I of toad and rnuntv news I Wg_ *vwi* Ufiu VUMTiky 7H/Wi I of general intertit. Ivolume V.—Number 34. The New Bridge Over Albemarle Sound Which Will Be Dedicated Thursday, August 25 Edenton Hub For Bridge Celebration Edentonians Capture High Honors In Main Events At Wilson Tobacco Festival Band Given Ap- GfMarcn^^ HUGECROWD Mary Elizabeth Cates Attracts Attention In Beauty Contest Musically and otherwise, Edenton went to Wilson last Thursday and brought home a fine assortment of the Tobacco festival honors in its pockets. Nothing strange about that, of course, for where Edenton goes honor returns. The boys and girls of this town, who comprise the local school band, under the leadership of their proud and able director,. C. L. McCullers, toted their clarinets, trumpets, cor nets, trombones, saxaphones, bass and kettle drums, xylophones, alto and baritone horns, and those great big weapons of music that would hold a hogshead of ABC stuff and tower skyward, to the town of tobac co, grabbed off the place of signal honor at the head of the 3 mile long parade of floats and industrial pro poganda, later gave a band concert for an hour before 5,000 listeners in front of the Wilson County Court House, exhibited a child of charm, Charlotte Bunch, at the van of their show, and came home that night stuffed with fancy Wilson food and burdened with the pride that comes to everyone for a deed well done. Edeaton has much vaunted history. Jack' McMullan says it has industrial advantages unparalled and unexcelled. Certainly the neighborhood now has a bridge that should open its doors drill wider. But with all this Eden- a band, just about the hottest band of school children in the great State of North Carolina. The band „is the town’s, best advertisement, ever has been—ever will be, and it did itself grand once more at Wilson, even if it may not have such a chance for display at the bridge show this coming Thursday. But the band was not all. Miss s#toy Elizabeth Cates was in Wilson, too as the representative of her town with 53 others for the "Queen of Beauty” at the Wilson party, and she looked dangerous to all the oth ers. At the theatre show Wednesday night she displayed hewelf in this competition and in a vote of 1,000 onlookers she was favored with a} near top mention, a beauty of beauties! THE CHOWAN HERALD A HOME NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CHOWAN COUNTY ♦■■■■ - . - ■ E Coincidence ■ WM/ s ■%»*■ Proof that Clerk of Superior Court Richard D. Dixon’s records are kept as well as any in the State was provided early this week, when what, is no doubt a record was reported by Garland E. Midyette, son of the late Judge Garland E. Midyette. Mr. Mid yette at present is employed in searching county records in all of the 100 counties of the State, tabulating the number of homi cides in each county since 1909. It is rather significant that the period covers 29 years and that in Chowan County there were 29 homicides and Mr. Midyette com pleted his search for the informa tion in exactly 29 minutes. Local Municipal Building Is Now Mayor’s Project Architect’s Drawing of Proposed Edifice At tracts Attention COSTS7O,OOO County Commissioners And Couitcilmen May Decide Later An architect's painting of what he thinks a municipal PWA building could be made to look like in Edea ton, together with plans for the first and ses&d floor offices; in the pro posed structure, has been on display > (Continued on Page Four) M. W. Jackson Files Suit For $5,400 As Result Auto Accident Damages to the amount of $5,400 were embodied in a suit filed in Chowan Superior Court Tuesday by M. W. Jackson against Martin L. Perry, of Elizabeth City. The docu ment is the outgrowth of an automo bile accident on July 23 resulting in [serious bodily injury to Mr. Jackson, I irom wmcn ne is now siowiy recover { lawful rate o/spLsd at a curve. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, August 25, 1938. Governor Hoey Joins Band j Here is picteured Governor Clyde Hoey with Edenton High School Band’s drum majors. The picture was taken last week at the Wilson Tobacco Festival. Reading left to right are: Doris Jean Leary, Betty Wales, Governor Hoey, Myda Weaver, Emily Howard and Director C L. McCullers. $48,000 Law Suit Grows Out Os New Bridge Erection Contractors Ask Dam ages For Breach of Contract WORKDELAYED Tardiness of Piles Cause Much Extra Expense, It Is Charged Close ahead of today’s bridge dedi catory celebration was a suit filed in ' the Superior Court here on Tuesday growing out of construction difficul ties experienced in building the mam moth Sound span. The Tidewater Construction Corporation, of Norfolk, contracting engineers for the north end of the crossway and draw bridge, was the plaintiff in the filed action, claiming $48,152.02 damages against the Gulf States Craoeoting Company, of Hattiesburg, Miss. The papers set forth that the Tide water people worked under a North Carolina Highway Commission con tract totaling $687,460, and engaged with the defendant company to creo sote the piling used in the north side work, the engagement calling for full delivery by the creosoters by Decem ber 15, last. Such delivery was not made, it is charged, bo that great difficulty was experienced in carrying on the bridge construction through last winter, and it was not until August 1 last that the bridge could be tentatively finished. In the interval the Tidewater com plainants claim they had to buy much creosoted lumber, also, from the At lantic Cxeosoting Company, and that the loss attributable to the defendant corporation was $48,000 less the ■ount paid