Watauga Democrat ifir?i VALLEYS, MOUNTAINS, "oceans white with toam”—North highlands beaity, Land Week begin* Saturday and elite and Carolina has that rare claim of coastal, low country and mom- Individuals are snoouraged to go on the rampage against road tains within her state borders. And mountainous Watai«a County olds, streamslde and gutterllne Uttar in the oounty. (Staff pinto) rune nose to nose with other western N. C. eotndies tor scenic. County Residents Urged To Take Part In Spring Cleanup Regardless of whether they have affiliated with the couifor cleanup program under People for the Land, county resUeds are urged to take advantage of Land Week for a spring house cleaning throughout the county. litter will be the target of the May 16-23 program, ac cording to Keener Smathers and Rosalea Seyauer, who are co ordinating the week’s activities. ‘•We have trucks available," said Smathers, “If people will call 264-9162." Tte city has agreed to keep tbB Boone dump Dr. Snipes To Return To His ASU Class Room Dr. Thomas Snipes, chair man of the Department of Psychology at Appalachian State University since 1966, has resigned from his post to re turn to full-time teaching in the department next fall. Snipes, and Ed. D. graduate of the University of Georgia, stated that his administrative duties had separated Mm from the college classroom and that he “wants to get back to the students again." Under Snipes direction, the department has grown from a staff of five faculty members In 1966 to 18 In 1970. Snipes also was Instrumental In the recent establishment of an M. A. in General Theoretical Psychology In Ms department. He has helped to develop graduate degree program In clinical psychology which has been submitted to the State Board of Higher Education tor approval. EB. THOMAS SMFES County Schools Out May 30th Wataicahi Ugh eehool ana atomaofeu? hOI go home Car laminar vacation U1 Saturday afternoon. May Mu Da Banralaraata tor gradu ating aaolora la being acbadulad tor StxxUy, March H with grartiuttor aaardaea aat tor Friday Ught, March M. Tha dataa are given by dead of Schoola, open until sundown Saturday to accommodate collections at Ut ter and trash. The cleanup campaign at the Mountaineer Rurttan Club be gan Monday and wUl culminate this Saturday with a wiener roast beginning at 7 on the grounds at the Cove Creek School. The Mountaineer Rurttana are urging all homes and businesses In the Cove Creek community to rid themselves at unulghBy ob jects this week and put on a new face for summer. The Town at Boone stUl will 'bo-operate with Individuals wishing to have attic and base ment refuse hauled off, but calls must be made to hall to arrange for trucks. It could not be confirmed by presstime whether People for the Land will be able to go ahead with a plan to give out pine seed lings. Smathers said Monday that the group wxdd have to ob tain refrigerated seedlings, which could Survive plnnHng this late in the spring. If it works out, pines for screening and general beaigl ficatlon w&l be distributed from a table located In Boone Satur day. Land Week siwporterg hope, said Smatbars, that many Indi vidual projects will be taken Isolated mosrtaln region beyond the Hue Bldgs, In flat westward movement many Bap. thrt Floaters earns to what Is present day Watauga Cosaity. Sana at these pioneers fossa! • sew home hi the New Riser •action wtfle other* moved westward ii*o Tennessee and Kentucky. Governor Tryon was largely responsible for tbe exodus of Baptists from tbe Jersey Settle ment, Sandy Creek, and Ala mance sections of North Caro lina, 19s persecution of Baptists after tbe Battle of Alamance was tbe beginning of a Baptist devaloptnet* In otbsr areas. The Three Fork* Church, established November t, in 1790, was a result of tbs mlg ration of Baptists to the New River section of Wilkes County, now a part at Watauga County. The Three Forks Church was instrumental in establishing many new churches and it even tually became the mother at an erkire association of churches In the New River section. The church set up rigid stan dards at conduct for its mem bers and eypeeted them to live 141 to the standards. Church dis cipline was the one moral force that exerted a powerful influence on the Baptist people In the Three Forks Church and the oth er Baptist churches In the area. Three Forks Church has been fortunate In having Us first church books preserved lnthelr original copies. They are now very valuable and are sate for future generations. An anniversary revival will be conducted in the church May 18-25 with the Rev. Eugene Byrd as the evangelist. Tbs Trail way Quartet of Boone will make several appanages te the ear vices, A two-weeks Vacation Bible School program will have ma jor emphasis In the anniversary celebration Jime 1 through 12. Aug. 2 is anniversary day in tbs church program. Former pastors will bring messages from God’s Word all day and one service will be conducted in the open air on the original church site near SoUh Fork New River. The original church ml is das will be on display. ■nor* then In tbe put. The following remedial ooursea are available: Reading -Reading tor grailaa one through eight. TMa oourae la tor atudenta who need to Im prove In reading. Emphasis will be placed on phonics, word analysis and comprehension. Spelling and Writing—SpaUlng and writing wUl be cOared to those who need to Improve wrtU ten expression, hand wrltlnK and spelling. How to Study -How to study la a course tor ettber enrich ment or remedial work. Students in grades six through eight will receive Instruction In note taking, outlining, organizing material and developing good study habits. The following ooursea will be offered for enrichment. Art for studeits In grades five and she will Include work with pastels, charcoal, poster points, tree sketching and wire and paper sculpture. American Heritage for pupOs In grades five through eight is designed to extend the foun dation for American Heritage through the study at the lives cl great men and women who have made algntfteut contribu tion to tba American way at ({Continued on page two) 1U0 Are Needed To Spend Night At Court House WANTED: 100 people Sul lies with children, etcj to Un from supper Saturday rigid law tQ breakfast the mod morning In the basement of the Watauga Coiadgr Courthouee, Eat, apart tbs night, art again -all part of a mock-up at an actual afar raid planned tor May 23-1^ Join Trivette, director of Cfarfl Defease, tolls the Demo crat tbis neck that more than a doxen people participating to drU defense need training in an air raid attiafirm. Therefore, the moefc-rt to planned andwliadeera are need ed. Supper wOl begin rt 7 Stone toy rigid, Those irdnnatoil to turtbar lrtorinaticn are lmltod to call Trteette, stoose efBaa number to to the Boone dtreo lory mder Watauga Coarty,