WATAUGA DEMOCRAT «■ An Independent Weekly Newspaper ... EightySfcond Yearof Continuous Publication VOL. LXXXII—NO. 43 BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA, THURSDAY, APRIL SO 1970 Apr. 21 08 50 Apr. 22 74 OS Apr. 23 77 57 Apr. 24 71 51 Apr. 25 Apr. 25 68 46 Apr. 27 74 52 47 10 CENTS OA T> A PPO A OP/YWAMO asasaaas smses e CONGRATULATIONS—Governor Bob Scott congratulate* Dr. Herbert Wey aa Dr. W. H. Flem monB, Appalachian's retiring president, prepares to pass the mace to the new presided, Hie mace Is the university's symbol of presidential authority. Qudderth photo) Marilyn Harmon Is Winner BREMCO W asliinglon T rip Marilyn Harmon, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Howard Harmoncf Sugar Crave, and Junior at Wa tauga High School, has won an expense paid trip to Washington, D. C. In convention with stu dents from other high schools in Watauga County, The contest^ sponsored by Blue Ridge Elec tric Membership Corporation, is open to the Junior classes of .11 the high schools In the coun ties where Blue Ridge serves. Contestants presented brier speeches on the subject, “How Rural Electrics are meetingthe Challenge In Member and Com munity Services," and selection d a winner was madehjrapanel of Judges based primarily on the contestants' knowledge of the subject, adthconsiderattongiveo to speaking ability, personality, appearance and poise. Contestants were Roy "Eddie” Furr, FfaU Ginn, Miss Ikrmon, and Miss Patricia Wil son all of Watauga High School. Judges for the contest were Mrs. milan Danner, Mrs, Marian Simpson, Mrs. Nora Wilson, and Mrs. Jean Rucker. As s participant In the 1970 Rural Electric Youth Tour, Marilyn will join coldest win ners from cooperatives all across North Carolina In Ral eigh on Jine 15, and following a get-acquainted luncheon win travel by bus, to Washington, D. C. where they will visit sites of historic Interest and seethe nation's Government in action. Events planned for the week, long tour mclude a visit with the State's Congressmen, a ton ed the FBI building, a boat ride on the Potomac, visits to the Smithsonian Instihde, Custls Lee Mansion, Arlington Cam*, - MARILYN HARMON ‘ v tary, the CaptfcJ, end possibly an opportunity to visit with the Preside!* at the White House, The Rural Electric Youth Ttour to Washington is a pro gram through which electric cooperatives across the nation hold contests and send the win. ner to Washington for the week’s tour. North Carolina and Bine Bldge Electric have participated In the program lor four years. Other contest winners over Blue JUdge Electric’s system are William (BUI) Foster, Wilkes; Jotany Lee Irwin, Alle ghany; Rodney Lee, Caldwell; and Wilton Dillard, Ashe. Watauga Second In State In Rate Population Gain The Caroline Population Center, UNC-C taped Mil, In it* latent study of per-county population growth In North Carolina Hats Watauga County's population at 23,585 as of last July 1, The center arrived at the figure by taking the 1960-Census popnlatlnn of 17,529 and calculating 3,236 births against 1,439 deaths for foe period and adding a net migration of 4^39. The increase from I960 to 1969 is 6,036, according to foe statistics. The increase in non white population from 1968 to 1969 is given as 319 as against 328, Watauga’s population is broken down Ido age groups, also. More than 6,700 are 17 or yomger; more than 9,500 are in foe 18-44 age gnxvi and foe remainder are 45 years or older. In terms of the annual rates of population growth in North Carolina tor foe eight years beginning in 1960, Watauga’s rate of 3.35 was second only to Cumberland County, widch registered a 5^5 rating. The third couidy on the statewide totum pole was Orange, with a 3.31 rating, Mecklenburg registered 2.88 for the period. Petition Officials On Pollution A petition to be presented to tbe Goman at the too Carolines end President Btohard Nbon ms passed April 22 In I, G. Greer Auditorium, Tbe occasion mi a Circle K Clot) program featuring the am. BasU WUtener at Gas. ImiU will tbe tint eonununttj1 side screening at the stuta* produced Him about poUidtonln Boone. Tbs petlthay according to State YDC president Bob Bag. ham, la a 'Tbst*. Ha told tbs IMbJinnaa creed tt ess a ear to bring < air, water, land and nolee pol Intion to the attention of «t«te officials and the President. The petition called for all la we to be strictly enforced and asked for research and legi slative action on pollution prob. Among those In the audience who signed was Mrs. Basil Whttener. Also, Bingham explained his new program, Voliatiears for Victory, In which students are ■led to work In the party of their choice “to elect candU dates to office In the fall.-' Inaugural Statements ■ V ''-r-v ?.$k .V , . f ■ ,Dr.Wey See Innovations At ASU Guidelines Are Suggested By Chief Executive At Dr. Herbert Way’s Inau guration in VkrsityGymnaslum, North Carolina's Governor Bob Scott suggested some guidelines tor Appalachian State Udver •ity. And the university president in Us response tor the inaugu ration. made recommendations to the State. Excerpts from their GOV. SCOTT—“In all your planning, determine to keep a sense of community on this campus. As you grow take the lAmoat care that you do not des troy the richness of the personal relationships that have meant so much to earlier generations at Appalachian.