www.r-vj. In thest columns will be found a fan presentat'on of local ana county news of general interest. Volume IX. —Number 47. Town dvcdenton roreod To •Tut Brakes tin Petitions Hequesiing Sidewalks Unable to Consider Any More New Sidewalks During Fiscal Year GRANTLASTTWO Board of Public Works Releases $5,000 to I)o Work 'With two petitions on tile for side- 1 walk paving. Town Council met in special session Tuesday night with the Board of Public Works in , order | to adopt a policy as to this sort of ; ork for the remainder of the fiscal year. Already this year cement - idewalks have been la d era every street in the cotton mil! village, on the north side of Hast (Juve.n Street f>m the school property to flak Street, on the north side of East (,aie Street from Broad to Oakum l Street, and on the east side of Oaku n : Si ieet from Church St re- •? to the colored school. At the last meeting of Town Coun cil two more petitions, were presented! asking for sidewalks on the west sidt of Oakum Street from Church to Freemason, and on the south side of Freemason from Oakum to Broad Street. The ■other pc ti. o ■• ; a sidewalk on the north sic »f V, ■ c Keen Street front the Citizens Bank Building to Granville Street. Because of the amount of paving already done, this phase of the '■ nvii’s budget is already in the red, so that before, any com deration Can 1 * given to the. tavo latest petitions is necessary to make -provis’ons '■w the funds with which to do this v k. For that reason, the joint ’ inr was call< I in order t-> see if Board of Public Works would • I'ljfor eno ■ < * oir surplus ,- w.km Face Tough Opnonent Friday Washington H. S. Will May on Local Grid iron al 3 O’clock K.lo’.t'vu li gh School’s football team will face what is expected to be its toughest opponent of the season Friday afternoon on tile local grid iron when the Aces meet th. u ash in gton High School outfit. The game is scheduled to begin at .;> o'clock. Though. Coach Roy Watson’s uoys t ere f.ir from usual form when they played Hertl rd o: Vycdm-s yof ho'. evk, which was due principally be 1' aitse o 1 ’ injuries, the squad, barr.ng any accidents during this week’s .cliiv si .-:011s, v- li he in good shape to put up a stiff game. h e '‘oifaTrirt Comity tCa'iri defeat->d : :- :. :heth City 85-. T, witch is sm «*\vh.a! a measuring stick to <:■ s.in :<■ tin' stret.gth of the V? ashiiu.'ton out fit. However, ivombers of Hu Blc : ■ team and f;;."- ns well ret: • 'or t‘ u last year the pre-game dope was up set when Washington was predicted ! ■ .in by ;; , overwhelming <<■•<<> e. util the Aces turned the tables, and won a decision. The-two schools ui; met six ‘ tes on the gridiron to date and of t' r-se mimes Edenton has won four ■ mi \V ashington two. The first game hi 1928 vas wen ■ bv; the Beaufort. County boys IP 0 and the next game in HIM* also vent to Washinrti hi'- i l . : ; e thi however, K unit on has been the win ner, taking a 10-12 de is ion in 1936, a 6-0 gai - in fPhT, 13 to 7 in 19118, and hist year’s, 7-6. victor.-:. Unless injuries develop during practice, the / Edenton squad : s ex pected to: be in the pink of condition . and a hardrfought game is in pros pect. To date the Aces have won only two es seven games, played, these two vic tories being over Williamstem and Manteo. They' were defeated iiy Tar 1 cm, Henderson, Scotland Neck, Eli zabeth City and Hertford. j the autoist has had to turn in his last year’s card, and officials estimate; | that some thousands of Tar Heels j will suddenly discover that they do; not have one. They recommend that; motorists check now to see if they j have such a card, and, if not, to make) application for replacement imme diately. Their concern over this comes from i the experience they had during the I OPA gasoline registration. At that time, some 40,000 North Carolines i discovered they had lost their 1942 l registration cards, and the Raleigh i Motor