tr \ V v .. " Blue Ribbon Winner Hm Democrat is first place win* Mr ia State Press Assn. General Excellence Competition this year—the third time in four Tears. or uV\, Ce***-: iA . t-M An independent Weekly Nempaper DEMOCRAT Eighty-Fint Year of Contmuout Publication BOONE WEATHER '?;« VOL. LWI—NO. 39 ~..x A e i Jj ^ BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1969 Mar. 18 48 88 Mar. 19 57 85 Mar. 80 M 88 Mar. 21 Mar. 22 82 37 Mar. 23 58 20 Mar. 24 53 33 82 87 M 73 33 77 58 M 7544 70 47 83 30 1.48 40 19 10 CENTS PER COPY 26 PAGES—2 SECTIONS' UNDERGROUND CABLE being laid onEast King Street In Boone bu been keeptav Southern Bell crewmen quite buey of late. Here, two men place dynamite charges to make the going smoother : on this sector of Bell's multi-thousand-dollar project in the highlands. This stretch between i'r Southern's central office In Boone and the intersection of Highways 421 and 194 will account for a $47,000 expenditure in replacing the poles and lines with subsurface cable. When this project is completed, local BeU manager B. B. Leaser says a $75,000 cable-laying project will start at tbs 421-194 lijttraection am} go all the way to Deep Gan (Staff photo) : ■■paya.y.ens r»tpaj!indg iw-nea WS \»ri4>;asp,s»sta^i|-^.»,*r i, Krt • V. • ;> Appalachian-Band To Give Spring Concert On Tuesday \ ■' r‘ Appalachian State IWw* itty*i Concert Band will pre sent Ha spring concert In tee -■<£ auditorium of 1* G* Greer Hall J at 8 p» m. Tuesday, April 1. I Gtv Election t Coming In June $'* The Boone Town Board of Aldermen will hold a special , session atCtty Hall, 7:30 Thurs day night to fln*ll,l> plans for *> the city election Tuesday, June They set Saturday, June 14, 'i as challetve day and Saturdays June 7, May 31 and May 24 I; as registration days at last A. week's meeting. Thursday they will discuss the present three-man board a Art man board. Rag i lstrars and judges will be ap . pointed during the April meet ■ h*, according to Mayor Clyde I Greene. ■ ! & , ijfvfcjf &S ?yia“4 ri ’i Janies M. Cola, assistant Dean of Academic Affairs, will conduct the band which la un der tbs direction of Charles L. Isley, Jr. The concert program will In clude the following selections! Under the Double Eagle (march), J. F. Wagner (ar ranged by L. P. LaureodaaiOt Prelude to Act V of Opera King Maitfred, Carl Relnecke (scored by Eric Osterllng); Morning, Noon and Night Over ture, F, von Suppe; Block M (concert march), Jerry H. Bilik; My Fair lady, Freder ick Loews transcribed by Rob ert Bussell Bennett); and Mili tary Escort In Five Ways, a novelty by Henry Fillmore, Members of the University Concert Band are; Margaret Williams, Greg Baldwin and J. B, Hodges cf Boone; Debbie Whitehurst. Bet sy South worth, Sam St, Clair and Jon Howell of Charlotte; Betsy Etheridge, Wally Brown and Judy Hoffman of Salisbury; Wylie Hammond and Unas. Trip Home Smashed By | IViolent Wind Stortn foils* H rUf'e! -vo ‘ :?.A# • V1 :?<7 ,* fr. ■ ><! W '•'vw.' Tto local chapter of the American Bad Croat la try Inc to help a family "tone home waa wrecked by Srniday nlght'a wind. „ The Bee. Harry Vance, pea tor of the Meet Camp Bajdat Church and ARC dlaaater chair am for Watauga, laid the 13 fay 36 foot home of Mr, and lira. Willy Norwood waa blown over and tta roof raised SO r'to 75 feet up before the wind dumad H on tfaa gnxad abate iV" M *J I He aaid the couple, their aev aa and flte-year-old aona aim 15-montha-old daughter were In the home when the houae be came “}uat about a complete Voea." Mlraculoualy, they ea eaped eertoue Injury. "We hate already located faeda for them and material la needed to replace the roof and repair the houae If the tlWIiir-* Bed Croat la imaUa to the allotment." He Mid he wderstood re quest! to assist a single house hold often cannot be mats lx* that he nee In touch wUh the 'national office, hoping some assistance can ha had. Meanwhile, Mr. Vance said a man who owned an old houne in the path at a new aid elope at Sigar Loaf Mountain is alio w tag the Norwoods to occupy it. Mr. Vance lnreetigated the aitiwtton Monday and MS going hank Tueeday. He said local help can be used immediately and each donations made out to Bed Croat tor tide purpose will he tax deductible. In (pdrlea may be made of Mrs. ^Goldie Fletcher, exec utire sec ratary of ARC, in Boone. The family** ueuable pot sessions are a oouch and chair, Vance eaid. The couple and their three children were residing li *» area knowe as Norwood Vll. •eg*. left of Lenoir; Ann McDougle of Pelxer, Gng Wilson at For