** DR. WEY—“In connection with costs of higher education. I would strongly recommend that the State restudy Its present policy of having students pay the cost of building dormitories, cafeteria buildings, student union buildings, and health service facilitiee," He said this la a factor that Is rocketing the cost cf higher education and unless held dowi^ “will price thousands of cap. iahie ywmg men and women out of our Institutions of higher education," GOV, SCOTT—“Select very consciously the areas m which you propose to concen trate your efforts, and then in those areas see that you attain excellence—-not excellence fay North Carolina standards or for Southern standards, but excell QContinued on page two) BOB DENTON WHS Student Named Head Of Area Congress At the annual Western Dis trict North Carolina Student Council Congress held April 17 and 18 at Watauga Mgh School, Bob Denton was elected presi dent tor the ensuing year. Student councils from 38 western North Carolina cowtles were represented at the an nual convention. Bob Is the son at Mr. and Mrs. Robert DeMon at Boone, be Is vice-president at the Wa tauga highStudentCouncll, vice president at the District Beta Club, editor at the Rowderhom fthe school paper), and chair man at the liter-Club Cowell. Also, Bob is a member at the varsity track and football teems. Kecetkly, Bob was selected es a Junior Councilor at Mare uni tor the North Caroline Student Cowell Workshop. About 300-oid-af-oounty rep resentatives were guests in the homes of local students widle they were here tor the Coiw frees. Bob's campaign workers gave a surprise party for Mm that Saturday MgM, America the Beautiful? asked the banner borne uptown during last week's Filth March. Appalachian men and women took a breather In front of the courthouse before marching back to the campus for the burial of an internal combustion engine^ It was hard work putting the point across, but they did it. Staff photo) Earth Day’s Positive Approach Gather Trash In Town The work was hot and the march long, but it said loudly the concern of Appalachian State University students over the air, water and land pollution of the mountains. They started on campus the morning of Earth Day, April 22, relieving the duck pond of accumulated litter and collect ing garbage from Boone Creek, Into which they found sewerage draining from a pipe under the bridge. CIV Hall was alerted to the situation. At mid-campus, they piled debris under the banner of the American flag; Students for Action collected glass bottles to ship back to the manufacturers; handout materials covered population and pollution In full —a mimeographed reading list was Included; and a public ad dress system failed to drawthe expected lumber of speakers. To that point, Sterling Nelson spoke. “From all Indications, as of noon this 22nd of April, this campus has manifested It self In what I dare say Is Its usual manner. "I refer to a flagrant display cf apathy, by and large. It Is true that there has been a consider able effort on the part of a few to clean up the Kraut Creek and the duck pond, and as we look out onto the mall, we see a rath w.vMV/.VAw.hV.y.y/.y.yy.y.v^A. | Inside . . . p 8 Candidates 1 In Saturday’s | Primary | More About I The Student I March 1 Sample Ballots er large amount of garbag< (collected), but not enough,' A Raleigh native. Nelson con tinued • 'It Is unfortunate, bu true, that we are witness in* another example of tokei action,'* About that time, Howard Line berger took up the microphone “Pollution is the Americar way,'* he shouted as students filed to and from classes, “II you cant do anything else, yen can salute the old Flag here," Nelson: “He could break up a camp meeting in nothing flat," And Lineberger explained the booming voice and strength o1 conviction were passed down to him from a backwoods, meet ing-camp ancestry. BIG TURNOUT In view of the limited man power that turned out for the morning cleanup, the so-called Filth March through Boone was spectacular. From the university athletic ; field began the protest-rally march of a crowd estimated at towards of 300. Many wore sur gical masks In protest of air 1 pollution. Before the start. B. K. Dor sey. a Republican candidate for the Couiiy Commission, ey plained to the crowd North Carolina’s litter laws. Back at the field. State YDC preside* Bob Bingham advised the group . that “The same brains, the same . technology that has produced this pollution,’’ can reverse the trend. Heading uptown, the crowd was led by Quinton Wacks who . gave megaphoned instructions to students to fan out on side streets In the trash hunt. They came westward on King Street, splitting off on ntrdiiv Cherry, College, Appalachian, Grand Boulevard, Depot and Water itreets—and regrouping. In front of the county Court CContlnued on page two) Gomel Stolen Sunday Night A 1960 four-door Comet was eported stolen Sunday night rom a parking lot on Appa. ic hi an Street, The Boone Police Department eceived the call at 6*17 p, n. The light blue car, which bore Florida license plate, is owned y Cora Grimes at 1681 S. reenwood St* Clearwater, FIs, The license number of the rtolen vehicle is 4D-10385, 13,340 Cans And Bottles Ttat’i wtat ambitious flfth grade studeids cf Mrs. Nancy Cagey garnersd In their cleanup pro gram. Saturday before last, they spread out la Boone. the surrounding area and their oun nsl^. borboods. Just after school on Earth Day, April 22, these members of the class paused brUOy bdbre conUnutis their campaign In which Mrs, Cdfey said "Brerybody took pert, erarybody worked.” In all, they picked up 13,340 cans and bottles. FIto of the A»alacMan Oamadary dwhrwJ students collected over 1,000 each: Mary Leigh Denton, B*by Bus, Kathleen Oise, i Bead and Donna Clark. 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