ET columns will be R a fair presentation . meal and county news interest. £ pie IV. — Number 1. ■tal Receipts Greatest ce High Peak In 1929 P Branch of Local ce Shows Much Spending mi KRAMER PLEASED $13,000 In Money Orders In One Month; Stamp Sales Increase, Too ; If it is true, as federal postal au - ferities assert, that industrial con -ditions throughout the nation may be Styled by the amount of business .done through local post offices, then things are very much on the up and r Not since 1929, reckoned as the . year for an all ti?se'higji at Edenton poet office, has postal been so . greats as it. was BHpSmg the quarter ending December B- %4ba his modesty and with uncom- P pleted figures still before him, Poet mfcster Carroll E. Kramer stated yesterday he felt safe in saying that . stamp sales alone out of the local office in 1936 would come within SIOO of reaching the peak sales of |929, and a final finished compila tion might increase this. \ While other communities have un )'■ hesitatingly announced their stamp ■ to month and ;r, or by years, ir for the pro ition this is in ■egulations and ed to give any year’s business is office. But cy in repeating Os the depart less had shown s been a sharp f postal bonds s deposits, and late in the so ates indicates y interests are unities. Still holding firm in his insistence that completed figures should be guarded safely Mr. Kramer, however did state that $450 worth more of ■ stamps were dispensed at the Eden ton post office for the final quarter of 1986 than for the same period of (Continued on Page Five) Schoof At Merry Hill Will Be Held Saturday School will be held Saturday of this week at Merry Hill High School. This announcement was made by Superintendent J. A. Williams on , Monday, the session being called to / make tip for'- the day before Christ* V mas, when school closed for the * holidays. jgjSjr " • - - Permanent Tree For Decoration Purposes At Foot Broad Street In the expectation of having a permanent tree to be used in -- Christmas decoration, city officials this week planted a beautiful cedar • tree on the parking at the foot of] Brand Street. If care and precau tion mean anything to the progress of the tree, the town should be re • Sieved of the worry every year in securing an appropriate tree ipr Si; decoration purposes in connection ✓with lighting the business section. An exceptionally large hole was dug — — ■ n l "An increase of-, whooping cough , cases in Chowan County during, Der s cember was noted in the repor|-oi ; Dr. J. A.' Powell, * assistant ’ collabo ‘ rating epidemiologist for the N. C. , State Board of Health, made Monday ' morning to the County Commission ers. Ten houses have been placard j «d 'with signs, according to the re ; port, which also lists one case of ( diphtheria, two cases of chicken pox and two cases of scarlet fever dur ing the month. Dr. Powell’s report also was to the , effect that all inmates at the County ; Home were in good health except one. : Automobile Damaged i On Chowan Bridge Though no one was injured, the car of Ernest White of the Merry Hill section was damaged Tuesday ; night on the Chowan River bridge. A truck loaded with saw mill equip ment had passed over the bridge and about midway between the draw and the Bertie County side a smoke stack fell from the truck. Mrs. C. P. Wales, who was first .to pass the obstruction, notified Capt. Pat Bell, who immediately started to place a warning signal, but before he reach ed the scene Mr. White’s son had run into the stack, narrowly avert ing going overboard. Teacher At Merry Hill Tenders Resignation Mr. Ward, teacher of English and history in the Merry Hill High School, will leave, about the middle of January to take a position with the Production Credit Association with headquarters in Windsor. His successor has not been announced. All pf the faculty ,returned Sun -1 classes resuming studies oaMondar RECORDS BROKEN IN SALE OF 1937 MOTOR LICENSES About $30,000 Paid For Tags December 15 to f January 5 300% INCREASE i Nearly 2,500 Plates Is sued Locally In Same Period » Coupled with the announcement i published in a nearby column today ' indicating prosperity had at last i turned Ahe corner as shown by a 1 i greatly increased year’s business ;. through' the local post office, came l further proof of this assertion yes • terday (through motor license sale i[ by the Edenton * i bureau such sales. ;! The Statistics in question as given ; I out by Mrs. Leon Leary, Chowan i j representative of the Carolina Motor i. Club, show a 300 per cent advance in 1937 license tag sales for 1937 ' over the year before, with a corre ,. sponding increase in revenue re . ceived. ! Approximately SIO,OOO was receiv jed by such sales during the last j month rush period for 1936 tags, j while from December 15 to January ' 5 last such sales aggregated $30,000. ! Further evidence of the enormity 'of the licensing business transacted at the Edenton office is shown by the report that during the entire year of 1936 but 3,465 tags were sold, while for the less than a month period from December 15 to January 5 last 2,425 lieges for 1937 were disposed Os- , 'r|j|. The 1936 license sales were, for passenger cars 2,723, for trucks, 426, an Edenton Invited To Join E. City In Ball For President Jan. 30 Though no President’s Ball will be held in Edenton, Elizabeth City is planning such an affair for January 30, and in an effort to make the ball a success Edenton has been asked to cooperate. To this end Carroll E. Kramer has t been named Edenton chairman and , will use his efforts to have a large t delegation of Edentonians on t hand. , Already a number from here 1 have expressed their intention of attending. At this writing it is , not known what orchestra will fnr t nish the music. Edenton is now without a suit i able place to stage a celebration , of this sort, but by next year it is r hoped the new Armory will have , been completed which will be cap- ; f able of housing any sort of an affair Edenton might wish to hold. ■ 1 ’ .. —^ COURT HOUSE t NOW IS PARTLY ; STEAM HEATED ’ r Initial Steps Taken Which Will Even- I tually Develop Into Modemly , Heated Building J , Aside from Mr. and Mrs. Maurice j L. Bunch, register of deeds and de-: . puty register of deeds respectively, j lawyers in general will welcome the ] improvement now being made in the „ heating system in the historic Chowan County Court House. ’ Plumbers this week are setting up . radiators in the vault adjoining the ’ register of deeds’ office as well as in | ( the small jury room on the second I I floor which will be heated from a j hot water furnace in the register of I . deeds’ office. j Heretofore there has been a stove only in the register of deeds’ office which was incapable of furnishing any heat in the vault which is fre , quented by lawyers in search of in i formation and where both Mr. and Mrs. Bunch must spend considerable time in connection with their duties. In cold weather the vault is extreme ly uncomfortable and in fact those who are obliged to use the room j many times postponed their visit for fear of contracting a cold. In the ’ small room on the second floor a flimsy tin heater was the only source i ’ of heat heretofore. 