Washington Report By Congressman JAMES T. BB0YH1LL The (evuriat! activity last Wed nesday at both ends of tbe gra cious mail tnat sweeps from toe Capitol to the Potomac will be lone remembered. At tbe Lincoln Memorial more than 300,000 per sona gathered for a massive demonstration to demand civil rights legislation and a number of social weitare measures they believe would improve the lot of the negro race in this country. Tbe demonstration in many ways was without precedent. On Capitol Hill, toe House was busily en gaged in debating precedent making emergency legislation to avoid a nationwide railroad strike due to start a few hours later. If tbe House had failed to act, the country would have suffered a crisis that could have been cata strophic. There is no doubt that within a short time, every American would have been per sonally affected, our economy thrown into a fantastic tailspin, and tbe nation's defense effort severely throttled. It was be cause of tbe real prospect of a strike nobody wanted that caused Congress to enact legislation dis tasteful to even its strongest supporters. As the crisis developed in the last six weeks, there were com ments in the press that the Con Legal Notice BOND ORDER AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $1,6M. 000 SCHOOL BONDS OF THE COUNTY OF WATAUGA. WHEREAS, the County Board of Education of the County of Watauga has deter mined that existing ^??1 pUnt facilities in the Watauga County School Administrative Unit are not adequate foi ^ the maintenance of pubUc for the nine months scnooi term prescribed by i*w. aI\, has requested the Board i?"i? S Section I of this bond order and which said County ??""j of Education has determined are necessary to enable the &un?y ' MmS Administrate Khool 'term P^eA by law; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDERED by the Board of Commissioners^ ofthe County of Watauga as foltow.. Section 1. The Board of Com missioners of tbe County o Watauga has f*cert^f1it ^ hereby determine th?t it U necessary to erect in the wa SS^Tcounty School Admin istrative Unit several new buildings to be used as school houses, school garages, phys' cal education and vof Jhlr education buUdings, teacher; ages and lunchrooms and other school plant facilities and to reconstruct and to enlarge, by the erection of additions, sev eral existing buildings located in such unit and used for such purposes, and to acquire land, furnishings and necessary for such new ^ re constructed or enlarged build ings, In order to enable the County of Watauga, as i an ad ministrative agency pf the pub lie school system of the State of North Carolina, to maintwn public schools in said School Administrative Unit for the nine months' school term as prescribed by law. Section 2. In order to pro vide funds for such purpose in addition to any funds which may be made available for such purpose from any other source, bonds of the County of Watauga are hereby authorized and shall be issued pursuant to The County Finance Act ol North Carolina. The maximum aggregate principal amount of bonds authorised by this bond order shall be One Million Six Hundred Thirty Thousand Dol lar. ($1,630,000). Section 3.AIH ?u{tlcJeP\J? nay the principal of and inter est on said bonds when due shall be annually levied and collected. Section 4. A statement of the County debt of the Cpuntyof Watauga has been filed with the Clerk of the Board of Com missioners of said County and is open to public inspection. Section 3. This bond order shall take effect when approv ed by the voters of the County at an election as provided in 81 Th^? foregoing bond order has been introduced and a sworn statement has been filed under The County Finance Act, showing the jessed valuaticm of the County to be $33,000,000 and the net debt for school pur poses, including the proposed bonds, to be $1,645,400. A tax will be levied for the payment of the proposed bonds and in terest, if the same shall be is sued. Any citisen or taxpayer may protest against the is suance of such bonds at a meet ing place of said Board in the County Court House, in Boone, North Carolina, at 10 o clock, a m., on the 16th day of Sep tember, 1963, or an adjourn ment thereof. I B. Wilson, Clerk of Board of Commissioners of Watauga County. Soviet saya Red China imper iled world. fress resented being thrown a hot potato by the President. Such remarks simply tailed to under stand the seriousness of the problem and the caution Con gressional action required. The dispute between the rail roads and the railroad employee brotherhoods had gone on for more than (our year*. Both the Eisenhower and Kennedy Ad ministrations had made avail able all the machinery of the Federal government to assist in its settlement. Fact-finding com missions bad been appointed and made recommendations they thought might point a way toward a settlement. Legal questions had run the gamut of the Federal Courts. Still, the dispute con tinued. It was then that the White House recommended emergency action to the Congress. Free collective bargaining by management and labor if om of the foundations of the free enter prise system It b a freedom upon which our entire economic structure recta. We know that if the Federal government injects itself into labor - management argument* with requirement! of : compulsory arbitrated, we Will have chipped away part of our economic cornerstone. We will have destroyed it entirely when the prcoees leads oo to radaral control of wage* and prioae. Pre* labor and free management will then have been a thing of the past with both dependent upon Federal arbitrator* for the solu tion of their problems. Congress reluctantly took the minimum action resuired by the situation , the ebaoe of a strike against the evils of com pulsory arbitration. It was ? care fully calculated middle course. It may prove inadequate if so lutions arc not reached when the time limit ruse out next Febru ary. It il, however, ? iertou? challenge to both skies in the dispute to come to agreement or create a do* criaie for our eco nomic system Every American has * stake in what they do ?r tail to do. Craaa Rm4? Prltte Iwlli Carolina Peaches - - - 5 '1.00 Alwayt In 0?4 Taate Astor Coffee 49c Dallcloua Sandwich Maat Span 39e Thrifty -M?U SaMin Cream Corn - - 6 N^" 59c Thrtfty-MaM Apple Sauce - - 4 49c Thriffy-MaM Whole ar Cut Swatf Potatoes - - - - 2 39c Thrifty -MaW Tomato Cal|||---2T^256 Whila ar AaaartaJ Cater* *? Scott Towels - ? 2 & 59c Thrlfty-MaM Salf-Rlaln? Flour - - - - 25 ? *1.49 Taste O* Sh Fish Sticks - ? 3 ~ ?1 00 Imperial Chipni lirMn Steaks ? - ? ? 3 % *1.00 LlbW> u Greei Peas - - - 6 99c Cold Kfof Huh Pippies - - - ~ 49c Fieii pTai"? ? 2 tS 89c Dill* Thrifty Orange Juice - - 4 2: 99c McKaral* Baby Lima Beais - 2 ^ 89c . t i