I Mpund 0 |tfr presentation w%J local md county news ft -■■■ _ - PTolnme I—Number 157 Jidenton Wins State Class B Championship M Through Sea n Without Being Scored Upon The East met the West in Kenan Stadium at Chapel Hill last Friday afternoon when the Edenton High School football team, Eastern Class B champions, defeated the Reidsv’lie High Sfchool team, Western cham pions, by the score of 6to 0. By vir tue of this victory Edenton has won the Class B championship of North Carolina for the 1934 season. Not «nly has the local team won the State title, but it TiaS gone through the en tire season wjthmit a point of any kind being scaWp against it. What maleii record even more the fact that during the season, excejitwben games were “in the bag” and substitutes sent in, only 13 men shouldered the tremend ous amount of work necessary to Jhgfig V such an enviable record. The squad has been extremely fort unate in having few injuries during the 10-game schedule, the most seri ous of which was when Jack Satter lfield's arm was broken early in the Mearnn He was able, however, to larticipate in several games before She close of the season, substituting lor Calvin Sexton, regular tackle. « Although the squad contains few ■ particularly outstanding stars, Coach Henry House, farmer University of North Carolina star, has developed a smooth working combination well .versed in every department of the •game. It is the best football team ever to represent the Edenton High Sfehool and one of the best ever pro duced in the Albemarle section, as ■well as equal to any team to contest ibr the State Class B championship. Reidsville was a worthy opponent, mjf called for the beßt efforts of the local boys to held them in check, several times threatening, to score and Jbeing the only team during the sea *ton to be able to make as many first downs as the Aces. Reidsville made IB first downs while Edenton reg istered 9. Despite inclement weather, a large crowd of Edenton fans journeyed to Chapel . Hill to witness the champion | ship tilt. A chartered bus paid for by loyal Edenton supporters also carried about 60 members of the (Continued on Page Two) Popularity Contest iij At High School A popularity contest is being stag ed in the local high school. Two girls and two boys have been chosen from each class and entered into the race 'qW candidates to be voted on as to whom is the mo3t popular student in the high sfchool. A penny has to be | paid by the student for every vote cast on his favorite. Seniors chosen to enter the contest were: Clara Meade Smith, Saintie White, Bill Harrell and Worth Spen- . cer; Juniors, Mary Elizabeth Cates, Dolly Spencer, Reuben Miller and John Martin Harrell; Sophmore3, Hattie Williams, Mable Ruth Harrell, Esmond Forehand and Wendell Cope land; Freshmen, Jennie Ruth Mc- Ailey, Mary Forehand, Louise Smith, Rod, Durwood Harrell and *ruden Honored . iov. Ehringhaus nden on Tuesday was hon (overnor J. C. B. Ehring , haus by being appointed to the State Historical Commission, succeeding Robert Lathan, editor of the Ashe ville Citizen. Mr. Pruden’s term will ( expire April 1, 1937. REPAIRS WILL BE MADE AT THE COUNTY HOME a . A number of repairs will be made , at the county home, according to or , defi of the County Commissioners, j Fwho met'in regular session Monday, ■tagairs to be made include the smoke j [Bouse, jail barn and shelter covered lyith roll roofing, new floors and new Utaors to be put in the colored inmate , [Home and fire places to be repaired, raiie toilet for colored inmates will be 1 njLumii n.l|l n ,1 Vi niv am a whi fp.wra thrrl i I RViWvfi " WRwllvU | Commissioners at Mon- i . l to in- r THE CHOWAN HERALD A HOME NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CHOWAN COUNTY S. E. Morris Chairman Board Os Education S. E. Morris was elected chair man of the Board of Education to fill the unexpired term of Thomas W. Elliott, who died November 23. Mr. Morris was named chalirman at a call meeting of the board last week. /. The regular meeting which was scheduled to be held Monday, was postponed, the group to meet at the call of the new chairman. Ed Bond Post To Stage Oyster Roast Dec. 18 The Ed Bond Post of the American Legion at its meeting Tuesday night decided to hold an oyster roast as an incentive to boost their membership. The affair will be held on Tuesday ! night, December 18, the oysters to be steamed at Oglesby's Pressing Club and served in the plant of the Cho wan Motor Company. The commit tee appointed to have charge of the oyster roast includes C. D. Stewart, J. E. Jackson and J. N. Oglesby. All ex-service men are invited and urged to attend this affair, and as special guests the Legionnaires will invite the Edenton High School State championship football team, and their coach, Henry House. W. W. Byrum, commander of the 1 post, is very anxious that former members enroll as well as ex-service men who have never affiliated with the Legion.