1 It is almost impossible to use the , large second floor room during cold ; weather, the two open fire places ; (Continued on Page Four) Poultry School Held In E. City Monday ! All Chowan County farmers and their wives who are interested in ' the production of poultry are cor ' dially invited to attend a poultry ! school in the Pasquotank County ' Court House, Elizabeth City, on Monday, January 11. Th morning 1 session will be held between 10 and 12 o’clock, and the afternoon session will be held between 1 and 3 o’clock. Mr. Parrish, Mr. Brown, Mr. Mau ‘ pin and Dr. Dearstyne, poultry spec ialists from State College, Raleigh, ’ will conduct the school. If there are any problems to be solved or any questions to ask relative to farm flocks, they will be glad to help. If any are interested In making money on poultry, it will pay them to at tend this meeting. Miss Rebecca Colwell, home dem onstration agent, and Farm Agent Rowell will be among those from Chowan who will attend. S. S. Convention At Macedonia Sunday The Chowan Sunday School Con vention will meet at Macedonia Bap- 1 tist Church on Sunday- afternoon j promptly at 2:30 o’clock. A- very good program.has .been arranged, (which includes Dr. Bernard Spillman J as one of the speakers. A large attendance is urged. WORK RESUMED THIS WEEK >'• ON NEW FILLING STATION I i Following the cessation of work during the holidays, the erection of : the new Sinclair filling station at ; the corner of Broad and Queen , now rapidly going forth. ■ workmen began work This newspaper it circu lated in the territory where Advertisers will realise good results. $1.25 Per Year Town Council Rescinds Previous Action at Special Meeting PETITION - SIGNED Delegation of Matrons Protest Removal of Old Relics Meeting in a special session at the call of Mayor E. W. Spires Town Council on Monday night rescinded its action of the regular December meeting when it was unanimously voted to donate one of the Revolu tionary cannon to the Mariner’s Mu seum in Newport News, Va. The re versal of the former action was taken as the result of considerable objection on the part of ladies of the town who after consulting with May or Spires and individual councilmen ; hurriedly prepared a petition to pre sent at the meeting. At the December meeting the Mu seum, through W. D. Pruden, asked for one of the cannon to be placed on exhibition. At that time mem bers of the board, in the absence of Mr. Spires, were of the opinion that inasmuch as there are a number of the cannon now here, the town would greatly benefit by publicity gained through the Museum which is of na tional scope. However, when Coun cil agreed to donate the cannon, ob ] jection on the part of the ladies was j anticipated and it was decided not jto inform Museum officials of their j action until those interested had time to make their objections known. This objection, and a vigorous one at that, materialized this week and a delegation appeared before the I Councilmen in support of the petition j and registered their objection to | parting with anything in town of j any historical significance. Those who composed the delegation were: Mrs. R. P. Badham, Mrs. Chas. P. Wales, Mrs. Henry A. Bond, Mm. H. M. S. Cason, Mrs. J. A. Moore, Miss Mary Pruden, Mrs. T. E. Gard ner, Mrs. J. N. Pruden and Mrs. H. H. Preston. Accompanying the la dies also were J. A. Moore, R. P. Badham and Chas. P. Wales. Mr. Spires asked for the spokes man of the group to present the matter, when Mrs. Henry Bond pre sented the petition to the Mayor who ordered it read to his board. The petition was worded as fol i lows: “We, the undersigned citizens and residents of the Town of Edenton, having had it brought to our atten tion that it is the purpose of the Mayor and council to give and donate to the Mariner's Museum of Virginia a certain cannon of the period of the War of the Revolution, said cannon being now placed at the northwest comer of the intersection of Queen and Granville streets in the Town of Edenton, do respectfully request that said purpose be not carried out. “For that we feel that to remove any of the landmarks of historical places or things from the town will do irreparable damage to the town and will remove one of its most val uable assets and will lessen its in terest to visitors and that we should do everything in our power to pre serve the historical interest of the (Continued m Page Five) ——— ■ ' Rush Business For Marriage Licenses As New Year Begins Dan Cupid ’became very busy with his arrow darts in these parts as the New Year began, up to Tuesday af ternoon six marriage licenses hav ing been issued by Mrs. Maurice L. Bunch, deputy register of deeds, during the first five days of the year. The contracting parties were as follows: Rufus Elliott and Myrtha Hurdle, | colored, both of Chowan County. I Louis Miller and Hilda Corprew, white, both of Chowan County. Charlie Mourning and Sarah Coop er, colored, both of Chowan County. Luther Grimes, colored, of Roper, and. Harriett Elizabeth Coffield, of Merry. Hill. _Sir Walter Raleigh Hayes and Daisy Holley, colored, 'both of Ber tie County. Joe Leary and Adeline Cobb, col ored, of Bertie County. The last marriage license of 1936 was issued to Fulton Edw. Drigga and Gertrude Nixon, white, both of Chowan County. Ihey were mar fM by Rev. Frank Cale at the Bap. list parsonage at Center HilL