EVERYBODY rf.fr 1 Is Calling For sl. J Krueger’S Ale and Beer THIS BEER is packed in a KEG-LINED container for your bene fit. It is protected from the harmful effects of light on its delicate protein content. By this modern up-to-date method of packing beer, you can mow be sure of drinking a brew which has the same clear amber color and delicious taste as the ice cold beer which flows from the. vats. * This Famous Beer and Ale is Sold by the Following Firms in Edenton g\ q_ Tor a Perfect Evening! If it’s good f oocLiand fine beer that yon \want, THE EDENTON CAFE zis thespot you are looking for. Everything is just as you anticipate it. "The friendly atmosphere that reigns here is as exhilarating as the very fine Food and Beer. Edenton Case 7‘.-X".7 y^- ;■- / §| YSk If - WHEN YOU ARE SAD AND BLUE... Here’s what to do ... Drink a can of KRUEGER’S BREW ... and other famous brands. Habit's B S, JOE HABIT, Manager iC'DtOff'iftcooototrroC'O ♦. n n frttttt-t Elizabeth City Orange Crush Bottling Company WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Krueger’s BEER and ALE THE CHOWAN HE RAID, "EDENTON, N. IHHfItSDAY, MAY 23, 1935. ANTICIPATED PLEASURE! Nothing is more refreshing after a hard day’s work than some Delicious, Foamy, Malty, Sparkling KRUEGER’S BEER OR ALE Sutton’s Drug Store fit : ; y riU^oiv-U: WHEN FRIENDS MEET AT THE NICEST PLACE IN TOWN! Their answer to “What to Drink” is almost always KRUEGER’S Beer or Ale. Try this wonderful Beer today. From then on, it will be nothing else. COOL AND CONVENIENT Burton’s Super Service OPPOSITE POST OFFICE jg CONTENTED? AND HOW! What is more relaxing than a com fortable easy chair and a tall glass of KRUEGER’S Beer or Ale. Krueger’s Beer is smooth and delicious. Order several cans to have on hand now. Triangle Filling Station PHONE 137 N. BROAD ST. GOOD TASTE ALWAYS! You’ll find that KRUEGER’S Beer is really the choice of all beer. A phone call will bring a delivery, be it a case or a bottle. Chap’s New Deal BILLIARD PARLOR PAGE SEVEN