» * * » FOR BEST RESULTS I advertisers invariably use the col- f v' • umns of the Democrat. With its full • :4 paid circulation, intensely covering . Q. the local shopping area, it is the best advertising medium available. • - ■ "• .;S 't ‘ An Independent Weekly Newt paper . • . Seventy-Sixth Year of Continuous Publication BOON! WEATHER 1964 Hi Lo prec. '63 May 12 72 55 May 13 69 55 May 14 63 46 May 15 73 45 4 . May 16 74 38 May 17 75 48 May 18 79 50 VOLUME LXXVI—NO. 47 co 1064 TC. BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY. MAY 21, 1964 10 CENTS PER COPY 20 PAGES—3 SECTIONS 8823888B £8888*3? PICNICKING IN FULL BLAST IN GRANDFATHER MOUNTAIN AREA LARRY KLUTZ Larry Klutz Is Honored By N. C. Jaycees Larry Klutz, Boone Jaycee, was honored recently by the North Carolina Jaycees as he was appointed vice president of the 18th District. Klutz, a development engineer at Inter national Resistance Company in Boone, will serve in the 18th District to coordinate activities of the local Jaycee clubs of the district with the state organiza tion. Mr. Klutz and his wife, the former Betty Wheeling of Kern ersville, reside on Greenway Road. RICHARD HUNT Richard Hunt Graduates At Mich. Seminary The eighty-eighth commence ment service of the Western Theological Seminary of Hol land, Michigan will be held Wednesday evening, May 20 at 8 o’clock in the Dimnent Mem orial Chapel in Holland. Thirty-one seniors will be graduated from the seminary, and one graduate student will be granted the Master of Theo logy Degree. The Reverend Herman J. Ridder, president of the seminary, will preside at the service. The Reverend Howard G. Hageman, pastor of the Old North Reformed (Continued from £ftge two) SIGNAL HONOR GOES TO BOONE LEADER Eggers Is Elected National Director Federal Land Bank David Culler DiesjSaturday David Bernard Culler, 25, Of 209 Hill street, Boone, was dead on arrival at Hickory Memorial Hospital about 8:30 p. m. Saturday after he was stricken while attending the races at the Hickory Speedway. He is believed to have suf fered a heart attack during the races. He was born in. Boone to Burl and Beulah Harmon Cul ler and had spent his entire life in Boone. He was employ ed in the cafeteria at Appala chian State Teachers College. He was a member of Greenway Baptist Church and had ap peared in Horn in the West a number of years and also in performances at the little Theater. . Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday at 2:30 at Greenway Baptist Church by the pastor, Rev. C. O. Vance and Rev. W. H. Pheagin. Burial was in Mount Lawn Memorial Park. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Alohma Ledbetter Culler; his mother of Boone and his father of Shepherdsville, Ky.; two brothers, Chester Culler of the Air Force on Guam and John Edward Culler of Alta vista, Virginia. roppy Day lo Be Observed By Auxiliary The American Legion Auxili ary, Watauga Post Unit No. ISO, will observe Poppy Day Satur day, May 23. Poppy Day is the day Amer icans pay their individual tri bute to the nation’s war dead by wearing a red poppy to show that they remember and are grateful to those who gave their iives that America might live in freedom. The poppies are made by dis abled veterans in hospitals. The contributions received are used to pay these veterans for their work and to aid disabled vet erans and their needy children. Thus a double significance be comes attached to the poppy. “Honor the dead with service to the living.” A covered dish luncheon will be served at the home of Mrs. Cleve Gross for the poppy work ers. All auxiliary members are invited to come and bring a covered dith* BY RUTH H. MARICH Copyright 1964 Rivers Printing Co.. Inc. Mr. S. C. Eggers, President of the Boone Federal Land. Bank Association was elected to the board of directors of the Fed eral Land Bank at the annual meeting held at the Grove S. C. EGGERS Park Inn, Asheville on May 4 and 5. Accompanying Mr. Eggers to the convention were Mr. John Hollar, manager of the local Federal Land Bank office, Mr. Carlos Lee Mitchell, director from Alleghany County, O. Paul Bower, director from Ashe County and Gordon Chamar, director from Wilkes County. The convention is an annual meet for all stockholders and directors of the Federal Land Bank Association over North and South Carolina and is held for the purpose of annual re ports of work of the association and the election of board members to serve