VOL. LXXXII—NO 24 BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18,1969 10 CENTS BOONS WSM 9* ® Le Prw. Wmmm wai. Dee. 0 37 M tT 14 Dec. 10 30 38 M m3 Dee. 11 41 31 US 40 7 Dee.ll 3731 47 m It Dee. 13 40 30 44 tt-ia. 08 31 Dee. 14 40 30 40 40 U Pee- 1» 33 33 43 «4a. — 28 PAGES—2 SECTIONS m , SHERIFF WARD CARROLL, oo white hone anil two unjdMtMari hnr«.m~. n Chrilt,n“ l*ra«le along King StreeTsSrtwSSST . ■ ^ Wto to onjoy the brigtt float*, the maretaliv band! and ;w***A. V.. v, •*■■ fJlTf *** Bptta w »Peet»eul«r.«uIar. (Pinto ■iMr Above State, National Average *? tit •■•■■'■ *.'•■ ' ‘v-/.. «••.,». (S», . **■ .. •-' '■m I kf »ooo« Nearness Of Christmas ns Sorrow Of Chilli : V it weren't go near Christmas, Utile mw. Bsum gardner of ZloovUle wouldn’t feel the loss of hit Ideal . so mush, - t , Uke is the five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baumgardner. They burled BUI, MJce’1 pony Norember 19. To Mike, BUI was a "gentle little pony" win tad a special manner with lime boys. He asked Us mother to write the following: " . . . BUI tad lived with us for years. I loved Mm dearly. He was not only good to ride, he could even cul tivate My daddy’s tobacco. I not only rode Mm when daddy worked Mm, but outside work, he loved me and I loved Mm." Mike explained that BUI bad bean shot. Ha tad a simple, five-year-old otestton, "Was it an accideta or was it intentional? K it was an accident, please come forward and tell us. We can imderatand." ■ - t Wtth Christmas almost here, the lonesome feeling gnaws deeper In Mike. He bed It from some mighty reli able sourees that Sects tad planned to bring Mm a saddle tor BUI. Mike concluded Ms note with a plea tor the tndh about BUI’S gunshot wound, “We ere not tad, we will forgive you aoSsntswUlbringmeanew pony and saddle." '• # ; ,• T .v v & ' ;; r*| j/* v •v*,^ Jurors Selected •' For Court Term *5% •„ ■ vvoj . The Jury list for the Jaau-' ary 18, 1970, criminal see •Son at Watauga County Su perior Court was announced s, tlds week tor Orville Foeter, . . elerk at Superior Court. 1' Judge W. K. McLeenm, Aabevllle will preside. The Jury lint follow*: Boyd Hannon end June* B. of Rotte J, VU•, . Us; Jeeele L. Mooreof Boone; : Bolrad Jofaoaoo end Mrs. George M. Suddrtkh, of How- ^ .3. ii« Book; G. D. Barnett at Boone; Stooley Lewis Bowlin | at Route 3, Boone; Eetel Wag of Boone; David Bingham at St«ar Grove; Boyd Jamee Cook Route 2, Boone; Monroe Crttcbar and Jcfleraon Max Dbon, both of Boone; James Greer of Route 2, Boone; Rap L. Medlln of Boone; Robert Wajne Thomas of Route 2, Trade, Toon,; James Putter Jr. of Deep Gap; Charles El mer Aldridge and Dillard Reece, both of Route 1, Ban ner 12k; Harold T. Kattmu, *f Route 3, Boone; Lana? Be*. > era Glam of Sugar Grove; R'.nuttmd on pane {a$ Some lndiuiloii of the eco nomic growth that has been taking place In Watauga County la recent yean cornea fromthe gorernmant'a new Cam* of The surrey, wMchconeerns Itself primarily with retail business development since 1963, when the previous sur vey was conducted, shows that there was a 40,1 percent rise in sales locally In the sub sequent four-year period. Tbe pragma that was mad* la Wi direction exceeded ea pectation. K mm believed tint the war In Vietnam, the ten alone of the domestic scene, V the increase In taxes and the ' rising eostof living would have j caused consumers to cut down appreciably on thairspendliv. Nothing seems to hare stopped them, however, . As a result, the tales vol ume In local retail stores rose $7,327,000 In the four years. Fart of this Increase was due of course, to higher prices for merchandise, — " Watauga County's 40.1 per cent rise compared favonthly with the rise chalked up In many sections of the cation. In the Uhitsd States It was 27.0 percent and In the Stats at North Carolina, 33.6 percent. Related to tbe local popu lation, the retail sales repre sented a spending rate of IV 508 per fondly. Thu was wall above tbs figure elsewhere IB the Udted States, $5^03 par fondly.'. ,' Nsarty amjr phase at r*. tall business partidpated la til* growth u the consumer, encouraged by steady employ, moot riling wages, t record backlog of laving* and pan* ■Ion and soda] security pro. taction, gave fra* rain to Id* ■pending, A* a consequence, retail (ton* sold uor* and batter clotting, finer furniture, more ears, boas ahold equipment, electrical appliances and food. The balk of this demand was supplied through tbs 183 retail outlets listed Inti* local ana. Tbs 637 mcnand woman an> ttojed tathsee stores and tbs ■in of their payrolls kept pace with the Increase In business. The Census Bureau's fig ures show payrolls rose In the period to 12,456,000 from the former total of *1,491,OOOper Preliminary figures tor I960 ImHcata that the American economy Is still on Its up ward course, but at a slower rate of growth than In 1068. The buying public appears to be waiting for a resolution of the Vietnam war and for a check on inflation. y, Burley Mart To Gose For Yule Tbe Boone Burlagr Tobacco market eloeed out it* pre Christmas sale* yesterday (Wedneaday) with it* eight* let on ule* of S million pound*. The market will re-open on Monday, Jan. 5. Local warehouaes will ha open during the holiday* to ac cept tobacco tor future (ale*. 