E Short Small- Hie final cotton report of the year places North Carolina’s production at| *>5,000 bales, compared with 388,000 noales last year, 780,000 bales in 1937, and a ten-year average (1928-37) | crop of 720,000 bales. With the ex ception of the 1938 production, this [|s the shortest crop since 1901. [R Reports from growers as of Decem ber Ist indicate that 769,000 acres were in cultivation on July Ist, of which 746,000 acres were left for harvest. The acreage harvested is 13 percent less than that picked last year and is the smallest acreage for North Carolina since 1877. During the past decade, cotton has shown a decided downward trend in acreage in this State. For instance, in 1926 North Carolina harvested 1,802,000 acres of cotton. .This year is the first time in history that the acreage devoted to cotton was less than that for tobacco- The yield per acre for this season estimated at 291 pounds, which is 9U>, pounds higher than the 1938 yield Ks 216 pounds and 10 pounds above Fthe ten-year (1928-37) average yield. L The Department of Commerce re- Fports 447,000 bales ginned prior to ■December Ist, which represents the Hugest proportion of the total crop [ ginned to this date on record for North Carolina. The 1939 crop ma tured earlier than usual and fall ideal for picking and I ginning. I This year’s crop has been peculiar-1 lj different in that it varies from' very poor in the northeastern part of the State to excellent in the southern Piedmont. Many cotton counties bor dering Virginia are reporting yields of almost a failure, whereas counties adjacent to South Carolina are re porting frequent yields of over a bale per acre. For example, Cleveland County has one of the best crops in its history and is expecting a final per acre yield of close to a bale, at. E> Wrong Car To let Ride Homeward nbing a ride toward Windsor hursday afternoon resulted in iung men being driven in the » direction and landing in the jail. George C. Smith and Lee, near the city limits, man o stop a car with Chief of Po , A. Helms at the wheel and stopping, the Chief learned le two men had torn down an Ive Lions Club sign and later ng cold set fire to a field of high grass near the Brown Lumber Company in order to warm them selves. The Chief ordered the two to beat out the fire and then carried them to jail to await a hearing. Each of the men was taxed $12.15 by Justice of the P/ace s'. W. Hobbs before they were allowed to continue on their way home. McMILLIAN CIRCLE TO MEET The McMillian Circle of the Wom an’s Missionary Society of the Eden tpn Baptist Church will meet Monday afternoon with Mrs. George P. By ,-Vum at her home on Blount Street. are asked to note the Ohange in the date of meeting, the jjgegular date being on Christmas Rhiy, and are urged to attend this Imeeting. OH I CHARACTER Tot evety ecctuio* plfco /fiusT We have a most complete array 1 of Gruen Watches, diamonds, | jewelry, silverware, novelties and 3 £ art objects selected irom onenngs | J| ** JlK* Classified and Legals FOR SALE—HOUSE AND LOT ON Oakum Street, between Queen end Church Streets. See H. W. Pierce, Route 3, Edenton, N. C. Dec.14,21,28pd. WANTED LOCAL MAN WITH car, who can sell on easy terms. Experience unnecessary. Apply D. L. Jones, 216 E. King St., Edenton, N. C. Dec.l4,pd. USE NEATSLENE SHOE GREASE to waterproof shoes and to make them last longer. Julian Ward’s Shoe Shop, Edenton, N. C. FOR SALE—BICYCLE IN GOOD condition. See Joe Rowlette or call 41-J. dec,l4pd. FOR RENT—(HOUSE IN NORTH Edenton now occupied by J. H. Pope. Possession January 1. Apply Dr. W. A. Leggett. dec.14,21c INVISIBLE HALF-SOLING GIVES a factory-finish to those old shoes, prolonging the wear at small cost. Julian Ward’s Shoe Shop, Edenton. REGISTERED LONG-EARED Black and Tan Fox and Coon Hound pup. Ten dollars C. O. D. Hubert Winders, Route 1, Hagers town, Maryland. n0v.30,dec.7,14,21,28pd. READY NOW FOR FALL PLANT ing—Jersey Wakefield and Charles ton cabbage plants. See or write E. L. Pearce, Route 3, Edenton, N. C. nov.l6tf. RADIO REPAIRING—I AM EQIP ped to repair all makes of radios. Satisfaction guaranteed at reason able prices. Thomas Jackson, at T. W. Jones Hardware Store, Eden