|Bt these columns will be j§9Bn i m Tor the postponement™! j an l l court .Jg|| This newspaper is circu lated in the territory where Advertisers will realize good results. 'hi iir jiHdiTMiinM—r $1.25 Per Year PROSPECTS BRIGHT FOR GOOD FOOTBALL TEAM I Coach Henry House Ex pects to Have Plenty Good Material In an interview with Coach Henry House of the Edenton High School faculty this week, he appeared to be very optimistic over football pros pects at the local school the coming fall. He was unable to say whether the school will enter conference foot ball or not but feels sure of having a very strong team to represent the, school. A practice will be called shortly after the opening of school on September 17 and plans laid for the coming season. The squad this year will be minus the services of William Sexjon and Lloyd Hobbs. Both boys added great strength to last year’s team,. Sexton in the backfield and Hobbs in the line. Air. House was unable to say this week if Tom Hoskins will be back to school or not this year. If | Hoskins fails to return Co-vh House: i will find it difficult to replace him, 1 New equipment is expected t;>'v ■ | purchased and everything points to ward some good football for local fans this year. i Among these expected to r-- pert for football are: Edward Wozelka, Melvin Layton. John By mm, Vernon Spruill, Raul Spen.ce!', J;.-k Satter j field, Richard Rogerson, Worth ! Spencer, Bill iL.nvß, Clyde Cates, | Calvin Sexton, '-Lance- Baffla'p and doubib'-s pinny i.tliVp s as-or school opens. Teachers To Meet With Supt John A. Holmes The Edenton high and g:aded school building is now being condi tioned for the opening of school on September 17, All teachers .have been notified to attend a teachers’ meeting Saturday, September 15, at the school building with Superintendent John A. Holmes, at Which time the organization will be perfected and plans for the coming year discussed. Every teacher is urged to be present. Mr. Holmes is very well satisfied | with the faculty, it being the same as last year with the exception of Miss Carrie Mae Hooper (now Mrs. Meekins), who resigned. The local school was allowed one less teacher this year, so no teacher will be se cured to fill the vacancy caused by Mrs. Meekins’ resignation. Prospects appear bright to have a very success ful session. County Commissioiuprs Postpone Tax Sales The Chowan county coimni .-.doners Monclay ordered that .Sheriff C. A. ! Boyce advertise ..all; property for de linquent 1933 taxes on the first Mon ; day in November and sell t' • -ame | on the first Monday in Decemln «■. The regular time for advertising j delinquents on June 1 and the sale on July 1. was postponed as the com missioners desired to make it less ; burdensome, on the. tax payers, and. i held off the advertising and Sale un j til the first of' November and Decem ber respectively. '' / " The commissioners had intended to [advertise October 1 and sell Xovem ; her 1, but due to the large number of suits , now pending for unpaid taxes,, j they decided to extend the time limit ! one month in order to allow some re i turns on the peanut crop. The sale will positively not be post- I poned any longer. Methodist Revival To Be Held October 8-18 I A revival meeting at the local [ Methodist church is being planned 1 for the week of October Bto 18. Rev. ‘ C. D. Barclift will be the preacher and Rev. C. E. Vale will lead the singing. Rev. W. F. Walters is very anxious that the congregation and friends of the church prepare for the meeting and attend as often as possible. “THE GREATER NRA” TO BE DISCUSSED RADJTO Charles F. Homer, Special assist ant to the NRA administrator, will speak over the Columbia Broadcast ing System, Friday, September 7th, from 9:45 to 10 p. m., Eastern Stand ard Time. His subject will be “The Greater NRA.” Everybody is requested to tune in on this program. FIREMEN TO MEET Ederton Fire department will , jAnr monthly business meeting ifaHijiiSrt: 7:30 at thefire station. , 1a i flHrcpi v t every!