Vehicle office was flooded for weeks with applications for replace ments. At ong time, around 1,000 'enters and telegrams were being re ceived each day, sa d Boddie Ward, Chief of the Bureau. Must List Occupation In the second place, each appli cant’s occupation mu|t be written on the second of the fota- cards of the new registration strip—also a new step. To save time when the 1943 (Continued on Page Six) Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina. Thursday, November 19, 1942 Captain L. E. GJffin Names Officers For Home Guard Unit All, However, Are Ail ing: Only In Tempor ary Capacity ! Captain Lloyd E. Griffin, coi .'Hand ing. officer, ok the Chowan County I unit of the North Carolina States' Guard, this • eok announced one commissioned, and all : iiohscomniis-. sioned officers t £ ; - putfit, How ! ever, these officers are on!;, Unu : pdrary and permanent appointment 'will depend upm their ability and : aptitude in the .various stations. ■ These officers, therefore, are only in an acting capacity and w ii ; be sub' je I to change a 11.e.r . ituess develops. •I. Frank While, J r.. -as ap { ii-knted a cominlss oiied officer \.ith the rank of second lieutenant. The jother commissioned officer, who will rank as first lieutenant, i. expected i to be named within a l, u\ dag-. The acting non-commissioned offi cers are as follows: C. Wi-Overman, ■- rM sergeant: Marv.n Wilson and la .-lie iitnr mi, platoon Sergeants; [ Frank Hughes, mess sergeant; Ralph Banish, supply' sergeant: Ear! Har rell, sergeant, company clerk; Hector Lupton, Edward Wnzelka, Rodney I Byrum. sergeants, squad leaderk; ■!. : . \-. <>od, ’.in' ard 1 loHq\'ell. Jim ■ I'anip a: • Raymond Mansfield, cor' ; porals, assist it squad Waders: Grady I eve and Dee Slide-. night guides. H These id- Hi! meet every *; Monday night at Bah the Armory. ' i f-r,about a" ! -nr to receive instruc tions pr or Ho the regular meeting each Tue-day n'glu of. t!ie entire company. Captain Gr’ffit: went to Wasie i-'- ’( ton, N. C.. Tuesday night, -where -he attended meeting of all company i ommandev- of Hie Second Battalion. ' \t this meeting a schedule of aetivi >. ties of the units was discussed. *l Mr, <‘r ffin went to Raleigh Wed M nesday, taking with him measure ments. i f uniforms for Ins men. which are ted within a week or Id ! , days. Mm Offense i Workers Thuri! (Iff Meal Rationing J. E. Hull o*‘ State Coun , oil at Meetm Mon day Afternoon Thirty key men and women of the Chowan County Civilian Defense ! Council met Monday afternoon in the office of Chairman E. W. Spires when J. E. Hull, of the* State Council of National Defense, spoke bn the subject of. “Sharing the Aleut Bru gr.uii.” Air. Hulls remarks had to do primarily with the cooperation of citizens preparatory to the rationing j of .meatwhich is expected to go into ; effect witnin the, next 90 days, i At the meeting a ulock service was organized with .viiss Rebecca Colwell ; elected chief for the county and Mrs. | John F. White leader of tiie Edenton I Zone. The purpose of th.S organiza tion. is to -acquaint the public, with the ~ ---1., . . various inovt S on the part of the government in connection J with the war effort as well as ito en •!. l ist - the cooperation of tlje: citizenry j as a whole. j A Citizens Service Corps was also ! organized with G. W. Johnson elected as chairman. The purpose of this ! organization is to coordinate various groupings in the Civilian Defense i Council,-such as salvage, bond sales,! I recreation and like activities except! I the various phases of protective ser vice. With this organization func tioning the whole civilian defense set up will be streamlined and will prevent overlapping and conflicting duties. Four Hours Window Service At Postoffice On Thanksgiving Day Though there will be no mail, either city or rural, delivered from the Edenton post office next Thurs day, Thanksgiving Day, Postmaster C. E. Kramer