Speaking Of Golf Bj KM J1AELV For the second straight jear. the ^STC .golf team wan the top honors in the Conferenoe and District M NAiA -Tourna ment which was played on the Joc?l course last week. ' At the end of the first round, the Apps led Guilford by 12 shots in the Conference and led East Carolina by 11 in the District. They increased this lead during the second round, to win both divisions handily, winning by 38 over Guilford in -the Conferenoe ad 17 over East -Carolina in the District. Austin Adams led the way both days for the Apps with rounds of 7S-72 for a total of 147 to win medalist honors. Willie Maples shot rounds of 7M3? J57 to tie for fifth while Benjy Burnett finished sixth in the Conference and 17 over East This means that the A6TC team will represent District 36 and Comment On Sports By PETE FRITCHIE Washington, D. C.? That con troversial balk rule and its in terpretation has produced base ball's biggest comedy thus far in the young 1863 season. And the rash of calls has prompted suggestions for a song title change of that old favorite to "Take Me Out to The Balk Game." Perhaps a hidden meaning to what is happening is that pitch ers are no longer the pampered lot of the national pasttime. It's aH probably a matter of the hitters finally catching up. As short as 15 years ago, the mound corps were the game's elite. And rightly so. Great, hardworking hurlers dominated the game. The barrage of home runs has changed all that. It's now a slugger's paradise, no matter what the reason, live ball, stronger playerSj whip-lash bats' ?etc. The fans now pay to see the ball orbited by such wlid-fuel propellants as Mantle, Maris Maye, Cepeda. Killebrew, Gen tile, Aaron, Matthews, and their cohorts. Gone are the suspensful duels _ pitting Bob Feller against the classic lefty, Hal Newhouser. Those battles were not consider ed a Cleveland Indians versus Detroit Tigers encounter, but a face - to - face contest between .personalities. Rapid Robert ?meets Prince Hal. The pitchers were in their hey-day then. Listeners hovered close to parlor radios following the fate of Feller the flame thrower as he challenged the titled one, who conjured up visions of a modern knight errant in search of chivalrous deeds. Those acid tests appear gone forever. Other individual con flicts proceeded that ear and some have come after, but their caliber has declined. The only semblance of a con temporary rivalry is perhaps the Jack S it n f o r d - Don Drysdale matches. They are frequently thrown together when their California sponsors, the San Francisco Giants and Los Ange les Dodgers, collide. Of course Warren Spahn of the Milwaukee Braves must be excluded from any personal con flict. The old man exhibits no particular animosity. He siqjlea out no opponent to glorify in defeat, for his private credo seems to be that all should fall when facing the Wonder. Saturday and Sunday May 25 - 26 nMp?nanaffl?Miri?M!cc?fl?g the Qarolinas Conference in the National NAJA chwupionslyp to be played in Kansas CSty in June. Last year the Appe finish ed sixth in a field of some twenty-five teams and th*y Dave high hopes of doing bet ter this year. Coaches of the nine schools were high in their praise of the course, the hospitality and the fine Job done toy Coach Hoover in organizing and running the tournament. Coach Hoover was assisted very ably on the first tee by Roger Thomas who did an oUtstnading job of getting the -players off. t Moat of the coaahes were in -favor of playing this event on the Boone course next year but as yet a final decision fUoyd Preanell, Boone (right), display their recent catch of fish at Wa tauga Lake .at Arney's Fish ing Dock. Keece and Stevens hold a string of crappics, while Presnell displays a large lunker baas and two smaller ASTC Netters Winners Of Conference Grown Norman Clumbers and Bon nie Smarr combined talents Tuesday to lead ASTC to the Carolines Conference tennis championship. * Chamber*, the top seeded, won the singles title by defeat ist second-seeded Barry Magee of Pfeiffer 6-4, 4-6, 6-1, 6-4 in the first flight finals. Not only did Chambers win top place in the Hut ?ifii remained undefeated throughout the sea sea continuing his win streak from last year. Smarr, runaenip jn the sec ond flight finals, teamed with Chambers to win the No. 1 doubles finals over Magee and Warren 6-2, 6-2. Victory In the doubles clinched the team title far ASTC with 20 points to run nerup Pfeiffer's IS. Five conference schools were in the starting field. Singles No. 1 flight ? Norman Cham bers (A) defeated Barry Magee (P) 6-4, 44, 6-1, 6-4. No. 2 flight ? Warren Kaapp (P) defeated Bonnie tun (A) 7-5, M, 7-3. No. S flight? Brown Gardner (P) defeated Kay Stallings (A) "97, *-4, TS. No. 4 flight? Sam Sifri (A) defeated Boyd Stokes (P) 6-2, 6-3. Doubles No. 1 flight ? Smarr-Chambers (A) defeated Magee Knapp (P) 6-2, 6-2. Ho. 2 flight ? StalUng??ifri (A} defeated Stein Spobi and Joe Benton (G) 6-1,