FOR BEST RESULTS advertisers invariably use the col umns of the Democrat. With its full paid circulation, intensely covering the local shopping area, it is the best advertising medium available. BOONS 1964 Hi Lo prec. ’63 April 13 55 48 .16 April 7 69 46 .56 April 8 65 38 .63 April 9 45 26 M April 10 55 31 April 11 65 28 April 12 57 35 I m VOLUME LXXVI— NO. 42 CONTENTS COPYRIGHTED 196* -PRINTING CO.. INC. RIVERS BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. APRIL 16, 1964 10 CENTS PER COPY 22 PAGES—3 SECTIONS . 1 — am ■■—mums ■ ■ PROPOSED NEW CHURCH PLANT Baptist Church To Start Big Expansion Project The First Baptist Church of Boone will launch a vast pro gram of expansion and renova tion with ground breaking cere monies Wednesday; April 15, at 6 p.m. The first phases of the pro gram includes a new educa tional unit, a chapel and a com plete renovation of present fa cilities. The contract for this part of the work has''Befitl awarded to Pennell and Haig ler Construction Company of Lenoir. The amount of the con tract was $430,649.00. Future expansion of the sanc tuary and the erection of a Dan Moore Is Well Received Here Monday An air of friendly informality pervaded the Reception Lounge of the Daniel Boone Hotel Mon day as Dan K. Moore brought his campaign for nomination as Democratic gubernatorial can didate to the mountain town of Boone. Dan K. Moore is himself a mountain man, and is complete ly at ease among mountaineers. More important to his political aspirations, he has a capacity for making them feel at ease. Mr. Moore had a splendid op portunity to demonstrate this quality as some three hundred townspeople came through the April showers to greet him dur ing a two-hour stop-over. For Dan K. Moore and Mrs. (Continued on page two) spire will complete the building program. The new educational building, located even with the rear of the present building will con tain thirteen Sunday school de partments. There will oe six nursery, two beginner, three primary, an adult and a young married people’s department. It will also house the church par •lor, kitchen and fellowship hall which will seat 250 people. The Chapel will face East King Street and will be joined to the Educational Building in order to provide an inside walk way to all parts of the building. The area directly below the Chapel will be unexcavated for development as needed in the future. The new construction will provide 25,000 square feet of floor space. The renovation of the pres ent church plant will be ex tensive. A new oil fired heat ing system will be installed with zone controls for heating any section of the building. The (Couliuued on pane two) Bob Davis Day Set For April 27 April 27th has been desig nated as Bob Davis Day in Wa tauga County. Mr. Davis is the Democrat choice to oppose Jim Broyhill in the congressional race. Mr. Davis and his wife will visit with people in Watauga County on Monday, April 27, and will speak to the Young Democrats at the Courthouse at 8 p. m. Mrs. Preyer _ 4 ' -.-..vAi'. Is Watauga Visitor Saturday ■ Mrs. Richardson Preyer, wile; of gubernatorial candidate L. Richardson Preyer, accompanied by Mrs. Gordon C. Maddrey, formerly president of the North Carolina Federation of Women’s Club, and state women’s man ager for Preyer, were guests in Watauga County Saturday morn ing speaking at the Blowing Rock School and at the Boone Elementary School. Mrs. Charles Davant of Blow ing Rock was hostess at a coffee at her home prior to the speak ing hour. Mrs. Preyer was “beating the drums” for her husband who is a candidate for governor. He is an accomplished musician mas tering two musical instruments and the piano with renditions ranging from “Bach to Boogie Woogie.” Mrs. Preyer said that often when entertaining her children and their friends in an evening at home that she could not play an instrument to join the band so she took up drums, and she is carrying this practice of “drum beating” throughout the state to acquaint the people with her husband’s campaign. She spoke informally, relating experiences occurring through out her visits. One in particular was the occasion when a viva cious young girl and Preyer sup (Continued on page two) JUDGE DAN MOORE is shown as he visited - with friends at the Daniel Boone Hotel Mon i day; and shook hands with George Smith [ip erman of pppna. fa the background is Mr. Smitherman’s uncle, Mr. W. H. Smitherman of Beaver Dam township.—Photo Flowers Photo Shop. *if*.*sm*