ton. oct.26tf. CHICKS FOR SALE BARRED! Rocks. Garrett Poultry Farms, 1 Moyock, N. C. If interested see Mrs. John Rollowell, Edenton, N, C., Route 1. sept.l4toJan.l.pd. PAINFUL, ACHING ARTHRITIS Joints can now be relieved. Miteh ener’s Pharmacy offers free inter esting Sulpho-Kaps booklet on new Sulphur method. No obligation to. buy. RE-BUILT ARMY STIOES GIVE comfortable and satisfactory ser vice. Julian Ward’s Shoe Shop, Broad Street, Edenton. NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! Sale of Valuable Real Estate Under and by virtue of agreement made and entered, into by the widow and all of the heirs of John E. Good win, deceased, we will sell for cash to the highest bidder before the Court House door in Edenton, N. C., on Fri day, December 29, 1939, at twelve (12) o’clock Noon, the following de scribed, real estate lying in Second Township, Chowan County, N. C., and bounded as follows: Adjoining the lands of E. J. Burke, deceased, the lands of John Churchill Miles Perry and the Sandy Ridge Road, containing 60 acres, more ox less, and known as the John E. Good win homeplace near Center Hill. See deed to John E. Goodwin in Book B-2, page 246. We reserve the right to reject any and all bids. Dated and posted this December 11 1939. WIDOW AND HEIRS OF JOHN E. GOODWIN, Deceased. By W. S. PRIVOTT, Attorney. dec.14,21,28 —WSP. EXECUTORS’ NOTICE Having qualified as Executors of the estate of Robert B. Drane, D. D., deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to Frederick B. Drane, Monroe, North Carolina, on or before the 9th day of November, 1940, or this notice will be pleaded ih bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate paytaent. This 9th day of November, 1939. 1 FREDERICK B. DRANE, BRENT S. DRANE, r Executors. n0v.9,1fi,23,30ydcc-7j14. — * TRUSTEE’S SALE OF REAL ESTATE Pursuant to the power and author ity contained in a certain deed of trust dated the 23rd day of August, 1936, executed by T. C. White and wife, Mae Belle White, to T. C. Abemethy, Trustee, which deed of trust is duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Chowan County, North Carolina, in Book Os I F. L. B. 89, page 968-259, MCWkiMT.aJ ’ certain note payable to Home Own-] ere’ Loan Corporation, default htoiggi been made for a period of more than ninety (90) days in the payment of said note as provided therein and he the performance of certain covenants I net out in said deed of trust, ahd dfe mand of foreclosure haying been made by the holder of said indebted ness, the undersigned Trustee will offer tot sale ai' public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the Court House door in Chowan County, Edenton, North Carolina, at 12 o’clock noon on the 19th day of December, 1989, the following described real es tate, to wit: AH that certain lot, THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON, N„ C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1939 tract or parcel of land situate; lying and being in the Town of Edenton, Edenton Township, County of Cho wan, State of North Carolina, and more particularly described and de fined as follows: That piece or parcel of land in the Town of Edenton, North Carolina, bounded on the North by property of Pennie Bookrum, et al, on the East! by lot of W. S. Summerell, et al, on 1 the South by Albemarle Street, and on the West by lot of Herman Hath away, and being known as the T. C. White home place, being a lot front ing on said Albemarle Street 110 feet and running back northwardly there from, between parallel line, parallel to Broad Street 166 feet, and more particularly bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North side of Albemarle Street in the W. S. Summerell line, which point is 260 feet westwardly from the West side of Broad Street, sometimes called Main Street, and 298 feet westwardly from the center of said Broad Street (and is 26 feet Northwardly from the center of said Albemarle Street); thence running North 70 deg. 40 min. West along the North side of Albe marle Street 110 feet to the South-1 east corner of the Herman Hathaway lot; thence North 19 deg. 20 min. East along the said Hathaway line 166 feet to the line of Pennie Book rum, et al; thence