In these columns will be I found a fair presentation I of local and county news I of general interest. Volume ll—Number 46. Edenton Plays First Elimination Game Friday 1936 Red Cross Drivel Starts November 22 Postponed In Chowan Due to United Chari ties Campaign NEW RECORD Red Cross Activities Re hearsed by Mrs. J. N. Pruden, Chairman The Red Cross campaign for mem l bership ip the; annual roll, call for C?howan County will begin on Friday, November 22. . JThe opening of this year’s drive was postponed from November 11, due to the efforts of the United Charities in: conducting a. cwnpayn to raise funds for the aged and helpless int the County, which Mrs. J. N. Priiden, Chowan County Red Cross chairman, did not interfere with. Smashing an all-time record in disaster relief operations, the Amer ican Red Cross in 1934-35 pushed up ward to new heights in its service to the people of the United States, says Mrs. Pruden in a resume of the year’s outstanding accomplishments. She is also much elated over the year’s re cord of Red Cross activities in Chow an County, numbering among them the formation of a course of hygiene and care of the sick in the schools, the distributing of yeast among suf ferers of pellagra, furnishing a first aid kit to colored schools as well as keeping them filled with supplies, sponsoring the home safety campaign in the County and sending Charles Wales to take a course in life saving. This instruction, however, could not be given by Mr. Wales this summer because of the quarantine due to the epidemic of infantile paralysis in the State. This course, it is expected, will be given next summer. One hundred and sixty times, in 37 of the 48 states and three insular territories, the Red Cross rushed re lief into communities tom by hurri cane, ravaged by devastating fires, innundated by surging flood waters or cringing beneath the blight of disease. Not in disaster work alone, how ever, did the Red Cross press forward in its service to humanity, Mrs. Pru den added. Bedside nursing care by Red Cross public health nurses shot upward over 30 per cent; safety and accident>prevention programs were broadened; membership in the junior organization rocketed; volunteers throughout the nation produced : million garments, and thousands of veterans and service men, many un aware of the government’s obligation to them, obtained compensation and claims through Red Cross home ser vice. Carrying out an early preduction that lowered family incomes woukl continue to make it impossible for many families to obtain proper hos pital care in cases of serious illness, nursing care in homes increased 39 per cent. Special health projects continued to cut great inroads Into communicable and dietary diseases. Thousands of children were immuniz ed against diphtheria, and in the south with its thousands of pellagra sufferers, Red Cross Chapters distri buted more than one hundred thous and pounds of yeast to curb this dis ease. Likewise, the Chapter Chairman continued, First Aid and Life Saving programs were speeded up in an ef fort to lessen the appalling number of deaths from preventable accidents occurring annually in the United States. With the death toll for the last fiscal year over the 100,000 mark, last minute arrangements for a greatly enlarged accident preven tion pjpgram are being rushed to completion. This campaign, Mrs. Pruden pre dicted, is destined to become the greatest contribution Red Cross has ever made to public welfare. Red Cross membership has ad vanced steadily during the past two years, keeping pace with this in crease in service, and it is expected that during the coming Roll Call period the 5,000,000 membership goal will be reached if not surpassed. In conclusion Mrs. Pruden said: "We are justly proud of these re cord breaking .accomplishments, but, as Admiral Grayson, Chairman of the American Red Cross, pointed out in a recent letter to your chairman, _we must not be contend to sit back rest on past mcordsN What we THE CHOWAN HERALD A HOME NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CHOWAN COUNTY Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, November 14, 1935. Vants new name FOR LOCAL HOTEL W. R. Horton Offers Prize of $5.00 To Person Who Suggests Desirable Name The name of the King’s Arms Tavern will again be changed. This decision has been made by W. R. Horton, manager, who is offering $5.00 as a reward to the person ‘ whose name is adopted by a- group of distinterested judges. Mr. Hor ton will give this prize of $5.00 to the United Charities in the name of the-peyson whose name is chosen! Mr. Horton, incommenting on the name of the hotel, said that although ■ rich- in historic value, he did not feel that the present name has commer cial value, which must be the first consideration. He wants a name, therefore, having commercial value and at the same time be a name which is featured in the history of the county such as the name of a prominent man or woman, a land mark or famous occurrence that would promote local history and at the same time be of commercial use. Three rules have been made for this contest: First, the word “Hotel” must be part of the name. Second, the name must be easy to spell and pronounce. Third, the name must not include over three words, prefer ably two. Anyone who desires to enter this contest is requested to deposit their name for the hotel in a box at Leg gett & Davis drug store before 6 o’clock Monday, November 18. The suggested names