the twelve Federal Land Bank districts in the United States. Mr. Eggers will serve on the committee which is comprised of two members each from the twelve districts in the United States. Mr. Eggers became a stock holder and director of the Federal Land Bank Association in 1918 when it was first estab lished in this area under the name of Sugar Grove Farm Loan Association. He served as an appraiser over the years as well as being secretary and treasurer of the Association for many years. He has been president of the local associa tion for about twenty years, and has had the opportunity to serve the farmers and landown ers in this area first hand. Mr. Eggers and the Association are proud of the work that has been done in this area over the years is the issuance of loans (Continued on page two) Mrs. J. K. Brown Dies Thursday"** Mrs. Mary Annis Brown, age 85, wife of John K. Brown of Boone, died Thursday at the home after an illness of eight weeks. She was born in Piney Flats, Tennessee to J. W. and Minnie Yost Smith. She had lived in Boone 39 years. The funeral was conducted Saturday at 2:30 at the First Baptist Church by Rev. Boyce Brooks, Rev. E. F. Troutman and Rev. T. C. McCord. Burial was in Mt. Calvary Cemetery at Balm, Avery county. Surviving are her husband; three daughters, Mrs. B. H. Winters ot Elk Park, Mrs. V. J. Moretz of Pinebluff and Mrs. R. Cline Mabry of Concord; one son, Vernon Brown of Woodland Hills, Calif.; seven sisters, Mrs. F. M. Routh, Mrs. G. W. Jones of Bristol, Vir ginia; Mrs. A1 Jones of Lemon Grove, California, Miss Lillie Smith of Los Angeles, Calif., Mrs. J. T. Chase of Downey, Calif., Mrs. P. C. McCord of Elk Park and Mrs. Lawrence Trivette of Knoxville, Tenn.; three brothers, Rev. W. Clyde Smith and J. E. Smith of Piney Flats, Tennessee, and M. I. Smith of Los Angeles, Calif.; nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. Watauga Post Elects Officers At a meeting May 8, Watauga Post American Legion elected the following oficers for 1964 65: Commander—Cloyd Norris. Vice Commander — Claude Baird. Adjutant and finance officer —J. W. Norris. Chaplain—Edgar Hardin. Sgt.-at-arms—James Stanbury Post service office — Clyde Miller. Historian—Edwin Dougherty. Membership officer—William Phillips. Rehabilitation officer — Troy Norris. Child Welfare—John Looka bill. Oratorical officer—John Hol lars. Boy Scouts — Martin M. Gragg. Boys State—Johnny Barnett. Public relations—Stacy Egg ers. Grave registration — C. P. (Continued on page two) List Of Graduates Given 488 To Get Diplomas At ASTC Finals May 29 Director N. C. Fund To Speak To Collegians Approximately 451 under graduates and 37 graduate can didates are expected to receive diplomas in graduation exer cises at Appalachian State Teachers College on Friday, May 29 at 10:30 a m. in the auditorium of the Health, Phy sical Education and Recreation Building. George H. Esser, Jr., of Dur ham, Executive Director, North Carolina Fund, will be the principal speaker for the six tieth annual spring commence ment. The college choir, under the direction of Mrs. Virginia Wary Linney, and the college orch estra, under the direction of Dr. Nicholas Erneston, will present special music which will include the processional (Pomp and Cirlumstance), the recessional (Festival March) and Battle Hymn of the Re public^ Earny Hotard, ASTC faculty member, will "serve as organist. Candidates for the bachelor degree will be presented by H. R. Eggers while Dr. Cratis Wil liams, director of graduate stu dies, presents the Candidates for the master’s degree. Dr. W. H. Plemmons, presi dent of Appalachian, will con fer degrees and award diplom as. Assistant Registrar J. B. Harris will present the diplom as to the candidates. Candidates for the under graduate degrees are: Bachelor Ol Science Dagraam Alamance County: Julia Gayle Euliss, Liberty. Alexander County: Delores Anne Brookshire, Taylorsville: James Lawrence Gilreath, Taylorsville; Sara Rebecca Goodnight, Taylors ville; Lyndell Monroe Kerley, Hid denite. , Alleghany County: Joyce Ann Warden, Sparta. Anson County: Melynda Louise Allen, Wadesboro. Ashe County: Anne Marie Bare, Jefferson; Charlotte Gaye Black burn, West Jefferson; Mary Ellen Blevins, Crumpler; Sara Little Davis, West Jefferson; Gerald Boyd Denny, Jefferson; Phillip (Continued on page two) SENATOR CHARLES STRONG Sen. Strong To Visit Gty On Saturday Senator Charles Strong of Greensboro, Republican