Watauga Deaaaerat Want adtektising RATE 3 Cents a Word ? M CeaU Minimum Charge Gash Most Accompany All Orders FOR SALE CLOTH FOR SALE? Mill Ends, Bolt Goods, Pound goods, ny lon and rayon linings, dacroa and cotton seersucker, laminat ed jersey ? Steelman's Fabric Shop, Deep Gap, N. C. 7-5-tfc FOR SALE ? Television Sets ? 17 and 21 Inch reconditioned ? Reasonably priced? All makes and models. Modern Appliance Co. 418 W. King St., Boone, N. C. 10-11-tfc FOR SALE ? Two bedroom house, bath, new furnace, car pet and fireplace. Storm win dows and doors, large lot. Two miles west of Boone at inter section 106 and 421. Contact Everett Cole or Call CO 7-2532 2-21-tfc FOR SALE ? Reconditioned TVs. 17, 21 and 24 inches, some with new picture tubes. Gene's Radio and T. V. Located in Perkinsville. 3-7-2p ft - FOR SALE? 1961 Ford truck, ione ton, like new. See Clay Tester, Sugar Grove, N. C. j ? ?-7-2p pOR RENT ? 3 room furnished apartment, oil furnace heated. Close in. Inquire at Western Auto Store. 3-7-tfc pOR RENT ? 3 room furnished apartment at Queens Apart ments. Mrs. J.. E. Holshouser, j\M 4-3772. 3-7-tfc pOUSE TRAILERS ? Repossess ed bargains ? One large two bed rom ten wide. One eight wide. }5ig Savings ? Assume payments lubject to credit approval. (nan Mobile Homes, GraqM% Falls, N. C. ' 3-7-2C }. FOR SALE ? 1955 Chevrolet kport coupe, V-8 straight shift with overdrive. Price $500. Call CO 7-2766 after 5 o'clock, lp FOR SALE ? A Gurnsey cow ready to freshen, heavy milker, feood milker. Good condition. Price $150.00. Phone 4-3311, Frank Beshears, Deep Gap, Nv fc. 3-14-2P \ ' fOR SALE? Gas and electric range, refrigerator, hot water fieater and bathroom outfit. United Discount House, 609 E. King St. lp FOR SALE? By owner, 1946 *4 -ton Chevrolet pickup; 1962 ?adillac 4 door sedan, low tnileage. Call Roy Keplar at 1am 4-2115. At night call AM 4 ^18. lc FOR SALE ? Lime Spreader, horse drawn or tractor. Don L. Henson, Sherwood, N. C. lp FOR SALE ? Team of mules or a team of horses, either one a man wants. Call CO 7-3443. lp FOR SALE ? Purebred Here ford bnll calf. Contact Coy Earp. lp FOR SALE ? New three bed room brick house, with oil heat. Located in Perkinsville. Call AM 4-3568. 3-14-2p FOR SALE? 3.5 acre* on State Farm Road, overlooking State Farm, golf course. IRC plant and Shadowiine; city water. R. G. Farthing, Vilas. CO 7-2646. IP MISCELLANEOUS FOR CEMETERY Monuments and Markers. See F. T. Wago ner. Telephone AM 4-3614. 117 Orchard St., Boone, N. C. l-10-20p THE ARRIVAL of our men's spring suits U another remind er that Easter isn't to far off? Use our lay - away plan. CHURCH'S. .fogta-P* Typewriter and Adding Machine CALL *???? ? contact College Book Store Factory Trained Meckuk Mckar ft DeM** iendoo AH Work G?ar??leed gftitiible FfkN BOONE'S BEST BUY IN BOYS SHOES! We bought 400 pain, sire 8H to ft? Vales to $2.95? Now *3.96? $4.95. A good ex ample at what you can save at CHURCH'S. lc WE PILL AfiC ORDERS with high quality seeds of known origin, and with o)?en formula fertilizers. See us for your spring planting seed and ferti lizer needs. Watauga FCX Ser vice Store. 2-14-tfc EASY TO PLANT Spring bulbs will turn your flower garden into a riot of beautiful color. We have Gladiola, Lillies, Am aryllis, Dahlia and Begonia bulbs. Watauga FCX Service, S. Water St., Boone, N. C. 3-14-tfc WE SPECIALIZE In rebuilding refrigerator sealed systems. Call us for free estimates. Modern Appliance Co., 418 West King Street, Boone, N. C. Phone 264 8721. 8-3-tfc BOYS' PANTS including Dac ron blends? Higgins and oth ers-^$2.98? $5.95. CHURCH'S. lc AUTHORIZED TOWING ser vice for Watauga and surround ing counties. German Mobile Homes, Granite Falls, N. C. "Area's Leading Dealer." 2-21-4C WE BUY, SELL OR TRADE anything, anywhere, anytime. M. & R. Furniture Co., Vila*, K. C. 8-8-tfc PLANT YOUR SPRING BULBS NOW! We have beautiful Be gonia in Tuberous and Hanging Basket varieties. Also Lillies, Amaryllis, Dahlias, and Glad iola. Watauga FCX Service. S. Water St., Boone. N. C. 3-14-tfc HOMELITE CHAINSAWS ? Sales, service, repairs. COVE CREEK STORE, Sugar Grove, N. C. 8-8-tfc LTTLE GENTS SPRING SUITS , ju^JVMh 'i? Wear? Sixes 3 to 1, assorted plaid coats and plain pants. CHURCH'S. lc LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-A-Diet. Full week supply 98c. Boone Drug Company. 