f I /« thest columns mU be •4 found a fair presentation '* to} local and county news I of general interest. Vohune I.—Number 16. iStores To Remaun Open Nights From Dec. 17th Christmas Seals To Be Put On Sale Friday Committee Will Make Thorough Canvass Of Citizens It According to Miss Emma Byrum, the annual Christmas sale of seals for the prevention and cure * of tuberculosis will be held in Eden ton and Chowan County Friday, De cember 14th. The sale will begin Friday morning at 9 o’clock, and it is the desire of the committee to solicit eve*? home in Edenton and all the schools of the county. Everybody is asked to cooperate ...by buying as many of these seals as possible and use them on all mail and packages between now and Christmas so as to .advertise these seals. | Seventy-five per cent of the money from the sale of these seals nremains in Chowan County and is /used to buy milk and provide tuber | cular treatment for the. people of f the county who are unable to provide treatment for themselves. The general committee includes Misa Emma Byrum, chairman, Mrs. R. C. Holland and Miss Mary Pruden, while Mrs. George P. Byrum heads the publicity committee. „ Following is the list of commit tees which will make the canvass for the sale of seals, 30,000 of which have been received by Miss Byrum: - y North Edenton —Mrs. L. S. Byrum s-and Mrs. M. L. Bunch. Queen Street Mrs. Clarence Leary and Mrs. C. D. Stewart. Church Street—Mrs. Lee Moore _ and Mrs. Caleb Goodwin. Granville Street—Mrs. M. F. Bond, Jr., and Mrs. W. B. Shepard. Oakum Street —Mrs. Arthur Hollo well and Mrs. W. M. Wilkins. King Street—Mrs. Albert Byrum and Mrs. Wm. E. Bond. Water Street—Mrs. Richard El liott. Eden Street—Mrs. 0. B. Perry and ' Mrs. Charles Hollowell. Gale J. G. Campen. Albemarle Street Mrs. Ernest White. Blount and Mosely Streets — Mrs. W. O. Elliott, Jr. Main Street, residential section— J. S. Davis. Main Street, business section — Mrs. George Hoskins and Mrs. Geddes Potter. Court Street and Colonial Square — Miss Frances Pettus. M. G. Brown Company-— Miss Wil lie Love Morgan. Edenton Peanut Company Miss Helen Goodwin. Albemarle Peanut Company—Mrs. Wallace Jones. Edenton Graded Schools, white— C. D. Stewart. Edenton Graded Schools, colored— Mrs. Fannie Badham. Chowan High School—P. L. Baum gardner. Upper Chowan County—Mrs. E. N. Elliott. Hotel Hinton—Mrs. Herbert Leary. Edenton Cotton Mills, office—Miss Mhrgaret Pruden. Edenton Cotton Mills, residential— Miss Estelle Rogerson. City White Schools To 4 Have Long* Vacation The white schools in the Edenton administrative unit will close for the Christmas holidays on Wednesday, December 19th, and will remain clos ed until Monday, January 7, accord ing to John A. Holmes, superinten dent. This cessation of school activities JmU enable teachers to spend the -holidays at their respective homes as ’well as allow a number of the stu ttents to work over the holiday sea- Tsupenor Court To Be Held December 17th The December term of Chowan Superior Court wifi, convene here on Monday, December 17. Judge Clay ton Moore of Williamston will pre- in a crowded docket is aS murder charge and a second de- IL murder case. In the former vwoy McClennyfcsfolored, is charged |Hh killing Wilfcam Creighton, while llHwood Standing, also colored, may stably face the latter charge in THE CHOWAN HERALD A HOME NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CHOWAN COUNTY i“ ” " Citizens Bank Pays Another Dividend Information was given out Wed nesday that another ten per cent dividend would be paid to Citizens Bank depositors. The payment of this dividend brings the total amount paid to date to 80 per cent. Depositors may secure their checks by calling at the bank, how ever all checks will be mailed as soon as they are made out Rotarians To Entertain Edenton Football Team A special meeting of the Edenton Rotary Club will be held Friday night at 7 o’clock in the Parish House, , when the Rotarians will entertain the members of the Edenton High School championship football team and those in any way connected with this year’s squad. This luncheon will take the place of the regular Thurs day noon meeting and President C. H. Wood is very anxious that every Rotarian be present to show their ap preciation of the excellent record hung up by the boys this year. The committee appointed to ar range for the banquet includes F. P. Wood, J. L. Wiggins, C. E. Kramer ! and J. N. Pruden. According to the committee there 1 will be plenty of music, fun and en tertainment. Music will be fumish , ed by Kenneth Floars Orchestra and Herbert Peeto, editor of the Elizabeth City Advance,, will be the principal speaker for the occasion. Return cards have been mailed to every Rotarian, which are requested to be returned immediately in order to know for how many to prepare. Former members of the club may also attend this banquet by getting in touch with C. E. Kramer or N. K. Rowell at once. Chowan Basketball Court Not Lighted The possibilities are that basket ball teams at Chowan High School will be obliged to play their games during daylight. Since the installa tion of the new Delco light