PAGE EIGHT MMMs. i ■—i in —— —————l Mr. and Mis. T. J. Wood and Mr. and Mrs. George P. Byrum visited Miss Marjorie Wood, at Mary Wash ington College, Fredericksburg, Va., on Sunday. Mrs. M. L. Short left Monday for San Deigo, Calif., to join her hus band and make her home. Mrs. Short is the former Miss Louise Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, and has been visiting her par ents for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Echols, of Norfolk, Va., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Smith. Miss Madge Pettus, of Raleigh, was the week-end guest of . her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pettus. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fisher, of Raleigh, were week-end guests of Mrs. Fisher’s mother, Mrs. Thomas W. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Cozart and fam- i ily, Mr. and Mrs. Taft Cozart and Paul TJtmstehd visited in Greenville Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. M. Day spent Sunday in Norfolk, Va., with her parents. Miss Ruth Elliott, of Raleigh, was the week-end guest of her mother, Mrs. Thomas W. Elliott. Friends of Miss Mildred Stephen son will be glad to know that she is out again. Miss Stephenson has had a long convale3ence following an un usually severe attack of pneumonia. Bill Cozart is at home after spend ing e week in Wake Forest. Mrs. Gibson Brickie and little son went to Suffolk, Va., Monday after noon to make their home. Misses Mary Arrington Burton, Barbara Kepler and Evelyn Jackson were in Norfolk, Va., on Friday. Mrs. Will Madre, of Hertford, Mrs. Lloyd Webb, Mrs. R. L. Bunch and Miss Margaret Swanner spent Monday in Norfolk, Va. Miss Anne Davis, of Elizabeth City, and Miss Marjorie Buck, of /Hertford, were guests of Miss Mar garet Swanner on Monday. Mrs. George P. Byrum and Mrs. J. Paul Holoman spent last Thursday in Norfolk, Va. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Elliott and daughters spent Sunday in Rich . Square with Mrs. Elliott’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Carter and daughter, Helen, spent Sunday with relatives near Elizabeth City. Mrs. R. P. Badham is visiting her daughter, Mrs. George Carr, and Mr. Carr, at Danville, Va. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wozelka have gone to Greenville to make their home. Mrs. Harry Smith and daughters, Louise and Jeanne, visited relatives at Colerain and Mars Hill on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Russell and children visited in Rocky Mount on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mooney, accom panied by Mr. and Mrs. Lankford L. Story, of RoanoTce Rapids, visited in Winston-Salem and Mocksville over the week-end. Mrs. Charlie Griffin visited relatives in Wilson during the week-end. Miss Ernestine Jones, of Green ville, was the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Jones, this week. Mrs. H. B. Jones spent the week end in New Bern. Ambrose Griffin, of Greensboro, was the week-end guest of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Griffin. Miss Fannie Ralph Ward, of Co lumbia, is spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. George P. Byrum. . Mrs. Earl Ballenger, of Wilson, is spending a few days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Moore, in North Edenton. Mrs. Bill Averett and little son, of Dunn, are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Floars spent the week-end in Freemont. Miss Elizabeth Shaheen spent Sun day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. It- A. Shaheen, at Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. William Bond and son left Sunday for their home in Denver, Colo., after visiting relatives in Edenton for sometime. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jackson were guests of Mr. Jackson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Jackson, near Eliza beth City, Sunday. Miss Myrtle Ward, of Appalachain State College, arrived Saturday to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ward, near Edenton. Richard Rogerson, a student at Appalachain State College, is with QUALITY HARDWARE Farming: Equipment Fishing Supplies Paints - Varnishes T 111 KntiAe i. n. Junes . « his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rogerson, for the summer. Miss Jessie McMullen left Sunday for Wadesboro to visit Mr. and Mrs. Will Smith. Leslie Harrell, of Greenville, was the week-end guest of his father, T. E. Harrell, and Mrs. Harrell. Mrs. A. J. Manning and daughters, of Williamston, have been recent guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Spruill'. Jake Hobowsky spent Tuesday in Norfolk, Va., on business. