I INmI « far pmsmtatmm ¥«WOL-Jfa-*trA Men Called To Enlist In Home Guard f 'HoOand Arranging Scrap Drive SahrageCfcaran If ISM Figares Cbse Ta 100,00(1 .Pends Already Mkdd CkflArcs Takimy __ Mai Sh> h Briro ! SCRAP""MOVING IWVdbiUM Ef fatwaastaH AsCfau ft. c. TOnlWii Chowan County tSaftSSaa the machinery g«r irUiiiwiani Cramty’s drive for scrap. ■flto er««ft in driwte was en- Ufa. :«a jff school children scrap material and dt to tom various schools, has open a date, he toTmmte He **lftmr„ not mriy the junk w*»h te ham dtipmitoti at the va- Twi*nK scjwjjtls, hatt also t© have trucks Pjk Wsmm awffiwrtss. the school children , hotnaa W that- 'route Ha school in J F stem* JrW*r«! W he "crtttwd to tte nsspwrtnw grades. A lot of ma tserisfe ftms been -fiaraished the boy* ami gnufe and iactedes the following: ftMad beds. sprang® aid irons, eld, awed or '.anal sßewes, akad chains, old ftßßWßteara, nM -rmdtonwra. dd wash prta. rii£ pipe, fairm. garden and ante towis, rid hedeas, old furnaces. «fii nartsil tins, skates, aM metal Sans*, rid dm. nM pots and pans, old jccssmts and shears, rid ante parts ami Dante- rid electric meters, old; ■Jhttanie Sams. rid wash tubs, old naotafi nahaaMs, aid jar tops, old farm Wm. rid batteries, old lighting buibs- roeffiaO plant stands, old wash Ifceanfe. rid metaul hangers, old radios. Giirdllss. sHmowcs* caps, rubber gloves, y. DCantmoaid am Page Free) f Bishop Dust Pteacfces At St PawTs Sunday ffijpiscepaifisais as maO as friends in ,* other JhnMmiiiaaitraaaiT wall have an op portunity Die bear Bishop Thomas C. Driest. eff Wnfaßtttptiran. preach on Sun efiay- w&e® he wSE occupy the pulpit alt St.. Wadlfe Ctannch The appear ance <sff Stesbo® Daurst is expected to artsritsr p aarw congregation when he ectU preach at the 11 o’clock sendee. N* successor ha the Rev. C. A. *h»® recently resigned, has heme selected nm Kean Kmia (hhuh OMNI Mil MMUSS CHIB 1 Cbttseats to lg»» Sun hiritog Mrs. W. H. I OMt, Mol IN. Pnto ui Mrs. W. H. At a meeting of the Chowan Chun ty Chagter of the Nadimall Feudia tiam fler Hnfamtile Pa THE CHOWAN HERALD A MOM* UWifU DEVOTED TO TME IMTEXESTS OF CHOWAN COUNTY | Better tewy 1 gneetrinegs ft tony an* expected ha been sen* <*ult by to® ftost Office s*m» to< .weak pnemate or -greet - tags tte dte sm aft <mwe. **■ vrifcff * Duma. These preanato may he Hotel tees Meet PlyMrth Mw AfinuM - flMy' IffW HUSH stiiggfe Wfll Be NMtk Mediae of IWgfc boroy Teams GAME AtToXXOCK Local Boys Expected to Be la Better Shape Han Last Week Smarting: oxer triton** defeats to a f single muttony tritons Saw ttibis season. Coach Bow WaDJsan!’? Hugh School ' Aces ape 1 (miking: Snrmanril to adding > another marifcmr iin trftoe wiim cotomn at the expense <df ffllyinoutfli fflEigb School, when the two- teurnts meet on the Ite— oaf gridiron Fbhday afitemoc® at 4 a’Wbcfe.. Hfamwmesr,, by comipairison, the Plymouth Pbntrftoets have a slight edge. Both tusans -deSeaited WiEiiaan ston: so Saar,, hut Dtoe Ptymuorth out fit’s tnangaiii off miktony mas tagger ' than that ®ff Dft* Acss, IFlynnooth hawing pushed swar Sour touchdowns, while ffitentom hawdly: rrosswd the pay - dirt mariksc on* Dum* iin Dh* openintg gam*. With rift® netonni <«ff B&ngerse® and | Mioore to) trii® !sh*mpv, Ehentton will be -; much stronger town hn the Scotland ISwdk gam®. The attwence eff these | players: and Dft® ffitnr nanny .days -jnre cetong- to® game Itoad :n tteMing effect on. triie pHaying off tribe Aces 'last Fri s day , so. toatt to* thews an* going: ( Ctmirinuad am Sbfta Thor) ter a JaWt atotebg at ate aanaejtento SSmb a»laa*aiatei at a aaK BAenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, October 22,1942. ÜBHI SOKE MOTS RECREATION caMTiE mb ra suramsE IRK