' - w ? ?, ? Watauga Democrat WANT ADVERTISING RATE S Centa a Ward ? M CeaU Mlalmw Charge Cask Nant Accompany All (Mm FOR SALE CLOTH FOB SALE ? Mill Ends, Bolt Gooda, Pound goods, ny lon and rayon linings, dacron and cotton seersucker, lamlnat ei jersey? Steelman's Pabric Shop, Deep Gap, N. C. 7-5-tfc FOR SALE? Television Sets? t7 and 21 inch reconditioned? Reasonably priced ? All makes and models. Modern Appliance Co. 418 W. King St, Boone, N. C. 10-11-tfe PLANTS ? Annual $1.00 doxen, perennials $0.23 to $1.00 a clump. Tomatoes $1.00 a dozen except Big Boy $1.S0. Peppers, hybrid cucumbers 2 for 29c. Specialty plants, hanging bas kets. Geraniums, fuchsias, lan tana, et. Phillips Greenhouse, Sugar Grove. 287-2737. 4-29-lOp FOB SALE ? Good recondition ed electric range* ? $35.00 and up. We must clear our ware house for new merchandise. Swofford's, Inc., 313 W. King St., Boone, N. C. 5-9-4c AUTOMATIC WASHERS FOR SALE ? These are recondition ed machines. We must have the space for new merchandise. $50 and up. Swofford's, Inc., 313 W. King St., Boone, N. C. M4c FOB SALE ? Three Bedroom Brick Home. Split level, ceramic bath. Close to College. Buyer can assume iVt% G. I. Loan. Call AM 4-84B0 after 9 p. m. or week ends. W-tfc FOB SALE ? A 1940 Packard club-coupe, like new. Call AM 4-3615, at night AM 4-3558. M6-4c FOB SALE? 1958 Volkswagon; good condition; good tires. Call 4-8709 Wade H. Storie. 5-23-2p FOB SALE? Hot Point electric range; Merry Tiller garden plow. Good condition. Frank H a g a m a n, 103 Cherrybrook Lane. 5-23-2c FOB SALE? W. C. Payne pro perty, 6 room house, 8% acres land on Payne Branch Boad. Call Milton Payne, AM 4-3556. 5-23-4p FOR SALE ? Riverside farm; al so lots overlooking new golf course. Immediate possession. Reason for selling: bad health. See or call Romie E. Storie, CO 7-3877. 5-23-2p FOR SALE? *81 Riticraft traiT er; 1% baths with finished wall board; wall to wall carpeting. Down payment and take over payments. Call 4-8108. 5-23-2c FOR SALE ? Modern two bed room home, beautiful lot, oil furnace, fireplace, carport. Call 264-3700. 5-33-2P FOR SALE? 1 artificial bred Guernsey heifer, now fresh, calf 4 weeks old. Also 2 Guern sey yearling, past year old heifers. Joe Shoemaker, Zion ville, N. C. ? lp FOR SALE ? One 1058 Model D-4 Caterpillar Dozer, one later national Tandum Truck. See Warren Sullivan, Sturgill, N. C., phone 845-2880, Lansing, N. C. 2c FOR SALE ? Block Shoulder Peafowls $25.00 per pair. Pe fowls eggs $1.00 each at farm. Phone 838-8145. Wilbar, N. C., Route 2, Box 165. Mrs. D. T. Trivette. 5-30-3C FOR SALE ? Sawmill in good condition, power unit and all, $400.00. Ernest Shore, AM 4 3983. tohuM 5-30-2p HOUSE FOR SALE? 3 bedroom brick. Call AM 44296 after 5 p. m. lp Typewriter and Adding Machine Service CALL M4-M1S ' ~T, ? , ? FOB SALE? S3 Ford 2-door by original owner. Well kept and in excellent condition. Under coated, practically new tire*. AM 4 8396 5-30-2p FOR SALE ? Flower plants; petunia, astor, etc. 60c dot. See Mrs. Leonard Ward, Sugar Grove, N. C. Phillipa' Branch Rd. , lp FOR SALE ? General Electric range; full size. $90.00. Mrs. G. P. Eggers, 800 Traey Circle, AH 4-8472 5-31-2C FOR SALE? The John H. Claw son, estate, 87 acre* with tobac co base. Well watered with springs and streams on black top road near Sands. J. W. Claw son, Rt. 2, Boone. M4p FOR SALE? 1958 8 x 35 house trailer, new paint inside and out. Located in West Boone, Highway 421, at Buck Hodges Garage. See Bill Rush after 8:00 p. m. lp FOR SALE ? 