PAGE SIX Nep Farm Agent Pleased With Office Paints Interior and Re pairs Second-hand Furniture J. B. Small, Negro farm agent for Chowan and Perquimans counties, in his monthly report to County Com missioners Monday was very appre ciative for the cooperation of the Board in agreeing to pay the rent for a suitable place for an office where he can meet and discuss prob lems with farmers of his race. The agent’s office is located in the build ing at the comer of Church and Oa kum Streets, formerly used as a shoe repair shop. That his efforts in arranging his creditable office is appreciated by the Commissioners is evident by the fact that they agreed to reimburse him in the amount of $9.90 which he spent of his own money to equip the office. He made good use of paint on the walls and floors and by repairing second-hand furniture now is better able to carry on his work. He re ports that quite a few Negro farm ers have visited the office for infor mation and advice since it was opened. T GLIDEN f « % Mr. and Mrs. George Walker and children, of Sunbury, visited Mr. and Mrs. S. W. White Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. White and. fam ily, of Raleigh, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Sue White. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Winslow, Miss Kathryn Winslow and Miss Lorinda Ward and A. D. Ward, Jr., attended the show in Hertford on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Winslow and A. D. Ward visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hollowell Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Lester Rountree and children, Doris Jean and Frank, of Hobbsville, were guests of her mother, Mrs. | BEYOND THE GAS WAINS, ¥ WHAT A DAY! JOHNNY FORGOT^ I TO Fra THE WOOD-BOX,THS ■ I FIRE WENT OUT, AND COMPANY I ■ COMING'...'.WELL,I WAS ■ 1 I DESPERATE SO I CALLED THE ■ > I tPHHOFAX - GAS PEOPLE JMO ■ III HAVE A ■ : I BRAND-NEW MAGIC CHEF ■ *mOFAX".GAS RANGE! M LIVING OUT ■ COUNTRY WITH- I •PVKOFAX’J No need to wait till you’re des us today, and begin enjoying the economy, efficiency xndcleunliness of "PYROFAX”GaJ cooking at once! Ton’ll be surprised to know that "PYXOFAX” Gas Service is so inexpensive. The "PYROFAX” Gas regulating equipment is pro vided at ho charge; you pay only the small installation charge of $9.75. The gas itself costs as lit tle as per meal per person. "PYROFAX” Gas is real gas, not a liquid fuel, and with it you banish firewood, coal, ashes, soot, wicks and messy fuels for- Cross section diagram of typical "PYROFAX” Gas installation. PYROFAX TRAOI-MAITK DEPENDABLE GAS SERVICE COOKS... HEWS **n» ... MMES KC i» Una Oma« On On Mi The Albemarle Natural Gas Co. JACOB HOBOWSKY, Manager Gdrart an, N. C. Long Awaited Film On Local Screen Hi Mm l §1 is . 3 * ; "J| 1 BF •- u.* HfV i 'lplpm >.<:■ ‘lillaE " i,-''! W* 1 Mm Ks2;ff . x.. ■ j^mm^ Norma Shearer as a vaudeville acrobat and Clark Gable as a “hoofer” is the unusual and exciting dramatic fare offered to screen-goers in “Idiot’s Delight” at Taylor Theatre, Edenton, Monday and Tuesday. Marina Winslow, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Briggs and daughter, Isolene, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Hollowell and baby, of Gates County, and Mrs. A. D. Ward visited Mrs. L. N. Humphlett Sunday. Mrs. Humphlett has been very ill for sometime, and is still confined to her bed. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Ward, Mrs. H. C. Bunch, Mrs. L. C Briggs and Miss | Pasco Hollowell attended the Baptist W M. U. convention in High Point last week. They also visited places of interest in Raleigh, Durham, Win ston-Salem and Thomasville. Mrs. Maybelle Winslow attended a birthday dinner given in honor of her grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Byrum, in Edenton, Sunday. Miss' Lorinda Ward spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Kathryn Wins low. Frances Copeland, of Selwin, was the guest of Marian White Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. White, Mr. and Mrs. L. N. White spent Saturday af ternoon in Hertford. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Spivey enter tained a few friends at dinner Sunday honoring Mr. Spivey’s birthday. I REPUBLICAN I Bertie County By Walter Hughes \ / REPUBLICAN FOX CLUB The Republican Fox Club has the following officers: Richard Leary, president; W. H. Hollowell, vice pres ident, and H.B. Spruill, treasurer. The club has forty members, and a ■ pack of hounds ranging in age from 12 months to two years old. One hound in the pack is seven years old and he knows, all the arts and tricks that a fox can work. This old dog will go out and strike the trail and the young hounds will fall in, then it’s just too sad for Mr. Fox. They will take him to far and distant climbs. This old dog is right there in case of any extra figuring he will make short hand of the fox. All the hunters have to do is just stand still and soon they are neard coming, and I then their music fades away into the far west. Soon they are heard com ing from the northern regions About this time all the dogs are bed ded on the fox’s track and the whole elements are filled with beautiful music. I have stood and wondered if Heaven could be any grander and would I ever be any happier than now. With the g>-and speed the dogs t acquire, Mr. Fox soon bids farewell to 1 all his friends and foes. No other i music can surpass that of a well-1 trained, pack in full hunt. Republi can is now a haven of rest. If any of you have mental strains, come and hear one of our races. You will go away refreshed. Classified and Legals Use : ECONOMY FEEDS At our Center Hill mill we are now equipped to shuck and shell corn, grind corn and cob meal, peanut hay and soybeans or any other feeds you need made here. Charges reasonable. Prompt ser vice. Feeds ground while you wait. B. W. EVANS ts. FARM FOR SALE—92 ACRES, 35 acres under cultivation. One-quar ter mile from school and four miles from Edenton. Cheap to quick buyer. Apply to L. E. Francis. mar.16,23,30pd. KEYS MADE," SAFE COMBINA tions changed, guns repaired, and any work of a locksmith done in first class order. See Geo. Leary, Queen St., Edenton, N. C. tr FOB SALE—THE FEED A METAL business formerly conducted by the late O. H. Brown under the name of Brown Brothers, me inventory THE CHOWAN HERALD,EDENTON, N. C„ THURSDAY, MARCH 16,1939 trucks and equipment will be in cluded in the sale. Terms can be arranged. See or write Mrs. O. H. Brown, Edenton, N. C., or The Bank of Edenton, Edenton, N. C. Mar. 16,23,30 —be GRIFFIN’S SHOE POLISH-COM plete line in various colors and white. Julian E. Ward’s Shoe Shop. FOR SALE—GOODMAN’S PROLIF ic Seed Com—sl.oo peck; $2.50 per bushel, f. o. b. A. E. Goodman, Mt. Ulla, N. C. mar.16,23,30pd FOR THOSE DESIRING HOME employment. 25 - money - making formulas $2.00. Send 25c for more details. E. J. Sousa, 61 Union Street, Nantucket, Mass. mar.16,23,30pd. SCHROERS BETTER PLANTS— Write for prices on all kinds of vegetables. Schroer Plant Farms, Valdosta, Ga. mar,16,23,30pd. PIRATE’S TREASURE—IOO DlF ferent Carribean Stamps SI.OO. Ana Gray, Kingshill, Virgin Is- < lands. ltpd. < CEMENT HALF-SOLING GIVES ladies’ shoes that factory finished look. Have the next pair rebuilt by Julian E. Ward, Edenton, N. C. WANTED —THREE MEN OVER factory age for Rawleigh Routes. Large organization. Good profits to willing workers. Sales way up this year. Steady work. Write: Rawleigh’s Dept. C-113-HSS, Memphis, Tenn. ltpd. AUCTION SALE OF FURNITURE Wednesday, March 22, at 10:30 A. M., at my store at Center Hill. Sale will include living room, bed room and dining room furniture, kitchen equipment and odd pieces. Tom Byrum. mar.9,l6pd. PREVENT