CAPITAL CLIPBOARD m Stone Would Succeed Sauford; X ' eep And Missus Are Received 1 ? '* By EULA N. GREENWOOD NEWS- . . . If Governor Terry Sanftrd should be killed In one ? of the many airplane trips he takes, the man who would be Governor is Clarence Stone of Stoneville, over in Rockingham County. He has never been de feated for offic* Senate Presi dent Stone, old and tired, has a very, very big load to carry on his shoulders this time. And, last week, another straw was added when a television report er nabbed Stone the wrong way. Sparks flew. This television re porter said that the Number Two man in our State Govern ment had used bad words at him. Tush, tush: He went run ning to tell everybody about it. We don't know him, but he must "be a sensitive soul. Actu ally, the offended one was not a news-gatherer, but a tv com ers man. There is a difference. So, the event made headlines . . .'but was hardly news. IRISH . . . Here is what Ra leigh Times Editor Herbert O'Keef has to say about it: "... If Senator Stone want ed to be rude to this photo grapher ... he had that right, and the newspapers and the TV stations of this State must support him in that right. As a matter of commonsense, news papermen must realize that the very nature of their work on occasion must irritate people. If that irritation causes the people to be rude to the news men, even to the point of cuss ing a little or even a lot, the newsmen would be smart to accept such rudeness and such cussing as a minor occupation al hazard. Hurt feelings won't do any good, and will only slow down the newsman in doing his work . . News-gathering in these dis illusioning, irritating, and em bittering days is no place for the thin-skinned. Says O'Keef: "If the press should allow its own braised feelings to get in the way of doing a competent and complete and fair job of covering this Legislature, the press would be in tke position of failing the people it repre sents." Amen! 1 ? LATIN . . . Herbert O'Keefs big brother, the News k Ob server, devoted a lot of editor ial white space to the Incident ... but only three word*, as follows: "Res ipsa loquitur". Most Latin is ? let of Greek to us. but the free translation seems to say: "Let ua talk more on these things". Good, but we like the Irish approach better. BEHIND THE SCENES . . . Vice President Johnson and the missus made a big hit here . . . though the social aspects of their visit were far from ideal. Incidentally, we now have a total of 18 Secret Service men assigned to our Vice President. They work in the background to prepare for trips . . . and to protect ... gentry but firmly . . . Lyndon Johnson. You would think this is enough for such a non-controversial character . . . but Congress has been asked to provide sufficient funds to raise the S.S. squad to 35 . . . for Lyndon and Lady Bird. FAMILY ... If you or your friends ever have Statewide legislation ypu would like to GET THRONGH the Legisla ture, you'd better start your planning months in advance. You can KILL bills overnight sometimes, but getting some thing PASSED is another mat ter. We refer to the recent troubled death of daylight-sav ing time. It was introduced without advance warning, plan ning, or strategy . . . and was thus doomed for death while still aborning. Raleigh Mayor Bill Enloe, a leading movie man in the State, was showing how eight o'clock coming at seven in the evening would ruin outdoor movies. He Try Our3-Step Method 1. Proper Soil Preparation 2. High Quality Seed 3. Proper Fertilization Now b the Tine To Apply LAWN y FERTILIZER For Beautiful Lawns Field and Grass Seeds Certified Seed Potatoes ? Bulk Garden Seed ? Seed Oats ? Onion Sets Crass Seed WE FILL ASC ORDERS V. C. SHORE H PRODUCE COMPANY Linvtlle Road 264-884* referred to these show* as "fine family entertainment" and gave this illustration: "Not lone ago I passed a car with a couple on the backseat and they apparently had seen the movie for they wen playing checkers. Or at least I think they were playing checkers, be cause I heard the girl soy, 'If you make that move again IH crown yon.' " NOTES . . . Gov. Terry San ford's Feb. 26 talk to the Sales