2-21 -4p WE HAVE TOBACCO BED MATERIALS ? Canvas, plastic covert, plant bed gas and to bacco seed. Let the FCX get you started toward healthy, vigorous tobacco plants. Wa tauga FCX Service Store. 4-28-tfc FOR MORE STYLE PER MILE and more comfort per foot, try a pair of Jarman shoes. CHURCH'S. lc NOTICE ? For Cemetery Monu ments and Markers and Bronze Markers, see or write Lee Ward, Banner Elk, N. C. All monuments and foundations are factory guaranteed. 2-28-4p GALAX, LUG Ml/ss? were now paying top prices for good Galax and Log Moss. Bring to Sluder Floral Company at Alta mont, N. C., one mile from Crossnore on Highway 181. MM* ONE TABLE of men's long sleeve sport shirts? Valnes to $3 98? Now $1.96. CHURCH'S. lc MISCELLANEOUS? Bedspread remnants, drape material, yard goods, sheets irregular, first quality socks 9 for $1.00. Hatt ed Dish House. lp IT'S OUR PLEASURE to loan Carpet Shampooers FREE with purchase of Blue Lustre Carpet Shampoo. Farmers Hardware & Supply Co. lc SPRING IS JUST AROUND the corner. COIN-OP Self-Ser vice Laundry is on the corner of King Street and Blowing Rock Road at the stop light, where you can get the jump on Spring and wash all your quilts, rugs, and other laundry at one time in the famous Philco-Bendix and Waseator washers. Three sizes to choose from. Dry them too. Coin-Op Self-Service Laundry, lc WILL TRADE ? New 3 bedroom electrically-heated house, pri vate lake, 3 acres of land, value ttO.OOO Will trade for compar able property in Boone or sur rounding area, either farm or town property. Write James Greene, 3860 West Avenue, Greensboro, N, C. 3-14-2p FOR BEAUTIFUL LAWNS this summer, apply FCX Granular fertilizer now. Watauga1 PCX Service, S. Water St., Boone, N. C F { 3-14- tfc 100% COTTON CREW SOCKS ? slightly Irregular ? cushion sole? 3#c. CHURCH'S. lc 58 HEN'S HATS ? Asserted colors ? H price. CHURCH'S. lc USED APPLIANCES? We car ry ? Urge stock of used elec trical appliances. Guaranteed A-l condition. Easy Terms Modern Appliance Company, Boone, N. C. 548-tfc LOST ? Wheelbarrow, probably borrowed. Please return to Vil as Servtce Station, Vitas, N. C. IP VERY SPECIAL ? Men's red sole rubber boots ? * $3.98. ? CHURCH'S. lc MOBILE HOMES ? Subject to credit approval, payments may be assumed on my big three bed room Mobile Home dow half paid for. R's about as good as new and n\ay be seen at Ger man Mobile Homes in Granite Falls. Get fuH details from GER MAN MOBILE HOMES, GRAN ITE FALLS, N. C. 3-14-4C MEN'S AND BOYS' lined and unlined spring packet*, assort ed colors. CHURCH'S. lc OUR SPRING pants and sport coats for men and boys reminds us that Easter is coming? Use our {ay-away plan. CHURCH'S. lc FOR RENT FOR RENT ? 3 room furnished apartment on Queen Street Couple only. Call 264-8698 2-14-tfc FOR RENT ? Three room fur nished apartment with bath, steam heat, janitor service. Newly decorated. $50.00 per month. Call AM 4-3889 after 5:00 p. m. 2-28-tfc FOR RENT ? Apartment, cheap. 807 E King SUJ?JVPe.A?f A 3008. ??? - FOR RENT? A new furnished efficiency apartment. Heat furnished. Couple preferred. Call 4-8588 or 4-356S. lp FOR RENT ? Furnished apart ment on Blowing Rock Road. Phone 264-4724. lp TRAILER FOR RENT? One 28 ft. Mobile Home for rent. Couple preferred. Call 264-8883 during day, or 264-8265 at night. Available immediately. lc FOR RENT? 1 roem- house, un furnished, automatic heat. Grand Boulevard, Boone, N. C. Phone CO 1-2542, Mrs. M. J. Williams. lp FOR RENT ? Three room house one mile west of Boone.' Outside water and toilet facilities. $20 per month. Call AM 4-3972. lc EMPLOYMENT WANTED ? Experienced secre tary far full tine, permanent position wHk a well establHfced firm In Boone. Good salary. Please write Box "V, Watauga Democrat, Boone, giving quali fication* and salary expected. MMfc $75 AND UP weekly earnings possible for man or woman to service customers hi city of Boone full or part time. No in vestment. Write Watkins Pro ducts, Inc. D-71, Winona, Minn. 