1961 Chevrolet dump truck; one owner; good 1 condition; can be seen, 9 miles 1 north of Deep Gap on Parkway, j or write Bill Watson, Rt. 2, , West Jefferson. S-30-2p , FOR SALE ? White Leghorn j hens; now laying. Price $1.00 , each. CaU CO 7-2312, Lola , Rowe, Valle Crucis, N. C. 5-30-4p FOR SALE ? Two 3-year old , pony mares. Dapple gray, gentle. If interested see F. C. Miller at Boone Tire & Bargain Store, lp FOR SALE? 1955 GMC dump truck. Good condition, $750. Al so 1057 Ford pick-up. Good con dition, $300. Lawrence Wyatt, 1 Deep Gap. 839-2501. 5-30-3p ; FOR SALE ? Colonial furniture, hide-a-bed, lamps, end tables, desk, chairs, dining table, vanity 1 and stool, miscellaneous, fine 1 condition. AM 4-2135. 5-30-3c 1 FOR SALE ? Cabin, Howard's Creek Road; mostly furnished; electric stove, refrigerator, wat er heater; spring water. With 2 acres, $4500; 4 acres, $5000. Call 264-8073. 5-23-tfc FOR SALE ? 5 registered Here ford bulls. Popular blood lines. Priced to sell. Lon Tester, Shouns, Tenn. 5-16-4p FOR SALE ? 3 5/10 acres on State Farm Road. Some other small tracts. R. G. Farthing. Vila* N. C. Phone 7-28M. 4-4-ttc FOR SALE ? 3 bedroom house; hot air duct heat; next to Camp Rainbow at Foscoe; call AM 4 2318. 5-2-tfc MISCELLANEOUS GROW A BETTER GARDEN? A prettier lawn with FCX open formula fertilizer. We have 10 10-10 Pellet fertilizer in 90 lb. bags. Watauga FCX Service. 5-16-tfc GET YOUR TOBACCO plants on the run toward a big money crop with FCX Open Formula Tobacco Fertilizer. We have 844 and 4-8-12 ? Also 8-0-24 top dresser, also 50% sulphate of potash ? Ammonium Nitrate and Nitrate of Soda. Watauga FCX Service. 5-16-tfc GET CUT WORM BAIT and control cut worms before they damage your tobacco crop. Wa tauga FCX Service. 5-16-tfc FOR CEMETERY Monuments and Markers see F. T. Wagoner, 117 Orchard SL, Boon e, N. C. Telephone AM 43814. 5-23-10p If you want plants from oar Greenhouse, we have the very beat. Pipes Greenhouse. Lenoir, N. C. ? Located on N. C. 18, be tween Lenoir and North Wilkes boco, 2% miles from Smith Cross Roads. 5-28?2p GET FCX flower and vegetable plants. One or two truck loads of fresh plants arriving every day. Watauga FCX Service. 5-16-tfc YOUNG MEN'S dacron and cot ton pants ? Assorted colors ? *5.95 to $7.90. CHURCH'S, lc FOR LEASE? Service station, excellent opportunity for right man. Call AM 4-8870; ask for Mr. Buck Greene. 5-S1-2C WATAUGA DEMOCRAT MEN* SAND BOYS' all cotton ?ad dacran and cotton Jackets. Assorted colors? $SjW to $1QJ6. CHURCH'S. le UNITED DISCOUNT HOUSE will b# open from 9:00 a. n\. to 6:00 p. m. and Friday from 0:00 a. ra. to 9:00 p. m. lp GET FCX WOOL TWINE to tie your fleece* and get highest prices for your wool Watauga FCX Service. S-lS-tfo HOMELITE CHAINSAWS ? Sales, service, repairs. COVE CHEEK STORE, Sugar Grova, N. C. 8-8-tfc IE YOU NEED a weU call Rhonda B. Keller. AM 44OTI 4-25-14p USED TV SETS Reconditioned 17 and 21 Inch screens. Some with new picture tube. From $25 up. Modern Appliance Company, 418 W. King St. AM 4-8721. 4-25-tfc MEN'S SHORT sleeve knit shirts, Including Banlon, $2.98 to $4.95. CHURCH'S. le SAVE ON YOUR hose and socks. United Discount House, 509 E. King St. lp drnuirip am at t to mr%A radios. Modern Appliance Co. 118 W. King St. AH 4-8721 MM* MEN'S PLEATED dacron and nylon pants. $5.95. CHURCH'S. lc WE BUY, SELL OR TRACES anything, anywhere, anytime. M. & R. Furniture Co., Vila*, N. C. 3-8-tfc FOAM RUBBER PILLOWS, (1.75 per pair- including tax. United Discount House, 809 E. King St. lp BOYS' SHOES by Brooks is still your best shoe buy. Sues to big nine? *5.95 to $8.99 ? CHURCH'S. lc WE SPECIALIZE in rebuilding refrigerator sealed systems. Call us for free estimates. Modern Appliance Co., 41ft West King Street, Boone, N. C. Phone 284 8721. 