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Gibbs visited in Hyde County over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Taft Cozart and Paul Umstead, of Roxboro, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Cozart. Wendell Copeland, a student at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. X. E. Copeland. Melvin Layton, a student at Wake Forest College, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Layton, during the week-end. Miss Mary Elizabeth Upchurch spent the week-end at her home at Mt. Gilead- Miss Marie Riddick, of Clinton, vis ited friends here Monday morning. Dr. Roland H. Vaughan was in Richmond, Va., on Sunday. Miss Esther Hobowsky went to Scotland Neck Wednesday to spend a few days. She will also visit in Rocky Mount while away. Claude Davis, U. S. N., Ports mouth, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Gibhs Sunday afternoon. Leon Lastinger, of Chocowinity, spent Tuesday night in Ed.enton. Ewell Hobbs, a student at State College, Raleigh, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hobbs. Entertainment At Ryland On Friday The Ashley Brothers and Roy Evans, radio entertainers, will be at Ryland school house on Friday even ing, May 19, at 8 o’clock, with one of their best programs. A play, “Snowball and Sunshine,” will fea ture the program, and plenty of music is promised in a whole evening of good entertainment. A small admis sion will be charged. This entertain ment is sponsored by the Ryland Woman’s Club which will sell refresh ments at the conclusion of the pro gram. The public is cordially invited. Mrs. Mary E. Twine Buried On Saturday Funeral services were held Satur day afternoon for Mrs. Mary E. Twine, 66, who died Friday night at her home near Center Hill. The ser vices were held at the home by Rev. J. T. Byrum and interment was made in the family burial ground. Mrs. Twine is survived by her hus band and several children. Pallbearers were: O. C. Twine, Ar ! thur Overton, R. W. Twine, T. C. Twine, Alvin Byrum and Preston Dail. CENTER HILL CLUB MEETS Center Hill Woman’s Club met with Mrs. J. S. Turner on Thursday aftwihoon. The Scripture was read by the president, Mrs. J. T. White, who also read a poem on “Mother.” “Long, Long Ago” was sung and the Collect was repeated. Miss Colwell gave an interesting talk on Laundry Equipment and Oth er Things. The June meeting will be held at the school building and will feature a flower show. Mrs. J- T. Jordan and Mrs. C. H. Davis will be hostesses. At the conclusion of the meeting, Mrs. Turner served ice cream and cake. A new member, Mrs. Rufus Smith son, was added to the roll. SENIORS HONORED An enjoyable dance was held in the band hall of the Mitchener Building Tuesday evening, after the Class Night exercises at the hjgh school, when the marshals entertained the seniors. Marshals were Misses Vir ginia Moore, Emily Howard, Doris Jean Leary, Margaret Elliott and Helen Swanner, and Emmett Wig gins, Dee Skiles, Gray Byrum, J. M. Boyce and Robert Francis. NEWLY-WEDS HONORED Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Perry and Mr. and Mrs. Fred White entertained at a miscellaneous shower on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. White in honor of Rev. and Mrs. Al phonse Jordan, who were married on Saturday. Spring flowers were used in artis tically decorating the house. After the packages hadl been open ed and each donor thanked fox the gift presented, Rev. and Mrs. Jordan were asked to sing. They fng a duet, and then Mrs. Jordan fang a solo. Delicious ice cream and cake was served to the gueste numbering about and a long life. THE CHOWAN HIKAUD, EDENTON. N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 19,1989 | Ha, Eats! The Young Men’s Bible Class of the Baptist Sunday School will entertain their wives and members of the class taught by Mrs. C. T. Hollowell at a weiner roast Friday night. The affair will be held at Bridge Inn, near y the Chowan River bridge, begin ning at 7:00 o’clock. Every member of both classes is especially urged to be present. 1 Silas Green Show Plays Here Tuesday, May 23 1 For one night only, Tuesday, May ■ 23, Silas Green’s show will play in Edenton. This show, which plays i here annually, attracts large crowds, both to the performance and the I band concert, wmch always works up interest in the show. 1 The tent will this year be located 1 on Hicks Field, the show calling for new scenic effects and an entirely ■ new program. > ■ I . ■ .1 ■. ■ 4 I ■ 1 BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Turner, of 1 Norfolk, Va., announce the birth of a [ son on Saturday, May 13th. Mm. Turner was formerly Miss Hazel Perry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Perry, of near Cross Roads. MOVE TO FISH HATCHERY Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Baker, who 1 formerly lived in North- Edenton, have moved to the United States Fish | Hatchery. 