3-7-4p VACANCY for willing worker to sell Rawleigh Products. No capital necessary. Write Raw leigh Dept. ncc 980-877, Rich mond, Va. 3-l4-2p FARMER WANTED ? Whit", experienced in general farm work, use of farm machinery, care of livestock. Give referenc es, age, size of family. Write P.O. Box lTflt, Durham, N. C. IP WANTED? Ladies, earn extra money showing Papular Cort Cosmetics. No experience nec essary. For interview phone CY 5-7907 after 3:30 p. m. or write Mrs. Brace Greene, Bio# ins Rock, N. C. 3-l?c KLASPRS n. BBAVTV is Mr business. Why not make it fours? An excellent earning op portunity for women who quali fy Sell a product uncondition ally guaranteed and aihirtlut Yes, it's "Avon Calling" for women who want to earn. For information writ* to Mrs. Bon nie Charles, P. 0. Box 601, Mor ganton, N. C, giving directions to your homo. V. ** 1? WANTED TO BUY? Use mob ile home, small one bed room. Also tor sale (4) New 63 Volks wagens at once! Wayne John son Motors, Lenoir, N. C. 3-7-4c WANTED? Lot or small acre age, fronting highway in or near Boone. Describe and quote price. Write Box Y % Watauga Democrat, Boone, N. C. 3-14 3p WANTED ? We are now paying top market prices for GALAX, Log Moss, and other roots and herbs. Be sure to contact us be fore selling, for our up-to-date prices. Wilcox Drug Co., Inc., Boone, N. C. 3 7 4c WANTED ? Copy of Arthur's History of Watauga county. Will pay top price. Write Box 301, Boone, N. C. 3-14-4c Legal Notices EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Execu tor of the will of Hattie Pres nell Ward, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify those having claims against the estate of th? said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make im mediate payment. This February 15th, 1963. Ira Presnell, Executor Route 2 Banner Elk, N. C. 2-2 14p EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Executriv of the will of Mrs. Jessie Mc Guire, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Caro lina, this is to notify those hav ing claims against the estate of the said deceased to present them to me within 12 months of the date hereof, or thia no tice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to the estate are asked to make Immediate p a y m e wt. This ifcrih-2, 1919.- MRS. C. L. HOLLAND, Executrix, Care of Wade E. Brown, Attorney, Boone, N. C. 3-7-4c NOTICE or ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as the ad minitratrix of the estate of George Washington Gragg, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify those ha vim; claims against the estate of the said deceased, to present them to me within H months of the date hereof or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Those Indebted to the estate are asked to make im mediate payment. This Febru ary IS. 1963.? MRS. DORIS MeCLAIN, Admx. Sherwood, N. C. ' 2-21-4C Notes And Comments The neighbor who borrow! should be willing to lend. Spring gardens will soon begin to stir the hap? of mankind. Sometimes wise men and women fall for fascinating hokum. The impulse to do good is worth while if the individual does good. A newspaper is not always what the first syllable of its aame implies. No mart has more pride than the maa who insists that he ha* ?one. The man who believes street comar gossip thinks he has plenty of sense. It's rather peculiar but toler ance Is 1 Virtue that your adver sary rarely has. Correct this sentence: "Never arind the bill, old man; take the aMmey and hsvs a jood tiaae. Well, we doa't think anybody can blame the drys for the boot lagging going on over the natioa these days. WANTED QUALITY MILK FOR GOOD KRAFT CHEESE Kraft Foods WmI JefferaM, N. C. Plume 2 4*- 2501 0^666 Washington News Washington, D. C.? The re cent shrimp boat flap shows again how volatile the Cuban situation is, why it is the Ken nedy Administration's greatest source of worry. The most dan gerous element is the chance some incident will emotionally Inflame the people of the United States. Already some newspapers and politicians are demanding more forceful action by the Presi dent, when went to the brink last October