SHADOWUNE EXPANSION—Production tea begun In the former warehouse »m «t the Sbsdow Mne pint In Bdoob, Tte shipping facilities at tbe pint were moved to ■ lAngantoa plant, Staff Shadowline Expansion The Boone plant of ShedowUne, Inc„ hu completed in in-plant aapanelon program tbatcalls for the swantnni addition of 100 regu iar employees. Rant Mauger Hal Johnson ■aid the nHtHniei employees will be housed in the plant area formerly occupied by the storage and shipping department. The shipping department hu been transferred to the Morgan ton plant, Johnson said, provid ing the local plant with an addi tional 10,000 swarefeetoffloor space for production. This represents the fifth ma jor expansion cf production area ■Inna the plaid was started as an hdut training project in 1957. A 10,000-squre-foot ad dition for production la pro jected tor 1970. The present egauHnn calls for toe addition of employees In three steps—50 new em ployees fay Jan. 1, 1970, 25 In January and 25 la February. The Boone Shadowllne opera tion employees some 500 peo ple, all in toe production of women’s sleepwear, lingerie and panties. . Johnson said toe transfer <& toe shipping department to toe parent Shadowline plant in hlor gaition will afford better ser vice to Shadowline customers. The Shadowline line is one of the leading brands of women’s wear In the nation. Johnson said that In-plant training will be provided all new employees. The in-plant expan. sinn Hill add some *232,000 to the plant’s present annual pay roll of nearly *2 1/2 million, Johnson said. The Boone plaid began its operation in Goodnight’s cab* bage warehouse when Shadow line came to Boone in 1957. Later that year, when it moved into its new, 12,000-square too* plant, it had 21 employees. Shadowline was started in Morganton in 1940 hy Sherrod Salisbury. The Boone plant is its sole branch. BltlHIJlrurrm,,.. Grant To Help Upgrade Existing ASU Computer Terminal Facilities ’ - ' \" A two year grant bom the National Science Foundation will enable Appalachian state Uhi verslty to employ computer techniques to streamline learn* iig in each of its 26 academic departments. The grant provides $16,944in NSF funds which will be com bined with $21,500 tromtheunt veraity to upgrade existing oom* puter terminal faculties on the campus. Through the new computer equipment to be rented with the NSF funds, faculty and student research problems can be fed through two IBM 1050 computer terminals at Appalachian Into the sophisticated computer facili tie* at the Triangle Universities Computation Center. Reside will then be wired back to the local terminal instantaneously. Director of the project is Clark Trlvett at ASH’S mathe matics and computer science faculty. Explaining the new fa cilities, be said, “The terminals and key punch Installations will aid instruction in any campus department by providing data collection, computation, or stored curriculum program ming. “literature students, for ex ample, could use s word and phrase bank through the termi nal to trace the Influences of one author upon another. And students In eeonomlea could we toe computer to help them make tnteal management de cisions," Trlvett continued. In addition, tfae grant Kill facilitate tfae teaching of com puter oriented mathematics to Appalachian freshmen and will make possible a new course In Computer Calculus tor tfae Mas ter's Degree Program In Mathe matics Education. 17-MILUON REFUGEES There are non 17,318,320 ref ugees in toe world—almost double toe 1964 number—ac cording to a report preparedfor toe two-day National Conference on World Refugee Problems. I Grand Opening I H"ew Record Shop^ I Low Christmas Prices ——Free 45 s—— While They Last Records Posters Order PANASONIC & CRAIG Equipment BAND AID RECORD SHOP : - 219 Kims Street Auto Tags Arrive v-rfJP'" -dm* A total of 15,698 North Caro lina auto tags for 1970 bars ar rived in Boone for sale at the Chandler of Commerce’s auto license bureau. Mrs. Barbara Ragan, bureau manager, said the tags are ex pected to be put on sale Friday Jan. 2,1970. , Tags for all automobiles will be $14 each tor 1970. This is a $3 increase over the current price.■ Tags for 1999 ranged from $11 for most cars to $14 for heavier cars. License tag prices were upped tUa year tor the legislature to provide more money for the . roads program, Mrs. Ragan said the 1970 license colors will be red on During the latter part cf be-' e ember, the Department of Mo- . for Vehicles mill mall out regis tration cards to be used for the! purchase of 1970 tags. Any per son who does not get Ms cards «fc.ring that period should write the motor vehicles departmeo*. Singer for Christmas ^^^^Complet^Sn^^Inge^’roducts: I New Sewing Machines..from $69.95' Mew Zig Zag Machines from $99.95 roy Sewing Machines..—...$16.95 roach & Sew Models _from $149.95; i-Track Stereo Tape Players —.-...... $69.95' Complete stock of 8-Track stereo tapes all Top Hits By Top Artiste Reduced from $6.99 to $4.40 3bod selection of nsed sewing machines' from 119.95. Sewing Baskets, Caddy’s, Scissors, Electric and Battery Pinking Shears, Notions. Gifts For The Whole Family. , , - OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS ’til 9 P. M. j OTHER NIGHTS ’til 7 P. M. . ‘ Lenoir Sewing Center j 306 East Harper Ave. — Lenoir, N. C. j 963-5622, Watauga Exchange 11-27-Se \ SHOES BY Village* Heel 8^ Flats ■ Edith Henry Heda Lady Bostonian For Her At , Christmas / 'smut eve Wrapped Up A: Very For Him At Christmas ( SUITS Sport Coats as Featured In PLAYBOY r IUC ” OTBIIJ JUUp UUU U1C Cupboard join forces to wrap-up a “His” and “Hers” Merry Chrit mas for every taste and every budget. Corbia Hubbard [Coordinates Sweaters. Dresses Sportswear Pendleton •*mlubidml>rilnkm : High Fashion BOOTS c^cvix v! SLACKS .Otz-tfoore & Damon Sweaters John Romain Bag* > Lingerie yjuretto ■ Hogen/Forraftt suruenec* sturts — him ana nettieton Snoes — Kolf wallets A Pocket Secretaries — Socks — Ties—Belts BRITISH STERLING - BRVT TOILETRIIES Varsity Mens Wear EAST KING STREET - BOONE, N. G