-Jv..- mbl i . ■ a ■III ■ ■ job nm & a* ■RFI fciwl 11 wfl IV i 0 * ■ Bays Pope jP/However, funds to Buy ■Hring in ot.lx ■ |Hs need not apply [|Hns with which to IHthe tenant act, ac- Pope, County Hpf Farm Security Hjilt money for regu- W loans to buy items ■lb still available to In tenants, he said. Hment of money to Hfarms was sufficient Hram in only a few State, Mr. Pope said, ■b and Perquimans included in the [Hr, the Bankhead- Hit Act authorized to ■two and one-half IBiey for the second |Hng July 1, and five IHr years thereafter. SH these additional gHther counties may IHrogram. Counties 1» Secretary of Agri- J-Bf the state farm Hmmittee on the HH tenants as com- Imm of farmers. The §|Hd farm land was HB stated. j£|Hat a good deal of g&Hiership program [||B tenants in this Ho a number of P&H asked about the to become H|Hvailable in Mr. In and Oil led 1 Hd an oil truck, L%'Monger, were a Bar Sunbury on H-e was caused B and coming *H At the time He inside the Had so rapidly Blade through no one H&ient. pßXvr: •,^» ROLINA ’ 8 FTNEST theatre I E Friday Only Mt*NEß—3:3o. NIGHT—B P. M. | | Saturday, J#!ary 15—Show Opens 1:30 P. M.— I ■ _ Bill 11 M |Hw f ///ZJrifliv mimw Hr*/f ■ Entft K! g Also Dick Tracy No. 4 • Aft Comedy < x < Ibert Young - James Stewart j Barrymore - Florence Rice Also News ‘ January 20— -'Vy "’ ■ |FI NIGHT Ttye “Mr shot” of gangdom im- <; rrisoned with a thousand men who ’ hated him. ! ! |j|| M| c IHWWKMMi ; > 5V1155 ; BJ htijL7* y.i B ' r MVVdMSLuJi Jll ft S |jj|^^2r RS-*: ;• fi wiHlKn . BfW■ i M BiWm /tUWi \ < > - g lISB Mil BEIFISr McCarthy s msy»» M«igL Act Alsto Comedy and News ! I THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. N. C.. THURSDAY. JANUARY 13,1838 f CROSSROADS — ■ - J Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Perry and Eu gene Perry spent Sunday aftemooi with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Perry. Mrs. J. W. Nowell, of Wake For est, has returned home after a fev. days visit with Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Elliott. Mrs. W. A. Perry and Eugene Perry spent Thursday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Hollowell, Jr. Mrs. Cam White, of Manteo, spenl from Wednesday afternoon until Fri day morning with Miss Pattie Win borne and Mrs. W. H. Winbome. Mrs. W. A. Perry spent Wednes day morning with Miss Annie Coffield. Richard Winbome and Robert Win borne, of Suffolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H Winbome and Miss Pattie Winbome. Miss Gladys Simpson has returnee to Norfolk, Va., after a visit with Miss Annie Coffield. Miss Marguerite Asbell has return ed to Greenville to resume her studies at E. C. T. C. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Kramer, of Edenton. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Win bome, of Suffolk, Va., Mrs. Southgate Leigh, Jr., of Norfolk, Va., and Mr. and Mrs. W. the study of insect and plant disease 1 ITS 7k/IffflewHmtyAettddfon 11938 FRIGIDAIRE S ■ CUTS OPERATING COST PEEPER THAN EVER BEFORE! Pay a* You yjjpgf r% av * control measures by which losses can best be reduced. Other leaks to be stopped will re quire close consideration of many things; among them the careful sav ings and use of all manure produced on the place; the testing of seed for purity and germination; the selection and thorough preparation of the land in order that seed may have a fair chance of germination; farm drain age and crop rotation; fertilizer re quirements with particular reference to the land and to the crops being grown; and after the crops are pro duced improvements should be made, if possible, in the harvesting methods , used and in preparation of each crop I SALT! SALT! SALT! I FOR THE THIRTEENTH YEAR WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING The Myles Meat Salt • You should buy MYLES