PAGE TWO | AT ST. PAUL’S | By REV. C. AYLETT ASHBY | This is Holy Week. Holy Com-1 munion tonight at 8 o’clock. iGood, Friday service at 11 A. M. Easter, ; Holy Communion 7:30 and 11 A. M.; j Sunday School celebration 4 P. M., j Emily Howard and Betty Wales speakers on “What Easter Means to, Me.” The vestry decided that the Easter collection should go towards a new i furnace in the Church. The one we have is about worn out, the leak be ing only temporarily repaired. It is hoped that all will contribute as lib erally as possible towards this cause that a good furnace may be bought. Envelopes will be mailed every one interested in St. Paul’s, which place - in the alms basins at an Easter ser vice, or send to Church by then. We know what inconvenience the break ing down of the old furnace has caused this Lent, and while we may get through the cold weather on the repairs made by Brother Joe Vail, the days of the furnace are number ed. We like a comfortable building and must raise sufficient to have such at Easter. The Wardens, E. R. Conger and D. M. Warren and Joe H. Conger, are a committee to recom mend the furnace we should install this summer. The united Thank Offering, the blue envelope, will be presented at to day’s service. We hope all of our women have these envelopes and will present on that day, or send in if not able to get to the servioe. Mrs. Hathaway, custodian of this fund, has gotten the envelopes out. The Good Friday offering goes to the work of the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem. Bishop Darst has put your minis ter in charge of St. Mary’s Church, Gatesville, and Mr. Ashby is very happy to serve this field for the Diocese. There will be service in St. Mary’s Sunday night at 7.-30. The Rev. E. T. Jillson, of Hertford, is taking Sunbury. A series of one-day conferences are to be held in each district of the Diocese, beginning April € and clos ing April 23. The theme of these conferences will be “Know Your Church.” The program being ar ranged by the Diocesan Commission on Evangelism, in cooperation with the officers of the Auxiliary. Lead ers to be announced later. Meetings will be held in Belhaven, Plymouth, Edenton and Ahoskie in this district. Our date is April 22. Lunch will be served at 1. The mite boxes of the Sunday School will be turned in at the Eas ter Celebration at 4. General and Junior Senior Warden Billy Which ard is taking the service of the School. The General gives much promise of usefulness in the parish, j He takes the service and his honors gracefully. We have a number ol boys and girls growing up to take their part in the work of St. Paul’s. Our junior choir has rendered good music on the Wednesdays of Lent. No Sunday School Easter morning. The junior choir will be used at the 4 o’clock service Easter. Bishop Darst will confirm any so desiring when he comes here for the confer ence April 22. We know St. Paul’s will be appro priately decorated Easter, and we wish all of you a glorious day. “Now is Christ risen from the dead.” The history of our old pewter Communion set, and maker of the later set of 1725, near solution. ] CENTER HILL j Mrs. Tim Blanchard was the sup per guest of Mrs. E. N. Elliott, near Cross Roads, Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. N. Boyce, Mrs. Emmett Parker, Mrs. W. O. Boyce, Missea Myra and Ruth Boyce spent Saturday afternoon in Elizabeth City. Mrs. Emmett Parker, of Sunbury, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Boyce. James Cale and Miss Phyllis Sher man, of Newport News, Va., spent Sunday with Mrs. W. F. Cale and Rev. Frank Cale. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Bateman and children visited Mrs. W. F. Cale on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Cameron Boyce, accompanied by Mrs. Rodney Harrell, of Brayhall, and Mrs. Henry Goodwin, of Green hall, visited Mrs. Tom Winslow, of Hertford, Monday afternoon. Miss Irene Furry and Miss Muriel Edwards Monds spent Monday after noon in Edenton. , (Mrs. Ray Carter and Miss Lillian Furry, of Richmond, Va., spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Furry. Misftes Frances and Esther Evans, of Hertford, visited Mrs. J. G. White Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McNider spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Lane, in Hertford. Medlin Belch, of Elizabeth City, ■pent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Belch. Mrs. N. Bunch spent Monday and Monday night in Norfolk, Va., with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. William Lane and baby, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with Mrs. Hemby Lana, Miss Nellie Mae Lane, of Elizabeth CSty, spent the week-end with Miss Lois Lane and Miss Marian White. Mrs. Nellie Lane and Mies Eleanor Lane, of Elisabeth City, spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. W. H. Lane. *'"C . . . •■ ■■ • • & f >" H Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Walston and Miss Marguerite Ward spent Monday at Kitty Hawk. , Miss Lucy Myers White is visiting relatives in Elizabeth City. Elbert Bunch is confined to his ! home by illness. j Mrs. Ira Perry, who has been j quite sick, is improving, j Mr. and Mrs. Tom Basnight, Mrs. Richard Basnight, Mrs. Hodges and , daughter, Phyllis, of Elizabeth City, visited Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Walston Sunday afternoon. Rev. and Mrs. R. E. Walston, Mrs. W. W. Young and son were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. White Sunday. Edenton Selected As Center For Holding: Employment Exams Edenton has been selected as the Albemarle center