NO DISHES The lout hastens, looking fort way to mtc on dishwash ing, could take a tip trom mem ber! at t Johnston County Ex tension Homemakers Club. Following t demonstration oo petfood, the hostess semd fliVn chips. But she dldltEag Ush Style; in cooes made at news paper. No muss, no fuss, lira, Doro thy Johnson, associate bone economics Extension agent. GfftS THAT KEEP GIVING. Gist bulbs as gifts, Mrs. Sahdra C. Brown, home eco nomics Esteoalon agent, Wash ington County, advises. St you do, a child can taka pride fat watching a bulb that be planted Or newlywada a - their yard with the I gw them. Nest tlma you're invited to e golden wedding anniversary; celebration, lira. Brown sag—; gents you tie up 50 golden daf fodils In gold paper and at tasb a gold palntod bulb digger. Bulba are a gift that keep on gtelag, aba points out. NEVER BE HUNGRY There's noOdng like haring a variety at food inane’s treax er, battens lire. Sam Sherrill, a member of Rowan Comty'a Extension food eomndttea. So in her freexer she hat the usual foods grown In the fondly garden, plus game bagged by her husband, whose hobby Is Farmers Will Get Tax Forms Ahead Of Time GREENSBORO, It C^ttoot three ml Moo IMS Federel In come Tax farms for America*! farmers and fishermen dll be sent to them sromd December 1, a moolh earlier than anal, the . Internal Reveuue Service an nounced tod*.'. All other tax payers sdll receive their packages about Jaggery 1. A first for Internal Revenae, tan eartjr nadUng Is an attempt to assist the tanners and fish- . •naan In taking advantage of options open to them in filing retane and faying their tax, IBS officials said. Fell mated tax forma. In a separate package, aiU reach turner* end fishermen abotXtha same itata, hi previous years, the estimated tax torn* were Included in thelneometaxpaek a choice of filing dates; flap may elect to file and pay to itfi an nrtlmtvl tax dedin ttoa by January IS, 197®, and IBs an income tax retarnlgr the April 1$ deadline, or they may eisct to file only an tn eoms tax return by Febrtmry It and pay the tax doe edth .Uka the other 77mmhmtax peyere eipented to fils tax retiree lor 19W, tarmere and fialnraian nlU be eaiag the Den tannine tax torm 1048. The form, whtab replaces both the old form 1040and the1040A, >0 a one page, basic form to Currently Mrs. Sherrill Is looking for a recipe for ground hog; Mrs. Louise P, Slade, home economics Extension agents reports. The ground hog was Sam’s latest contribution to the fondly larder. Mrs. Sherrill admits she nor er knows what Sam will bring in after Ms hunting expeditions. But she agrees that Sam la Using up to expectations. On her wedding day, Ms uncle told Mrs. Sherrill, "Sam will oarer 1st you be hungry so long as you’re married to Mm," IT TAKES TIME Education can he a slow pro cess, but ereetually what la fought la put Into practice. About six years ago, Mrs. Sarah T. Jones, home econo m lea Extension ipnl, Wayne County, did a tailoring work shop. She (treated the Impor tance at preahrinUng all alp para. One homemaker recently told the agent, "It took me four year* to put what you raid into prac tice, but now I wouldn’t think of putting a tipper into a gar* nat without preshrinking it,” Several other ladlee admitted it took them a loot time to fol low the advice, too, hut now they're glad they did. ’ QULUNG STILL ABOUND K one tUnka qpnutwg in § thing of the peat, be'a wrong. For >1 Scotland County women receidly turned ad for an »U day quitting party taught lor Mrs. Ana Idury Thomaa, an active Extaneion homemaker. XI Gibson Martin And Fender I Guitars Guitars from $29.95 up . Over 106 Instruments To Choose From Top 100 in Popular and CountryRecorda ALL TYPES OF LONG PLAYING albums "Everything Musical!” DIXIE MUSIC SHOP JcmB C. UMa-Owucr * Ifaaagtr . Bum, N. C NepM NtWl 12-4-Sc Values In Repossessed MOBILE HOMES 5 To Choose From - 2 & 3 Bedrooms Assume Payments - Already Financed ALSO t«.*• Mtn. City Trailer Sales Mountain City, Tenn. The ladle* Ahi*t taelda a «dtt> lx* they did ban tha teaclxdqaea for making patch work and rarerae applique pU low«, notaa Am M. Bnamll, home ««aal. Thay alao acraad on two tUaga. Outs Onea tha pillowa war* finished, they would be need strictly for decorstlTS purposes and oot fbr every day uae, Two: Considering tha woklmM, t paraoa woaldtBvatoba“jv«t-< tjr apodal'* (a rote • ptfelmoifc or mm appUgao pillow bom then. ... SHAKE RECIPES ff there bu been an increase In recipe teeting in the Albe aaurlo Am, there’s * reaaoo teH. Members at FasguotaakCoai fr Ertsralon Hnmemekers Ch&s reeeottjr coctrlbuted over aOfloT thdr tearite recipes tar use In the third edttloa ct tbs toeol newspaper cookbook. ■■ .■? . ... Bi addition to mrldlnr money tor the council trensary, lbs “recipe imp" gare dob mem ben e chance to share recipes they liked with others, sayl Hrs. EUs B. EUnids, borne eco oomtoe Frtenelon net CABS AND SAFETY The Department otTranspor totton bee released a report eboatnc new automobiles here ladled an aterage at one In nine safety tests. Holiday Specials Apples $L75 Bushel 'i. Delicious, Stay man, and Rome Beauty* Valle Crucis Mission School Call 264*3050 ii-n-te Santa Says: “Thu Little Book j Is The Best Way ! I Know To Say. .. I ' i li t »■ -V ‘ • ’■ ' ' >tn -'W' -*■}',. ^ ■ .9' .-’, :--VW * i-W4s-fc .v ■* & $[■.&> ’■■ f.-5^:rsntc '. -. ' i- ' ■ ': > » ' ■ > . # U 1 ! '■ :/-'l 1 : - ;. ■■■■ »>■ P' '«!•<