p* , ? ^ erSona en tion ? Scoria I JEAN L. RIVERS, EDITOR? Home Telephone AMherst 4-3880? Office Telephone AMherst 4-8812 Local Affairs Mr. and ltr?. G. R. Andrews viilted Sunday with friends in Lenoir. Mr. Joe L. Coffey, Sr. is a patient in Blowing Rock Hospi taL Born to Mr. and Mrs. Nick Staikas at Watauga Hospital Sunday, a daughter. Miss Joanne Aldridge spent the week end in Chapel Hill visiting with friends. Mrs. Carlos DeLima visited over the week end in Winston Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Tucker of Summit Street, visited Mrs. Tucker's mother in Lebanon, Va. over the week end. Mrs. W. 0. Robertson of Bal timore, Md? spent the week end with her sister, Mrs. A. E. Hamby, Sr. Miss Pat Dowling of Winston Salem, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Dowling, during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jaynes and children, Cathy and Bill of Charlotte, visited relatives in the county during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Teems and children of Asheville, visit ed during the week end with friends in the county. Miss Mildred Jones of Char lotte, spent the week end in Boone visiting friends and rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Malone of High Point, visited Friday with Mrs. Malone's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Ow of Vilas. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fox of Hickory visited during the week end with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cook. Mrs. Lucy Honeycutt of Spruce Pine, is spending a few days visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Hale Vance. David Dougherty, student at tke University of North Caro lina, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bar nard Dougherty. Mr. and Mrs. James F. Mal colm and daughter, Jenny and Julia Brawley of Winston Salem, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Hale Vance. Visiting recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Caudill were Mrs. Caudill's sister and bro ther, Mrs. Ed Dancey and Mr. Jim Kilby of North Wilkesboro. Rufus Edmistera, student at the University of North Caro lina, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Edmisten. Mrs. R. H. Harmon, Mrs. Lee Reynolds and Mrs. Robert Cody willh^attending the District Jari^^^^b meeting in Mor Mr. R jjjnrie and Richard Agle spent flRurday in High Paint where they attended the State High School Wrestling championship. Mrs. R. E. Agle and Bill Agle spent the week end in Salisbury visiting w il h Mrs. Agle's daughter, Mrs. Bob Taylor and Mr. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Earl T. Johnson of Norfolk, Va., visited Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Cook a few days laat week. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buchan an of Roanoke, Va., visited dur ing the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Buchanan and Mr. and Mrs. Hale Vance. Mrs. Jane Hodge of -Shouna, Tenn., is visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Cratis Wil liams and family on Reynolds Road. Mr. and Mrs. Howard R. Lyt tle and children, Lynda and Janice of Altus, Okla., are visit iqg with M? Lyttle's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Norris. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Norris visited last weak in Lynchburg, Va. with Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Page. Mrs. Page is a cousin of Mrs. Norris. Rill rook, student at the Unl IB. Visiting Mr ?B' Mr* Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miller visited iMt week in Lynchburg, V?. with Mrs. MiUer's sister, Mrs. Minnie Woodring and Miss Verjeah Woodring and family. Mr. Kermit Dacus, Jr. has accepted a position at Cape Canaveral, Florida and moved his family there to live. Their residence is Satellite Beach. Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rufty have returned after vacationing in Florida twelve days. They were accompanied on the trip by the Rev. and Mr?. O. Lester Brown of Charlotte. Lewis Wilson and Clay Vera Greene, employees of Burgess Furniture Store, left Monday for the Westinghouse Appli ance School in Charlotte for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chester visited over the week end with Mrs. Chester's mother, Mrs. E. B. Chester and with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Summers, all of StatesviUa. