CAPITOL CLIPBOARD Says Democrats Odds-On Favorites In Assembly BY EULA N. GREENWOOD C ERTAINTY .. .Thequestioi as to how it is figured the nex Legislature will be Demo cratic—as stated here las week—deserves an answer. There are 120 seats in th< House; 50 in the State Senate A lot of the Democrats nomi rated in the May Primary have no Republican opponents this fall. There is a great deal ol this letting the Democrats win by default in the eastern and southern parts of the State. Add to these districts those that have never gone Republican and you have an easy majority of the House in the Democratic column. From here, it looks like at least 75 certain Demo cratic votes. A hurried look at the list of nominees shows only two Republicans—Jeter Haynes of Yadkin and Claude Billings of Wilkes—without Democratic opposition. Now over in State Senate Democratic situation is even more favorable. It looks as if about 15 of the 50 Democratic nominees have no opposition. Looking at it conservatively, there should be 35 Democrats in this body. Again, only in one district— District 25 composed of Davie, Watauga, Wilkes, and Yadkin— are the Republicans without op position. In Maine last year, where they had a Democratic governor and a Republican legislature, there was such a fight in the regular session—1 a r g e 1 y over fi nances—that the lawmaking body was called back to the capital in the fall so the State would have sufficient funds for its day-to-day operations. BREWER ... It begins to look as if Kidd Brewer’s Crab tree project will soon begin .bearing big fruit. ARhoi«h a . lot of money has been spent