PAGE EIGHT bh : /«■ y m •*#»'• M a Maß i If M B Mil yt/CTJi l s? l, " ,^®^Orphii^OTart^dito^^ I | ■•••••••■••■■hhmhB Mrs. L. H. Haskett, Mrs. L. M. Johnson, Mrs. E.. L. White, Mrs. W. M. Wilkins and daughter, Edna Mae, spent Wednesday in Norfolk, Va. Raymond Ward continues ill at hlr home on North Broad Street. Kenneth Floars spent the week-end 1 in Fremont visiting with relatives. ! J. N. Oglesby is visiting his sister in Shereveport, La. Miss Mildred Munden, of Ra leigh, spent the week-end with her father, W. A. Munden, and Mrs. Munden, in North Edenton. Miss Virginia Moore returned Sun day after spending the week-end at Chapel Hill, where she attended the Sigma Nu fraternity dances. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Webb, Mr. ana Mrs. Webb Brickhouse, Mr. and Mrs. William Davenport and Mr. and Mrs. William Sawyer, all of Nor folk, Va., visited Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hobbs Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wozelka and Mrs. R. F. Tuttle visited Mr. and Mrs. John Tuttle, in Elizabeth City. Mrs. Ralph Parrish, Miss Mary Ayers and Miss Adelaide Tuttle spent Thursday in Norfolk, Va. Betty Ray Spencer, of Tarboro, who is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Tuttle, is confined to the house by illness. Clyde Spencer went to Newport News, Va., Wednesday to work. Miss Willie Love Morgan is able to be out again after several days illness. Miss Elizabeth Shaheen and Ker mit Layton spent Sunday in Jackson with Miss Shaheen’s parents. Mrs. S. W. Taylor and Mrs. W. E. Hassell spent Tuesday In Norfolk. Mrs. Jimmy Earnhardt is visiting with relatives in Elizabeth City a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Perry, of near Cross Roads, spent Tuesday in Edenton. Mr. and Mts. Dick Goodwin, of Memphis, Tenn. arrived Sunday for a few days’ visit with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. HoMes and Mrs. G. W. Goodwin. Norman Elliott has returned to his hose in West Virginia, after a visit with his mother, Mrs. W. 0. Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cates and C. S. Cozart left today (Thursday) to spend a few days in Greenville, S. C., attending a textile meeting. J. W. Cates and Robert Smith will return today (Thursday) from Greenville, S. C., where they attend ed a textile meeting. Mrs. R. P. Badham spent the week-end in New Bern. Mrs. W. E. Hassell left Wednesday for a visit in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Holoman spent the week-end in Norfolk, Va. Miss Blanche Leary spent (Sunday in Franklin, Va. Mrs. Frank Miller, Jr., has return ed to her home at Mt. Pleasant, S. C., after visiting with Mrs. Frank Miller. Mrs. James Emminizer spent sev eral days with Mrs. Frank Small. Mias Maude Miller is visting with her brother, Sergeant Frank Miller, Jr., and Mrs. Miller, in Mt. Pleasant, South Carolina. Harry Hand, student at Wake For est College, will arrive Friday vo spend the spring holidays with his wife at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank White, Sr. Miss Kathryn Reaves, student at W. C. U. N. C., Greensboro, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Reaves, during the spring holidays. Miss Edna Mae Wilkins, who is attending W. C. U. N. C., Greens boro, is with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Wilkins, during the spring holidays. Miss Virginia Byrum, Meredith TRADE IN your old equipment for modem machmery! • Pay According to Your Income - • Liberal Trade-in Value • Low Terms Arranged WHEN your machinery be comes old and constantly in need of repairs, it begins to eat up your profits. You make no headway at all! Now you can trade in your old machin BUY A FARMALL BYRUM HARDWARE COMPANY EMENTON, N. C , 7. ■ College student, is spending the spring holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Byrum. Mr. and Mrs. George Harrell visit ed in Portsmouth, Va., Sunday. Miss Doris Jean Leary is at home with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Clarence Leary, for the spring holi days. Miss Leary is attending Mere dith College, Raleigh. ' Mrs. Gibson Brickie, of Hampton, Va., spent a few days this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sawyer. Miss Dolly Spencer, of Hampton, Va., spent the week-end as the guest of Mrs. John Dobson. Miss Emily Smithwick and Miss Lucille Clarke spent the week-end at Merry Hill with the former’s parents. Mrs. 0. J. Harrell spent the week end in Portsmouth, Va., visiting with relatives. Leroy Harrell spent the week-end in Richmond, Va. Foster Sawyer spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sawyer. He was accompanied back to Norfolk by his wife, who had been visiting her parents for several days. Miss Josie Ruth Collins visited her sister, Mrs. Eloise Bunch, in Norfolk, Va., over the. week-end. Mrs. J. L. Collins, Mrs. Eloise Bunch, Howard and Frances Collins and Virginia Hayman spent Thurs day in Raleigh. Howard Collins returned Monday to the Naval Training Station in Nor folk, Va., after spending nine days in Edenton with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Collins. