The Lenoir High School Band will be the guest* of Appalachian State Teacher* College hpre Saturday night when the Appalachian Mountaineer* meet the Catamounts of Western Carolina in William J. Conrad Stadium. The band. under direction of Barnard Hirsch, will provide a pre-game show. The regular half time show will be presented by the 80-piece marching band of Appalachian. I Corpening Named To Head "Service To Youth" Drive Wayne A. Corpemng of Win ston-Salem has been named North Carolina chairman for the 1963 nationwide fund drive among banks during October to support the "Service to Youth" educational programs of the Na tional 4-H Club Foundation. Corpening's appointment for the third consecutive year was announced by Jesse W. Tapp, chairman of the Board of the Bank of America, and Joseph C. Wei man, president of the Bank of Kennett, Mo, WHO Deads tne bank program for the National 4-H Sponsors Council. Corpen ing is vice president of Wacho via Bank * Trust Co., Win ston-Salem. Fifty - four North Carolina banks responded to Corpening's leadership in 1962, ranking the state number 10 in the nation in amount of total contribution. This campaign gives the Tar Heel State's bankers an oppor tunity to broaden their tradi tionally strong local support of 4-H Club work, according to the state chairman. The National 4-H Club Foun dation, Washington, D. C., serves to complement the work of the Cooperative Extension Service through citizenship ed ucation, leader training, inter national 4-H programs, ana pro gram development and reiearch. This includes operating the Na tional 4-H Center, conducting the International Farm Youth Exchange (IFYE), and operat ing 4-H Peace Corps projects in Brazil, Venezuela, and Urug uay. Two young people are repre senting North Carolina In the International Farm Youth Ex change this year. Hiss Nelta Stout of Salisbury is in Israel and will return in November. C. Preston Cornelius of Troutman will leave near the first of October for a six-month assign ment to "learn another way of life by living it." Also, War ren T. Strickland of Wade is in training for the Uruguay 4-H Peace Corps Project. Alamance Alumni Group To Entertain At Game The Alamance County .Alum ni Chapter of Appalachian State' Teachers College will entertain alumni and students attending the ASTC-Elon football game on October S. The announcement was made by Jim Ferrell, president of the Alamance Chapter, and Mrs. Mabel Lassiter. The chapter plans to enter tain with a covered dish dinner prior to the game at 8 p. m. The chapter will have a busi ness meeting at the Burling ton Recreation Center and will entertain the guests there. Ferrell said that he would ap preciate hearing from alumni, within a 100 miles radius of Burlington, that plan to attend , the .dinner and football game. He Qfeclared that it will be nec essary to know who will attend so that the chapter can make the necessary arrangements to take care of everyone. Interested alumni should con tact Jim Ferrell of Burlington and tell him the number in your party. TOO MANY RIDERS Lancaster, Ohio ? A teenage girl had an unusual arrest ? not for speeding or the usual charg es ? but for driving with 15 friends loaded in her car. Eileen Burke lost her license for 19 days and bad to pay court costs for driving with ob structions and interferences. Now that the '64 Dodge is here, the low-price field will never be the same. Tike that hardtop, shown above. You won't believe how little H costs till you read the price sticker on the window. But don't stop there. Get in and experience the way this Dodge feels. The way it comforts you. The way it smooths out any road. The way it performs. You'll see in one drive: Dodge doesnt took or feel low-priced. Yet, it is priced right with Chevrolet And something else: Dodge gives you a 5-year /50,000-mile warranty*! *TMK NKNOMUr tYKAII/IUaMM WARRANTY -Chrysler Corporation war ..die In, C n, (AfUM ? II ? ? ' - fc. r n mat fcr*4 in ,,, U -J iwUi iwi 9 ywii w riiiw, wniCwwv ? ? vOviws n i #i( uunii