WATAUGA COUNTY -_■ b the Heart at the Northwest er® North Carolina winter and •attuner tourist resort area. . BOONE WEATHEK An Independent Weekly N etc*paper . , . Eighty-Fint Year of Continuous Publication Jan. 28 94 M Jan. It MB Jan. 80 87 48 Jan. 31 58 4S Feb. 1 S3 40 Feb. 8 SI 44 Feb 1 47 IS JO a7 tr. an VOL. LXX3U—NO. a BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NOBTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6,1969 10 CENTS PER COPY 20 PAGES—2 SECTIONS 8SC£88S5 ■ 8888X88? MOBILE HOME PILE-UP—Enroute from Goldsboro to Ftoeola, N. C„ this mobile home ms halted just 20 miles short rity> tod we will eonHnne our attempts to secure the funds from the General As sembly.” But with or without the new facility, Appalachian will begta graduating U. S. Army officers with the class of 1*71. Some 10 resident undergraduate* have already signed tg> for the pro gram, and Capt. Karrs’ plana include seoding JO ASU students (Continued oe page two) y.";