will then be gone over and a winner selected by the judges, who will be as follows: Mayor E. W. Spires, Richard D. Dixon and John W. Graham. The winner will be announced in next week’s issue of The Herald. Drive In Progress For Charities Fun The drive of the United Charitir to secure funds to care for the un employables in Chowan County dur ing the winter months is now in pro gress, with a few encouraging ad vance reports coming in that canvass ers have secured a generous response from a number who have been solicit ed. The entire county has been di vided into four divisions, as well as a colored division and a strong com mittee appointed for each group. These committees will canvass their respective communities, completing the work and reporting to W. J. Berryman, general chairman of the drive, today. It is hoped that SI,OOO will be raised during the drive as it is calcu lated it will take this amount to provide only the bare necessities of life for this group of unfortunates who have been remove/ from the federal relief rolls and thrown upon the county. Rotarians Resume Regular Luncheon For the first time in three weeks the Edenton Rotary Club will today hold the Thursday noon luncheon, this regular meeting having been called off the two previous weeks due to the entertainment of the school teachers and the inter-city meeting held in Hertford. The program today will be in charge of the Classification Commit tee, composed of Fred Wood, John A Holmes, M. W. Jackson and D. M. Warren. Walter Mills Hurt In Auto Wreck Walter Mills, Quinn Furniture Company employee, was painfully in jured Saturday night when his right shoulder was dislocated in an auto mobile wreck on the Yeopim Road at the/intersection of the old Hert ford -Road, Nills was driving* the Quinn truck toward Edenton and collided with a car driven by Isaac Felton, colored. Both machines were considerably tom up. Mr. Mills is improving, but is still confined to his hoTne. ) <* have done is only a drop in the bucket compared to the great task before us. It’s a big job, growing bigger every day, and only through the cooperation of the American people can we put it over.” , , |HOME FURNISHING! MAJOR PROJECT OF CLUB WOMEN County Council Adopts Many Goals at Meet ing: Saturday HE CARD Requests the Names of Capable i Project Leaders A; very successful meeting of the Chowan County Council of Home Demonstration Clubs was held at the Hinton Hotel on Saturday, the at tendance being far above the aver age for these meetings. : The Club executives planned at length the club work for 1936 during which home furnishings was voted to be adopted as the major club project during 1936 and 1937. Mrs. A. D. Ward, president cf the County Council, asked that each club president send her the names of local club members who would make good county project leaders. She is also desirous that the presidents state the project in which each one is most in terested and that this information is sent as early as possible to the end that the next year will result in more Interest and greater accomplishments in the various projects. The Council also set a large num ber of goals for the clubs during the next year, a copy of which has been sent to officers of each club. As home furnishings will be the major project next year, each club will need two leaders and one alter nate in this project; while other pro jects will ‘require only one leader. These should be appointed before December as there will be a leaders’ school held the first of the month, to which all club members should plan to attend. i The award of the pressure canner, j v.hich will be decided in the fall of ; 93G was discussed, the club having -be highest score to win this canner -. a period of one year. The metli ; • • i scoring will be based on the ; • - ■wing: of club members present at ali club meetings, 10; Club getting highest percent of new active mem bers, 5; Club represented at State Short Course, 10; Club represented at District Meeting, 5; Club repre sented at all council meetings, 5; Club represented at all leaders’ schools, 5; Clubs represented in gar den contest (2 members), 5; % of club enrollment entering Ball Can ning Contest, 5; 2 members entering Kerr Canning Contest, 5; All project leaders on program as planned, .10; All dues and Jane McKimmon Loan Fund paid, 5; All club members send ing in reports, 10; 2 members in dress contest, 5; Club putting on song or stunt on Achievement Day, 5; 2 officers present at all club meet ings, 10. Clubs are to be scored by officers at each monthly meeting. Active members must 'attend at least 4 meetings during the year. Attendance at Federation meetings will be counted to break a tie in scores. The Byrd’s Club served refresh ments after the business meeting. 