'Stanley Harris Sr* *ale* supervisor of the Boone Tofaao co Board of Trade, said that Monday** sale* totalled 334,000 pounds, pushing the season’s total to some 2,634,00" pounds. The Boone market, wMeh registered an opening day mrursga of 673.54 on Monday, Not. 24, closed out Monday’s sale* with an average of $67.48. Harris predicted the local mar (Eonttnued on page two) JOHN T. WINKLER Thos. Winkler Is Given Area Highway Post Join Thomas Winkler, SO, * resident of Boone, has been promoted to tbe position of Area Maintenance Engineer, PaulDu Pre, state maintenance engineer announced today. Hinkler will take the new post on January 1, succeeding Janies H. Counclll wbo Is retiring on that date. A native of Watauga County, Winkler Joined the highway com mission in 1940 and has been with the state ever since ex cel* tor tour years spent in the U. S. Army (1941-45) where he attained the tank of staff sergeait. During the years he has risen steadily through the ranks and since 1958 has bean s district engineer with head quarters In Boone. In Us new position he will oversee malntenencein highway divisions No. 11, 12, 13 aid 14. which embraces the section at North Carolina from Gaston and Surry counties west. Winkler Is married and he end Mrs. Winkler lave two children. They belong to Beene Udtsd Methodist Church. More Travel On Parkway fraval on the Blue Ridge Parkway during November wee up 41,>8% over November a year ago, according to figure* released by the National Park Service. During laat November 708,130 Individual vlatto were tallied aa against 498,730 In November 1988. The calendar veer 1969 oompared to 1968 indicated an Increase ad 8.8%. 4 The breakdown of the November travel by dlstricta Hollowa, the drat figure In each ease bell* tor 1969. Mm second 1968; James River, V*., 91,118, 68,739. Rocky Knob, Vk. 170,434; 133,519. Hue*, N. C. 86,734; 58,179. Asheville, 859,856; 236^93. 4$; '■% ft. - • .yii y ’’fe. •• ' Colorful Procession 4 . iw, 1 Arrival Of Santa Chilled Crowd Gathers For Annual Event The Christmas shopping sea son officially arrived In Boone Saturday whena SO. minute-long parade otfloats and bands usher, ed Santa into town. Sponsored hgr the Chandler of Commerce and staged by the Boone Parks and Recreation Commission, it was one of the most colorful processions ever staged through downtown Boone, j The array at 51 entries be. i gan moving westward on King g Street from Horn In the West ; Drive at 3 p. m. Recreation Department Di rector Jim Hastings said the parade, heeded by Sheriff Ward Carroll, reached Its final block on Wect King Street, 50 minutes later. Assisting Hastings wereNel ! «» Storie and Mark Hodges. | O. D. Barnett was parade mar. i Jimmy Kllgo of WSOC-TV In Charlotte mi honorary parade ■narahal. He me accompanied *hUfive Kllgo Glrla at Kilgo's K wan a chilled crowd that lined the sidewalks in down tom Boone as the 3 o'clock marching time approached. But a chilling wind tailed to hold heck the glee on children's faces as the imtts marched by. Hastings Issued a public “sincere thanks to everyone who had a hand In the Christmas parade. And we’ll work toward . an even ldgger production tor nest Christmas season.” he said. Yule Trade Is Said To Be Good Boon* mere bants »re report ing brisk sales as tbe Christ mas shopping season gets Into full swing. Most at them Interviewed are expecting gains over last year’s business. One merchant, a clothier, re ports more Christmas shopping by students than in previous sea sons. However, he notes that men’s suits are moving slower than before. "Sales are going good," at one department store. "Up to expectations ... no week spots.” Another department store notes that sales are a "little over last year.” "Customer*,” he said, “went quality. They’re a'little more cbooaay in their selections, and they don’t com plain abort prices.” A haidware-sportliv goods merchut says this Chrlstoas volume is "One with us. We’ve shown a little increase so far. We’re well satisfied." A men’s furnisher reports that sweaters, ties and fancy colored shirts arc movli* rapidly. He says “tiMsVre a lot of lookers” for larger (team, such es men’s srtta. ...■■ i mui \\ MMliJUjillMi MMED PRESroENT—Fonner Got. Terry Sajdbrdfms been named Pre«U«tjaect ot Duke University. He Is pictured here with Mrs. sanlbrd during dedicatory ceremonies last summer o* the Terry campus***”* R°*e S its delivery in theenvlrons I ahead of Christmas day. The Democrat asks that all contributions and ad copy be In hand by Friday, at this week. Only hart, news copy can be handled l Monday morning. ' There will be many* r Christmas greeting ads Ini > the edition. Ihny of these 4 1 have already been soldi y Advertising solicitors may] not be able to see every * business place. Kyou aren’t, resiled on shortly let us, > know. Advertising copy, art , and messages tortheseads' are supplied without cost.' Whan the edition Is mail ed the staff at the Democrat win take Its annual bull*, day (or the rest of the, week. However the business office will ba open dally,' except Christmas Day and' Saturday tartl noon. ,v? &