and risked war with Russia. Further incidents will increase the pressure on the White House. Some Democdats are convinc ed nothing the President can do will take Cuba out of the political arena and out of the 1964 political campaign. The Republicans, they feel, find it more promising to rehash the Bay of Pigs failure in 1961 and its results than to attack on any other line. Thus the publicity, and the Administration's dilemma, of how far to go, and how, will likely remain throughout this year and next. That Moscow feared pressure in the United States was building up for stern action is taken as one reason for the blunt and tough speech recently delivered by Defense Minister Rodion Y. Malinovsky. In his warning, Malinovsky said flatly if the United States attacked Cuba, Russia would come to Cuba's aid. He also said that the war would not be limit ed to Cuba, but would involve the United States itself. And he said Russia had more nu clear power than the United States. These arc tough, grim words and If this is indeed Soviet policy, any attack on Cuba might be a, very serious affair. It should be noted in this con nection that we are not prepar ed for nuclear war and that our cities are far more vulnedable than are Russia's industrial complexes. Washington, however, looks upon Malinovsky's words as bluster and bluff. But no one can view them lightly, if there remains a chance he meant what he said and Russia is willing to back them up. And Nikita Khrushchev was a listener in the Palace of Congress to this speech, on Soviet Armed Fodc es Day. MannovsKy s Doasi idoui bomb numbers contrasts to re cent intelligence estimates mak ing the rounds in the national capital. The prevailing view in Washington is that the United States has far more bombs than Russia and greater total des tructive power. However, the Russians may well have the largest bombs. Their 1 Oft-mega ton bomb may destroy all mili tary and industrial targets in an area of several thousand square miles. The sober fact which must be faced by the President, is that any action involving Cuba must take into consideration the possibility of a war with Rus sia. Even if this outcome is viewed as unlikely, it must be taken into account, for the Russians have specifically stat ed their intention to fight if Cuba- is attacked. To disdegard this waiving, when the consequences might be catastrophic, is impossible, and that is why the Cuban situa Miller Industries Mfgt. of Custom a aade aluminum Awnings, siding, guttering, tub enclosures, glass, by Factory 605 Bristol Rd. 264-8824 | tion is keeping both the Penta gon and the White House con stantly on edge. Secretary of State Dean Rusk's new negotiations with the Soviets on Berlin is doing us no good with the Germans, who fear appeasement or con cession, involving the rights of West Berliners. The attitude of French Presi dent Charles DeGaulle, who op poses talks, seems a stronger one to many Germans, but Washington is going ahead with the negotiations. West Germany, already leaning toward France, is thus to be pushed a little further in that direction. Only reluctantly does Chan cellor Konrad Adenauer's gov ernment g? along with the Ruak negotiations, which have now extended into the second year. MORE FOR ELDERLY Representative John D. Din gen (D., Mich.) proposed legis lation to increase the minimum benefit of $40 a month under the Social Security program to $75. He said: "We all know that I poverty hits the elderly harder than it does most other people, and that women are usually much more poorly provided for than men." One boiled iweet potato pro vides three times the recom mended amount of vitamin A. At the same time, the potato will provide more than half the vitamin C requirements as well as some iron, thiamine, minerals and protein. DON'T GET UP NIGHTS It UkN Just 39c and IS houra to start relief? or your money baek at any drug store. When functional kidney disorders cause irettina up nights, scanty flow, burning, back *oC!lSkH^ftsdl"dn.Ttr".