1,656 Cans Turtle Meat Canned This Week The Neuse Packing Company this week resumed operations, after being closed since the end of the tomato season. They are now canning turtle meat. Sixty-nine cases of the meat were canned, each case holding two dozen cans. This amount of meat was put in cans Mondav and Tuesdav. when the supply of turtles was ex hausted. The firm is now awaiting the arri val of more turtles, which are ship ped here from Hatteras. Operations will begin next week, when it is ex pected to have a large supply on hand M. L. Bunch Better After Relapse Sunday Maurice L. Bunch, popular regis ter of deeds of Chowan County, who has been ill for some time, suffered a relapse Sunday and was taken to a Norfolk, Va., Hospital. He rallied, however, and was brought home Tuesday, being able to sit up and chat with relatives and friends. |SANDY’ GRAHAM MEETS CITIZENS CHOWAN_COUNTY Honor Guest of John W. Graham’s Stag Party Monday Night BRIEF ADDRESS Every Section of County Represented In Large Gathering Close to 100 friends from all four corners of Chowan County gathered in the Parish House Monday night in response to an invitation from John W. Graham to attend a stag party given by him in honor of Lieutenant-Governor A. H. (Sandv) Graham, a candidate for governor in the coming election. Every guest was introduced to the guest of honor upon entering the building, Mr. Gra ham appearing very happy at the opportunity to make new friends John Graham in a brief address expressed his delight at the response to his invitation. He referred to Armistice Day and expressed a hope that the occasion would recap ture the spirit of the day. John A. Holmes introduced the guest of honor, who very briefly spoke to the gathering, commenting on Armistice Day and the necessity at the present time for citizens to de vote more time to the discussion of important problems. Mr. Graham expressed delight at the opportunity to make new friends. “A person must keep his friendship in repair,” he said, “and unless new friends are made he will soon be alone.” He urged his friends to use leisure time to a study and consideration of public problems, saying that years ago problems were thoroughly stud ied before laws were enacted, but that now laws are put in force with out knowing anything about them, and not using common sense in reaching conclusions. .Especially, on Armistice Day, said the speaker, we should take stock of our government—what the majority want they should have, and if citizens stand on the sidelines and allow the minority to rule they should not complain. He didn’t refer to his candidacy for governor, except to say that, he hoped to return late*, to talk to voters at length on public matters. In concluding his remarks . he paid tribute to the type of citizen ship in Eastern Carolina, and said that he was glad to mingle with the people, claiming many friendships through his connection with the American Legion, the Legislature and otherwise. Short remarks were also made by C. E. Kramer and Lloyd E. Griffin, the latter referring to his acquaint anceship with Mr. Graham while in his outfit during the World War, a.- well as working under him on the State School Commission. Mr. Griffir. said the honor guest was a fine sol dier and in time of peace as well as troublous times he was able to pre side with justice and impartiality. Mr. Griffin also paid tribute to those who failed to return from the World War and in the course of his re marks asked the gathering to pause for a short time in memory of Major W. S. Privott. The jpeal as served by the ladies ot St. Mary’s Guild was very delight ful and was reason for much favor able comment by all present Modes Os Punishment Cause Much Curiosity According to Fire Chief R, K. Hall many visitors were in Edenton Sun day to inspect the whipping post, ducking, stool and pillory which were erected on the Court House green during the Government Institute meeting Friday. The equipment had been taken down, however, and Mr. Hall explained the modes of punish ment at his home, where it was tak en, to visitors from Kinston t Green ville, Rocky Mount and other com munities. He plans to put up the contraptions at his home where they may be view ed by Edenton residents or visitors. Besides, Mr. Hall says, if the town finances the lumber, he will also build a gallows in connection with the oth er rigs so that folks may get a true glimpse of forms of punishment , meted out in years gone by. Meets Smithfield On Hicks Field At 3 P. M. MANY MASONS AT " 160th ANNIVERSARY Lodgemen Honor Paul Olsson For Decorating Hall; A. S. Hollowed Presented With Jewel A crowded lodge room was on hand last Thursday night when the 160th anniversary of Unanimity Lodge No. ,7, A. F. & A. M., was celebrated in connection with the completion of the newly decorated robm. At the conclusion of the regular business, W. C. Bunch, Master of the lodge, turned the' meeting over to Grand Historian E. W. Spires, who very briefly rehearsed the history of the lodge as well as commented on the beautiful lodge room, which was the work of Paul Olsson, a member of the fraternity. Mr. Spires read a resolution adopted by the Lodge in which Mr. Olsson was highly praised for his excellent work and devotion to the Masonic fraternity in donating his services for the invaluable contri bution. At the request of the Lodge, Mr. Olsson also presented a painting of himself, which has been hung in the hall in honor of him. He was further presented a life membership in Unanimity Lodge as a small token of appreciation for this and" other evi dences of his liberality to the cause of Masonry. A. S. past master of the Lodge, was also presented with a past master’s jewel, the presentation being made by W. S. Summerell. A number of other members -were also called upon for brief remarks and following a very delightful pro gram a barbeuce supper was served. Local Bank Accepts Contributions For Rogers’ Memorial The Bank of Edenton will act as a depository for any money which friends of the late Will Rogers may wish to donate to the erection of a memorial or memorials planned in memory of this beloved humorist. These donations may be large or small and will in turn be sent to Jesse H. Jones, treasurer of the .Will Rogers Memorial Commission. Will Rogers left millions of friends who mourn him and his phil osophy of kindness to mankind and without regard to politics,, race or religion many have been banded to gether by a mutual love of him and a desire to perpetuate his memory. The executive committee include? 