1 CONFER DEGREE IN COLERAIN About 25 Edenton Masons on • Thursday night journeyed to Cole rain, where the local degree team ’ conferred the third degree upon a candidate for the Colerain lodge. ’ After the initiation work, refresh | ments were served. WEINER ROAST Miss Doris Jean Leary and Tom Byrum entertained a number of their r friends at a wiener roast at Bridge Inn Monday evening. About fifty , young people enjoyed the affair. ANNOUNCES ENGAGEMENT Edward C. Perry, of Center Hill, announces the engagement of his , daughter, Kathryn Anne, to Jean Paul ! Barnett. The wedding will take place at the home of the bride-elect on May 28th. Bible Still Claims Title “Best Seller” For the fourteenth successive year, , in its 123rd year of service, the board of managers of the American Bible Society, Park Avenue and 57th Street, reported to its membership at its meeting on Thursday, May 11, an an nual circulation during 1938 of ap proximately 7,000,000 volumes. The circulation for last year was 6,970,757 volumes in 182 languages and in over 40 countries. Mother’s Day Service At Creswell Church The Spiritual Life Group of the Women’s Missionary Society of Cres well Methodist Church presented a very interesting Mother’s Day ser vice Sunday morning at the Sunday School hour. Those participating on the program were: Edna Spruill, Evelyn Belanga, Edith Spruill, Superintendent P. B. Belanga, Lael June Gregg, Mrs. C. W. Gregg, Mary Elizabeth Spruill, R. L. Spruill, Norma Belanga, Iris Jane Gregg, Mrs. R. L. Spruill, Miss Helen Spruill, Francis Belanga, Nell Spruill and David G. Spruill. The program was interspersed by appropriate songs by the Sunday School. Concert Singers At Kadesh Church May 22 On Monday evening, May 22nd, at 8:30 o’clock, the Norman Concert Singers of Elizabeth City will render a musical program at Kedesh A. M. E. Zion Church. This chorus consists of 22 male and ' female voices, especially trained for concert singing by Professor J. E. Norman, of Elizabeth City. They will render many spirituals and Negro melodies, which received great ovations on their recent northern tour. / The public is cordially invited to > attend this affair. White friends , will be hospitably received!. Dance Held Tonight In Edenton Armory A dance for the benefit of Com pany F, local National Guard unit, will be held tonight (Thursday) in the Edenton Armory. Music will be - furnished by Bob Fisher and his Show Boat orchestra, which is in Edenton this week playing Tor the Floating ___ P.T.A. At Creswell Installs Officers Large Attendance Pres ent at Final Meeting For Year The Creswnil Parent-Teachers As sociation held its' final business ses sion of the year at the school build ing, Thursday evening with a large attendance present. ! Mrs. E. S. Wopdley announced there would "be a Rally Day program 1 on the last day of school. Plans for commencement exercises were dis cussed. Mrs. Vida Davenport gave a report ! of the work accomplished by the lunch room and expressed to the parents and teachers her. appreciation of the co-operation they have extended. She ; stated that sixty or seventy children had been given free lunches. At the conclusion of her talk, Mrs. Brooks and several teachers gave instances of great improvement in school work shown by underprivileged children since they have been getting free lunches. Following the business session, the retiring president, Mrs. C. N. Daven port, Sr., conducted service, installing the offices for the ensuing year. 'lhe new officers are: President, Mrs. E. S. Woodley; vice president, Mm. A. S. Holmes; secretary, Mias Julia Stilley; treasurer, Miss Grace Stillman. The program chairman for the month presented the following pro gram: Recitation, Billy Liverman; playlet, Mrs. Hopkins’ Music Class; quartet, 4 members of the high school band. The hospitality committee, Misses Janie Mclnnis, Helen Kirkpatrick and Virginia Phelps, and Mrs. A. T. Brooks, served fruit punch and cookies. Junior Order Rally In Harrellsville May 23 A district meeting and rally of the ! Junior Order of American Mechanics ’ will be held at Hobhsville on Tues day, May 23, according to W. M. Futrell, district deputy. Judge W. H. S. Burgwyn will make the princi pal address of the rally, speaking at , 8 P. M. A business session will be i held at 3 P. M., followed by a bar becue supper at 6 o’clock. A public : rally will take place at 8 o’clock. t OAK GROVE * <s> <J> » Mr. and Mrs. Daughtrey Bunch and daughter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jet Bunch. I Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bunch and fam ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bunch in Brayhall, Sunday evening. Johnnie White, of Baltimore, Md.. spent Thursday with his aunt, Mrs. Jesse Nixon. Miss Sarah Elliott, of near Eliza beth City, spent the week-end with Miss Ruth Parrish. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lane and Edna The Gypsys Are Here... A Gay Collection of Gypsy Inspired DRESSES Blouses of Fine Quality Flock-dot Organdy. Skirts Are of Fine Quality Poplin Priced at Only $1.29 Gay and Exciting French Crepe DRESSES Sizes 14 to 44 Only $1.49 Super Fine French Crepe and Acetates Prints and Solids I 14 to 52 Now Only $1.98 REMEMBER—Timed for Immedi ate Selling. 14 to 44. Exciting— OnlylUl Tax Included art ALL Salee Hils Month '!:• : m'mrn g HHHIMMIII II Hi I I 111 f Bi|HX I 11 ■■ I ‘?'i, ,%'%■ v ‘ ■ Edenton Leading Albemarle League Plymouth "Will Be Big Attraction Sunday Afternoon By defeating Windsor Sunday af 1 - temoon 5 to 2, Edenton’s entry in the Albemarle League continued to lead the league with three straight victories. Sunday’s game was a thriller and was' played before a large crowd of £ans. : Both teams were deadlocked at the eighth inning 2 to 2, but at that point m the game Eden ton Blugg,era,CßPoactq3 safely to add three runs. f 1 . -'dfc Wozelka on the mound was in tip top shape, allowing only 7 hits. At the bat Cayton and Clyde Lee dates took honors, the former slamming out two timely triples out of four trips to the plate. Thus far Wozelka has won one game and Lester Jordan 2. On Wednesday afternoon, too lata to be reported in The Herald, Eden ton played Scotland Neck here, the first meeting of the two teams. A return game will be played Saturday afternoon at Scotland Neck. What should attract a record crowd will be a game Sunday after noon when the Plymouth aggrega tion will play in Edenton. Consider able rivalry exists between the two teams and a battle royal is In pros pect. Lane called to see Mr. and Mrs. John Parrish Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parrish had as their dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay Parrish and family, of Norfolk, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parrish, of Suffolk, Va., Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dail and family, of New port News, Va., Mr. and Mrs. John Morris and son, of Cannons Ferry, Roland Parrish, of Portsmouth, Va, \ m "PERCE STRINGS” by Byrum Hardware Co. | V *£ s . JJk WHAT Evefe POSSESSED WTpOR EARS.FOtKS* \ BTTIHO IHSBCTS. Jf * > AROUND ' t>VDI IM4. HARDWARE CQ j ■ ——— "*r _\ Is the Rain Coming Through Your Roof? CALL US FOR A JykmSßf NEW ROOF 1)cjBpl A REPAIR JOB WE DO GUTTER WORK ■ ABYRUM HRRDLURRE iM. U<UuluKl>us p TAYLOR THEATREIj EPENTON, N. C. WE HAVE THE SHOWS I’ Today (Thursday) and Friday, May 18-19 k ■ I Shirley Temple and Richard Greene in r j “THE LITTLE PRINCESS” I FILMED IN TECHNICOLOR '-|J I Saturday, May 20— I I Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette in I J “BLUE MONTANA SKIES” I “THE LONE RANGER RIDES AGAIN” No. 4 J I I Sunday, May 21— f Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers in i “The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle” 1 Monday and Tuesday, May 22*23 ITj Errol Flynn and Olivia DeHavilland in 1 J “DODGE CITY” I W v ■ FILMED IN TECHNICOLOR | . Wednesday, May. 24 , f yj John Garfield and Rosemary Lane in f 1 I “HUCKWEU’S MB" g Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Parrish and , family. Mrs. Bristow Perry and son, Carl- 1 ton, called to see Mrs. Jesse Nixon Monday. Albert Bunch returned home Satar- r j day from Albemarle Hospital,' Eliza- | beth City. Mr. and Mrs. "Fulton Driggs and son, Bobby, spent Sunday with Mrs. P Jesse Nixon. ' • Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Byrum and family, of Norfolk, Va., Mr. and Mm jg Herbert Byrum and family, of Can- ' non’s Ferry, Mr. and Mrs.- Samuel | Mansfield and son, of Bear Swamp, | Mr. and Mrs. Robert By rum and fam- ; ily, Mr. and Mra. Rqb Morris and j family, Mr. and Mrs. - Miles Bunch and Ray Byrum spent Sunday with t Mrs. Annie M. Byrum. * Miss Ceha Rae Nixon was the din ner guest of Misses 'Dorothy 'Mae and ’ Marie Bunch Sunday. I Mrs. Willie Nixon, Mr. and Mra. ) Fulton Driggs and Mrs. Jesse Nixon 1 called on Mrs. Jesse Lane Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. William Bynun en- ' tertained company Sunday. Too Late to Classify FOR SALE—ONE WESTINGHDUBE M Electric Refrigerator. Will sell at a bargain. Apply Mitchener and Leary, Edenton, N. C. maylß,2sc FOR SALE —ONE TWO-WHEEL Trailer, good tires, in A-l condi tion. For sale cheap to first lucky . buyer. Apply Mrs. J. C. (Dick) ../$ Leary, Oakum and Queen Streets, ,1 Edenton, N. C. maylß,2sc Foi~SALiI^AIZ~OT ;:^iY- HOUfflil hold and Kitchen Furniture. Can be seen at 215 East Bong St. N. J. $ Castelow. lte. * FOR RENT—NICELY FURNISHED front room, beautyrest mattress, 1 suitable for two people. Rent rea sonable. Phone 238-W. maylß,2s,junelc. |

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