-r-JnsF- as soon as all .have been can vassed Copunander Byrum-intefinS t-© have a big joint meeting with the Legion Auxiliary, as well as other affairs that will add to the interest of the post’s activities. Service Leagues To Give Christmas Gifts The Senior and Junior Service Leagues of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church are planning for the distri bution of Christmas stockings to un fortunate children of the city again this year. Leaders in this work are very anxious to get an early start on this work and urge all who will do nate to the Christmas Stocking Fund to do so as soon as possible. Miss Sarah Jones heads the Senior Service League, while Miss Helen Badham has charge of the Junior League. Either of these ladies will accept donations, as well as will Miss Louise Coke at the Municipal Build ing. County Officers Sworn Into Office Monday County officers who were elected at the recent election took the oath of office during the meeting of the County Commissioners Monday morn ing. Richard Dixon, clerk of su perior court, took the oath before a notary public and officiated in swear ing in the other officials, which were as follows: Commissioners Julien Wood, W. H. Winbome, J. A. Webb, A. D. Ward and A. C. Boyce. Register of Deeds—Maurice L. Bunch. Judge of Recorder’s Court—J. N. Pruden. Prosecuting Attorney of Recorder’s Court—W. S. Privott, Jr. Treasurer—George C. Hoskins. Julien Wood was reappointed chair man of the board and W. D. Pruden appointed county attorney. C. E. BYRUM’S MEAT MARKET CHANGES PLACE OF BUSINESS C. E. Byrum is now moving his meat market from his present loca tion to the Hines building, recently vacated by Goodwin’s Quality store. Mr. Byrum has been at the old stand abont 14 years. The interior of his new location has been painted and altered, and he .plana to have a first class stand to serve his customers. He expects to be ready to do business in the new place the latter part of this week. MISS CALDWELL HONORED BY SERIES OF PARTIES A number of parties are being ar ranged in honor of Miss Nolle Cald well, whose wedding will take place in Dillon, South Carolina, on Decem ber 26. Among those already plan ned include one given by Mrs. W. J. °C G^in^n’&iturda 116 - Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, December 6,1934. PLANS FOR NEW RELIEF SET-UP STILL UNKNOWN BY LOCAL ERA WORKERS Central Office Will Be Located at Eliza beth City Nothing definite has been heard here concerning changes that will take place due to the headquarters for this section of the North Caro lina Emergency Relief Administra tion being established in Elizabeth City. The administration as an econ omy move is reducing the number of headquarters in the State from 104 to 33, which for this section means that Elizabeth City has been selected as the most central point of six counties including Chowan, Perquim ans, Pasquotank, Gates, Camden and Currituck. This change in set-up will result in fewer peoplye being employed. At present each county has its corps of workers and when the new arrange ment goes into effect it i 3 expected one set of officers in the central of fice will perform the work now being done by separate groups. At pres ent, for instance, there are six ad ministrators, six disbursing officers and six project engineers. Under the new plan just one of each will be employed, with headquarters in Eliza beth City. Mrs. C. P. Wales is now adminis trator for the Edenton office; W. E. Baker, project engineer and Minton Dixon, disbursing officer. Mrs. Thomas O’Berry will make the ap pointments for the new set-up, but late Wednesday her choice had not been known. It is expected that the change will be made by the first o the year. It is likely, however, that ( in Edenton will be placed one or two ca&eTlPOfkefS- and possibly clerical . help. Electric Signal