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wilcox were Mrs. Edward Stroupe and sons, Mac and Lee of Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Wilcox and children, Debra and Demp sey, III of Newland. Mrs. Charles Henry remains seriously ill at her home in Hickory. Her father, Joe Nor ris and her sisters, Mrs. Ger trude Storie and Mrs. Gwyn dolyn Hampton visited Friday with her. Visiting Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Houck was Mr. and Mrs. Bruck Houck of West Jef ferson. Visiting with the Houcks over the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Autoiv of Char lotte. Mrs. Rob Rivers went to Columbia, Missouri, Monday, where she is visiting with a daughter, Miss Rachel Rivers, a junior at the University of Missouri. Rachel is enrolled in the School of Journalism. James Holloway, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holloway, who recently finished his basic training at Ft. Gordon, Ga., is now stationed at Ft. Benning, Ga. His wife, Rebecca, joined him there last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe McConnell and children of Bessemer City, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Staniberry of Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. David Worth of Jefferson visit ed with their grandmother, Mrs. Jim Lyons on Sunday, who is quite ill. Johnny Taylor, student at the University of North Carolina, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Taylor. Also visiting the Tay lors on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Taylor of West Jefferson. Grant Ayers, Jr., student at N. C. State College, is visiting this week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ayers. The Ayerses have as their house guest for the week end Miss Alice Boley of Wake Forest College. Miss wanaa wuson, stuaeni at Carolina Business College, spent the week end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wil son. She hat accepted a part time position with the Wach ovia Bank and Trust Co. in Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sudderth of Agallala, Nebraska, visited last week with Mrs. Sudderth's sister and brother, Mrs. C. W. Watson and A. C. Moretz of Deep Gap. They also visited an aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Proffitt of Route 2, Boone. Miss Cook Is Entertained A surprise birthday party was given in honor of Miss Ear lene Cook of Silverstone on Wednesday, March 6. Those at tending wert Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook and Mabel Jean, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Cook and Ju4y, Mrs. Heraaan Moretz and Johnny, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Maretz and Detara, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cook, Elaine end Diane; Mr. and Mrs. Alton Cook and Gregory, Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Cook, Jr., Linda and Joey; and Mr. and Mr*. Baxter Farthing and Rached. Miss Cook received many Miss Boley, Mr. Ayers Are Engaged MISS ALICE MARIE BOLEY Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Clinton Boley of Roanoktf, Virginia, an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Alice Marie, to Grant Robert Ayers, Jr. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Rob ert Ayers, Sr., of South Water Street, Boone. Miss Boley is a senior at Wake Forest College in Winston-Sa lem, where she will graduate with a Bachelor of Art* degree in June. Mr. Ayers graduated from Appalachian High School, and at present is a junior study ing electrical engineering at North Carolina State College in Raleigh. The wedding is planned for July 27 in Roanoke. Green Valley Home Club Meets Mrs. Russell Norrls was hos tess for the February meeting of the Green Valley Home De monstration Club. There were four members present, and one visitor, Mrs. N. F. Church of Foscoe. Due to the illness of her mother, the new club president, Mrs. Clayton Moretz was ab sent. Mrs. Russell Norris served in her place. The collect was read in uni son as a devotional and Mrs. Woodrow Winebarger led in prayer. The topic of the demonstra tion was "Quick and Easy Meals" given by the club lead er, Mrs. Woodrow Winebarger. Points stressed ? Good plan ning is the secret of quick and easy meals." ? Plan to include In your grocery list fodot that need lit tle preparation and time for cooking, such a pork chops, rice, canned or frozen peas, etc. ? Read the grocery ads to familiarize yourself with prices and "specials." ? Know your grocery store and list your groceries in the order they are arranged on the shelves. ? Know food brands, and check the price of "specials" to see if they really are bargains. Un-tasty brands, and poor-qual ity raw foods necessitating much wastage are not bargains even at half price. ?Don't buy foods you don't need or like even at bargain prices. ? If you can do so, prepare one or two basic dishes ahead of time, such as a roast and, or, casseroles. ? Arrange pots and pans so they will be handy to get to when preparing a meal. ? If you have help, does your helper know your kitchen? If not, plan her work so that it will need little supervision. ? Be