New Discount Store Will Locate In Citv Better Life Discount Store will open in Boone by Thanks giving according to Mack Brown of Brown and Graham Motor Company, who will build the building the new establish ment will occupy. A chain store owned by G. D. Reddick Inc. of Greensboro, it will deal in wholesale general merchandise, Brown said. The new store in Boone will be 80* x 100’ and according to Brown will cost around $50,000. Construction is scheduled to begin in a few days. Brown said that the corpora tion indicated that a local mana ger will be employed as well as six to eight other employees. Other stores in the chain are located in Lenoir, West Jeffer son, Mount Airy and North Wilkes boro along with 10 other stores in North Carolina. The Reddick Corporation has been in existence since 1945 and began operations in Greens boro. Construction of a Better Life Discount store on East King Street is in progress. The $50,000 structure will measure 80’ x 100’ and is expected to be in operation by Thanksgivir^. (Staff photo) Shortage Of Blood Has Been Tolerable In Town The Charlotte Observer re ported last week that the blood supply of the Piedmont-Caro linas Blood Bank, which serves 89 hospitals including Watauga County Hospital, was “facii^j a potentially dangerous short age of blood supplies. “Asked about the situation, Mrs. Vir ginia Groce, administrator of the local health facility, said that the shortage has not been felt here more than usual.*’ She also indicated that she did not expect any problems to be experienced locally. Mrs. Groce said that the local hos pital is not always able to get the type or the amount of blood needed, but that it is able to get legal blood to fill the need. She said that the hospital maintains a “walking blood bank” which is a file of donors whose blood has been typed and from whom blood can be obtained if necessary. The hos pital is experiencing no more difficulty maintaining its supply of blood than usual, she said. The Observer article in dicated that the supply in Char lotte had not yet reached a dan ger point. It said thatthe supply is 400 pints below the normal operating level and credited this to an accident filled Labor Day weekend and poor blood collec tions during the recent August heat wave. Dr. Inez Elrod, director of the blood bank in Charlotte said the public shouldn’t be frightened. “The hospitals have N. C. Is Second Most Papular Travel Area i ^Carolina is the second most popular travel destination for subscribers of Southern Liv ing magazine, according to a survey of the publication's read The State trailed only Flori da as the place most Southern Living families spent their last vacation and as the state they intend to visit next. Nearly nine per cent of the readers surveyed said they spent ^heir last vacation in North Carolina, while 8.5 per cent said they intend to visit the Tar Heel State next. Among tfie states, Hawaii received the fewest number of visitors from the magazine's subscription area. The ten leading vacation areas shown, with the per centage of readers who spent their last vacation there, are: Florida, 18.9 per cent; North Carolina, 8.6 per cent; Ten nessee, 6.8 per cent; South Carolina, 6.3 per cent; Geor gia, 5.9 per cent; Texas, 5.5 per cent; California, 4.9 per cent; Virginia, 4.8 per cent; Canada, 4.2 per cent; and Ala bama, 3.8 per cent. blood supplies/’ Mrs. Groce said that above normal blood requirments of the larger hospitals, particularly in Charlotte, may account for the low supply. Charlotte experienced sev eral automobile wrecks last week resulting in two cases of excessive hemorrhaging which combined with the shooting of a policeman, required large amounts of blood for treatment. Ralph Beshears Gets Degree At WF Winston-Salem—Ralph Lane Beshears Jr.f son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beshears of Boone, recently was graduated from Wake Forest University. Beshears majored in English and received the bachelor of arts degree. He was a member of the university choir and of the Young Democrats Club. THREE LITTLE WORDS “What does the bride think when she walks into the church?” “Aisle, Altar, Hymn.” For Every Occasion • Arrangements • Potted Plants • Also Artificial Arrangements Mr*. Blanche Roberta Owner We Send Flower* Anywhere 264-8201 CITY FLORIST 409 E. King Street — Boone, N. C. Blowing Rock Galleries MAIN STREET • BLOWING ROCK Auction Sales Daily At 10:30 A. M. & 7:30 P. M. 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