8-3- tfc BOYS' 13-3/4 or. Dungarees ? Western style, $1.98 to $2.49 ? CHURCH'S, le PCX TOMATO, DUST and weed killer will increase your pro duction. We have a complete line of insecticides, fungicides ind weed killer. Watauga FCX Service. 5-18-tfc 300ST TOBACCO GROWTH ?rith FCX liquid fertilizer. Wa :auga FCX Service. 5-16-tfc (V ANTED' ? 300 style-conscious nen and Ijoys who need suits? >ut well settle for 30! ? ;hurch'S. lc iEFRIGERATORS, electric itoves, and automatic washer*, prices reduced. United Discount douse. lp OVERSTOCKED on recondl ioned refrigerators ? We need, hf room now? Selling from 140 up. Swoffbrd's, Inc., 313 W." Eing St., Boone, N. C. 5-Mc [?ALL MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS, lark colors, long tails, $3.98. Jtfiers in light and dark color*. rorm fit and regulars ? $1.96 to S3.98. CHURCH'S. lc USED APPLIANCES? We car ?y a Urge stock of used eleo> rical appliances. Guaranteed 1-1 condition. Easy Terms kfodern Appliance Company, Soone, N. C. 5-28-tfc NOTICE ? New supply of mobile lomes now in at Gilmer's Mo tile Homes. West Main St, Soone. N. C. See Gilmer Mnr lock at the lot or Bobby Jones it West Main Gulf. 3-31-tlr rYPIST, GARDENER, Handy nen, for work in house and 'ard, available. Seventeen years >ld. Entering Berea College foundation School, Sept 1963 Write: Dean Trlvette, % C. M. >roffit, Todd, North Carolina, >r leave information at AM 4 WB. Vf JSE ONE of our Carpet Sharp >ooers FREE with Blue Lustre Jarpet Shampoo. Farmers Hard rare and Supply Ok. lc ?Y ALL YARD STICKS, qual fcy. style, and conjiort are the l things you consider when you >uy clothes. Thee* we have. CHURCH'S. lc fUST RECEIVED a new shit neat o < cloth, Amu and sheet United Discount House, T7', al FOAM RUBBER. Urge strip* ? $2.00 each. United Discount House, 600 E. King St. lp TOP. CA8f PRICES for Walnut saw logs (IS" minimum diamet er) and veneer loss delivered our yard (former Vestal Lum ber Company plant) at Erwln, Tennessee. ERWIN WALNUT CORPORATION. 3-28-10p JARMAN Cordo-Shell Loafers, Black and black-on-brown ? $19.95. CHURCH'S. lc NOTICE? We have sold the business in Boone, known as the Laurel Motel to Gordon and Iva Dean Winkler, effective as of May 1, 1963, and will not be responsible for any debts of this business after that date. Jo* and Laura Ruth Williams. 5-16-4C EMPLOYMENT DON'T PASS UP that Vacation because you need funds! A few hours a day servicing an Avon territory is your answer. Write Mr*. Bonnie Charles, P. 0. Box 691, Morganton, N, C., giving directions to your home. lc WANTED WILL PAY CASH or uiumc loan oil grand piano. Must be In good condition. Mrs. Reineking, CY 5-7200. 5-23-2p WANTED? One A model tour Ing car or A model touring car body. Contact Joe Palmer, Box 413, North Wilkeaboro, N. C. 5-23-6c WANTED? Settled, middle-aged lady desires position aa light housekeeper or companion. Call Lenoir 728-3478. lp WANTED ? Housemaid; mature yeart. Apply in person. Daniel Boone Hotel. 5-312C FOR RENT FOR RENT ? Apartment, fur nished. Telephone AM 4-3004. 