system in the school it is impossible to furnish lights in the basketball court unless new wire is secured to reach from the school to the court, some distance away. Heretofore No. 14 wire was used on the old lighting system and it will now be necessary to use No. 6 wire. Superintendent Taylor at present hasn’t the funds to purchase the new wire, which woulcj cost in the neigh borhood of SSO, and unless the amount can be raised in some other way no lights will be furnished in the court. Red Men Attendance Is Still On Increase In spite of the inclement weather, a total of 49 Red Men braved the elements Monday night to attend the meeting of Chowan Tribe, No. 12. Interest in the attendance campaign has reached a high pitch, the attendance having been good for a month or more. Nine new candi dates were voted into the tribe Mon day night. Joe Habit, leader of one division of the lodge, is leading Raleigh Hollo well, the other leader, in the number of points, during the campaign, which will run through December. At the conclusion of the contest the losing side , will be obliged to serve a supper to the entire membership. Officers nominated for the new year were as follows: Prophet, O. H. Brown; sachem, Josiah Elliott; senior sagamore, Noah Goodwin; junior sagamore, W. E. Baker; chief of re cords, Raleigh Hollowell; collector of wampum, A S. Hollowell; keeper of wampum, W. J. Daniels. At the conclusion of the. meeting members of the tribe enjoyed a hot dog supper \fhich was prepared by Joe Habit. CHOWAN WINS The Chowan basketball team de feated Hobbsville last week 29-24. Fans at Chowan are very proud of the showing the team has made thus far, havingyyon all but one game. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, December 13,1934. , MM COLORED LIGHTS WILL BE USED IN BROAD STREET DECORATIONS Business Section Should Reflect Christmas Spirit Edenton will be appropriately de corated for the Christmas holidays, the business district to be decorated with 600 vari-colored lights which will be lighted each night during the holiday season. The lamps have al ready arrived and as soon as sockets reach Edenton the work of decorat ing will begin. The original plan of stretching the lights across Broad Street has been abandoned and instead the bulbs will - be strung from the light standards parallel with the street. This plan w'll be more simple and in the opin ion of many will make a neater ap pearance. 1 The decision to fall in line with other Eastern North Carolina towns i in decorating business districts dur : ing the Christmas season was reached 1 last week at a joint meeting of Town : Council and the Board of Public 1 Works. I The section of Broad Street to be decorated will be from King Street to • Church Street. i City Council Discusses Mill Village Sewerage At the meeting of Town Council r on Tuesday night the possibilities of putting sewerage in the Cotton Mill ; Village was discussed. At present - there is a surplus of service pipe on - hand which was left from the North I Edenton project and the city will i agree to pay for what extra pipe is l needed as well as pay for the engi neering service, which will cost SIOO. t Engineer Wyatt is scheduled to be I in Edenton today to confer with Mrs. • C. P. Wales, Chowan County admin , istrator, and town officials and it is i expected data for the project will be i gathered and the project submitted to Mrs. Thomas O’Berry, State ad ministrator, for approval. L .. I City Auto Tags Placed On Sale December 15 City automobile license tags will be | put on sale Saturday, December 15th, ; by Miss Louise Coke in the Munici pal Building. Automobile owners are urged to secure these tags as soon as possible. All city automobile own -1 ers must have their tag displayed by January Ist, at which time a checkup 1 will be made by the police and viola tors arrested. HENRY HOUSE RECEIVES | COMPLIMENTARY LETTERS | Subsequently to winning- the State i Class B football championship by the Edenton High School, Coach Henry House has received three letters, of which he is very proud and which have been placed in his scrap book, and undoubtedly will be reason for pleasant reflections m the years to come. The letters are from Governor J. C. B. Ehringhaus, who hails from the Albemarle; Lindsay C. Warren, of Washington, representative in Con gress for this district, and Stuart X. Stephenson, sports writer on the Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, who formerly lived in Edenton and did his first newspaper work here. The letters follow. Governor's Letter Raleigh, N. C. December 4,1934 John C. B. Ehringhaus Governor Mr. Henry House, Edenton High School, Edenton, N. C. . Dear Mr. House: ■ May I offer my congratulations upon the splendid success of your football team and the winning of the championship for Edenton. I am always interested in my Albe marle territory and this achievement of Edenton boys under your fine leadership has attracted attention and won confidence throughout the State. Please convey my congratu lations and good wishes to each mem ber of your squad. With all good wishes prsonally, ' Sincerely, J. C. 