P. N. Bmford. Reprcscntattre oi Federal Security j Agency, Says Recreation Very Necessary Part of War Effort Meeting i® joiimt sbssbmd Friday 1 might, Ch*wan OsuonDy CoßnniiiisaMwm«s «md Trim Crinmataen ajnpwimthHl a. seven-member steering ewanmiDDme iin ceninieetmu! with the guwmrnimmiitty ser vice UDomeaunDt to. gurwride whurAesnun* rntDerDaimanemt andl reerealwmm Ser men i® the armed forces- This gmonp wffl he toajiwm as. to® Semrace lleßn’s Recreatro® Committee and iuncMes the Bex. W. C- Benswcu. at. a parextoins meeting riedted gemsameniD dnauurmaum «f the commiDDee off the whete- Ged des Potter, J. A Hwm. Mis- ft E. l®ary, Waiteß- Olfirwr. Mis. J- W. Paris and Mrs- J. CHaiemce Leary. The ewmmitte* off the whmDe ia clwdes apge«wiiimiately 4* geopte), who were appoms.ted by the xarioas wrgauiD izathms in towrnt. and while these will be called in to. perfomm xariowis da llies in caufliiecttDon! with the mwwe mestt, the affairs wil he «fisiwttßy min der the supervision off the steering committee. Those present at the nneetiing were P. M. Warrem. A. C. Boyee. E. W. Spires, Mis- ft P. Badham. J. ft Peel*. J. G. CampeQ. J. Oawmce Leary. Lfe.yd QriffE®. the Rev. M. C. j Benson., Mayor J. HL MeMalllain, L S- Bjmsm. C. ft Kranner. G- A. Hetes, David Holto®- J. A Muraie. J. Edwin Buffllap and P„ K. Bimifißid. field recreatieim: lepresen-.tativie off the Federal Security Ageraev- Befare mMimimg the vonmmittie*- Mr. Bimford peesemted a brief history off toe recreation pewgiam purorided so »;--uaX- jTi.—ii? miss RMfldred rarrei Wns Top Honors In District Dress Revue i. "■•••, j High School Junior Will Represent County In State Contest Miss Mildred HamretL 14-yesair-rid member of the Jumiioir Class at Edem to*i High Scho«)L. and a ffwinmer Chow an High School student, on Monday won first place when she lepmesemted Chowan CounrntjCs 4-H Omls in the district dress revue held in Eliiaaiteth City. This honor will emttiMe hear to enter the State contest in Raleigh to* latter part off tote anornffa. Miss Harrell, together with Hebe® Ray Evans and Myra White, all three -Chowan High School girts, was placed in the Wu* rihbem gronup when j the County 4~H dress revu* was held last spring. From this group Miss Harrell was selected to repre sent the- county in to® dfetrivtt rev®®. ; | where she took top homwis- Mildred modeled a Wu® wool suit | which she made; and her aaraesswries were a red felt hatt. hllac-k shwras and bag, and white gtswes. Other requtireiinients off tthe comtest : were a TSU-woed story albwntt hea i clab work and her etonh records for j the past ffouar years Masons Entertain Air Station Visit ws At Tonigtit's Meeting Members off Unanmnuitty Lodge, Xo. !\ A. F. A A. BE, will fflftssrwe to night’s meeting as IF. S. Marine Air Statoon naght, when at least a done® Ah'sLm are expected to attend members off to® lacal Bodge are espee lefty regatrted to he present. Neir Uniforms ArriTc For Edcnton’s Police | JMviua. aam. “Though some people say this is no time to play," he said, “to® exhaustive study has been made and both the army and navy realise that it is abet finitely necessary for the men to relax and that recreation is a necessary part of the war effort.” - Mr. Binford said that the Govern ment sec sired some ft.) specialists on recreation to plan for the proper kind of pregram, and that it required months to work out a pattern. He -aad help would he forthcoming if it j l is necessary, hut that because the local defense project is numbered among the smaller ones, it would he far better for Edemton to do the job itself. La this respect he said he i was annexed by the hospitality shown ' - in North Chrolima, where open arms are extended to service men. He briefly explained the