I jfg columns tiM bn ■ jouna i jtm presemaHon i Is/ local and county goal j wM general interest. Volume Vll.—Number 41. Draft Registration Next Wednesday Lions To Hold ® Local Club Sponsors Affair To Clear Outstanding Debt Athletic Park Field House & — Outstanding Shows Will Furnish Amusement All Next Week AT HICKS FIELD Free Acts and Fire works Feature of En tertainment To help clear up -the debt on the littfle field house on the northwest comer of the new athletic field, the \ Lions Club of Edenton has mapped out a week of jollity from next Mon day on to Saturday. It has called in the Funland Shows as midway at \A tractions, said to be the best organi zation of its kind to tackle Edenton in recent years. The entire affair will be sponsored by the Lions and will be in personal charge of Hector Lupton and Graham Byrum. While the proceeds will be utilized to pay off the outstanding guarantee notes making up the field club short age, the week’s jamboree will be ad t ditionally offered for the amusement and delight of every one, and can be considered as high class, clean enter- I tainment everyone can attend with safety and freedom from annoy ances. The Funland Shows have always been reckoned as one of the best Lions’ sponsored exhibitions on the road. There will be free acts fea turing high pole and various trapeze stunts. In addition to these free exhibi tions there will be the usual devices to amuse and for which a small sti pend will be charged. An American white band, will be on hand at after- hoon and evening performances. The jamboree will be on the old fair grounds property and will last through all of next week. Thursday has been designated as Children’s J Day, when they will be admitted on F all rides for half price. Revival At Baptist Church Is Drawing Splendid Crowds Mass Meeting For Men Will Be Held Sunday Afternoon V> With the Rev. J. W. Kinchloe, of Rocky Mount, arriving Monday to preach during the revival at the Edenton Baptist Church, the meeting got off to a splendid start with large congregations on hand at every ser vice up to Wednesday. The visiting preacher has been de livering powerful sermons and it is expected that congregations will continue to increase as the revival continues. Though no definite time has been set for closing of the meet ing, the pastor, the Rev. E. L. Wells, | said Tuesday that it will be brought to a dose some time next week. Os special interest is a mass meet ing for men which will be held Sun day afternoon at 3 o’clock. For this service /special music has been ar ranged by a male chorus and quar l tet. Both the visiting preacher and Mr. j Wells will be delighted to have the V spacious church filled to capacity for if; this service and a cordial invitation ' is extended to all men in Edenton and surrounding territory to attend. The meeting will be worthwhile, the Rev. Mr. Kinchloe planning to deliver a sermon of special interest to men. t HOME COMING AT PHILIPPI Bfcl Sunday, October 20, is to be ob- Kv served by Philippi Christian Church I}> as Home Coining Day. . A special 1 program is being prepared and pic- I ma hmck will be served. • THE CHOWAN HERALD A HOME NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CHOWAN COUNTY | AH Ready i Though Chowan’s draft board )vas the first to be sent to Ra leigh, and narrowly missed get ting to Governor Hoey ahead of the Wake County list, L. C. ,Burton on Wednesday wired the Governor that Chowan’s ma chinery is ready to be put into (action. . Mr. Burton’s wire was as fol lows: “Chowan County is in a i; complete state of readiness for I the selective draft registration," which has been perfected before some draft boards have been sent to Governor Hoey. Women’s Clubs Os 16th District Meet , | Cross Roads Oct 16 ; Chowan Club Host at Annual Meeting of I I Group l lunch ati o’clock! ;! President and Vice Pre i ; sident on Program To Speak ’ Mrs. John D. Robinson of Wallace, { president of the North Carolina Fed eration of Women’s Clubs, and Mrs. Creasy K. Proctor of Oxford, second I vice-president of the State Federa tion, will be the principal speakers at the annual meeting of the Six teenth District of Women’s Clubs at 1 Chowan High School on Wednesday. 1 October 16. The Chowan Club is lie hostess club. The meetings will be held in the auditorium of the high school, and the luncheon in the new club house across the highway from the school. The program will begin at 10 o’clock in the morning. Attendance and mileage prizes, applying only to i those who register before the pro | gram begins, will be awarded. Mrs. John M. Sewell, of Murfrees boro,, vice-president of the Sixteenth 1 District, who will preside over the 1 meeting, and other officers have ar ranged a program which is expected to attract a large attendance. The program will open with the r singing of the club women’s hymn, I , followed by the reading of the collect, j Mrs. E. L. Winslow, of Edenton, will \ - bring greetings from the hostess 1 club. The response will be made by . Mrs. E. P. Brown, of Murfreesboro. W. J. Taylor, of Edenton, superin . tendent of Chowan County schools; , Mrs. P. P. Gregory, of Shawboro, L district president of home demon [ stmtidn clubs; and Mrs. T. L. Ward , of Ryland, president of Chowan Coun .ty Council Home Demonstration Clubs, will bring greetings. Mrs. J. G. Roberson, of Hertford, will give the report of the district . president, following the business ses , sion. The junior chairman will re . port, after which W. W. 