PRESIDENTIAL INAUGURATION IS ONLY ANOTHER DAY FOR HARVEY W. THOMAS ' -- -' ; . Veteran Edenton Newspaper Man Vividly Re calls Part He Hayed In Letting! World Know About Dilemma at Taft Inauguration To Harvrey Thomas, dean of Eden ton news writers, the presidential inauguration next Monday will be just another occurrence. Thomas has ’ been an eye witness of every national inaugural from 1881 on to the first F. D. R. era in 1933, and, of course, views the one 31 years ago, when . *fTatt was sworn in, as the most spec tacular. And that, perhaps, because of the unconscious part he played in i it &y mingling duck and the radio, just then coming into first time use for commercial purposes, in saving the day for all the evening news papers of the country by getting off a brief wireless message announcing that the inauguration proceedings r "““ rsr *222