pmrrpose off a ] recreation center, which need hot he a® elaborate affair, hut primarily a place where soldiers, sailors and Ma rines can go and feel at home, doing ! their writing:, reading, meeting friends aad tote like. Chairman Benson briefly reviewed what action had been taken up to the Tim® off meeting, saying that what prelmnainary work was necessary had! been accomplished. Dwrimg to* meeting a resolution was adopted, which reads as follows: Whereas, there will soon be a large: . nuumber off Marine Glider Troop® in jour oonumannity, with an increasing: » ffContißßed on Page Ffrel ApplicationsFor Gasoline Be Heard Next Three Days j Ration Books Expiring Today Must Be Sur rendered AM automobile owners in Chowan I CoHiumty who are eligible for supple mental gasoline under the rationing order and whose ration books expire today < Thursday) are requested to appear at the office of the War Price j auw! Ration Board in the Citizens Bank building tonight and Friday I might at 7 o'clock, or Saturday, October 24, from 8:30 to 12 a. ns., in; I order to receive new books. At that time owners will be re quired to surrender their old books as well as any remaining coupons before receiving a new supplement. Those who fail to present them selves at the above-mentioned hours will be obliged to apply at regular Isntttimgs of the Board members at U-ftß a. m_, each day and have their j appScatiKMii considered at the convert- j i iesntoe of the members. The registration will be in charge: off L. H. Haskett. W. J. Berryman and Geddes Potter, members of the local ratio® hoard. White Births Lead In County For September White births in Chowan County : during the month of September led colored births, to* vital statistics re port off the local Health Department ■recording 12 white and nine colored births. The death rate during the month was the same, four deaths for each rare being recorded. The report also shows that during Crptemk rr there was one colored death under me year and one white Registration Pod Oil Dealers Is Postponed Aeeaedmg to a telegram received Wednesday from State Headquarters. If "ftoriTrfl dmte^ icghtontien • bffppff ftcMani* Captain Llayi E. Griffin Calls For Aa Organzation Meeting On Friday Night | Judge Resigns | H j; J JOHN W. GRAHAM Dae to being ordered to report at the Naval Operating Base at Norfolk, V*. John 14. Graham, judge of Chowan County Decant er's Court, oa Monday submitted his resignation to D. M. Warren, chairman of the County Commis sioners. Judge Graham’s resig nation was effective as off Mon day of this week. Griffin Urging All j DemocratsToVote j In General Dection Two Rallies Scheduled To Be Held Prior to Election Day uttlelnterest One of Speakers Ex pected to Be Congress man Herbert Bonner .!■ With the general election less than two weeks im the offing, little inter est in the election is evidenced in Chowan County, where there is no opposition to the Democratic office seekers elected in the May primary. However. Lioyd E. Griffin, chair man of the Chowan County Democra tic Executive Committee, emphasizes the importance of going to the pills oii November 3rd and casting a bal lot. “A great war is going on.” he says, “but at the same time carrying on of the government is on no account to be neglected, for which reason.. (Continued on Page Six) ROCKY HOCK SCHOOL PAIROKS YOU UNANIMOUSLY TO SUPPORT SCHOOL 115 Interested Citizens Discuss flatter at Recent Meeting When It Was Brought Out That Only 16 Children Transferred to Chowan High One hundred fifteen patrons and interested citizens of the Rocky Hock section met Friday evening at the call of tft® local school board, the meeting ! being held jointly with the Rocky Hock Parent-Teocher Association for i