Population Watauga County 22,660 10 Year Gain 29.27% Boone 8,566 10 Year Gain 132.39% 1970 Preliminary Census Report WATAUGA DEMOCRAT An Independent Newspaper Serving The Northwest Carolina Mountain Area Boone Weather 1970 Hi Lo Prec. Snow '69 Hi Lo Dec 15 46 25 32 22 Dec. 16 37 28 30 1.5 31 24 Dec 17 39 31 40 35 18 Dec. 18 59 35 43 16 Dec 19 53 31 39 26 Dec 20 52 44 Tr. 31 20 Dec 21 27 32 16 83rd YEAR—NO. 25 BOONE, WATAUGA COUNTY, N. C. THURSDAY DECEMBER 24. 1970 10 CENTS 44 PAGES—3 SECTIONS nh it came to pass in those hays, that therr luent out a hecree from (lleasar JVngustus, that all the tuorlh shoulh he taxeh. 301 (auh this taxing toas first mahe Uiheu (Cyren ins tuns governor of ^uria) 313131 J\ith all loent to he taxeh, ebery one into his oluu city 31V J\nh Joseph also tuent up from Or>alilec/ out of the city of JCnzarctlj, into 3Fuhacn, unto the city of Uabih, fahich is callch Vrtlilrlirm; (be cause he Inns of the house anh lineage of Daliih:) H (To he tax eh faith -itfary his espousch faife, being great faith cfyilh. HI31 Anh so it fans, that, fahile they lucre there, the hays lucre accontplisheh that she shoulh he hc libereh. Anh she brought forth her first-born son anh farappeh him in sfaahhling clothes anh laih him in a manger; because there faas no room for them itt the tmt. 313131 JVtth there fctere in the same country altcp herha ahihing itt the fielh, keeping tnatrh ofrer tl|eir flork hu night. 3IX J\uit, lo, the attgcl of the ^torh rantc upon them, atth the glory of the Ulorh shone rotttth about them: unit then lucre sore afraih A Aith the attgcl aaih unto them, not: for, hcholh, 31 hrittg you gooh tilings of great joy r tuliieh shall he to all people. r N3I for unto you is bant this hay in the city of Dntiih a ^abionr, lahich is CCbrist the Ulorh. X3I3I Anh tliis sljnll be a sign unto you; ^|c shall finh the babe Ittrappeft in stwahMing clothes, lying in a manger. X 313131 Aith subbettly there litas luith the angel a niultitube of beabenly host praising (fiob, atth sayiug/ X3R1 Of>lory to (£>oh in the highest, atth on earth peace, gooit twill tolnarh r ^ Peace is not an illusion, an unattainable, centuries-old dream of mankind. Peace and joy exist as surely as love and compassion live within the hearts of men of good will. War, prejudice, oppression and evil; these are as old as the history of the world. They feed upon greed and ignorance; they persist because some of us are too weak or to indifferent to care about what happens to our fellow man. But there is peace in this world. There is peace and joy in the character of men and women who pursue that goodness of life which elevates mankind above the level of the primitive animals with which he shares this planet. Love, compassion—and faith— these are the God-given gifts that make mankind stand tall among his earthly contemporaries. Because God so loved the world, and with compassion for the sins of mankind, God gave forth His only Son, to live upon earth a life of highest example. The life of Christ was lived in a spirit of love and compassion, and was faithfully dedicated to the will of God. Because the Holy Child was born at Bethlehem, and so lived among God's people, every man can find an open door to peace and contentment, in this world and in the next. Because Christ came, the Christmas comes once each year to fill our hearts and our minds with inspiration and with hope. This Christmas, let love, compassion, and faith guide you to a meaningful awareness of the spirit of Christmas.