5-23-2p POU, RE^T? One new 3 bed room furnished apartment, close In, Blowing Rock Road. Call 4 8724 after 3 p. m. Allen Hen son. 5-23-tfc FOR RENT? Sjimmer cottage completely furnished. Six miles from Boone ? Grandfather view area, accommodates four adplta or family of six. For further information write: Mrs. Benson Davis, Box 242, De Land, Fla. 5-23-4p FOR RENT ? Two furnished apartments. 3 rooms and bath. Will rent to boys or married couple only. Cap AM 4-3415 be tween 9 and 5. 5-31-tfc HOUSE FOR RENT?# rooms and bath ngar James Mast Store, 8 miles west of Boone. Heating system; fully furnish ed; couple preferred; planted garden for use; roses and a pretty lawn; can, be rented from July 15 to Sept. 30. Call CO 7 2402 after 3 p. m. le FOR BENT OR SALE? Houae trailer, 3 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, and b^th. Automatic washer, electric range. Com pletely furnished, except for linens and cooking utensils. Available for rent June 15th through August. Call AM 4 2374) day or night. lc FOR RENT ? 3 room furnished apartment on East King St. H M. Hamilton, Jr. lc FOR RENT? 20 acres pasture. Ira Fox, Vilaa, N. C. lc FOR RENT ? 3 two-bedroom houses, furnished No 11 nan or dishes. No pets. Call 7-2807. A C. Mast, Sugy drove. le TRAILER FOR RENT? Two bedroom trailer on shaded lot Good, condition. Furnished. Neat Boone. Call 284-3987. lc _ The United States totals 3, 838,130 square miles in area. Carolina was divided Into North and South Carolina in 1729. MOW LODGE NO. MS A * mjr* M. TtW i J, II 9. m. L W. Homemakers Week Will Be June 17-21 A fashion revue showing re sults of good and bad laundry practices will be featured dur ing the laundering class held during Homemakers Week at N. C. State College, Jane 17-2}, Dr. Eloise Cofer, assistant di rector, says there will be about 15 classes in various homemak ing subjects. Special activities include: State Home Demonstration Council meeting, June 18; an nual meeting of the N. C. Org anisation of Home Demonstra tion Clubs, June IB; reception of the home of Dr. and Mrs. H. Brooks James, June 19; and a special program June 20 with Dr. A. Purnell Bailey as guest speaker. Dr. Cofer emphasizes that "Homemakers Week" Is not planned just for Home Demon stration Club members. "The classes will be of Interest to all homemakers In the state," she said. Classes and instructors, in clude: Wonderful World of Froi en Foods, Nita Orr, frozen food specialist, Raleigh; Ideas for Landscaping, John H. Harris, extension horticulturist, Raleigh. Others will be Crewel Em broidery, Mrs. Frank Ledbetter, Troy; Wash AWear or Wash & Weep, Barbara Van Ginkel, Newton, Iowa; Flower Arrange ments far the Home, Charlotte Womble, extension house furn ishings specialist, Raleigh; Get ting the Quality Look In Home Sewing, Mrs. Edna Bryte Bishop, McDonald, Pa. Also planned are classes on Making and Remodeling Hats, Mrs. A. B. Hafer, Laurlnburg; Food ? Pocketbook and Health Wise Protection, Mrs. Carla S. Williams, Director of Consum er Programming, Washington, Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND UNDER DEED OF TKU8T NORTH CAROLINA WATAUGA COUNTY Under ind by virtue of the power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by William R. Roger* and hii Wife Shirlie B. Rogers dated the 1st day of June, I960, and recorded in the Office ofr the Register of Deeds for Watauga County, at Bdone, North Caro lina, 14 Book 94 at Page 27, de fault having been made in the payment of thq indebtedness thereby secured and - the said dead of trust by the terms thereof being subject to fore closure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale at public auction to the highest, Udder, for cash, at the courthouse door in Boone, North Carolina, at twelve o'clock noon on the 4th day of June, 1063, the property conveyed in the said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the town of Boone, Watauga County, North Carolina, as des cribed as follows: Lying and being in the town of Boone, North Carolina, and being all of lots number 148. 