has announced that window service will be nro-vided four hours. These hours will be from 8 to 9 o’clock in the morning, 11 to 1 and 5 to 6. All mail will be dispatched as usu al, however, and incoming mail will be placed in the post offee boxes. Air Warning Service Contact OTcer: T Cross Roads i f r 5 % V cry important kticct ing For Observers and Volunteers . Contact. Office-re-from the Regional Headquarters of the . Air \> arnir.g Service will hold a meeting at the Community House at Small'- Cross ' Roads, Wednesday, November 25, at ' 8 p. in. k : IThe-purpose i)f this pi iH-nn,::: is -to give Civilian Defense instraetipns, as they relate t-- Air Wariiing a d A.: Raid protect on scrvii-,.-. i lie ui'fic-i.' v. ill siioiv a jm-'-Uie of ' the Civilian Defense set-up in action . ~i explain t • < . -- - how e\ei : pathiediv citizen van do his or luu I part to hel:i win 'this ; Xii . ' All Chief Observe: qin vnluutee: -- in the Air v. anting Service are urged. ' to attend this very import -i.l m. - t ••’ ing. Also, the public C-- dr. .. ! vited to attend this dei - Hot !’f their first- line of. Civilian DefenKP.. 1 “Now is the time, to help defend yoijr Country'. It will please Hitler if you fail to do so.” says C. E. Kramer, district director of the Air - \ 'arhjhg Sen icc. Annual My Os v Baptists !n Iona! Church Monday Training l limns of Cho wan Associations Will Meet j lie* Da ntist Training L nions ox the .' cunx:-i-tin wkl as-svaible at l ~ , Hie 1 -u( ntor • p • t ... iit, .V-.v at 7:30 o’cldi - Blaus arc being ina.:-- l‘> r .... exe | cutise coimn-ttee meeting at 7:30 I fur tiie purpose of attending - inat lers <»f iiu.dne: -1 ;’i. ■• :t; x plans t "' ' - m- : - ' ■' 0 j - attainment. i ■ '-. I • • . I ;;t S. \ U.-K. i a .gel ; ixti iiug ••! I' . 1 :.-1 ■ . eaders, I Moderator, and all others interested : in tin- '1 ra ni- gotx. . There will'be special music, in . snirationa! talks, and a general rally of the training forces h. the Chew: n AssociaFon. Tin's rally an anir.i; I affair and is called at this partTular au- ; - iak up . ith a South-wide movement now in progre.-s for the : purpose of laying special ;!. ns for ■ the training program in our Baptist , churches of the South fin this un- : usual i- a through which the world is ’ - going now. The pubi c is invited, to attend this H rally and, enjoy its inspiriitiamd and i ■ I educational benefits. Ewell Hobbs Named Forestry Specialist! Succeeds W. J. Barker j Who Recently Re signed Post Friends wilt be delighted to learn j that Ewell Hobbs, son of Mr. and ■ Mrs. Neal Hobbs, has been appointed ! forestry specialist of the State Ex tension .Service l . He s' 'coeds W. J.! ! Barker, who recently resigned to ao -1 cept a position as extension forester I I in South Carolina. l Voting Hn'-bs was graduated from ! ! Edenton High School in the class of j f 1937, and was a member of the 1942 ;’ graduating class at State College. | Last summer he was located in Mon-j tana to gain experience as a forest - ranger and while in the western state! traveled throughout the entire west- J ern part of the country. Red Men Tribe Starts Attendance Contest In order to stimulate interest in the weekly meetings, Chowan Tribe of Red Men is staging an attendance contest to run until January 11. Erie Haste and Herbert Baker were appointed Monday night as captains of two teams, and with the member ship divided between them a lively contest is anticipated. At the conclusion of the contest, the losing side will entertain the winners. land Director R. L Martin Ternis Local kdamenis Dei direst in., e j ; ■ 1 ■ r if orestry i-'-u:*ca.'istv- 'l] ty-lf ; f ' ''' * 111 i % 1 M ! x'-" -V.» Ik.? -- - ■ :.i. > * .1. EV.ELL HOBBS (, ... V in Ihe class i>. >. .7 !Au-|l B As, has lu'tm apini ntci! lorcstry ec ialist of the State K\te ion Scr\ ici. WO' l **!! P ;: -- r \ r t Ot Bonds Ngxc We?k Gai’l o7 Nation - wide Campaign to Boost T"' ! . •h. Avan : . not \ r! .mil V., k. Airs E. X. Elliott ) ■ . i’cd In u: e ti.e buy!. <-f In id- in ovey club mooting held . during the week. a. v-li as in all ) q.ther organizations. Airs. Elliott is . chairman of the drive in Chowan : and but for the tire and ga.x.J- . .situation she would have appointed committees to canvass the entire coil nty. Tin- ini))ortance of buying war ’-miis will'be ■ i -i:gn: ;o the -i' t .i --tioi: of women throughout the i c-m.ty and* Airs. Eliott feels t : m: • •:<-v>; ham!.