%4*n?' Acta felt to increase and ragulate Paula. NOW at Boon* Drug Co. FOR SALE HOUSE ON GRAND BLVD. With Three Apartments (Two Furnished) Three Raoms Up Stair* Large Basement Large Lot and Good Garden A Good Investment with Good Ineome ALSO 1962 VW Station Wagon Nine Passenger In Excellent Condition Can Be Financed IF INTERESTED CALL Oft CONTACT FRANK HARTLEY 338 Grand Blvd. AM 4-8538 Boone, N. C. 12? INS VOLKSWAGENS 17? NEW - USED MOBILE HOMES WAYNE JOHNSON Ramblers and mobile homes LKNOn, H. c. N. C. LIii?i N?. (It Genes Radio & TV Service 1417 ftftf King Street ? Phone AM 4-3805 All work fully guaraatoed. RettoaaM* price* ? Pick-Up and Delivery Estel G. Wagner Real Estate Broker 235 EAST KING ST. ? BOONE, N. C. DIAL AM 4-2492 ? AM 4-3647 Latta Johnson? B. G. Ray ASSOCIATE BROKERS Office Phon* AM 4-2492 ? Residence Phone AM 4-2151 235 EAST KING STREET ? BOONE, N. C. WE NEED LISTINGS for HOMES, FARMS, ACREAGE We Offer Complete and Competent Service HOMES New 3 bedroom Large Kitchen Location ? Perkinsville Full Basement 2 Full Baths Complete by April 1st. Price $15,000.00 2 Bedroom Frame Livingroom ? hardwood Off State Farm Rd. floors Kitchen ? 1 bath Immediate Possession Price $7850.00. Vi acre lot and house 2% baths Poplar Hill Drive Double carport 1750 sq. ft. living area This home ? Unfinished Can be bought as low as $10,500.00 3 Bedroom V4 acre lot Living Room-Dining Comb. Good Financing 1 Bath 3 miles from Boone Price $8500.00 3 Bedroom Colonial Blowing Rock Road Modern Kitchen ? featuring All G. E. Appliances Designed for luxurious liv ing Large wooded lot Basement ? Hot water heat Price $21,000.0* 3 Bedroom home Location ? Howard St. Full Basement Garage attached Two bedroom house Kitchen ? Dining Room Living Room ? 1 bath New 3 Bedroom Baths ? Ceramic It Vinyl Kitchen ? Bar ? Dining room Large livingroom ? stove ? fireplace Full basement 4U% G. I. Loan Mo. Payments $87.20 Good investment property Price $11,750.00 Full Basement Location ? Grand Blvd. Price $8500.00 One" t>edroom ft bath in basement Lennox hot air heat Picture windows ? therm o pane Storm windows on bal. Large wooded lot on stream Appx. 4 miles from Boone 2 bedroom home in Poplar Hill section Wall to wall carpet Carport ? Full basement Large wooded lot Reduced to $10,000 4 bedroom home on Drapes and blinds included Blowing Rock Rr. A fine home designed for 2 full baths, full basement comfortable living Only $14,500 Comfortable 3 bedroom Living room, dining room comb. Wall to wall carpet 2 baths. Paved driveway Located on Woodland Dr. Price only $17,500. Impressive 4 bedroom brick borne on Grand Blvd. Kitchen, Living Room, Den, Fireplace 3 full baths ? full basement Plenty of room ? Keep col lege kids? Only $16,500. 3 bedroom home ? 1 bath Full basement ? central heat 8 acres of land, five suit able for tractor .21 tobacco base Suitable for subdivision or commercial lots Owner will sell or trade $20,000 Choice Restricted Home Sites ? City Water Summer Home Sites ? One to 10 acres with excellent view and water Old country home in excellent state of preserva tion on acre lot 4 big bedrooms, living room Kitchen dining area % basement ? furnace heat and running water Only $5,900. More land if needed * BUSINESS 5 Furnished apts. located on large lot. Monthly income of $245.00. Selling price $25,000.00. ACREAGE 58 ACRES in the Valle Crucis Community for only $8500.00. Ideal for development. 35 ACRE FARM at Sugar Grove with .7 tobacco base. Grade A barn, approx. 1,000 ft. highway frontage. Price $15,500.00. ^ BEAUTIFUL BLAIR1IONT LOTS, overlooking Boone's Golf Course. City Water, Paved Streets, Panoramic View. No City Taxes. 30 acres at Heaton Only $1,25090 40 acres at Foscoe Only $4,400.00 37 acres in Silverstone community, approx. 7 acres bottom land, stream, good barn, tobacco base. Price reduced to $7,000.00. Easy terms. 173 acre farm in Bethel Community. Will gram 50 toad cattle. 3 burns, equipped for dairy-milking pallor. Has 2 large silos. House in good condition ? tenant house? block and frame. Financing can be arranged. Price $40,000 00 10 ROOM HOUSE with bath and 97 acres of land. Dairy Barn and tenant house. .28 tobacco base. 7378-lba. milk base. Located approx. 10 miles west of Boooe. Price $80,00000 in i 'in. i?i ii n m