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Buckley, Jr. of Suffolk, Va., were Sunday guests of Mrs. Buckley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Small. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Johnson visited relatives in Bertie County during the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Yates Jordan and daughter, of Elizabeth City, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White and Mrs. R. H. W. Bunch, mother of Mrs. Jordan, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wells, of Manns Harbor, were guests of Mr. Wells’ parents, the Rev. and Mrs. E. L Wells, during the week-end. Millard F. Ward spent several days last week with his daughter, Mrs. B. W. Copeland, and. Mr. Copeland, of near Selwin. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Simpson, of Henderson, spent Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sledge and daughter, of Rocky Mount, visited Mrs. (Sledge’s mother, Mrs. Scott Privott, during the week-end'. Alex White, of Washington, N. C., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 3. Frank White, Sr., during the week end. Miss Evelyn Jackson, of the Sun bury High School faculty, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Jackson. Dr. and Mrs. W. I. Hart have re turned home after a week’s stay in New York City. Mrs. M. G. Brown and daughter Miss Evelyn, left Saturday for a week’s stay in Charleston; S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones and daughter, Dottie, were week-end guests of Mrs. Jones’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Long. Carroll Stewart, student at Wake Forest College, is spending the spring holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Stewart. Ewell Hobbs has returned to State College, Raleigh, after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neal Hobbs. Carroll Boyce, of Portsmouth, Va., 1 visited his mother, Mrs. C. A. Boyce, during the week-end. Julian E. Ward returned to Ocean ery and apply it as payment on new v equipment Easiest terms possible arranged for your convenience. Your new machmery will pay for itself in extra profits! _______ A ‘ __ _ m __ XT _ t the CHOWAN HERALD, MXENTON, N. 0., THURSDAY, APRIL S, IMI tiu | H , . I Lunch Room Menu t -.-^.-—4 Monday- -Hamburgers, Spaghetti, Hot Biscuits, Fruit, Cocoa. Tuesday— Baked Salmon, Beans, Cole Slaw, Milk, Fruit. Wednesday—Vegetable Soup and Crackers, Milk, Cocoa. Thursday—Sliced Ham, Tomatoes, Bean Stew, Hot Biscuits, .Cocoa and Cookies. Friday—Weiners, Boiled Cabbage, Beans, Rolls, Milk and Fruit. View, Va., Monday afternoon after spending the week-end at home. Mrs. Ward, George Ward and Edward Parker accompanied him there. Dr. Martin Wisely, of Fort Jack son, S. C., spent a few days here last week. Gallopade Program Greatly Enlarged Releasing the completed program for the Seventh Annual Gallopade in Rocky Mount April 30 to May 2, President Marshall Spears said an enlarged festival had been planned for this year to overcome “war wor ries and all other forms of Hitler jitters.” “Although we know' the people’s minds are likely to be distracted by the events overseas,” he said, “we are adding on instead of taking off because only a larger and more en tertaining program will break the worrisome tension under which folks in this section are living these days.” The square dance, said to be ont of the largest in the South and the nation, will be on April 30, a costume carnival dance on May 1 and the more formal Gallopade Ball on May 2. Other daily events will be the pet parade on April 30, the big floral parade on May 1, and the Baby May Day Festival and all-star softball game on May 2. Over 80 persons are now actively engaged in working on one angle or another of the festival, and this year they will have more money te spend than ever before in the history of the Gallo pade. Methodist Observe Rally Day Sunday Sunday will be observed as rally day in the Methodist Sunday School, according to C. D. Stewart, superin tendent. A program for the occa sion has been arranged, it being planned for all departments to gather in the main auditorium of the church. Efforts are being made to have a large attendance, especial attention being directed to former members of the school as well as to those who have been lax in attendance. Yard Improvement Goal Os Civic League Improvement of yards in connec tion with the observance of National Negro Health Week is the goal of the Junior Civic League. In order to carry out an improvement pro gram, the following streets have been assigned: Mosley, Peterson, Church and Queen, Willie