'Sheffield . will give instructions on “Highway (Continued On Page Five) \ Back Home j ii , After being out of their regular quarters since April 9, i the offices of County Agent N. K. Rowell and Miss Rebecca , Colwell, home , demonstration agent, have be«q completed in the Post Office Building and equipment is being moved back 'today. {Since repairs were begun i | six months ago, the offices have t been temporarily located over the offices of R. C. Holland and W. D. *• Braden. 1 •linMrhf^Tfin ~f-11ft 'i i f ; “-*i ifr * Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, October 10, 1940. Jubilee! i Revaluation Chowan: Property Causing No Little Amount Worry, Matter Claims Major Attention of Commis sioners Monday REVENUE LOST Definite Steps to Be Con sidered at Meeting On October 21 What was the most important matter and one claiming the most attention of the County Commission- 1 ers at their meeting Monday was the task of revaluation of property in Chowan County, which is scheduled to be done this year. The proposition was discussed pro and con and final ly dwindled down to whether the work should be done by locall people or employ outside expert assessors to revalue all property in the county. The Commissioners have no hesi-i tancy in saying they feel reasonably sure that a considerable amount ol property is not now on the tax books, which may not be purposely left off, recalling instances where property has been missed by tabulating from one book to another as the years' pass by. Then, too, they considered the fact that over a period of years property in one section would ad vance in value while in another sec tion it would decrease, thus making valuations unequal and unfair. Sev eral instances were cited where about 20 years ago a piece of proper ty was worth much more than it is today due to course of events which ! affected the particular neighborhood, and vice versa there is some prop erty carrying a valuation set years ago which has since greatly enhanced in value. It is the general opinion of the Commissioners that the county will benefit by a revaluation, not only by getting all property on the tax books but also that there will be a more equal distribution of the tax burden. They are convinced that the revalua tion is absolutely necessary, but what puzzles them is the method of pro cedure. They are reluctant to tak ing the present tax listing and by going over it set values more or less on a guess basis. It is their desire to have assessors visit every piece of property and after thorough exami nation place a fair value upon it. Having agreed on that phase of the revaluation, the Commissioners then were puzzled as to who should do i the work. They realize that if local people are employed to revalue the property there will be some criticism for favoritism toward relatives or friends, and for that reason favored I employing outside assessors to do the work. They, however, realize that it would be a costly proposition, but feel that it would be more satis factory and for the best interest of I the county. I No definite action was taken Mon- J day, but a special meeting was called for Monday afternoon, October 21, at 2 o’clock, at which time definite steps will be taken. In the mean time, other counties employing expert assessors will be contacted in order to learn how satisfactory the plan has worked out, as well as to get in touch with concerns doing this sor 1 - of work. Radio Entertainers At Edenton School Tonight What is calculated, to be a splendid entertainment will take place tonight (Thursday) in the Edenton High School auditorium when Sunshine Sue and her rangers will appear in per son. The outfit is very popular on a coast-to-coasj; radio hook-up and will begin their performance at 8 o’clock. The entertainment is sponsored by Belle Bennett Circle of the Metho dist Church. Named Cheer Leader Friends will be pleased to learn that Miss Doris Jean Leary, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarence Leary, has been elected cheer leader of the freshman class at Meredith College. She was elected Friday night when officers of the class were balloted upon on recommendation of the juniors. All Male Citizens Between Age Os 21 And 36 Compelled To Appear At Edenton Or Chowan High School To Be Registered * Badham Succeeds