est City; Joim Terry and Earl Howard of Durham; James Campbell of Hickory; Roger Pinson of Hudson; John McAl Uster of Raeford; David Brook* of EUenboro; Eddie Fink of (Continued on page two) Head-On Crash On 421 South Injures Five A two-car head-on collision Saturday afternoon at the 105 321 intersection resulted lntl, 100 damages and slowed traf fic for nearly an hour. James Cecil Berry, 20 of Rt. 4, Boone, was charged by Boone Police Officer Mont Thomas with failure to yield rlgU-of-way after he had at tempted to make a left tun from Blowing Bock Road onto N. C. 105. He pulled Into the path of a 1957 Chevrolet driven by SWU mar Lewis Crawford, aga 30 of Hudson, N. C. who was traveling toward Boone on Bb>w li« Bock Road where the can “injund were Mildred Shipley, 23, and Kelley Wndres, age 2, both of Hudson. Also Judy Berry, 27, Douglas Berry, 2, and Jeffery Berry, 0 months. All wan treated in the emer gency room at Watauga Cotady Hospital and released. All Interests Represented ; In Organization Relation! between Appalach ian State University, Boone and Watauga County are expected to improve through the work of the Comnuailty-C ampus Relatione Committee formally organlxed Friday night. The S 5-member agency elect ed James Marsh af Boone as chairman with Bob Snead as trice-chairman! Sybil Alexan der as sec rotary and Jana Smtth as publicity chairman. Marsh will head the grotgr’s efforts to assure better conk tnunlcatlons among city,, cam pus and county groups and to Isolate problems facing the eommiadty and determine what can be done about them. While the organisation has no official powers, It will make recommen dations to the proper agency upon reaching a concensus. The committee comprises five business people from Boone, five appointed by the Boone Chamber of Commerce, five from the Appalachian stu dent body, five from the Appa lachian faculty and five were named by the Boone Board of Alderman and Watauga’s Board of Cptatty Commissioners. - m tmwm uw cj-iawi ror •'yieaentatlon to CCRC, the of ficer* will be u ilitad by Join Mnyhjm, or. June* Graham, A. T. Adame, the Rev. Bob Young and Jack Stone. The committee1* Initial stay to promote understanding and Communication will be sponsor ship of * program to be pre*enU ed to the Boone Chamber by the Appalachian Student Govero ment A* sociatlon. Alao, mem bers of the local law enforce ment agencies will be asked to present a program to Appalach ian students. The new organisation offic ially was formed Friday in a session held to the President’s Dining Room to the ASU Cafe teria. Informal planning meet ings tad been held previously. The full CCRC membership 1st A. T. Adams of The North western Bank; John H. Bing ham. attorney at law; Dr. Mu Dowell of the adversity faculty; Dr. Lowell Furman, surgeon; . (Continued on page two) JAMES MARSH, c (airman of the Commmity-C ampul Rela tione Committee.... v/A'.V.ViV* PAVEMENT PROBLEMS—Regular weekend snows and fTeesing ! temperature# lava ripped and torn tha pavement on many Boom atraeta and acenaa such aa (tala early morning shot down Faculty Street are not uncommon In the area. Tom Hall aaya that It will coat a ''considerable anount" to restore the streets to proper condition. Damage to this particular section at pavement mu due to Improper drainage, according to a town bell spokes man. Ha mid ttwt an effort will be made to elevate this section to provide proper drainage and that other streets will be re paired as soon as possibles He said that Cost and amount d work to be done have not pet been determined. (Staff photo) Resort Area Ministry To Fill Religious Needs Of Visitors "The church hu something to My to people while on their recreation time.” And ao the Resort Area hOnla try waa formed In the Watauga area to meet the reUgloua neede of tourlat and othera aa they enjoy the lelaure and recrea tional opportunttiea in the county, according to the Bay. George Abele. Mr, Abele haa headed the worh Gty Auto Tags Must Be Bought Before April 15 Boone Police Chief Ed Har mon raid Monday that motorists Uvtig within the town limits who hare not registered their aido mobiles with Town Hall must do «o before Tuesday, April 15, These people must purchase a town tag at Town HaU. Harmon said that after the . 