To Be Placed At Crossing ’ According to a letter received by Mayor E. W. Spires from W. Vance i Baise, acting state highway engineer, an electric signal will be placed at • the Norfolk Southern grade crossing just beyond North Edenton. As this i work is being done by railroad com s panies, Mr. Baise was unable to state i a definite time when the signal would ■ be put into operation, but feels as sured that within a reasonable time the necessary installation will be 1 made at this point by the Norfolk, i Southern Railroad. | George Dail Sent To Goldsboro To Work George I. Dail, North Carolina State patrolman, who has been sta tioned in Edenton for the past three years, left Wednesday for Goldsboro, to which place he has been trans ; ferred. Taking Mr. Dail’s place here is Patrolman Arnold, who comes from Greenville. Mrs. Dail, who is employed in County Agent N. K. Rowell’s office, will remain in Edenton for the pres ent. During their stay in Edenton the Dails have won a host of friends, who regret the transfer of Mr. Dail. Chowan Red Cross Roll Call Needs 33 Members For Goal In anticipation of reaching the (250 mark, Mrs. J. N. Pruden, chairman of the Chowan chapter of the Red Cross, has not closed the Annual Roll Call which was supposed to end on Thanksgiving Day. She is of the opinion that some may not have been solicited who would like to Join this worthy cause. To date the drive has' netted (217 which includes both white and colored members, as well as two sustaining memberships of (6.00 each and a donation of (2.00. If there are those who desire to Join they should send their membership fee ((1.00) to Mrs. Pruden or to the worker in their locality. No report has been receiv ed from the county workers. The chapter la very anxious to reach the (260 mark, and only 43 dollar donations will put the drivo “over the top." Following are the names of those who Joined the Red Cross during the Roll Call: Canvasser—Mrs. P. S. McMullen: Mrs, H. C. Privott, Mr* P. S. Mc- Mullan, Cliff Satterfield, Mrs. H. M. S. Cason, R. D. DUon. Canvasser—jfnr. W. O. Elliott, Jr.: J. L. WigKjds, Mrs. Walter White, Mrs. Prudm, Mrs. G. K. Attack, Arrangements Completed For Election On Cotton Measure Henry C. Goodwin Shot While On Hunting Trip Henry C. Goodwin, prominent Cho wan County farmer, was seriously injured Tuesday afternoon when he was accidentally shot while accom panying a party of bird hunters in the Brayall section of the county. Mr. Goodwin received a full load ot shot at close range which penetrated his body from the waist up. His most serious injury affected his right eye, the sight of which he probably will lose. He was taken to Dr. Kim mon in Norfolk, an eye specialist, Wednesday morning. The accident occurred about 3:30 Tuesday afternoon when Mr. Good win was directing Fred Smith, W. S. Privott, Jr., and Caleb Goodwin on a quail hunting trip. He was in the rear of the party and as Mr. Smith quickly turned and shot, the victim was directly in the path of the dis charge. Mr. Smith was greatly affected by the accident and Mr. Goodwin was said to be getting along as well as could be expected as the Herald went to press. Scoutmaster Ready For Boy Scout Applications John W. Graham, the newly named scoutmaster in Edenton, is now ready to receive applications for member ship in the Edenton Boy Scout troop. Up to yesterday 10 applications had been made by boys, and it is expect ed the quota will soon be reached. It is the purpose of Mr. Graham to organize only two patrols of eight members each, with boys of Scout .■experience having- -tks--Ere?e?ericer Any boy desirous of joining the Boy- Scouts should get in touch with Mr. Graham in his office in the Bank of Edenton building. At a meeting held recently with committees from the Rotary Club and the Ed Bond Post Frank Holmes was named as assistant scoutmaster. It is hoped to have another meeting either the latter part of this week or the first of next week, when further plans of organization will be discussed. It is expected the local troop will affiliate with the Norfolk group of the national scout organiza tion. Successor Named For Miss Nelle Caldwell Miss Rebecca Colwell, who has been teaching home economics in the Sampson County schools for seven years, has been named to succeed Miss Nelle Caldwell, Chowan County home demonstration agent, who will be married December 26th. The se lection was made by Mrs. Jane S. McKimmon, State home demonstra tion agent, and Miss Pauline Smith, district agent. Miss Colwell, who is very highly recommended, is expected the latter part of this month to take up her duties among the women of the County. Her ratification by the County Commissioners is regarded as a certainty. ■ !