ? COUNTRY LIVING. ? 10 acres, 3 bed room house, bath, located ft miles out Price $5,500. 20? 300-FT. ROAD FRONTAGE located at entrance of col lege. Ideal for motel. Priced for quick sale. 22 ? TOO GOOD TO LAST ? New 3- bedroom, carpet wall-to wall, carport, large level lot with city water and sewage. Monthly payments $51.00. Will accept 2nd mortgage. 28?75 ACRES IN GOOD PASTURE with 1,000 feet road frontage, located in Cove Creek section. Price: $12,000. Good terms. ?0?6,000 SQ. FOOT WAREHOUSE, 300-ft highway front age, on 421. Good terms. 30? LARGE 5-BEDROOM HOUSE? 2 baths, storm windows, large corner lot Next to college campus. 31? FAMILY FUN? Here is a home that the whole family will enjoy. A place for the children to play, mother to entertain, and dad to relax. 3-bedroom, 3 full baths, 3 fireplaces. All built-ins. AM-FM intercom, expensive carpets and drapes. 75-FOOT FRONTAGE on West Howard Street, Just across from the new A&P Market One of the best business district values. Coe Insurance & Realty Company Dial AM 4-8256 ? 217 Main Street I

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