South 70 deg. 40 min. East 110 feet along the said Bookrum line to the line of W. S. Summerell, et al; thence South 19 deg. 20 min. West along the said Summerell et al line 165 feet to the North side of Albemarle Street, point of beginning, as per plat of W. J. Berryman, Surveyor, dated August 1, 1935, said plat now being on file with the Home Owners’ Loan Corporation, ] and being the same property conveyed to T. C. White by W. S. Summerell, j et al by deed dated September 10, j 1919, and recorded November 6, 1919, i in Book N, page 577, of the Chowan County Public Registry. And being the same property occupied by grant ors as a home. 1 This property will be sold subject to 1939 taxes. The purchaser at this sale will be required to make a cash deposit of 5 ■ per cent of t u e purchase price to show good faith. This the 17th day of November, 1939. T. C. ABERNETHY. Trustee. W. S. Privott, Jr., Attorney. nov23,3odec7,l4wsp' j NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE By virtue of a deed of trust exe cuted to the undersigned by A. E. Jordan and wife, Lula Jordan, dated August 27, 1932, and registered in office of Register of Deeds of Chow an County, North Carolina, in Book No. 44, page 106, the undersigned will sell for cash to the highest bid der at public auction at the Court House door in Chowan County, North Carolina, at 12:00 Noon, on Decern-] ■ber 30, 1939, the land in Second Township, Chowan County, North Carolina, known as the J. P. Dail land, bounded North by Samuel By rum’s land; East by Charles A. Skin ner; South by C. J. Dail and Mary Boyce and West by the New Road and being the same land described in the aforesaid deed of trust, reference to which is hereby made for fuller description. R. C. HOLLAND, Trustee. Dated and posted this 28th day of November, 1939. n0v.30,dec.7,14,21 —RCH NOTICE! NOTICE! NOTICE! Sale Os Valuable Real Estate Under and by virtue of authority conferred by order of Hon. R. D. Dixon, Clerk Superior Court, Chowan County, N. G., made in that certain Special Proceeding entitled “E. J. Goodwin, et als, Ex Parte”, the under signed Commissioner will, on Friday, December 29, 1939, at 12 o’clock Noon, before the Court House door in Edenton, N. C., sell to the highest bidder for cash the following describ ed real estate, known as the Silas W. Goodwin lands and described as fol lows: Lying and being in Chowan County, North Carolina, and further describ ed, viz: 1. (a) Commencing at John J. Bunch’s line in road running down said road to a sweet gum, then cor ner and run straight by pine in -grave-yard and direct on to run of on the East, then up run of I*l4 swamp to John J. Bunch’s line; then down said Bunch’s line to first station, containing, by estimation, 16 acres, more or less. See deed of B. i F. Boyce and wife to Silas W. Good ' win in Book Z, page 420, Chowan County Registry. (b) Commencing at a ditch at main road and running down the road 99 yards to Silas W. Goodwin’s line a -Northwest course, thence down said , line to the swamp to Isaac Layden’O t Bate; then up Isaac Layden’s Hna *4 I yards to far as to be opposite of a I ditch first mentioned, thence up said ditch to the first station, containing 5 etcUes, more Or less. See deed of Jbhfi J. Bunch and Wife to Silas W. Goodwill in Book E, page 287, Chow an County Registry. 2. (a) Beginning on the Ferry Road at Silas W. Goodwin’s corner and running South 66 deg. East 25 chains to a pine stump back of John Bunch’s house; then South 46 deg. West 22 chains to centre, of a branch or swamp; thence along the centre of said swamp to a chopped bay, a cor ner; then North 43 deg. East 25 chains to the beginning, containing 56 acres. See deed of Isaiah Bunch and - wife to Silas W. Goodwin in Book F, < page 649, Chowan County Registry. (b) Beginning at a corner a pine and sweet gum on Ferry road and running a Southwestwardly course to 1 the Elijah Bunch line, 35 yards, thence down said Elijah Bunch line ! 100 yards to said main road, to a corner; thence an Easterly course down said road a distance of 90 yards to the first station, containing one- - half (%) acre, more or less. See deed of John J. Bunch and wife to Silas W. Goodwin in Book M, page 64, Chowan County Registry. 