a discussion of the Rocky Hock school j situation which has developed in the : community. I It was brought out at the meeting i that the Board of Education at its recent meeting heard a delegation ! representing 20 families from the I Oak Grove school district for the i purpose of transferring their chfi- I dren to the Chowan High School im | stead of sending them to the Central [ Rocky Hock School. Relative to this i 10 of these families had no children ■ going to school at all. seven of these • families had children already en rolled in the Chowan High School, i and that wM^hufliw^g^ P 5 Yeor. Men 18 to 45 Who Are Interested Requested To Report AT 8 O'CLOCK Unit Has Backing: and Support of City and County Officials With prajcticauly- alii «»ff ttft* pieiiHmmi iiary work omt off the way. a! tteit now remains to oegamiiaf a Sttatte Home Guard lam-iit in: Cfaewam Cfflomnty is the enlistmen t off mem. Foe tits® purpose Lloyd ft Gritffii®. who has agreed to serve as captain of the : outfit, ha® called arc liiwganiiaaiDw® meeting to- be held aft ttft* Omoneam - County Court House Friday miigftitt: aft . 8 o’clock. To organize ttft® ictonpany - it will be necessary to have a nnraii mu.ni off 45. men., ami mffitt ;®wer SW. j These men must be from® IS to 45 years old, and wfeiOie ®o> physical ex amination wilt be required. sft: wiilll be necessary that they are p&ysiicaMj fSt to enlist. In respect to. tiftte n»eettiiiDg- Mr, Griffin urges all naen -who are inter ested to be on. hand pcoospittlly. wfoicli applies a® well to- those who have al ready expressed their wiliuiffismies® ti» 1 join, a® well as to those who have j not been. seen. ”Thte 5s a eaM t>» pa ! triotism.” sahi Mr: GrilfEm. who ' enough men will be o® hamdl at the meeting to. perfect the ocganuiaaiticin. Mr. Qrifftn. hand occasion; to go l» ! Raleigh Tuesday fii»r a fhw days awd while there he plaaned to ownttart i those hi authority 6m 'wider to be «s : fully informed as possible reliaft-ve trn hi® duties as eommaniidi'ag <»fffiicer. Last week he was auttft»ria*d by Ad jutant General Van R. Metft® to -or ganize the unit, whoth sfeowaili be completeii in two- week®. W%*m tft* quota of enlistments i® reartned, equipment will be .sent an>.ii anaimge ments made foe atim: niissemnig to® oath. Mr. Griffin said care wouteff be exercised in the calibre off mem se lected so that the whoiefteairted sup port off the community may be 'rea sonably expected. The purpose off tft® Hons* Ground is, no doubt, generally undlerstwwd. It it purelv a voluntary oatgamijaatMOß in which there is no pay nnlsess caiiied (Continued ®® Puge Twn»l| Band Scheduled To Play Concert Tonight Weather permitting, tft® EieaoO«a High School Band will play om to® Court House Green tocugiftt uTbars day!, beginning at Tt3B) o'c ■ wk. This will be the first concert rendereur the band since R. L. Mara® snocwnii ed C. L. McCuilecs as uErocttoflr. and a large crowd 5s expected to be '« hamd - to hear the music .. ruling at their regular OTeetriig Xdn-ait children, in the Koeky Hock sertter could go to either Otowart High School or the mew Kwcky Hock Cen tral school.. In a report o>ff this artaoci hy the ! Board of firdtcofatiiojii), The HeraM re cently stated that sons* 25 rtuMrea would Italy Beawe the Ra«ky Hock school' to go to Chowan Ugh School. Tins figure was weed as * guess oo the part of a nawtot «f Kocky Hock and was mrit antbewtie. At the meeting Bit was heaughtt oat that by a check-up itt found that oaJy IS children Befit the Kocky Hock , school to eater the schawl at Cross Kwk During the meeting a write was concerned really Befit ahow* Bta school 1 atna&srin. The write wars H* per wk »IPP«*

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