3. EHRINGHAUS. AIRPORT LIKELY TO BE CONSTRUCTED ON HICKS FIELD; RUNWAYS Edenton Would Be Ter minal In Proposed Mail Route Plans for the establishment of an airport in Edenton' are now in the making, according to Mayor E. W. Spires, who is very anxious that Edenton be placed among towns hav ing airplane facilities. A number of conferences have been held with John M. Guirkin, of Nor folk, Va., head of an airplane corpora tion, and another conference is ex pected to be held the latter part of this week regarding the matter. Mr. Guirkin is working oh a probable east coast air mail route and is anx ious for Edenton to have a landing field. It is explained that an airport could be very easily made at the fair grounds, it being thought that at a nominal expense two runways could be constructed. At the meeting of Town Council on Tuesday night a committee was ap pointed to confer with Mr. Guirkin relative to the practicability of an airport and the amount of work necessary to get the field in shape The committee, given authority to act, comprises E. W. Spires, G. M. Byrum, T. W. Jones and A. G. By rum. Prizes To Be Awarded For Christmas Trees In an endeavor to create more in terest in out-door Christmas decorat ing z and incidentally saving trees, City Council Tuesday night decided to offer two prizes for the best deco rated out-door Christmas tree in Edenton. The first prize will be $5 and second prize $3. A number of out-door trees have been decorated heretofore and several have made their appearance already this year It is hoped that by offer ing a prize many more will be deco rated, thus adding to the Christmas ' spirit. The Councilmen agreed to turn over to members of the Garden Club the responsibility of- judging the trees and awarding the prizes. CHIMNEY FIRE TUESDAY The Edenton Fire Department was called out late Tuesday afternoon when a chimney fire was reported on West Peterson Street. No damage resulted, according to Fire Chief R. K. Hall. i Representative’s Letter December 3rd, 1934 Mr. Henry House, Edenton, North Carolina. My dear Mr. House: I am writing to extend to you and to .the Edenton team my congratula tions on their outstanding record. Being quite a football enthusiast I have kept up with you and the team with the greatest interest during the entire section. It hag made a wonder ful record and it is good that this recognition has come to our section. With best wishes, I am, Sincerely, LINDSAY C. WARREN. Stuart Stephenson’s Letter Montgomery, Ala. . . , Dec. 3, 1934 Coach Henry House, Edenton High School, Edenton, N. C. - • i Dear Sir: I wish to take this opportunity to express to you and. the Edenton High School boys my heartiest congratu lations on the success of the 1934 football season. The job was beauti fully done afid I wish for you many more successful seasons. In a few.more days I will be with the Alabama team, enroute to Pasa- 1 dena for the Stanford game in the Rose Bowl. I trust some of your boys will be on a Carolina or Duke or some other team that will enjoy -the distinction of playing in the Rose Bowl one of these days. Very truly yours, STUART X. STEPHENSON, Sports Editor. « Merchants Prepared For Christmas Trade CAN WE KEEP HENRY HOUSE? Now that football is over, what about a coach for next year’s High School team? Undoubtedly every body would like to have Henry House here again. However, if he is to remain steps must be taken early to provide the means. Mr. House would like to remain in Edenton, he likes the town and the folks, but naturally will go elsewhere if he can better himself. At least one reader of the Herald has suggested a plan whereby the services of Mr. House could be retained, and this short item ap pears this week to urge other readers to submit a suggestive plan to keep Mr. House here. The Herald will greatly appre ciate any suggestions. Send them in, please! John Wiggins Honored At University Os N. C. John B. Wiggins, son of Capt. and Mrs. J. L Wiggins, was signally hon ored last week when he was initiated into the Beta Gamma Sigma Alpha chapter of the University of North Carolina, being one of seven of the 1935 class in the school of commerce to be thus honored. The initiation ceremonies took place in the Graham Memorial. Membership in Beta Gamma Sigma is restricted to those seniors who in scholarship rank in the highest tenth and those juniors who are in the highest fifteenth of their respective classes. The fraternity is the only scholarship organization recognized by the American Association of the Collegiate Schools of Business, oi which asociation the school of com merce is a member. The chapter at the Univarsity was established in 1933. Following the initiation, Dean Car roll discussed the position of the fra tern'ty in the field of business educa tion. Red Cross Roll Call Closed; $217 Collected The annual Red Cross Roll Call closed this week with Mrs. J. N. Pru den, chairman, reporting $217 col lected during the drive. The amount this year exceeded last year by sls, and Mrs. Pruden is very well pleased with the results. She desires to thank those who did the canvassing as well as all those who enrolled