149, 190, and 181, of the Daniel Boone Park Addition to the town of Boone as shown on a map or plat of said subdivision which map is recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds for Watauga County in Plat Book 1 at Page 7, to which plat reference is hereby made to r a full description of said lota. ?ftiis said prooerty will be sold subject to all accrued and unpaid town and county taxes. This the 3rd day of Hay. 1983. Louts H. Smith, Trustee. 5-?4c-s NOTICE OF AMONISTBATION Having qualified u the ad ministratrix of the estate of Wilbjun H. Needh^m, late of the county of Watauga, State of North Carolina, this is to notify thoae having claims against the estate of the said deceased, to presont them to me within 12 months of the date hereof, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery All those indebted to the estate are asked to make immediate payment. This April 27. 1963. Coleen T. Needham, Admin., TMyleg. N. C. iMMp MOBILE HOME Opportunity Unusual Just A sen me Payments, Subject To Credit Approval Direct from Original Purchaser Big LIKE NEW Furnished See And Get Details At %BANRE fAUA^T | 1 D. C.; What's New in Foods, Dorothy Hogg. New York City; Your 24 Hour Church, the iRev. W. W. Finlator, Raleigh. Mrs. Lillian H. Danner, home economics extension agent for Watauga county, asks those in terested in attending to contact her office in the courthouse building. NEW FCC CHIEF A 34-year-old lawyer, E. Wil liam Henry will replace New ton N. Minow as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. President Ken nedy chose the lawyer following Minow's resignation five years before his term ends. After his resignation, to take effect June 1, Minow will be come executive vice president and general counsel of Ency clopedia Britannica, Inc. Miller Industries Mfgs. of Custom made aluminum itonn door* and window* Awnings aiding, guttering, tab enclosure*, glan. Repair* by Factory Trained Peraonnel i 605 Bristol Rd. 264-8824 Member* of REINS - STURDIVANT MUTUAL BURIAL ASSOCIATION, INC. 401 East King Street Phone AM 4-9866 , Can Now Increase Their Burial Insurance With "TLAPr- RITE" The "Han-Rite" Funeral Expense Policy Is A Plan of insurance Designed To Supplement Your Present Burial Association Cover age At A Minimum of Cost To You. We Offer A* Follow*: Aces 040 ? f 1,000.00 protec tion at a cost to you of only 25c per flOO.OO per quarter, with an extra benefit of 25% of face amount in case of accidental death. Am 31-50? *1. 000.00 protec tion at a coat to yon of only 50c per *100.00 per quarter, with an extra 50% of face amount in case of accidental death. Age* 51-64 ? 1600.00 protec tion at a eo*t to you of only 75c per 1100.00 per quarter, with an extra benefit of Membership Fee 25c per U 00.00 Face Amount USED CARS 1962 Fiat 4 dr. 1100 ? 975 .1961 Pontile 4 dr., very ?harp 1I1S I960 Valiant 4 dr., stand ard shift. Real nice 1095, I960 Plymouth 4 dr., 6 Std. Shift . . . one Owner 1875 1960 Chryaler New York er 4 dr. with air cond. 1575 1959 Plymouth Wagon real nice 965 1959 Ford 2 dr., Std. Shift Galaxle, sharp 995 1958 Imperial 4 dr., a fine car 1947 Ford 4dr., runs good 495 1957 Cadillac hi floe shape 775 195* Plymouth 2 dr., hard top V8 . . . good car 775 1952 Cher. 4 dr., looks and runs real good 195 19M Dodge. 