Goodwin; Granville, Hicks and Cemetery, Miss Mary Harvey; Oakum, Miss Tina L. Jerni gan; Freemason, Miss Inez Holley; Carteret, Willie Fayton; Albemarie, Mrs. Willie Fayton; Albemarle Ex tended, Mrs. Cross; Gale, Golden Frinks. Hobby Show Feature At Meeting Os P. T. A. Featuring the Parent-Teacher As sociation meeting Tuesday afternoon was a hobby show, an exhibit by school children which proved; very interesting. Philip McMullan won first prize in the contest, the exhibits being judged upon the merits of self development and ingenuity of the children. Following the business session, the recently discussed WPA recreational project was presented to members of the group, during which Mrs. J. H. McMullan stressed the need for recreational facilities for children. The secretary reported on the gar den project, plans having been *com pleted and the garden already plant ed with vegetables which will be subsequently canned for rise in the school lunch room. Fertilizer for the garden was contributed by Leary Bros., T. C. Byrum, John Wood and Louis Frauds. A report' of the nominating com mittee for new officers for (he year was submitted, and while there was no nomination for President, the following were named for the other officers: Vice President, Mrs. Philip McMullan; secretary, Miss Lena Jones; treasurer, Mrs. W. W. By ram; chairman of clothes committee, Mrs. John A. Holmes. Important Meeting Os Auxiliary On Monday On Monday night at Hotel Joseph Heyves the monthly meeting of the Legion Auxiliary will be‘ held. The meeting, scheduled for 8 o’clock, is a very important one, according to the president, Mrs. J. L. Chestnutt, who says plans must be completed for the district meeting to be held in Edenton on April 17. vvvniv wiiiiiiw«■ ulflllllo AllcllllUll Chowan Farmers County Agent Charles W. Overman Makes Weekly Report “Farmers in Chowan County are beginning to realize that most pro fitable hog raising depends upon thrifty pigs,” says County Agent C. W. Overman in his weekly report. “During the last twoi or three years swine troubles have gradually increased. It has been found that a large amount of the trouble is being caused by worms weakening the pigs and rendering them subject to dis ease. In order to produce thrifty pigs we must prevent them from be coming infested with worms. This means swine sanitation. “E. V. Vestal, Extension Swine Specialist of (State College, was here this week assisting the agent with swine sanitation plans. Thrifty pig demonstrations are being started with T. C. Byrum of Edenton, George C. Wood of Greenfield, and A. C. Griffin of Cowpen Neck. Others are showing interest and may start thrifty pig work this spring. “Four-H club work in Chowan County appears to be progressing nicely.' Meetings were held with the boys this week. Project pro cedure in each project was briefly explained by the agent. Instruction manuals and record books were given the club members. At least sixteen boys are planning to grow the same variety of corn so that we may have a County Com exhibit for the N. C. State Fair next fall. “The Chowan Senior 4-H Club staged a 4-H music appreciation radio program over Station WCNC of Elizabeth City. John Privott grave a story connected with the songs used. The club members sang “Fol low the Gleam,” “A Song of the Open Country,” “Dreaming,” “The Ploughing Song’ and “The Song of Health.” Nita Davidson sang “The Four Leaf Clover” as a solo. For most of the club members it was their first visit to a broadcasting studio. They were very much. thrilled with their experience.” Milk Delivered In Edenton Must Be Properly Labeled According to W. B. Gaylord, sani tary inspector for the Bertie-Chowan Helath Department, milk that is be ing delivered in the Town of Edenton Should be properly l labeled as to the kind of product. Delivering of milk in cans, jars, jugs or other contain ers, except standard milk bottles, is prohibited. All milk not produced under Grade A requirements must be labeled Grade D. Any person selling milk in the Town of Edenton must have a writ ten permit from the County Health Department. f CRESWELL ’ ♦ « Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Noble and little daughter, Irene, spent the week-end with Mrs. Noble’s parents, Mr. an<j Mrs. A. L. Holmes. Mrs. Mary Armstrong is recuper ating from an appendectomy in Columbia Hospital. Frank Swain, of Newport News, Va., spent the week-end with his family here. Miss Dorothy Ainsley, of Elizabeth City, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ainsley. Josh Woodley, of Newport News, Va., spent the week-end here visiting with relatives and friends. Miss Theda Hopkins, student at Meredith College, Raleigh, is spend ing the spring holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Hopkins, Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Martin, R. L Litchfield and C. C. Cohoon