in this worthy cause. Those not before listed in the mem bership include: Miss Louise Coke, Arthur Chappell, W. S. Privott, Jr., Mrs. T. S. White, Sutton’s Drug Store, C. E. Kramer, H. H. Taylor, Mrs. Nana McKenna and the Chowan Woman’s Club. A. E. Jenkins Attends Auto Show In Kinston A. E. Jenkins of the Chas. H. Jen kins Motor Company returned today from the annual dealers’ meeting for a preview of the 1935 Pontiac, which was held at Kinston. Mr. Jenkins was very enthusiastic over the new cars, especially the new low priced six which has just been announced by the Pontiac Motor Company. He said that with the ad dition of this new model at a low price he expects a great increase in sales next year on Pontiacs in Eden ton and vicinity. EDENTON GETS SHARE OF GENERAL COLD WAVE Edenton’s share of the cold wave which has covered the country, bring ing death and suffering in some places, resulted in the first snowfall of the winter, accompanied with temperatures below the freezing point the past few days. The first snow, merely covering the ground, fell Friday night but was followed Mon day by a fall somewhat over an inch deep, which late Wednesday after noon had not entirely disappeared. SPRAINS WRIST Mrs. C. P. Wales had the misfor tune Monday night to trip over a rug and, in endeavoring to catch herself sprained her left wrist. Mrs. Wales, however, is able to attend to her du ties in the Federal relief office This newspaper is circu lated in the territory where Advertisers will realize good results. $1.25 Per Year Shoppers Will Find It Advantageous To Buy At Home With display windows filled with seasonal merchandise and decorations suggestive of the holiday spirit, Edenton merchants are prepared to take care of the Christmas trade All stores have supplemented their stocks with a fine line of merchan dise, and shoppers are assured of an ample variety of items to be used as Christmas gifts at just as low a figur* as can be bought even in the larger towns. Extra salespeople also wiE be employed during the rush hours so that shopping may be done in the least possible time and at greater satisfaction to customers. The merchants, desiring to accom modate those shoppers who cannot de their buying handily during the regu lar business hours, have decided te remain open at night starting Mon ■ day, December 17. They will be open every week day evening up un til Christmas eve. Most of the merchants are opti mistic over the Christmas business, it appearing that more spending will be done than in several years. They urge early buying before stocks have been picked over and will gladly hold any article bought now until delivery is desired. The hardware stores, aside from their usual line of practicable gifts, are handling a nice line of toys t'v.it will make any child happy. 'Furni ture stores also have on display many an item that will make a useful gift in the home. Clothing stores have added much merchandise and doubt less many presents will be bought there. Drug stores, too, have an end less line of useful gifts, including many novelties especially designed for suitable Christmas presents. Campen’e Jewelry Store, the only store of its kind in Edenton, will be busy showing their many items that always make desirable presents. Gro cery stores and meat markets will tax the appetite of shoppers by dis playing just the sort of tempting food desired for the season. In every place of business is fully pr-- • pared and anxious to serve customers in Edenton, Chowan County and ad joining counties. Masons Will Elect New Officers Tonight Officers for the coming year will be elected at tonight’s meeting of Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & A. M., according to A. S. Hollowell, master of the lodge. The usual time for the election is next Thursday night, but on account of the holidays Mr. Hollowell decided to call the election tonight. All members of the lodge are especially urged to attend and take part in this most important matter. County Schools Will Close For Holidays The white schools in the Chowax County administrative unit will close for the Christmas holidays on Tues day, December 18, and will reopen cui Monday, December 31, according to Superintendent W. J. Taylor. The County colored schools wifi close Friday, December 21, and re open on Monday, December 31. H. C. Goodwin Retturns From Norfolk Hospital H. C. Goodwin, who was accident ally shot while accompanying a party of hunters last week and was taken to a Norfolk hospital, returned to Ms home Tuesday, where he is rapidly recovering from his painful experi ence. It was necessary to remove Mr. Goodwin’s right eye, which was in jured by the shot, but the sight qf the other eye appears not to be af fected. His many friends are bappy to learn that the accident was not as disastrous as was at first thought. ST. PAUL’S CHURCH TO HOED CONGREGATIONAL MEETING There will be a congregational meeting at St. Paul’s Parish House tonight at 8:00 o’clock for the pur pose-of electing a Vestry and hear ing reports of organizations. All members are urged to attend.

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