oviku in hiiivi iiij bimj workmanship and wiM raplaca or repair at ? Chrysler Motors Corporation Authoriztd Dealer's place of business, the angina Mack, headend internal parts, intake manifold, water pump, transmission case and internal parte (excluding manual dutch), torque converter, drive shaft, universal joints, raar axla and differential. and roar wheelbearings of its 1964 auto mobiles, provided Km owner has the en?ine oil chanced every 3 months or 4,000 miles, whichever comes first, the oil filter replaced every second oil chanfe and the carburetor air filter cleaned every 6 months and refrieced every 2 years, and every 6 months furnishes to such a dealer evidence of performance of the required service, and requests the dealer to certify (I) receipt of such avidawca and (II) the car's then current mileage. Cub Scouts Plan Meeting An organizational meeting for Troop 109 of the Cub Scouts will be held at 7 p. m. Thurs day, Sept. 26 at the Boone Methodist Church, Scoutmaster Phil Vance has announced. All interested boys between the ages of eight and eleven are in vited to attend and to bring their parents. RFK'S VIEWS The Attorney General, Rob ert F. Kennedy, believes the Administration's civil rights stand may hurt his brother's chances for reelection to the Presidency in 1864. In a television interview, the Attorney General said he does not consider the Administra tion's civil rights legislative package to be a cure-all. But, he does think it an important step forward and a necessary step. ?>, Bill Crump Dies At 92 W. R. (BUI) Crump. U, of Gr?gg. &ea at the home of a oauguter, Mrs. J. M Franc um of Haute 2, Lenoir. Monday at 3 am after an extended illness. He bad been making his home with itis aaugbtef since becoming sick. Funeral services were held Wedoesday at U a.m. at New Hopewell Baptist Church at Gragg. Buriai was in Carys Flat . Fred U Day of Morgan too; one brother, Millard Day of Boone; and three sisters. Miss Bertha Day of Blowing Rock. Mrs. Ethel Hodges of Boone and Mrs. Claudia Triplet! of Bel Air. Md. The funeral was conducted at 2 pm Sunday at Greer F**l Home chapel by the Rev. M. C. Ellerbe and the Rev. James U Pharr. Burwl wag k Blue Ridge Memorial Park. CAKKLKS8 THIEF Pleaaantville. N. J. ? While u?. trdlng a wallet and dunce purs, be had stolen, a careless burglai 'ossed away his wallet. Police ,'ound the wallet near the scene ft the robbery and arrested Fr.< iklin A. Bland. Cards in BUikI'i wallet gave his address and they found him at home. Yes, you'll pay mora at the be ginning for a genuine WARM MORNING coal neater, than for one of the cheaper imitations trying to capitalize on WARM MORNING'S popularity. But, over the years, the finer qual ity, better operating economy, longer life and greater satis faction you'll get from a gen uine WARM MORNING coal heater will repay the differ ence in original purchase price again and again. So be sure your new coal heater is a genuine WARM MORNING... with the WARM MORNING name on it (This famous coal heater is not sold under any other name!) Remember: Only WARM MORN ING coal heaters have patented 4-Flue Firebrick Lining that turns coal Into clean-burning glowing coka...and holds fir* 24 hours or more on one filling. MODEL 460: This budgat priced circulator hu gen uine lifetime porcelain fin ish and the famous, pat ented 4-Flue Firebrick Lin ing. Holds 60 lbs. of coal and heats up to four rooms. A terrific buy! M0DEL414R: Sm.ll ?(? heater In tha WARM MORNING line . . . but a bi( heat pro duced Holds 40 lt>e. of coal.. . heata one large or two small rooms. MODEL t17i Tho to mow WARM MORN ING quality featim are combined In th* *17, shown tiara, which hold* 60 Hk. ol coal, 1 to 4 MODEL Sit. Hm two-ton* finish of a*tv ulr>*porc*l?ln *n*m*l. Hold* 60 fc*. of coal ...h**t* up to thraa loon* A truly d*lux* All styles, all shades ? at special low price! Pick the style, the color that flatters you most, the length that fits you best. Try a pair ? you'll be back for a box. But hurry ? nine day sale only)