attended the meeting of the Pamlico Baptist Association in Englehard on Sundiay. Mrs. R. H. Sexton, Glenn Sexton and Jim Sexton, of Norfolk, Va., were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Davenport. Ray Powell, Jr., is convalescing from pneumonia at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Powell. Mesdames C. N. Davenport, Sr., P. B. Belanga, R. L. Spruill, A. T. Brooks and Miss Paulina Fitts at tended the first conference of the Women’s Society of Christian Ser vice in Rocky Mount on Wednesday of the past week. Miss Lillian Cox, of Raleigh, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. A. H. Tucker. Mr. and Mre. C. W. Pritchett, of Newport News, Va., and Bill Howell, of Suffolk, Va., were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Pritchett. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Owens and baby, of Buffalo, N. Y., spent the week-end with Mr. Owens’ mother, Mrs. W. C. Owens. Mr. and Mre. T. C. Harrell, of Cur rituck, were week-end guests of their aon, Dr. W. H. Harrell, and Ur Bertie County for the Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce. k reports that 9,797 bales of cotton 1 were ginned >in Bertie County from the crop of 1840 prior to March 1, 1941. \ NEW NYA PERSONNEL Appointments of NYA personnel have been made by the State ad ( ministration, effective April 1: Charles L. Haney, of Shelby, has , been appointed (State Supervisor of Resident Centers, with headquarters in Raleigh. George M. Suggs, of , Gastonia, has been appointed as Act ing State Director of the Division of i Youth Personnel, with headquarters , in Raleigh. Frank H. Waters, of | New Bern, has been appointed Act . ing District Representative of the , Western District and succeeds Geo. , M. Suggs. , | RYLAND ;« . • i Mrs. H. N. Ward visited Mrs. W. E. Copeland on Wednesday of last I week. i Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Craft and two daughters, of Newport News, Va.; ! Mr. and Mrs. Carson Davis, their son, Calvin, and Mrs. Harriett Parks, of near Gliden, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Davis and daughter, Lois, were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. SS. Ward Sunday. Additional guests iu the afternoon were Mrs. John Hen dren, Mrs. Robert Hendren and Mrs. Watson Chappell, of near Chappell Hill. Mrs. Jim Hudson returned to her home in Suffolk, Va., Sunday after spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. N. E. Jordan. Mrs. H. N. Ward spent Sunday ( with Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Jordan. Other guests in the afternoon inclua ed Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ward and family and Mrs. Saunders, of Sul folk, Va. ..... Mr. and Mrs. Walter Byrum, Miss Regina Byrum and John Butler By-, rum spent Sunday in Greenville vis iting with Mr. and Mrs. Byrum’s son, who is convalescing after an ap pendectomy. Mr. and Mrs. Nearest Chappell and family, of Belvidere, visited Mrs. Chappell’s mother, Mrs. Louisa Ward, Sunday afternoon. Mias Vashti Bowman, of Cross Roads, was visiting with friends in the neighborhood Sunday afternoon. O. G. Ward visited his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Copeland, Sunday after noon. Mrs. Copeland is somewhat better, after being quite sick. Miss Beatrice Henigar spent Sun day in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wardie Henigar. Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Winslow and : family, of Gates County, spent Sun- TAYLOR THEATRE ■' EDENTON, N. C. WE HAVE THE SHOWS Today (Thursday) and Friday, April 8-4 Tobacco a CHARLEY ORAREWtN . MARJORIE RAMMAU § OENE TIERNEY • WIIUAM tRACY Obbb 1 A.Emwc • Slim Symm.rvill. • Wort R.nd ■■ I Omni Mitchell • Z.IK. TUbyry • Semen Pley by ■■■flKHSB I NwnnbUy Jehntbn • EHmcMd by JOHN FORD ■WVOP W % f bmbwcyb by DARRYL t ZAMUCK OP W g A MM Centvey bkivm Matinee 10c and 25c. Night 10c and 35c This Picture Saturday, April 5 ' William Boyd in “In Old Colorado” % Sunday, April 6 TOMMY DORSEY AND HIS ORCHESTRA i BERT WHEELER, PHIL REGAN and VIRGINIA DALE in “US vans KBITS’’ Monday and Tuesday, April 7*B ’ CAROLE LOMBARD and ROBERT MONTGOMERY in J m AND MRS. SMITH” | Wednesday, April 9—Double Feature—lOe and 20c— , Margaret ■PM IPW !■»—»—■»! ■nuinp IWIWIP" ■—!mi■■■— > n ipm i iiiii immnmrn i— ■ —, M ft James Strawberry •' _ *■’'*""> •*?*" *V * . ‘ *" ' v ,% Orestes (Jutland, of Norfolk, Va., rrr: Louisa Ward Thursday. .fl Mt. and Mrs. D. T. Ward and Mr. and Mrs. Marcel Ward were in Eli zabeth City on business last Tuesday. |j Too Late to Classify v f DRESS MAKING, ALTERATIONS, | Slip Covers, or any sewing, can be had by calling at Penelope Sewing Shop, now open for business, aqd operated by Miss Estelle Privorf and Mrs. Jordan Yates. tic. WANTED LARGE SECOND- J hand trunk. Call Chowan Herald f— 1 ; %

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