COLDS, TYPHOID, AP | pendicitis, Remove Warts. Make Dentifrice. Booklet 25c. Box 86, Salem Station, Winston-Salem, N. C. mar.9,16,23pd. j RE-BUILT ARMY SHOES ARE ideal for spring plowing and other farm work. Good wear and com fortable for working. Julian E. Ward’s Shoe Shop, Edenton, N. C. POSTPAID GUARANTEED sweet, juicy Redleaf Chewing, 10 lbs., $1.25; Smoking, SI.OO. Ernest Jolley, Dresden, Tenn. mar.9,16,23pd j •FOR RENT—FOUR-ROOM APART- I ment with private bath. Apply to L. C. Burton. Feb.9tf COWPEAS—RE-CLEANER CLAYS mixed Clays, Whips. Priced right. Shuler-Smoak, Orangeburg, S. C. Dec.StoApr.l FOR RENT—SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE and fully equipped garage. Locat ed at Tyner. Apply to L. E. Twine, Tyner, N. C. mar.l6,23pd. ! : FOR SALE—SUTTON HOUSE ON comer Broad and Carteret Streets Apply W. E. Sutton, Edenton, N. C. ltpd. PEKIN DUCKLINGS, BRONZE AND Bourbon Red Poults. Woolford Ohickeries, R 3, Spencerville, Ohio, Mar.2,9,16pd. SOYBEANS NEW, RE-CLEANED —sl.oo bushel. E. G. Holland, Kenly, N. C. Mar.2,9,16pd. ! WE SAY IT WITH QUALITY—* » Barred, White Rocks, Reds, White Wyandottes, Buff Orphingtons. i $6.95. Heavy Mixed, English White : Leghorns, $6.36. Write for Free catalog and liberal guarantee. Can ship C. O. D. 100% live delivery. Salisbury Electric Hatchery, New . Salisbury, Ind., Box 10. . mar.9,16,23pd. ! GABARDINE SHOE POLISH CAN ! be secured in navy and black at Julian E. Ward’s Shoe Shop, Eden : N - c - ; G, “f --- K -J OGK ..^L^SiI n® BB - r ~r™ W ~ K ’| woman your customer. Today, now while you think of it write and learn how you can learn the pro fession. Open your own shop. We train you—furnish your own shop with a small payment. We help you to succeed. New classes form ing now. Continental College of Beauty Culture, High Point, N. C.l Mar.2,9,16,13c PAR-EXCELLENT, AFTER-SHAV ing Lotion for men. Hand and face lotion for ladies. Make it your self for a few cents a pint. Ma terial at all drug stores. Complete instructions 25c coin. Stanley’s, 1236 E. Cheltenham Ave., Phila delphia, Pa. ltpd. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of N. L. Ward, deceas ed, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said, deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton, N. C., on or before the 9th day of March, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 9th day of March, 1939. E. L. WARD, Administrator N. L. Ward, Estate Mar.16,23,30,apr.6,13,f20—e1wcb NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of A. H. Hines, deceas ed, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton, N. C., on or before the 9th day of February, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 9th day of February, 1939. J. C. HINES, Administrator of A. H. Hines. Feb.9,16,23,Mar.2,9,16— jeh, NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a deed of trust executed to J. N. Pruden, Trus tee, by John Rooks and Wife dated March 16, 1916, recorded in Book 26, page 260 in the Public Registry of Chowan County, N. C., the under signed will on Saturday, March 25, 1939, at twelve o’clock noon at the Court House door in Edenton, N'. C., offer for sale for cash at public bid dings the following real estate in Chowan County, N. C., to-wit: That part of the Woodside farm | ACCEPT COOLERATOR'S 1 10-DAY FREE TRIAL I ....SAVE* UP TO >100“ J Read «l|f non tbai 350,000 familits pn- Bp fer Ibis aaaziig air-coiditioiid refrigerator » f£\ that costs half what yoa’d expect! H | j JW * | l There is one best way to select a l yjj^r refrigerator—that is to try the model HH | >W of your choice IN YOUR. OWN BS| A_ HOME. You don’t have to take our ■HHBSBjHH word or anybody’s word that Coolerator is the best refrigerator for j|||i you. Let it prove its own claims, be fore your eyes in your own kitchen.. I 9,f y-*'" Coolerator is one of the few willing I