the Atlantic Chowan Figured To Participate In Big Anti-Aircraft Test “Warning- Net” Will Be Located In This Vicinity UNIQUEAFFAIR Destruction Fort Bragg Object of “Enemy” Planes One of the most important anti-air craft exercises ever engaged in by the United States Army will have one of its focal points in Chowan County during the maneuver between October 3 and 17 next, and a pronounced cen ter of the entire exercise seems sche duled for another honor upon this commonwealth. Tersely the “try out” will concern the possible invasion of this country and desired destruction of Fort Bragg by enemy aircraft supposedly coming hare from European points. “Warn ing Nets” as they are called by the Army—actually points of intercepting observation manned by civilian volun teers, will be thrown up all about eastern North Carolina from Fort Bragg to the coast and northeast as far as the Norfolk area. More than 300 of these “warning nets” will be employed for this pur pose, and one of them, Captain Rich ard D. Dixon has been officially in formed, will be located in this county, presumably near Edenton civilian ob servers, equipped with the latest government war detecting signals, telephones and telegraphs, will be utilized in the Maneuver, and if the 500 airships, the greatest mobilization of army aricraft ever, appear in this sector the purpose is to flash a quick > warning to the artillery barracks near : Fayetteville. One of the primary purpose* of the (Continued on Page Five) mii mi i ~? r- - - Procession Scheduled To Form and Leave For Site Program Thursday 10 A.M. | Credit Due | In all the publicity fanfare of recent glory over the constriction of the new Sound bridge, but scant mention seems to have been meted out to E. Lund Hansen, the initial superintendent on the north side end of the job and who, in addition, planned and built the complicated and deli cately operated great center draw. Mr. Hansen, a graduate of the University of Norway and of Princeton in this country, made mary friends in Edenton by his cultured socialbility, and in en- j gineering circles by his shrewd, j careful and accurate engineering ability. The entire north end of 1 the crossway was the result of his skill and direction, and that these were proven is shown by ( the fact he has been transferred ' to plan and build the much longer ' bridge over the Potomac River, near the Quantico marine base in Virginia. All Edenton wishes him the best of luck. NYA Anxious To Build Community i : Houses In County Assistant Supervisor W. [ D. Davis In Edenton i Last Week l _____ ■ FREE LABOR ; Idea Is to Cultivate Com > munity Spirit Now Lacking: i W. T. Davis, assistant supervisor of the eastern district for the Na , tional Youth Administration, was in [ Edenton last week conferring with (Please Turn to Page Four) - Plymouth Concern Files Answer To Suit > Answer to the suit for $13,500 en s tered recently in Chowan Superior i Court by R. L. Chesson against the i Kieckhefer Container Company was : filed this week with Court Clerk f Richard D.' Dixon. Briefly answering the charges made by Chesson against e the Plymouth concern, every item was denied by the pulp mill people. This newspaper is circu lated in the territory where Advertisers will realise good results. $1.25 Per Year. Many Places of Business Decorated For Out standing Affair STORESCLOSE Parade Moves East on Church Street to Yeopim Road Edenton starts today as the hub of the great dedicatory bridge celebra tion to be conducted in the pine grove east of the south shore terminal of the mammoth span, and at least glor . ies in the opportunity to give the af j fair a good send-off-impetus. Every j body, everything, will assemble here j and promptly at 10 o’clock this morn ing, Grand Marshal C. E. Kramer will get his parade caravan into ac tion, guide it happily down the Yeo pim highway and onto the bridge, I and deliver it in all the panoply of much historical pageantry and mar tial music to the main program cele brants across the Sound. And Edenton is ready to do its part, do it well and proudly. For ten days the town authorities have had .the residents of the town cleaning up j their premises and making them ! presentable to a great host of expect - ied celebration visitors. The business * section of the community has bedeck j ed itself in much fanciful bunting and I flags, and is offering an enjoyable sight in this regard. The bridge proper has been made attractive with more flags and more bunting, as has the big stand for the speakers and 250 invited guests. Altogether if decorations, floats, and much parade paraphernalia have anything to do with the show, those who attend will leave tonight with a higher appreciation of Edenton’s eag erness and willingness to cooperate to 1 the utmost in making the celebration the huge success everyone expects and hoped it will be. As Marshal Kramer has tentatively lined up his parade, the marching • pageant will be led by a Norfolk . Southern bus carrying the official party, or those of it who may want to so ride in preference to using their own cars. Another bus with more celebration participants will follow, after which will come a decorated truck with the Edenton band children. ; The “Queen of the Albemarle” will be well touted next in her float, and will be followed by another truck carrying . the Robersonville bandsters. > Two official floats, those sent by i Dam and Perquimans counties and c illustrating high historical events, t will follow as will the Elizahaih Qity t school band —then the offitippChe#** i float, tea pot, garden an*l to*n girls, (Continued on Pa®s Five)