35 nationally prominent men and women who will contribute of their time and energy in raising a fund for a proper memorial, the form of which will be decided upon at the close of the campaign on November 27. William Satterfield Gains Promotion William Satterfield, who for the past three years has held a position in Rpxboro with the Collins Aikman Corporation, has recently been pro moted. Mr. Satterfield is now in Philadelphia, Pa., and is sample in spector in the styling department of Collins Aikman Corp. This promo tion of a local boy is good news to his many friends in Edenton. Mr. Satterfield is the son of Mr and Mrs. W. T. Satterfield, of Eden ton, and is a graduate of the Edenton High School. Wm. E. Bond Sworn In As Councilman William E. Bond was sworn into office as councilman of the Fourth Ward at Tuesday night’s meeting of Town Council. Mr. Bond was named to fill the vacancy caused by the re cent death of X. E. Copeland, who represented the Fourth Ward for several terms. Immediately after Mr. Bond took the oath of office, Mayor E. W. Spire? read a resolution of respect for Mr Copeland, which was adopted by th? Council. COMES FOR FUNERAL Mrs. C. M. Monnett and children of Rahway, N. J., will arrive toda' to attend the funenri of their hu? band and fathefr this afternoon. Mrs Monnett is tht sister of Stephen M Tyneh, of Rooky Hs|k. V This newspaper is circu lated in the territory where Advertisers will realise good results. $1.25Per year Contest Promises to Be Thriller; Both Teams Strong PEP MEETING Larg-e Crowd Expected From Entire Albe marle Section Edenton High Schools football team will play the semi-final game for the Eastern championship of the State Friday afternoon when they: will oppose the Smithfield aggrega tion. The Edenton boys are unde feated but played a 0-0 tie with Roa noke Rapids, who refused to play off the tie. The Conference ruling in such a case is to draw r straws for the right to continue in the champion ship race, with the provision that if the team winning the draw proves to be the champions, they will be oblig ed to play a final game with the team which was tied. Edenton won this right Saturday when John A. Holmes and Coach Leon Brogden attended a meeting of conference officials in Raleigh. Roanoke Rapids was defeated last Friday by Elizabeth City, but the latter used two ineligible players, which left the status of Edenton the same as before the game, the contest being forfeited to Roanoke Rapids so far as conference play is concerned. The game Friday promises to be a hard-fought affair. The calibre of Smithfield’s team isn’t known, but on paper Edenton fans feel that the Edenton team has an edge on their opponents. Smithfield has defeated Warsaw, Fuquay Springs and Chapel Hill, while they played New’ Bern to a tie. The only chance for a compar ison of the two teams is the fact that New Bern is admittedly much weaker than last year’s team, while the Edenton team’s. performance in the last game played showed a team of just about equal strength as last year. Coach Brogden feels very optimis- : tic for a win over Smithfield. For a time it was doubtful if Worth Spen cer would be able to play due to an injured shoulder, but he has been taking part in practice work and will most likely start the game. William Cayton, who has been out of the line up since the season opened due to a broken arm, may also be able to take his old position as quarterback. Aside from these two players the re mainder of the teani is in first class shape, having had a rest last week, and ready to give of their best to again be State champions. The game promises to be very in teresting and a large crowd is ex pected to be on hand. The student body is now selling tickets for the game and citizens, are urged to turn out in large numbers, for the school is under heavy expense to bring Smithfield here as well as pay for a referee, A crowd as large as attend-* ed the Edenton-Garner game last year is hoped for and will be needed in order to pay out. In event Edenton wins from Smith field, their next opponent will be the w’inner of the Whiteville-Sanford game which will also be played Fri day afternoon. If Whiteville wins they will play in Edenton Friday af ternoon of the next week, but if San ford wins they will meet Edenton on the Rocky Mount field. Coach Brogden will use the usual lineup to start the game Friday, which is scheduled to start prompt ly at 3 o’clock. A pep meeting will be held to night at the Court House, when the student body will uncork a pent-up amount of enthusiasm that will no doubt make citizens know there will be a football game here on the mor row. W. F. Walters Goes To Conference Next Week Rev. W. F. Walters will leave next week for Wilmington to attend the annual conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. The board of stewards are now winding up the year’s work of the church, and Mr. Walters is expected to be able to present a creditable report to the conference. Mr Walters has served two years ,<n tne h>eal charge.

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