Executives Club of New Yoril ... Is being distributed by the N. C. Department of Conserva tion and Development. . . and may soon be given 500,000 cir culation through being distri buted in bank statements throughout the State . , . "North Carolina . . . from Rip Van Winkle to DIXIE DYNA MO". . . Miss Jane Pratt ...... promin ent in Eighth District Congres sional circle* for a generation ... is now associated with N. C. Telephone Co. , , and looking younger ail the time . . . The background fight on the Sunday BUI here (Senate Bill 141) is really between little mercluuits and big discount houses . , . Oliver Wendell Holmes, a ymall Fayetteville merchant Wm> has been in busi ness since 1906 and who testi fied big discount houses would run him out of business or force him to open on Sunday, made Ripley's Believe It or Not a few years ago . . . because he and two other gentlemen nam ed Robert Burns and Edgar A. Poe lived in the same block in Fayetteville . . . Governor Sanford left some good friends . . , and some not so-good . . . awa-a-y out on the limb last weekend when he came out against road and school bond ideas. But they can't say they had not been warned ? . Somebody got down and fig ured the new State House . . . or Legislative Building, if you must . . - cost each taxpayer in North Carolina %IM. Mississippi State echo: The first Republican legislator in more than 40 years was elected a few days ago in Mississippi ASTC To Host Debate W| Competition Next Monday Appalachian 9tata Twin Callage win ba boat on Mon day, April >, to the district de bate competition (or the North Carolina High School Debating Union, it waa diecloaed thla week by Ellis Boatmon, director of debate at ASTC. The tournament will ba held In the educational building of the Boone Methodist Chureh. Nina high schools will be rep resented with five affirmative and five negative teams taking part. They will be competing far first place positions to rep resent western North Carolina in the state finals at Chapel ... Ho hum. Those folks who were out to "get" N. C. Congressmen Map Bsrden . . . finally got him . . . and the man who succeeded him as chairman of the House Labor and Education Commit tee is that gre-e-a-at American . , . Adam Clayton Powell) Hill on April l? and M> The high school debate topic deal* with the question of for eign aid. Affirmative teams are: Erwin of Aaherille, Chase of Forest City, Bowman of Bakersville, Glea Alpine, and East Surry o I Pilot Mountain. Negative teams are: King, Newton-Cooover, Marion, East Rutherford of Forest City and Erwln of Asbevill*. SMALL BUSINESSES Small buainess men would be among the moat-favored bene ficiaries of President Kennedy's tax program, a study indicated. Cuts would total about $1,200, 006,000 if the plan get* ap proval. It was evident that small business spokesmen were among the gentler critics of the tax proposals i? House Ways and Means Committee hearings on the tax bill. The RIGHT Block For Every Jobl There is a RIGHT Maymead Block for construction project Getting the right block . . . and keeps costs down Maymead Blocks are the construction material preferred by haulers You Can't Find Better Blot Maymead Block Co. BOONE, N. C AM 4-3618 FREE 40 Gallon Water Heater With The Purchase Of Your First Electric Range! BOTH RANGE AND WATER HEATER MUST BE YOUR FIRST Replacing Oil, Gas, Wood or Coal And Be Installed In Your Home If yea prefer sot to participate in the "Free Water Meater Package Deal" yea nay bay either the rang*, water heater, or an electric fTeeaer and receive the following amounts of free electricity for each: Free Electricity WPWf|PM| Free Electricity' gfl Fraecer ? $20 Free Electricity This offer good to residential members of Bine Ridge Electric Corporation from April 1 until June 30 BLUE RIDGE ELECTRIC MEMBERSHIP CORPORATION u" ' Contact Your Appliance Dealer or Your Local Cooperative Office Today In Mt Carole King's Jaunty Htle 3 fleet salt of rayon ? and ? acetate with wUte battens, con trait stitching. Inside, ' you dtaester tile Jac ket's bright lining to match its sleeveless shell Manse of gay ban* tesa print ootton. 5-15 E. Store | Boone, N. C