Himself Chairman Chowan ABC Board Unanimously Appointed At Joint Meeting Monday ONLY APPLICANT Letter Read Praising Manner In Which Store Is Handled Though his term of office expired a month ago, R. P. Badham was on Monday afternoon re-appointed as' chairman of the Chowan County ] ABC Board. The appointment was to have been made last month, but ] due to the lack of a quorum of the three boards whose duty it is to ap point and set salaries of ABC Board, members the appointment was notj i made until this week. On Monday a quoroum of each of the County Commissioners, Board of Health and County Board of Educa-f tion was on hand and little time was lost in naming Mr. Badham to sue-] ceed himself, which is for a period of, three years. Mr. Badham’s was the 1 only application presented forthe 1 job. Wuliam B. Shepard nominated Mr. Badham, which was seconded by i A. C. Boyce, the vote being unani-1 mous. Those attending the meeting from the Board of Education were S. E. Morris, T. L. Ward, W. B. Shepard | and Z. T. Evans. Dr. Roland S.l Vaughan, Dr. W. S. Griffin, W. J. Taylor and Mayor J. H. McMullan represented the Board of Health, while all of the Commissioners, Chairman D. M. Warren, A. C. Boyce, J. R. Peele, J. B. Webb and E. N. Elliott, were present. After Mr. Badham was duly ap- ( pointed Mr. Warren read a letter from the State ABC Board in which the local board was congratulated for the efficient manner in which the liquor situation was handled in Chowan, which, it was stated, com pares favorably with any other board in the State. E. H, S. Plays First Game On Foreign Soil Next Friday Locals Have Won Four Os Five Games Played With Tarboro Edenton High School’s football warriors will play their first game of the season on foreign soil Friday, when they tackle Tarboro High School in the Edgecombe County) metropolis. Reason that the Edenton : boys will be gunning for a victory is , two-fold, first that they want to win i their third consecutive game, and second, to reap revenge for last year’s defeat at the hands of Tar boro, the first Tarboro team to down Edenton since the two schools played football. The scores to date are as follows: 1933, Edenton 16, Tarboro 0; 1936, Edenton 21, Tarboro 0; 1937, Eden ton 19, Tarboro 0; 1938, Edenton 19, Tarboro 6; 1939, Edenton 7, Tarboro 31. Strength of the Tarboro outfit is not known, and because of this fact Coach Jimmy Maus is not only iron ing out defects he has observed in the two previous games, but has been putting the boys through strenuous practice in anticipation of Friday’s encounter. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Tom Roes Tynch a son, John Gordon, on Sep tember 18th. Mother and baby are getting along nicely. Town Councilmen Consider Changes In Town’s Charter Board Holds Lengthy Meeting on Tuesday Night EXECUTIVE SESSION; Attorney’s Opinion Ask-! ed Regarding Junk On Lots ! With a long list of matters pre ! sented, together with an executive . session, Town Council held a lengthy . | meeting Tuesday night. The entire 1 , board was present and despite littlp | loss of time, the Councilmen waded through business until almost 11 i o’clock. I It was reported, following com i plaints of long standing, that the, ' Albemarle Peanut Company had in stalled a device on the smoke stack j which will go a long way toward' f curbing the nuisance of scattering, j ashes about the neighborhood when j the plant is in operation. This device : is the latest perfected, means of pre venting scattering of ashes, and be sides a new hull shed is being erect-j ed at the plant. | Two complaints were registered regarding junk on vacant lots, one j directed at Willie Bunch, who stores old automobiles on his lot in North Edenton, and the other at S. Hobow- I sky, who plans to establish a junk | yard in the rear of houses on the East side of Oakum Street near King Street. Residents affected j complained that storage of junk back of their homes will be very ob jectionable. Attorney John F. White , was called into the meeting to ascer- i tain just how far Council could legis- j late because the lots affected were privately owned. Mr. White will ren der an opinion after looking over the statutes. Four projects were presented by. the street commissioner, for which he was instructed to secure figures. One was for sidewalks and street paving, another for widening King Street, another for curb and gutters on the cotton mill village. All of j these projects were deemed, neces- j sary and would result in considerable; improvement, but the cost prevented! any definite action. The street com- i missioner, however, was instructed to have the projects drawn for WPA help, after which it will be decided if any of them will be undertaken. The street commissioner also report ed that a WPA project was being, made up for putting down a storm sewer on North Broad Street along the old fair grounds and