guber natorial candidate, will arrive in Bodne at approximately 9 a. m. Saturday, May 23, to greet the people of Watauga County. Mrs. Lura Greene is in charge of arrangements for a “Dutch treat luncheon” at the Gateway Restaurant at 12 noon. Following the luncheon Sen ator Strong will speak at a rally at the court bouse. The public is invited to attend. The caravan will stop in Blowing Rock for a brief visit enroute to a scheduled rally at 4 b. m. in Patterson School, Cantrell County,_.. A Boone Motelists Get Offices At Annual State Convention —Photo by Flowers Mayor Brown buys Buddy Poppy from Barbara Sue Smith. Mayor Brown Proclaims Poppy Day For Saturday WHEREAS: The annual sale of Buddy Poppies by the Vet erans of Foreign Wars of the United States, an organization chartered by the Congress, has been officially recognized and endorsed by the President of the United States and the Vet erans Administration; and WHEREAS. The proceeds of this worthy fund-raising cam paign are used exclusively for the benefit of disabled and needy veterans, and the widows and orphans of deceased vet erans; and WHEREAS. The basic pur pose of the annual sale of Bud dy Poppies by the Veterans of Foreign Wars is eloquently re flected in the desire to “Honor The Dead By Helping The Liv ing;” therefore, I, Wade E. Brown, Mayor of the City of Boone, do hereby recognize the patriotic merits of this cause by urging the citizens of this community to contribute generously to its support through the purchase of Buddy Poppies, May 23, set aside for the distribution of these symbols of loyalty in this city. I urge ail patriotic citi zens to wear a Buddy Poppy as mute evidence of our gratitude to the men of this country who have risked their lives in de fense of the freedoms which we continue to enjoy as Amer ican citizens. Wade E. Brown, Mayor Many Wataugans To Attend Rally For Dan Moore A large crowd of supporters are expected to attend a rally for Dan Moore at the Armory in North Wilkesboro, Saturday, May 23. A barbecue supper will be served at 7 o’clock. Moore will speak and there will be other entertainment. All interested people are in vited to attend. Contact any of the following members of the committee for complimentary tickets: J. C. Goodnight, Wade Brown, Jack Edmisten, W. R. Winkler, O. K. Richardson. Mr. Harold Rice, owner of the Blue Ridge Motor Court, Boone, was re-elected Secretary of the North Carolina Motel Associa tion at their annual convention which was held May 8 and 9 at the Heart of Charlotte Motor Inn, Charlotte. Mr. Carl Fidler, owner of the Plaza Motel, Boone, was elected Alternate Governor for Area No. 16 which consists of Wilkes, Ashe, Alleghany, Watauga, Cald well, Mitchell and Avery coun ties. This is the fourth term Mr. Rice has served in this capacity as secretary and reports that “all indications point to 1964 as tie ing the biggest yeart yet as far as travel is concerned.” The North Carolina Motel As sociation in conjunction with the North Carolina Department of Advertising has worked dili gently in promoting the travel industry in this area which is the third largest industry in the state. Motel owners from all over North Carolina were pres ent to discuss and to learn how to more proficiently handle the problems of motel ownership, operation and management and the promotion of lasting good will. The convention was highlight ed with speeches and demonstra tions by persons familiar with the handling of tourists all over the United States. Those attending from Wa tauga County were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rice, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fidler, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ticknor, Green Lake Motel, Mrs. Mae Coffey, Blowing Rock Mot or Court, and Mrs. Maude Col vard, Parkway Motel. Made-In-Boone Shoes Sold Here Mr. Guy Hunt, owner of Hunt’s Department Store, an nounces this week their ap pointment as the local dealer for Thom McAn shoes for men. These shoes are made in Boone at the Blue Ridge Shoe Company, by Watauga County workers and are in the medium price range. Mr. Hunt expressed his de light at being awarded the dealership, and stated it is un usual for a local store to have the opportunity to offer this brand of shoes to the public in a town the size of Boone. Most of these shoes are sold through Thom McAn Stores in larger '

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