1958 Ply mouth, 11953 Pontiac, 1968 Ford . . . tike choice f?r IN 1902 Ford Econoline pickup in fine cond. 1395 1953 Jeep track . . . good cond., new paint 395 Fans tractors: Fords, Farm alb, Ml Dowe, Allis Chal special reduood sale price* AU sorta of faras tractor 1 ? Nice used house trailer 1? Nice used house trail water 1875 2? Used clean motor cycles F. L. GERMAN MOTOR CO. N. C. Estel GL Wagner Real f state Broker 235 EAST K|NG ST. ? BOONE. N. C. DIAL AM 4-24 92 ? AM 4 3647 Latta Johnson-B. Gv Ray ASSOCIATE BROKERS Office PhdM AM 4-8492 ? Residence Phone AM 4-2131 2J5 EAST KINO STREET ? BOONE. N. C. WE NEED LISTINGS for HOMES, FARMS, ACREAGE We Offer Complete and Competent Service HOMES 2 Bedroom Frame L?t Size 100'xl5Q' Location ? Near Highland Mo. Payments $60.00 Hills Motel Price $9500 00 Electric heat 3 Bedroom Frame Lot Size 70'xl90' Location ? Horn in West Ref., Stove, Drapes Incl. Drive Price $10,500.00 Full Basement 4 Bedroom Brick Large lot 140' front Location ? Grand Blvd. Possession June 1st 2 Baths Price $13,800.00 2 Bedroom Cottage Livingroom ? fireplace Location ? Just off 105 incld. furnishing! Payments $52.00 mo. Price $8850 00 3 Bedroom Brick Location ? Farthing St ltt Baths 3 Bedroom frame 1 Bath Full Basement Livingroom ? fireplace Carport ? Utility room Price $17,500.00 Location Farthing St. Lot 75x175 ft. Price $10,500 2 Bedroom Location ? Poplar Hill Dr. 1 Bath City Water ? Paved street Full Basement Good Financing Carport Price $11,800.00 3 Bedroom Brick ltt Bath Kitchen ? Den Combination with Fireplace Hot Water Heat Large Lot Location on Hi Way 109 in Boone School Dist. Immediate Possession Price $17,750 S room frame Location ? Winkler's Creek 1 >>?th Lot Size 86 x 140 ft. Spring Water Price $6900.00 3 Bedroom home Lot 100 ft * 200 ft H4 Bath Payments only $84.40 location? 106 Hiway Price $15,000.00 Small Unfinished house & lot in Foscoe $3000.00 3 Bedroom house Location ? Junaluska Rd. Livingroom-Dining Comb. Full Basement Lot Size 52 x260' 1 Bath Will trade for land Price $10,500. .7 ACHE LOT in Poplar Hill Section? $3250.00. 3 Bedroom Frame Large Porch ? Basement Large Kitchen Plenty Garden Space Livingroom ? Fireplace Location ? Hill Top Drive Price $12,600.00 / New 3 bedroom Large Kitchen Location ? Perkinsville Full Basement 2 Full Baths Price $15,000.00 Choice Restricted Home Sites ? City Water Summer Home Sites ? One to 10 acres with excellent view and water BUSINESS 5 Furnished apts. located on large lot Menthly income of $245.00. Selling price *25,000.00. APPROX. SIX ACRES OF LAND on Hi-Way 105 at Hodges Gap intersection. Ideal lor any type of business. ACREAGE 150 ACRES in the Sugar Grove area, 50 acres in pasture. Two houses, three barns. Priced to sell quickly. 49 ACRE FARM with .84 tobacco base. A good four bed room house with bath, full basement. Also an old house with two barns. Plenty of water. Price $15, 000.00 immediate possession. Approx. 8 miles from Boone. 58 ACRES in the Valle Cruris Community for only $8500.00. Ideal for development. 3ft ACRE FARM at Sugar Grove with .7 tobacco base. Grade A barn, approx. 1,000 ft highway frontage. Price $15,800.00. BEAUTIFUL BLA1RMONT LOTS, overlooking Boone's G<& Course, pity Water, Pawl Streets, Panoramic View. No City Taxes. 30 acres at Heaton . ? Only $1,290.00