building a’ 4x6-foot culvert across Granville Street. " j Attorney White was asked for a report relative to water damaging j the rear of the Municipal Building,; which has for some time been blam-j ! ed on a garage on the S. Hobowsky ; property adjoining the Municipal ' Building. Mr. White’s investigation 1 revealed, the fact that the town had built a few inches on the Hobowsky property, but the latter was willyig to cooperate in making what changes are necessary to prevent damage to' the building. O. B. Perry and L. H. | Haskett were appointed a committee; to contact the Board of Public Works (Continued on Page Five) New Job Chowan County Commissioners pondered over the recent grand jury report at their meeting on Monday, in which it was suggest ed thait the night patrolman in spect {the building after various meetings. held at night when it is necessary to have fire in the stove. Hie suggestion followed the approval of former grand jury recommendations to install mod ern heating in the building. This newspaper is drew- J lated in the territory I where Advertisers will I realise good results. $1.25 Per Year. School Teachers Press ed Into Service as Registrars 7 A. M. TO 9 P. M. J. L. Wiggins, L. S. By rum and N. Bunch Draft Board Next Wednesday, October 16, will be the day of days for all young men in Edenton and throughout ! Chowan and all over the United j States from the Atlantic to the j Pacific and from the Canadian boun dary to the Rio Grande. Between | the hours of 7 A. M. and 9 P. M. on I that day, every male citizen and l every alien male who has reached, the I age of 21 years and is not Up to nor ! over 36 years of age will be required to present himself for registration under the new peacetime military ! conscription law, and by so doing avow his readiness to defend his country in time of war and prepare for this course in time of peace. I October 16 will be draft day every where and in Edenton and Chowan between 1,200 and 1,500 are expected I to be On hand as registrants, from | which one half, anyhow, may find ! themselves in this selective Service. I The recently appointed draft board ' made up of Lynn S. Byrum and J. L. Wiggins, of Edenton, and Nehe miah Bunch, of Center Hi'll, was se lected last Thursday by Court Clerk Richard D. Dixon, Superintendent of ! Schools Walter J. Taylor, and Chair man of the County Election Boar*) Lloyd C. Burton, have already been engaged in furthering the plans for registration day. The law requires voting precincts shall be used, and to ease matters in Chowan and make the registration points more accept able the draft board has amalgamated various voting precincts into one ' central spot. There will be two reg istration places in the county, at the Edenton High School and in mid county at the Chowan High School. ! Those who must appear at the i former place are all males between the ages designated who live in i either the East Edenton or West Edenton precincts and those in Yeo ' pirn precinct w r ho would vote in these 1 precincts. At the Chowan High School, near Small’s Cross Roads, all the rest of the county’s eligible young residents, meaning those who vote at Rocky Hock, Center Hill and Wardville precincts, must register. | Naturally it is not expected the three members of the draft board j would be able to handle Chowan’s extensive registration on the day in ; question, so the day has been de clared a school holiday, and teachers from each of the two high schools will be on hand as registrars to aid registrants in filling out the required blanks. Cards will be on hand for every offered registrant to fill out and sign—there will be eleven questions to be answered, some somewhat in i tricate—it being calculated to con j sume on an average of twenty min utes to fill out each registration ! blank, which will make the assist ! ance of the teachers invaluable as i registrars. These questions will require the registrant’s name in full, his town, county and state address, his private or business telephone number, his age in years and date of birth as well as place of birth, his country oi citizenship, the name of one person j who will always know his address ! and the relationship of that person ! and his or her address in full, his employer’s name and his place of employment. After the registration has been completed the draft board will have i the advisory services of Dr. J. A. j Powell, of Edenton, on all medical questions relative to future exemp tions, and of W. D. Pruden, also, of Edenton, on all legal questions. But on next Thursday the registration of prospective soldiers is all that will be attended to. All this is an important matter for those involved and for their country It is the law and failure to comply with it opens the door to a five-year jail penalty or SIO,OOO fine or both, with the ignominy of “slacker” be ing attached to the one who fails to do his duty.