for a series of , competitive examinations to be held here by the North Carolina State Employment Service on April 16 and 17. The same examinations will be conducted simultaneously in seven other state centers, but a high honor has again been shown Edenton in its selection as the one point in aH of northeastern Carolina for holding the tests. Nine pretty fine jobs in the service are to be allotted this summer to the winners in the examinations, the positions ranging in pay from $1,440 to $4,200 per annum, and centering about the selections of an office direc tor, field supervisor, statistical super visor, fiscal supervisor, district man ager, branch office manager, senior and junior interviewers, and a junior counsellor. Naturally these berths are of high standard of requirement, and the qualification blanks set forth that graduation from a four year high school and long period full time em ployment and extensive special ex perience, are necessary features of all applicants. In other words the ex aminations are not to be for those out of work but for those who seek some betterment in their employ ment. Applicants, the advance publicity states, will only be considered for those positions which they list on their applications, and that from the examinations eligible lists, the same as in civil service, will be established June 15 next, after full inquiry and survey by the United States Employ ment Service in Washington. It should not be assumed, it is said, that the jobs in question are all in this state. They may be scat tered throughout the country, the ex aminations being conducted under the auspices of the North Carolina State Employment Service as a subsidiary of the federal and national reem ployment service. All applicants, however, must be bona fide residents of this state and have lived in North Carolina for at least six months prior to the exam inations. Application blanks for the exami nations to be held here as well as in Asheville, Charlotte, Kinston, Ra leigh, Wilmington and Winston- Salem, may be secured from R. M. Gruman, special representative of the employment service, located at the University of North Carolina, in Chapel Hill, and must be signed and returned postmarked before midnight March 31. ROCKY HOCK CLUB MEETS WITH MISS LIZZIE WHITE The Rocky Hock Home Demon stration Club met and held its March meeting on Friday afternoon with Miss Lizzie White. After the singing of the “Open Country” and repeating the Club Collect in unison, both old and new business were discussed. Talks were made by the - Home Beautification leader and the Foods leader. Misses Jessie Byrum and Lizzie White, House Furnishings leaders, gave a demonstration on “Slip Cov ers for Furniture.” The recreation period led by Miss Edith Bunch was enjoyed by all. The hostess, assisted by Mrs. Paul Cber, served ambrosia and cake 6 to all present. Ine April meeting will be with Mrs. Lloyd Parrish and Miss Sarah Parrish. Classified and Legals FREE! IF EXCESS ACID CAUSES you Stomach Ulcers, Gas Pains, Indigestion, Heartburn, Belching, Bloating, Nausea, get free sample doctor’s prescription, Udga, at Mit chener Drug Store, mar 18 to june 3 CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE- One million Jersey and Charleston Wakefield Cabbage Plante now ready. Right prices on large quan tities. E. L. Pearce, Edenton, N.-y. MB CHOWAN HERALD. EPBNTON, N. C., TTTURBPAY. MARCH 35, 1387 MAN WANTED FOR RAWLEIGHi Route of 800 families. Write to day. Rawleigh’s Dept. NCC-68- SA, Richmond, Va. mar 18,26 pd FOR SALE—SPRING CHICKENS i now ready to eat. We can supply your Easter needs. George H. Privott, (Rocky Hock) Edenton, N. C. ltp. KEYS MADE, SAFE COMBINA tions changed, guns repaired, and any work of a locksmith done in first class order. See Geo. Leary, Queen St., Edenton, N. C. ts ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having this day qualified as Ad ministratrix of the estate of J. Car roll Byrum, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to ; notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at my home in Cffiowan County on or before the 25th day of March, 1338, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 25th day of March, 1937. COLUMBIA WRIGHT BYRUM Administratrix of J. Carroll Byrum Estate. Mar.25,Apr.1,8,15,22,29—cwb EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the estate of William V. White, de ceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton, N. C., on or before the 18th day of March, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 18th day of March, 1937. FLOYD I. WHITE, Executor William V. White Estate. Mar. 18,25,Apr.1,8,16,22—frw. NOTICE OF RE-SALE Under an Order of the Superior Court of Chowan County made and entered on the 15th day of March 1937, ordering and directing a re sale of the following described prop erty, I shall offer for sale at the Court House door in Edenton on Monday the sth day of April, 1937, at 12 Noon, the Wilmer Mizzelle house and lot, fronting on Main or Broad Street, between the Catholic Church yard on the North and a lot i formerly occupied by Mrs. Elizabeth i A. Woodard, 70 feet on said Street, . 160 feet back from the street and at . right angles. Terms of sale cash. : Bidder to deposit 10% at sale and • await the confirmation for execution . of title deed. This the 16th day of March, 1937. H. S. WARD .Commissioner. Mar. 18,25. North Carolina, Chowan County. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of an order of the Clerk Superior Court Chowan County, N. C., in the special pro ceeding entitled “Aurelia Layden, Guardian of Mary E. Cofield, In sane, Ex Parte To The Court,” which order has been ratified, approved and confirmed, by Honorable Clowson L. Williams, Judge Holding Courts For The First Judicial District, the under signed 'Commissioner appointed by the Court in said proceeding will on Tuesday, the 20th day of April, 1937, at 12 o’clock noon, at the Courthouse door in Edenton, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following des cribed lands in Yeopim Township, Chowan County, N. C., and more particularly described as follows: Tract No. 1 allotted to Mary E. Cofield in the division of the Isaac Layden lands in Chowan County, N. Carolina, which tract is described as follows: Beginning on the North side of Indian Trail Road and O. C. By rum’s line; thence North 68 degrees West along said road 1064 feet to an iron stake on a ditch; thence North 22 degrees East along said ditch continued in a straight line to the line of the Beech Island tract of land; thence Eastwardly along the Beech Island tract of land line to the O. C. Byrum estate line; thence Get the Best We have superior tested strains of field and garden seeds. IT PAYS TO USE THEM! ■ CORN BEANS C SEED POTATOES 9 WAYNE FEEDS FISH MEAL and MIDDLINGS E. L. PEARCE FEEDS SEEDS Edenton, N. G • . *-A €iklwEslE r >'* I Southwardly along said Byrum line to the Indian Trail Road, {dace of beginning, containing 53.5 acres, more or less, according to plat made by George K. Mack, Surveyor, on February 28th 1937. Dated and posted this the 18th day of March 1937. J. N. PRUDBN, Commissioner, mar 25, April 1,8, 15—-jnp EXECUTRIX NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Robert P. Morris, de ceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the es tate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton, N. C., on or before the 18th day of March, | 1988, or this notice .wiH be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said eetate will please make immediate payment. ANNIE B. MORRIS, Executrix of Robert P. Morris Estate Edenton, N. C. John W. Graham, Attorney. ; Mar.18,25,Apr.1,8,15,22—jg ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Jesse O. Forehand, . deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Tyner, ’ N. C., on or before the 3rd day of March, 1938, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All i persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd day of March, 1937. MRS. J. O. FOREHAND, Administratrix Jesse O. Forehand 1 Estate. Tyner, N. C. Mar.4,11,18,25,Apr.1,8 e North Carolina Chowan County Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed by Lirrwood Johnson and wife, Mary Johnson, to Jacob Hobowsky, Trustee, dated October 10, 1933, recorded in Book 44, page 219, in the office of the Register of Deeds, for Chowan County, the above named Trustee will on Saturday, ■ m ■ NEGLECT ■ B A COLD^B I 11 i T>u» soothing, warming Mustards XV wed into your eh«t and throat. Musterole fa NOT just a salve. It’s ’ a "coßater-frrftMt"’ containing good old-fashioned eold remedies— nil of mngtard, menthol, camphor other saliiaiila ingredients. That’s why it gete such fine results ted plaster. It penetrates, stimu lates, wanac and soothes, drawing out loeal congmtku and nh. Used by miiHow foe 25 years. Recommended by many doctors and aurem. All drug date, u three atrengtha: Regular ’ tra Strong. Tested and approved by GwdH«MkM^BfßwMu,No.4BrN To Our Farmer Friends I FOR BIGGER YIELDS FROM YOUR FIELDS I j INVEST YOUR MONEY IN I I sco co I High Quality Fertilizers I The Southern Cotton I Oil Compljjiy I !|| HERTFORD, N. C. I |||| A Neighborly Institution I April 17, 1937, at twelve o’clock Noon at the Court House door in Edenton, N. C., offer for sale at pub lic bidding the following described real estate in Chowan County, N. C. That house and lot situate on the South side of West Peterson Street in the City of Edenton, known as the Harriette Madry property and being the house and lot formerly occupied by Lillian Felton; bounded on the North by Peterson Street, on the Blast by the Edenton School Proper ty, on the South by a lane midway between Peterson Street and Free mason Street, on the West by the property of Herbert Madry and being the same property this day conveyed to Lanwood Johnson and wife, Mary Peanuts NEED Potash PjROPER fertilization is necessary to get high yields of well-filled peanuts, according to the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station. Peanuts re move large quantities of potash from the soil and unless they are grown with a fertilizer containing a high percentage of potash, the soil will be depleted of its available potash and the peanuts as well as the follow ing crops will suffer. For best results be sure that your soil is well supplied with available calcium and fertil ized with 300 to 400 pounds of a 2-8-8, or similar analysis, per acre. See your fertilizer dealer or manu facturer. You will be surprised how little it costs to get more potash in your complete fertilizers. Consult your county agent or experiment station for the right fertilizer for your own farm. Write us for further information. AMERICAN POTASH /Mill INSTITUTE, INC. VMIMMV INVESTMENT BLDG. WASHINGTON. D. C. SOUTHERN OFFICE MORTGAGE GUARANTEE BLDG., ATLANTA, GA. Johnson, by S. Hobowsky and wife, Annie Hobowsky, which deed is re corded in Deed Book 1, at page 19 in Chowan County. This 18th day of March, 1937, JACOB HOBOWSKY, Trustee. March 18, 1937. Mar. 18,26, Apr. I,B —eh. PTflipi THIS WINTER INtJTIj Koop your tyttem dcoa with • lALjM formula that hu been u*od for wtr a hundred years to relieve urn w THAI SIZE—Itc