15th, citations will be issued to drivers whose cars do not display the town tag. Cost of the tag is $1. In establishing » ministerial service tor the ire* ski slopes and the camping arau so that visitors may hays an oppor tunity to worship while away from home. The program was unified tor the drat time last year. Before then It had been an every-man. for-Hmself setup with minis ters working independently. The program Is interdenom inational, Mr. Abele points out that Christianity la “personal and not denominational.” •PLAY’ TOGETHER The ministry has taken on a new sound to a familiar slogan families should “pray together and play together.” On the ski slopes along with, Mr. Abele have been Baptist minister Ronnie Boswell; the Bar. Larry Campbell, a Luth eran, and the Rev. Barrett Gil more, a Presbyterian. They have held worship ser vices for alders. on Sunday morning before skiing time, rolled around. At the Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross, where Mr. Abele Is Rector and also director of the mission school, services were held each Sunday morning this put winter tor skiers at 7:30 In the morning. Fifty to 75 were usually at the services. "These people wanted to wor ship and we wanted to give them an opportunity," he said. The program is not limited to the ski slopes. This summer, a similar program is planned for county campgrounds. It's de finitely a year-round thing, ac cording to Mr. Abele. He is quick to emphasize that the Resort Area Ministry works independently of the Wa (Contiflued on page two) Kitty Falger Will Spark Carson Show Beech MnnwHIn gki pro Kitty Falger will appear on the Johnny Carson Show Wednesday night, March 26, with Jerry Lewis T*»~Hng in (or Carson as emcee. This will be Mrs. Falger*s second appearance on the late* night program and her mission again will be to point out the essentials of skiing. Her first appearance went so well that a short skit developed into a long one. That program took place just before she came to North Carolina’s Beech Mountain. Kays Gary, representative at the mountalntop enterprise, says a February Tonight Show spot was dropped because the ■bow ran longer than expected, Haviig billed her in advance, Carson apologised and set a new date in the first week of March, But by the third of the month, Carson "had been moved tern, porarlly into the smaller studio while the old one was being re modeled,” Gary says. The aid deck built for Mrs. Falger’s ski demonstration was too large for the omaller quar ters, But this week’s date is expected to be kept. The beautiful Mrs. Falger, whose husband Willi directs the Ski School at Beech, haa attract ed all the news media in pro moting Southern sklinc. r,\ I 20 Wataugans Die Of Cancer During Year &l;V \ 't,~ r U «■-, f - • f Although cancer hold* the number two ipot in Wataige County among the major ceuaea of death, the chance of eurrtr fcv a battle with the dlaaaaa la batter now than It ever woo. Today, ooa out of three etc. jtwie la being cured, occording go cancer apeclalleta. And that ratio could be rained to one out of two, they aay, If erery. on* now a ptayeletan when the flrat lynvtoma appeared. Interest In (Mr findings, re eled at the National Canear Coherence In Denrer, la helgb tened by the fact that naxt month has been designated '’Cancer Control Month." n The cancer figures tor tbs local area, and the »*y they compare with those tor other sections of the country, are. brought out In the latest annual report* the U.S.Phblic BaaUh. Tiny show, among resident* el Watauga County, a Mai of 30 death* in the year from the various type* of cancer. Not included are cases In the local area involving non-resident a. It was equivalent to a rate of 115 cancer death* per 100,000 emulation, as against 154 per IWJOOO in the United States as a whole and 114 in the Slat* of (Up to cigarette imoklng, Ian been receiving more attention ttan the other forme of cancer. Tide bee been due to the rapid Increase In lung cancer mor tality. with 55,000 victims in the pent year, mostly men, the death rets Is tan times what It was $0 years ago. The official figures show that long cancer caused It percent of all cancer death* in the UdM Staten and 17 parent la the Slate of North Carolina, ^ In Watauga Coindy, the report ahowa, It nan reepooelhle tor none of them. Slowly hot rarely, progreaa in being made in eoping wtth certain forma of cancer, ac cording to the National Cancer New drug* and naw combine, ttooe ot treatment have booeted tba lunriral rata In easaa In. volvlng cancer of the colon, rec tum, cervix and breast, Aa to lam cancer, however, there hat been little progress. The five-year ear rival rate to (till under 10 percent. UidM the circumstances, the recom mendation to "stop smoktog.**

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