■■■■■ » I C. A. Ashby, Mrs. E. R. Conger, Mrs. i C. S. Vann, Mrs. R. C. Holland, Mrs. i William Badham, Miss Mary Pruden, Miss Margaret Pruden, Mrs. S. W. Taylor, S. W. Taylor. Canvasser—Mrs. Earl Goodwin: Mrs. W. A. Graham, Mrs. W. O. El liott, Sr., Mrs. J. H. Conger, Mrs. J. A. Moore, Mrs. H. G. Wood, H. G. Wood. Canvasser— Mrs. W. J. Daniels: W. M. Wilkins, J. C. Leary, W. J. Harris, J. C. Dail, Willie Crummy, W. J. Daniels, Mrs. Graham By rum, Mrs. T. J. Etheridge, Mrs. Wood Privott, Mrs. R. R. Roper, Mrs. W. E. Bond, Mrs. Lilly Bond. Canvasser—Mrs. S. M. Morris: Mrs. James Boyce. Canvasser—Mrs. George Mack: S. Hobowaky, Mrs. S. E. Morris, T. C. Byrum, Lyn Byrum, Mrs. Cedi By rum, C. R. Lee, Wilmington, N. C., Earl Goodwin, W. S. Privott, Sr., Dr. Wallace Griffin, O. M. Elliott, John Elliott, Mrs. Henry Jenkins, Mi3B Emma Byrum, Mrs. Lee Moore. Canvasser—Mrs. J. G. W6od, Jr.: Mts. Thomas Elliott, Mrs. J. H. Holmes, Mrs. J. G. Wood, Jr., J. G. Wood, Miss Sophie Wood. I Canvass^— Miss Katharine feg- -A I MAIL EARLY! j k :— * The usual suggestions have been sent out by the post office depart ment regarding Christmas mailing. There will be no mail delivery Christ mas day, Tuesday, December 25, and the department urges mailing to be done early to insure delivery before Christmas. The local post office will make every effort to handle the Christmas mails without congestion and delay, but owing to the enormous volume this can be done only with the co operation of the public. Circulars have been distributed by the local office giving information regarding mailing of packages during the holiday season. Supt. John A. Holmes Appreciates Support John A. Holmes, superintendent of the Edenton Administrative Unit, in appreciation of the support given the Edenton High School football team during its championship drive, has sent the following letter to the Herald: December 4, 1934. Mr. J. Edwin Bufflap, Editor, The Chowan Herald, Edenton, N. C. My Dear Buff: We wish to take this opportunity to thank the press for its uniform courtesy and its generous donation of space in supporting our high school football team. We are not unmindful that a part of our success is due the public for its whole-hearted support throughout " eason ' support we are speak its continuance. While our thanks go to -the entire citizenship we want especially to thank Mayors E. W. Spires and Je rome Flora of Elizabeth City for organizing this support. We also want to thank Mr. John Graham, who headed the committee that made it possible for our cheerio squad to at tend the final game at Chapel Hill. On behalf of the football team we want to thank Mr. James Oglesby for giving each player a cleaning and pressing job for a suit and also the Edenton Case for a free turkey din ner to each member of the squad. Sincerely, JOHN A. HOLMES. Miss Madge Pettus In Greenville Hospital Latest reports from the Greenville hospital are to the effect that Miss Madge Pettus is getting along as well as could be expected. Miss Pettus was painfully injured last Friday enroute to the football game at Chapel Hill when the car in which she was riding skidded on the wet highway and ran into a deep culvert. Her left arm was broken as well as the right collar bone frac tured and other bruises. The acci dent occurred near Robersonville, where she received first aid before being taken to Greenville. In the car with Miss Pettus at the , time were Mrs. R. P. Badham, her son, Dick, Jack Badham and a colored chauffeur. Miss Pettus, however, was the most seriously hurt. FULL BOARD PRESENT AT COMMISSIONERS’ MEETING The Chowan County Commission ers held their monthly meeting Mon day morning with a full board pres ent as follows: Julien Wood, chair man, J. A. Webb, W. H. Winbome, A. D. Ward and A. C. Boyce. The regular standing orders were passed for help in support. A dona tion of $5 was ordered paid to the Caswell Training School at Kinston. The treasurer was ordered to pay 610,000 bonds due July 1, 1932 and interest to December 1, 1934, and coupons due January 1,1935, amount ing to $6,647.83, including exchange •f one year’s interest on $6,000 past due bond due January 1, 1936. ROTARIANS MEET ? • Hie weekly luncheon of the Eden ton Rotary Club was held today at 1:00 o’clock at the Parish House. The program was in charge of the Classification Committee, of which O. H. Brown is chairman. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. John 'JDobson on Tuesday night became the proud par ents of j a bouncing bqg. Both thii newspaper is circu lated in the territory where Advertisers will realize good results. $1.25 Per Year k Cotton Farmers Must Vote Between 9 and 5 On Dec. 14 Plans were completed Wednesday in the office of N. K. Rowell for the election to be held Friday, December 14 to decide whether or not the Bankhead cotton act shall continue in force for next year (June 1, 1935, to May 31, 1936). Continuance of the Bankhead act means that a tax will continue to be levied on the ginning of cotton in excess of an allotment made to meet the probable market requirements. If the Bankhead act is to continue in operation in the next crop year the secretary of agriculture must first find that two-thirds of the per sons who have the legal or equitable right as owner, tenant, share-cropper, or otherwise to produce cotton on any cotton farm, or part thereof, in the United States for such crop year favor a levy of a tax on the ginning of cotton in excess of an allotment made to meet the probable market requirements. Cotton farmers must decide wheth er, in their opinion, the adjustment of cotton production under the voluntary contracts is sufficient to meet the re quirements of the present emergency. Cotton farmers have had one sea son’s experience with the type of control embodied in the Bankhead act. Numerous difficulties, obviously, have been encountered.. It is reason able to expect that, with more latitude in the act for the coming year, many of these difficulties can be avoided. But it is for the cotton farmer to choose. The voting places for Chow n County, and those in charge of t’.e 4follows: House, in charge T. Hobbs and W. A. Harr ell. f Yeopim Township —At Yeopim ( school, in charge of J. E. Brabble, , W. J. Goodwin and J. C. Boyce. Middle Township—At Z. W. Evans' office, in charge of L. W. Belch, W. H. Winbome and C. A. Haste. } Upper Township—At G. A. Hollo ' well’s store, in charge of A. D. Ward, j E. G. Blanchard and E. N. Elliott. ' 3 Ballots have been received by Mr. Rowell which will be sent to the vari ous voting places, where a list of eligible voter.: will be on hand to check off the voters as they receive their ballots. The time for voting is 9 a. m. to 5 p. m., and upon completion of the [ vote ballots will be counted by the county committee, from where the , results wiH be sent tc Raleigh. ; j The ballots are very s'mple, two 3 squares appearing thereon captioned “Yes” and “No.” Any voter desir -1 ing to continue the Bankhead act 1 Should mark an X in the “Yes” . square, and those opposed to the mea ; sure should mark the “No” square, 1 Masons To Have Past ! Masters Night Tonight ; Past Masters’ Night will be observ ed at the meeting of Unanimity ; Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., tonight r at 8 o’clock. This affair is always 1 looked forward to with a great deal , of pleasure by Masons, when the va rious stations and places are filled by past masters. A. S. Hollowell, master of Unani -1 mity Lodge, is very anxious that a large number of the members attend this meeting, stating yesterday that refreshments will be served. It is expected that F. F. Muth, who was recently made an honorary mem ber of the lodge, will preside over the meeting. METHODIST SUNDAY SCHOOL PLANS FOR CHRISTMAS The Board of Christian Education of the Methodist Sunday School met Monday night at the home of the pastor, Rev. W. F. Walters, on Gale street. Various Sunday School mat ters were discussed, as well as plana made for an attractive Christmas entertainment. Those present were Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Walters, J. W. Cates, Fred Smith, Mrs. S. X. Stephenson, Mrs. G. A. Helms and J. Edwin Bufflap. TO SELL SCHOOL PROPERTY Superintendent W. J. Taylor has been instructed to advertise the fol lowing property of the Board of Edu cation for sale: Hurdles school house and site. Walnut Hill school site^gtf Green Hall old schoo^

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