PAGE SIX Unusual Stage Show •? Booked For Taylor Theatre On Monday According to Manager Jimmie Earnhardt, of the Taylor Theatre, “Parisian Follies of 1937” will be staged at the theatre on Monday and promises to be one of the outstanding stage units of the season. It is indeed a difficult task to get eainething new and different in these stage shows but Sollie Childs, who produced “Parisian Follies” has, ac cording to all advance reports, done this very thing. ■ Most of the units consist of several vaudeville acts put together without inch thought of production behind mem. Mr. Childs, however, has de eped his production first and then jhgaged his acts to fit the show. The entire offering blends together ■b perfect harmony and the theatres ip bhicb the Parisian Follies has al ready appeared say that the effect is atartingly different. Among the acts featured in this a&ow are: Elizabeth Craves, billed as the Modern Enchantress of Exotic Dancing; Pedro and Luis, sensation al acrobatic act who have just re turned from a tour of the European Music Halls; Tom Gordon, comedian; the Three Revelers, Babette Smith, the Dance Coquettes, and the Paris ian Rhythm Kings Stage Band. # The show will be presented both iutinee and night Monday, accompa- : '•tied by the feature picture “Midnight i «' ““ “ 46 Prisoners Jailed j '* \ During Past Month .4 Forty-five arrests were made in Chowan County during March and , the victims placed in jail for from mat to 14 days, according to the re port submitted to the County Com- ( mfesioners Monday. Jail fees and turnkey fees for these prisoners amounted to $120.55. 1 RYLAND 1 V_ ' 5 Haywood Phthisic and two . ehiMren. from near Edenton, were week-end guests of Mrs. Phthisic’s aunt, Mrs. Roy Parks, and Mr. Parks. Mrs. W. T. Eason has been suffer ihg far sometime with rheumatism 9i one- asm. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lane and two j children, Juanita and Herbert Ray; i Ms. and Mrs. Roy Parks attended j services at Chuckatuck, Va., Sunday | afternoon. fling Mary Lizzie Byrum spent s feJw days last week with Mrs. Kellv ; Byrum. £frs. Will Bunch, Mrs. Richard Bpnch and children, from Rocky Hock, were guests of Mrs. W. W. Henigar Tliursday afternoon. George Ward, of Edenton, spent the week-end with William Ward. Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Jordan and children, Floyd Jordan and Hugh Jordan visited Mr. and Mrs. Jay Jor dan. at Bagley Swamp, Sunday after noon. Mr. Jordan is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Layden and children visited Mrs. Layden’s sister. Mrs. Algie Hollowell, and Mr. Hollo well. Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Copeland and children went to Elizabeth City Sat urday afternoon. Mrs. Rebecca Fleetwood, of Hert. ford, i& visiting Mrs. W. T. Eason. Mrs. Kelly Byrum is reported on the sick list. Mrs. H. N. Ward is in Edenton with her son, Ernest J. Ward, and Mrs. Ward, at the Penelope Barker Hotel. Mrs. C. A. Spivey, Miss Rella Stitvey, Miss Gertrude Jackson. Mrs. R. S. Ward. Thomas Jackson. Mrs. Haywood Phthisic and her two chil dren, of Edenton. have recently vis ited Mrs. W. T. Ea3on. H. I. Ward injured his leg most painfully Friday morning while scaf folding up a grape vine. Miss Avis Ward and Edward Ward, from near Sign Pine: 'Miss Montez Byrum and Otis Morris, from near Cannon’s Ferry, visited Mrs. Har nett Parks Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Ward and two jahildren. O. C. Ward and dauehter. Miss Minerva Ward. Mrs. G. A. Boyce and children visited Mr. and Mrs. H, I. Ward Sunday evening. Mrs. Lucius Stafford and children have returned to their home in South Norfolk, Va.. after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Copeland. Mrs. Hugh Jordan and her daugh ter, Frances, are visiting Mrs. Keilv ’ Byrum, and Mr. Byrum. ■Mrs. Harriett Parks spent Thurs day afternoon with Mrs. 0. N. Jor dan. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Winslow, of Hertford, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Byrum. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Byrum and children, Miss Thelma Ward. Miss Gertrude Jackson and Thomas Jack sun visited Mr. and Mrs. H. 1. Ward Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Irvin Chappell and children spent Sunday with Mr and Jdrs. Merrill Copeland. Mfs. Sam Nixon, from Rocky Hock, visited her mother, Mrs. Ella Mae Ward, Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Boyce and two children spent Sunday afternoon near gunbury, with Mrs. Boyce’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julian E. Ward and a*«. George, And B. F. Sivills, o> Edenton, had supper with Mr. and Mrs. R. S, Ward Sunday evening. “Seventh Heaven” In the garret where their heart s became inseparably one, Diane and Chico find their “Seventh Heaven,” w hich so stars Simone Simon, sensa tional screen find, and James Stew art, at the Taylor Theatre Thursday and Friday. Ryland Man Almost Loses Hand In Saw Merton Copeland, Ryland resident, was seriously injured Saturday after noon when while he was sawing wood, his hand as caught in a circu lar saw. The hand was drawn into the saw when the glove he was wearing was caught, cutting it be tween the thumb and index finger and swerving across the back of the hand. It was at first thought the hand would have to be amputated, but Dr. L. P. Williams and Dr. J. A. Powqjl sewed up the tendons and are hopeful the hand will be saved. COLERAIN | j Miss Verna Morris was the dinner guest Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Cran dle Freeman, at Mars Hill. Elvar Robinson and Earl Ward, of Robersonville, were guests of Misses Elizabeth Allen and Doris Saunders Sunday evening. Rev. and Mrs. L. M. Dixon were visitors in Windsor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Nowell, of Ahoskie, spent the week-end with Dr. J BE SURE TO COME AND SEE HAPPY SAM SATURDAY, APRIL 10, 1937 From 3 to 9 o’clock P. M. We are giving away one of these mattresses FREE AMERICA’S FINEST MATTRESS For Less Than One Cent a Night You Can Treat Yourself to The Finest Sleep on Earth Yes, the cost of sleeping on America’s Finest Mattress figures out to be less than a penny a night! That’s because of its remarkable Karr Spring Construction —which carries the strong est guarantee ever given on any mattress spring construction. The greatest Hotels and Hospi tals have a.cdaimed its amazing comfort and durability. Do try it! Keep your Youthfulness! You get so many EXTRA valued when you buy Dr. Storm Mattresses. Box Spring to Match... Equally Superlative I BE SURE AND VISIT OUR STORE SATURDAY ■ BETWEEN 3 AND 9P. M., AS WE ARE GOING ■ TO GIVE AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE ONE OF ■ THESE FAMOUS MATTRESSES. ■ 1 FOR FULL PARTICULARS BE SURE TO COME TO OUR STORE I I Qwinn Furniture Co. Benton, n . c. | THE CHOWAN HERALD, N. C.. THURBDAY. APRIL 8, 1987 and Mrs. L. A. Nowell. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Lineberry and son, Billy, left Saturday for their home in Philadelphia, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. H. O. White and Mrs. E. L. Stokes were shoppers in Nor folk, Va., Friday. Mrs. C. W. Hughes was a visitor in Williamston Tuesday. Mrs. L. D. Perry, Mrs. S. L. Miller, Mrs. Frank McCreary and Mrs. M. H. White visited the Magnolia Gar dens, near Charleston, S. C., during the week-end. Mrs. Graham Harrell, Miss Verna Morris and Miss Eloise Miller were in Ahoskie Tuesday. Mrs. J. L. Parker was carried to St. Vincent’s Hospital, Norfolk, Va., Wednesday for an operation. She was accompanied by Mrs. G. M. Holley and Mrs. J. L. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Miller were visitors in Edenton Friday Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Curran, of Edenton, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hughes Sunday. Mrs. C. S. Credle and Miss Helen Phelps visited friends in Greenville Wednesday. Mrs. L. A. Perry, Mrs. Minnie Newsome, Mrs. C. W. Mughes and Mrs. Bessie Allen were in Norfolk, Va., Friday. Mrs. Johnnie Montague is visiting Mrs. A. C. White, at Poweltaville. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Harrell visited relatives in Newport News, Va., Sunday. Rev. D. J. Robinson, of Winton, was a visitor in town Saturday. John Sallahan, of Langley Field, Va., visited Miss Elizabeth Allen during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Montague, of Windsor, visited friends here Sunday. Mrs. Bessie Allen spent several To Our Farmer Friends I FOR BIGGER YIELDS FROM YOUR FIELDS | INVEST YOUR MONEY IN I scoco High Quality Fertilizers B The Southern Cotton Oil Company HERTFORD, N. C. A Neighborly Institution t days last week in Edenton as .the, guest of Mrs. Claude Elliott. Rev. L. M. Dixon attended the pastor's conference at Murfreesboro Monday. Miss Ruby Felton, of Norfolk, Va., spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. W. P. Sharp. Miss Marietta Credle, of Wake Forest, spent the week-end with Dr. arid Mrs. C. S. Credle. Miss Doris Pierce has completed mm wmrnlmM * 3 K- : . ; £ Hi ; sbie&\