sure to include the seven basic foods in your meal. ? Let the family serve them selves from the stove. The meeting In March will be held at the home of Mrs. Con ley Church. Appalachian Garden Club The Appalachian Garden Club met with Hrs. Bill Winkler for the February meeting. A lengthy mating was conducted by Mrs. Robert Davis, the president. The main item of business was the elec tion of officers Mrs. Max Dixon was elected president and Mrs. Larry Penley secretary. On March 30, the dufc plans to hold a rummage sale In the building next to Hunt's Depart ment Store. ! Home Life Department The Home Life Department will meet Thursday evening, March 14, at 7:30 p. m. with Mrs. Hale Vance on Howard Street. The program will be on spring styles. Proper Storage Of Canned Foods Important Point Take a look at your canned products. Do your fruits and vegetables still have their bright color or do they look pale and unappetizing? Proper storage is an import ant point to conaider for any conserved food ? whether hom? or commercially canned. Miss Iola Pritchard, food conserva tion and marketing specialist for the N. C. Agricultural Ex tension Service, says canned foods should be stored in a dry, cool place and it should be rea sonably dark if glass containers are used. She says extreme moisture may cause metal cans and clo sures to rust thus shortening the shelf life of the product. The label may also be marred making important information unreadable. "High storage temperatures should be avoided," Miss Prit chard adds. "They may not af fect the wholesomeness of the product but they tend to impair color and flavor of some foods. Freezing may cause the cans to burst or break the seal. Too much light, especially on glass jars, will cause fading and dis coloration of the canned pro duct This within itself is not an indication of spoilage, but it does make the product less at tractive and often affccts the texture of the food." If adequate storage is avail able the shopper may save money by taking advantage of specials and by quantity buying. Canned foods also save time. Convenience in having easy-to prepare canifed foods available is important aince it may mean the difference between a well balanced meal and. "just food" for the family. Miss Pritehard says storage of food also has an indirect in fluence on the health of the family. Studies show that fami lies with a food supply readily available actually eat better, wall planned meals. Be careful of bargains! Too often, they are not worth the I money you put into them. . ; PI BPW Holds March Meeting The Boone Business and Pro fessional Woman's Club held its regular monthly meeting January 29 at the Daniel Boone Inn. At guest speaker, Hr. Eric DeGroat, associate professor of physical education at Appalach ian State Teachers College was introduced by the president, Mrs. Maxie Edmisten. Mr. De Groat showed a film on the Blowing Rock Ski Lodge of skiing lessons being given. Fol lowing the film, he spoke on the growing interest in skiing in this half of the state and showed the skis, shoes, poles, etc. he had brought to acquaint the members with some of the equipment used in this sport. One of his main concerns was that not enough Watauga count ians were taking part in this new sport for this area. Miss Kathryn Mast, daughter of Mr. and Mr*. G. F. Mast, was presented as the Appalachian High School girl of the month. Miss Mast was accompanied by her mother and was presented a gold medallion by the club president. Mrs- Dessie Mae Edmisten announced that the District B. P. W. meeting will be held in Boone on April 20-21. This is to be sponsored by the local club. Spring suits are short. Some have long sleeves and others have the three quarter length. One suit with a fresh look is that of blue and white stripes. It has a pipue overlapping col lar of white and a white blouse. Blouse sleeves are long er than those of the jacket. Most of the bright remarks that you read about are made after somebody has mulled ovei the conversation for a couple ol days. Pretty Perm Pretty F?m actually puti back into yonr hair the color and the luatrout texture which the ordinary perma nent (teals away! CAROLINA PHARMACY E. King St.? Bo?oe, N.C, JEAN'S PERSONAL COLUMN Dear Jane And Rachel: By JEAN L. RIVERS Before you read any further, presuming you turn to eur columns before reading any thing else in the Democrat, find the article concerning John Boone . . . one of our favorite people. A wonderful thing has happened to John and we are ever so happy for him. Of course ... he made it hnppen and that is all the more reason to be proud of him. At first, not knowing anything at all about Associated Merchandis ing Corporation, I was not as gleeful as I was was when I investigated and