3. Beginning on the Bear Swamp Road at a ditch near a pine and run ning down the ditch South 50% deg. West 23% chains to the Ellis line or Simpson line, then along said line South 35 deg. East 6% chains to Thach line, then along said Thach line North 50% deg. East 23% chains to the road, then along the road North 45 deg. West 5.16 chains to the be ginning, containing 12% acres. See deed of Jesse P. Chappell and wife to Silas W. Goodwin in Book G, page 449, Chowan County Registry. 4. The Northern half of the Car ter field which was allotted to Allis Hollowell in the division of her fath er’s estate, bounded North by Jesse Byrum, East by the County Road, South by the Southern half of the Carter field and West by the lands of G. N. Goodwin, deceased, containing 15 acres, more or less. See deed of George E. Hollowell and wife to Silas W. Goodwin in Book K-3, page 386, Chowan County Registry. 5. One tract of land in Bear Swamp adjoining the lands of Silas W. Goodwin (Carter field) thence running center of T. J. Jordan’s ditch Ito the Moore land; thence up the ! Moore line to L. W. Belch’s comer; i thence up the center of ditch to the | Carter land; thence up the Carter ■ land, to the first station, containing 8 acres, more or less. See deed of J. H. Byrum and wife to Silas W. Good win in Book M, page 230, Chowan County Registry. 6. The George Monas lands begih-; ning at a gum in a branch, said gum! i being corner Tom 0-ora an and Hen- j i rietta (Churchill) rorenand, thenl with Churchill line South 65 deg. i East 10 chains to a small pine, O.E.j Ward’s line; thence North 44 deg,! East 10 chains to another pine, said | Ward’s line; thence North 66 deg.; ! West 10 chains to the Cherry Holley: i line; thence with her line to the path, ■ thence with Chas. Mends’ line across the path to the beginning, containing 10 acres, more or less. See deed oil H. C. Privott and,wife to Silas W.j Goodwin in Book M, page 56, Chowan i County Registry. ' 7. Beginning at the Jordan ditch, thence along the lands originally be- 1 longing to J. M. Forehand to the! road, thence along the road to the: said ditch, thence along said ditch to] first station, known as the Pern i I Field, containing 25 acres and 3 acres J lof desert land. See deed of C. R j Goodwin and wife to Silas W. Good- "Chevrolet’s FIRSTAgain f” Only Chevrolet has this I EXCLUSIVE , JgJN VACUUM POWER 1 SHIFT! All steering column gearshift* EJSSSt look more or less alike.... But a acNERAt. only Chevrolet’s New Exclu- MOTOR I VALUE sive Vacuum-Power Shift acts for itself when you touch the lever.... Only this one advanced steering column gearshift Is 80% automatic in operation! v You see, Chevrolet’s New Exclusive Vacuum-Power Shift has a hidden power cylinder. And this power cylinder goes into action the instant you start to shift gears. It does 80% of the work for you Instead of lotting you push and tug and do all the work yourself! You want the newest and best—the host in driving and riding case, the best in styling and road-action—and on all these counts “Chevrolet’s FIRST Again 1” Chevrolet* or* Shipped to Doctors— NOT DRIVIN OVERLAND! I CHOWAN MOTOR COMPANY Phone 150 Edenton, N. C. win in Book B-2, page 22, Chowan County Registry. Five (5%) percent of bid will be required of successful bidder on day of sale as evidence of good faith. Dated and posted this November 28, 1939. W. S. PRIVOTT. Commissioner. n0v.30,dec.7,14,21 —WSP. THIS WHISKEY IS 4 YEARS OLD $165 f 2 85« I f/QUAKfiI Wv “ >■*/ /lift FULL PINT mw , _ CISTtUEO AND BOTTLED BV J the old Quaker company >PR. 1939, THE OLD QUAKER CO., LAWRENCEBURG, INDIANA \ ’ The Special De Lust \ vTI o Sport Sedan, MM* 85-H.P. VALVE-IN-HEAD~SIX Sll r n MW UP, *at runt, Michigan. Transports toto HA tion based on rail rates, stats and local DD ■ toH taxes (// any), optional equipment and ac ■ ■■■■■ cestones—extra. Priest subject to change toto ma MM without notice. Bumper guards—extra tow Wto on Master SS Series. EYE IT • • TRY IT . • BUY IT! PAGE SEVEN DR. J. B. POLLOCK 310-315 Citizens Bank Bldg. EDENTON, N. C. Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Phones: Office 10; Residence 245-J WE DO COMMERCIAL JOB PRINTING