PAGE EIGHT ■ '• Mr. Aftd Mis. Privott At Home To Friends Mr. and’'Mrs. Wood Privott were ‘“at home" Friday afternoon from five to seven," when they received ap proximately 125 guests. The hall,‘living room and dining room were attractively decorated with poina.ettas, red berries, holly and pine. In jjiie dining room, the table was covered with a fine lace cloth, .and centered with a cluster of nandina i berries. At each end of the table 1 were red candles in silver candle- j holders. Chicken salad sandwiches, ham be lSgSjMlf is with true appreciation of I the fine patronage that you j have extended us in the past year that | we pause at this glad time of the year to express our sincere good wishes for a most enjoyable Christmas and a sue- j cessful New Year. | PRESTON’S | i ; J A. a * i May Christmas bring for, •£> and Peace and Content- Wl J # T| merit, and may the New Im I T 11 .1 Year be one filled with 1 j ant * Prosperity... Your associations have made the past year happy _ for each of us and we trust these friendships may oon | tinue for many years to f | come. ! HOME FERTILIZER WORKS 0 SMSSSSSI»MIISSSISM«*SM«I»SNSSSSSSIMISSSSW*S«SS*MSSSMStoMMMMM>*»»» j To the Friends 1 of This Firm I QfYWtfUJLf I SPIAAAt/YY\XJA Bscoum ol row BiogqhSnlnwi | firm has enlorod ooa of Ito bssl jgaxa. $ ■ ■. ' and uu to grateful opproclattoo a< f your patrouag* that w# pans* to toT, f 1 ‘ “SEASON'S GREETINGS.- S to OW & sincere wtoh that these pleasant «■- X *' i sociations mar continw. | j BUNCH’S GARAGE I ! i !1 • i f! i V :i j Time-worn words, but the most | appropriate of them all. When | we say "Merry ChristmasP you can be sure that it is expressed wi* h appreciation of its \ Ltrue m£**m*g, I S. HOBOWSKY tween beaten biscuits, hors d’oeuvre, salted nuts, fruit cake, punch and coffee were served. Presiding over the punch bowl during the evening were Mrs. W. I. Hart, Mrs. T. C. Byrum, Mrs. L. P. Williams and Mrs. A. G. Byrum. Mrs. J. A. Holmes. Mrs. W. E. Bond and Mrs. Philip McMullan poured coffee. Assisting in serving were Miss Jessie McMullan. Mrs. George Privott and Mrs. Loo Wilhelm. TOWN EMPLOYEE DIES ! Andrew Bullock, colored employee !of the Edenton Street Department, j died at his home Saturday night. He I died after being partially paralyzed several weeks before. THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON. N. C., THURSDAY. DECEMBER 25, 1941 BAND MEMBERS ENJOY PARTY Immediately after the concert on Main Street Friday evening', C. L. Mc- Cullers, director of the Edenton High School band, entertained the senior members of the band at a dance at Hotel Joseph Hewes. Punch and wafers were served. A delightful time was had. On Monday evening Director Mc -1 Cullers entertained the members of the junior band at his home on Water Street. The youngsters celebrated , I Christmas with fire crackers and had a jolly good time. < l Midnight Mass, Crib At Catholic Church A remarkably close resemblance to the original scene in the Stable at Bethlehem at the first Christmas, when our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was bom into this world over 1900 years ago, will be shown through statues, etc., representing the Divipe Babe, His Mother Mary, Foster-father St. Joseph, the Angei singing “Gloria in Excelsis Deo,” shepherds and animals with Stable at Mass midnight between Christmas Eve and Christmas morning in St. Anri’s Catholic Church, comer North Broad.and Albemarle Streets, Eden ton, announced Rev. Father F. J. McCourt, pastor. | | ALL OF US 1 § x IN THE I TELEPHONE COMPANY A f i | WISH ALL OF YOU i o f | THE MERRIEST CHRISTMAS EVER f AND A BIG 1942 | * V t ■ •r ■' I Season’* Greetings / May ba you, Chriitmas'of lham Now Tear ba proiparout, our Yulatida with 2f ■■jBHK | for aach of ou, frlandi. Chowan Storage Company | TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTON, N. C. WE HAVE THE SHOWS A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL Thursday, December 25—Christmas Day— WILLIAM POWELL and MYRNA LOY in “SHADOW OF THE THIN MAN" Stooges Comedy Shows Continuous From 3:15 Friday, December 26 ANN SHERIDAN, JACK OAKIE and MARTHA RAYE in “NAVY BLUES” Saturday, December 27 — GENE AUTRY and SMILEY BURNETTE in “SIERRA SOE” Sunday and Monday, December 28-29 < ‘ GEORGE MURPHY, LINDA DARNELL, JACK OAKIE and WALTER BRENNAN in “RISE AND SHINE” ■ Tiimilav 1 It ■ PRISCILLA LANE, BETTY FIELD, JIMMY LUNCEFORD and BAND and WILL OSBORNE and BAND in i “BLUES IN TIE NIGHT I I M Mil 11l ■ ■ » ■! I IIW^ Wednesday, December 31—Double Feature—loc and 22c RAY MIDDLETON in “MERCY ISLAND” JIMMY LYDON in “HENRY ALDMCH FOR PRESIOEHT MIDNIGHT SHOW NEW YEAR’S EVE ON OUR STAGE Reuben Burke And His Ink Spots A Local Talent Colored Show On the Screen MAXEE ROSENBLOOM in “HARVARD HERE I COME” < - 2 - o ■ "'V i '/ „• ■, a. Si!! Season. of. Mapping A A , ...CL Tlew yeah. , ■-of dfealth. and. fijtospek&Mj . » Cuthrell’s DEPT. STORE M - Christmas Service At | Mackeys M. E. Church j A Christmas service was held at the Mackeys Methodist Church last: Sunday evening. The theme was j “Tidings of Great Joy.” Love offer-' j HOIID AY «J 6AEET I N G i ( I bt OtuL and OIL , x | •.. from every member of this organisation. Wo are pleased If we hare been of serrice to you at any time In the past and inrite you to call on us at any time in the future. | BYRUM HARDWARE COMPANY te fill Ouf | friend* L AND SINCERE GOOD WISHTS 701 THE NEW YEAR , BADHAM BROS. COMPANY ] x—iisi m I To Our Friends | May we have the pleasure of extending to you. one and nil our sincere desire for all the good things that you may wish for... Our ever increasing circle oi friends has j made this Christmas a very happy one lor j as... and we only hope that you. too, wfll j receive your share of happiness. Far your fine patronage we are thankful „,«! and ask that we may continue to ssrro i|j| ] you in the years to come, '« . - ■ l HAPPY i NEW YEAR 1 1 —• 1 11 ■■■"" 11 |j|m9 W. i YATES SERVICE STATION j . ing amounting to $3.54 wfe token and turned over to the’ Rsd Cross, lit was announced .that• the,"v||itorch I will be kept heated all day Cj»ift)lniap for the benefit of any w» might i want to worship, and thk? service i will be held Christmas evening at '6 o’clock.