found what an important step this is in John's career. This company has 25 affiliated companies, among the more familiar ones in this sec tion are Rich's, Inc., Atlanta; Thalheimer Bros, of Richmond, Va.; Carson Pirie Scot and Co., Chicago; Bloomingdale's, and Abraham and Straus, New York; and Burdin's in Miami, Fla. They also have 13 foreign offices in addition to repre senting 8 other foreign com panies. This is big! The Boones will soon be mov ing to New York, and the only regret I have is that they will he leaving their lovely big house In Philadelphia. Barbara (John's nice wife) had recently finished decorating the 4-story, 7 bedroom house . . . doing most of the work, such as drap 1 eries, bedspreads and that sort of thing herself. She even made Roman shades, I think she call ed them . . . they sounded com plicated to make. ? She loves this sort of work and is so talented. For many months Barbara has been searching the country side for genuine anti ques, old wood, from which she has had unusual pieces of furniture made, brass and etc. She is a whiz! The Boones are the parents of four mighty nice youngsters, Debbie, Nancy, Johny and Dianne. Oh! I just now learned that they will be SANITONE Dry Cleaning Puts VITALITY Back in your Clothes Our exclusive "Soft-Set" and "Style-Set" Finishes Make the Difference We not only clean your clothes thoroughly . . . our exclusive Sanitone finishes put new life and vitality in the fabric so garments look and fed. and fit like new. Call today far service. Trail way Cleaners INCORPORATED AM 4-8415 J5. King St. ? Boose, N. C. moving to Coaoacticut instead of New York and I am glad to hear that. Isn't all this axcit ing? Jane, I'm very sorry to hear thst your friend, Mrs. Arm strong, was so seriously injur ed recently. I, too, feel it isn't fair to receive a broken back and ankle in a fall on the church steps . . . when going there to paint chairs. I sincere ly hope she will recover quick ly. Also, mighty sorry Connie had to delay her visit because of illness in her family. But . . . good to know you could go with Art to Atlanta for the week end. We will be anxious to hear about the trip, and from your friends there . . . the ones we know in particular. Rachel, I'm delighted the skirt I sent you is a perfect fit. I hope you noticed it was one of my better jobs of sewing ... not a single machine stitch shows on the outside. I became so entusiastic because the skirt turned out so well that I immediately cut out a cotton dress for you. I'm making no promises as to when you will get it, though I hope it will be soon. Knowing that changeable Missouri weather should en courage me to finish it as quickly as possible. You might need it any day now. This is being written Friday afternoon (March 8) since I have other plans for Monday, and to date I have had 17 calls since Wednesday concerning the cake recipe and the column in general. This is highly gratify ing and I do appreciate all the kind remarks. Two ladies were buying ingredients for the cake this morning, and to clear up a point for them and two other friends ... I use one small can of Pet milk, add the tablespoon of lemon extract, then add enough cold water to make one I cup. The full jup o t Pet make* an extra rich cake and I like it better when the milk It dilut ed. If any of you have other queations, please call me. Joanne Aldridge came back Wednesday after spending five (My? in New York City. Tlie plays she saw were School for Scandal; A Man for all Sea sons; The Milktrain Doesn't Stop Here Anymore; The Hol low Crown; and Whose Afraid of Virginia Wolfe? In addition to this she went to Sardi's and the Stork Club. So glad she could have such a nice vaca tion I must run now and pay some bills. Love. Mom University Women Meet The Boone branch of Ameri can Association of University Women met for its regular meeting on Tuesday, February 10, at the Boone Methodist Church. Mrs. David Hodgin, president, presided over the business session. Mrs. May Evans Denton was introduced by Mrs. Robert King, program chairman. Mrs. Denton gave a most informa tive talk on the work of the World Health Organization in some of the underdeveloped countries. Much, she said, has been done to help stamp out some of the dread diseases, and to improve sanitary conditions in many areas of the world. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Vrra Noopen. chair man; assisted by Mrs. Horton, Mrs. Ramsey and Miss Burch. 20.602 North Carolinians were killed during the American Civil War. About 20,000 Tar Heels died last year from heart disease, number one cause of death in North Carolina, accord ing to the State Board of Health. SHOWS: Monday thru Saturday at 2 - 4 - 7 - 9 ? Sunday at 3 - 8:00 IT'S MORE FUN TO GO OUT TO A MOVIE