MEAT SALT because it requires less per 100 pounds of meat... the initial cost is cheaper and it is one of the purest Salts... running as high as 99 84T00 per cent PURE packed in 100 pound white cotton sacks. By using MYLES MEAT SALT you rest assured that your meat will be satisfactory in every respect. BET ran SUfIYW ONCE BROWN BROS. Phone 70 Edenton, N. C. i If ”2!21 1 If J I tesjjs&ESgSi I np&srj f m I s&SSifiS I SSSSBSgsaa I ‘Hrrw—i Olcpgoo I Roars Electric & Plumbing Company | Eden ton, N. C. A • /• j&k for market. A happy state of affairs would be to have an active demand for all crops produced, at good prices; and yet at prices that consumers could well afford to pay; but this combina tion of circumstances does not al ways prevail and when it does not prevail the farmer must exercise his intelligence and ingenuity both in production and in marketing if he is to receive a satisfactory profit from a price level that will encourage maxi mum consumer buying. Tobacco Course To Be Given At State The four-day tobacco short course to be held at State College, January 25-28, will offer North Carolina farm ers an opportunity for extensive stu dies of tobacco production and mark eting. Leading authorities on the weed crop will discuss the best cultural practices, new methods of insect and disease control, how to market leaf to best advantage, and explain the to bacco outlook for this year. Laboratory work in grading to bacco will be given Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. A high-light of the first day’s pro gram Tuesday morning will be a talk by J. B. Hutson, assistant AAA ad ministrator and director of the east central region, on prospective control legislation. W. G. Finn, assistant regional di rector, will go into the leaf outlook, and E. Y. Floyd, extension tobacco specialist and state AAA director, will discuss the 1938 agricultural con servation program in the afternoon Tuesday. Plant pathologists, agronomists, en tomologists, marketing specialists, , and other experiment station and ex i tension workers are also on the pro ) gram to present various aspects of Come in. See PROOF that It’s the greatest aR-anmnd money saver in Frigidalre History* • It took Frigidaire to do it! To bring you this l amazing 1938 refrigerator that slashes current cost deeper than ever before! Keeps food safer! Makes ice cheaper! Runs trouble-free year after year! With its sensational NEW Silent Meter- Miser, this 1938 Frigidaire brings you the Seatest all-around savings in Frigidaire itory! And PROVES it before you buy! Don’t be satisfied with mere claims of econ omy. You can save so much aserr with Frigidaire. And enjoy the convenience of NEW “Double-Easy” Quickube Trays! NBWLY STVUED 9-Way Adjustable Interior! NEW Moisture-Seal Hydrators, Close-Bar Sliding Shelves and dozens more exclusive Frigidaire advantages 1 Come in see PROOF of Frigid aire’s thrilling NEW economy —NEW beauty— NBW usability, today 1 U L—htgrtM. jgi«!MjntgsCt» She ud&ttddove fP/6/PA/RF Singing: Cowboy j A m JH 4sHhH . H WKjM RPtS Smith Ballew, singing cowboy of the screen, introduces three new song hits in “Hawaiian Buckaroo,” his lat est release. At the Taylor Theatre, Edenton, Saturday. the tobacco growers’ problem and point out the best known methods of solving them. Dan M. Paul, State College director of agricultural short courses, has an nounced that there will be no tuition fee for the tobacco short course. A $1 registration fee will be charged. Rooms and meals will be available at a moderate price both on the cam pus and in homes close by, he added. DANGEROUS It is dangerous to sell a SUBSTITUTE for 666 just to make three or four cents more. Customers are your best assets; lose them and you lose your business. 666 is worth three or four ' times as much as a SUBSTITUTE. PAGE SEVEN