-.nipped in the (h'i'.i-. fv. ,x--uit :,vi 11 be not ice:: ole ::. the county's monthly sales. Red Cross Workers Use Up ill Gauze Project Closed Wednes day Until New Ship ment Arrives Because the supply of gauze lias } become exhusted, the surgical 'dress ' ing l'obip of the Red Cross . ;s no. j 'Wednesday., closed until another ship we it of this material arrives, This work wI! be resumed, d\v : ever, upon arrival of, the gauze, catj which time Airs. W. li. Coffield. sur j gical dressings chairman, will notify all supervisors and workers by tele phone, MASONS MEET TONIGHT Unanimity Lodge, No. 7, A. F. & ! A. M., will hold the regular commun { ication tonight at 8 o’clock. The ■ master urges all members to attend. GOfISUMFR REGISTRATION FOR KEROSENE ; AND FUEL OIL SET FOR SATURDAY, NOV, 21 | .War Price and Ration Board Emphasizes Import ance of Registering: In Order to Be Assured What Is Necessary For Use Saturday, November 21, has been set as the date for holding consumer registration for applicants using fuel oil, Diesel oil or kerosene for dom estic cooking, domestic lighting and agricultural uses, and the importance School and the colored high school War Price and j to register may possibly mean I thgKasfiis'will be obliged to be with cbhveniencftvpnd hardship. The registration dope at the following places: Edenton High of registering on that day is stressed This newspaper is drat lated in the territory where Advertisers wm realise good resulte» .$1.50 Per Year. Plans to Raise i uitds j■■ To Rebuild Out-oi- Date Pieces ! COST ABOUT. •$1,600' ' ci Concerts Beini? Scbediilec; to December 1 •. '- : ; ..!,.:, | U. L. Martin, director ot tiie ; Edenton High Kchoo l-ann t. - v.c-i-k j made the .xiatement t nit x-c local band equipment is , liividcdiy ,t m J poorest m the Slate, some of the in ] strui-.K - - • ing made ;-' tpa'.tufac* ! turers wliu boon <>..i oi t>u^i-no.iS • ID \ ear.S) ; . ... . r - Oil i t . *h«• . n 1 - i . . • , . • .*. < • j i j• ■ . • •' ■ h a; ' IF in. '; uinents put into proper condition. T . - cost abom •1 • . iiiid it is his purpose to have the band raise as much ol’ th s am nt as po s;l le. The band '-.ill stage a set:• < : co certs in the High School a.ulitmium with the first one scheduled to be held on t,• ght (if Decei A- 1, at : wl'.ic ’. a mil'll-* ■ H . :: ■■ - v >xcd. ‘‘This is vox. bavt-i.' sa;. s .dr. Alar . . . j- \ti [• ‘ • y-i* •■''lll - - i- proud !' it. 1 • -loud by •: in the jidst and ! feel s re they . will stand by ii the future. “Y-. he.n your boys a. x girls are out with the band, you may rest assured they are not spend ng their time in idleness, which teiroed ti e '•evil's cor'; ...bop. One. has said. V< :uxx a t.'-y t<- Wow a horn and he, whi never :x, a ,xi V c It:-.ve '.he. children \. x --.-.. ant ’o .blow :: h-• rji, ! -xt we do ' rot have the horn; If a iuq cuter I Guild apply f"i work with the type of '."ids used 50 years ago; he would : face failure on every hand: Give us rccessary tools with which to work and live will do the job “ Cooperate with us, '-attend these concerts, donate \ list you feel your band is worth to you and to the Town of Edenton. and y.v will do oui best to make-'you proud of us.” Chou an Asked For 75 More Men In December Chowan County's Draft Board has received two-., calls bfdi- ; Deceinber v which are for 7-x men, 45 white and , 3(1 colored. . The. white cal! is, sche . duled for December 2, and the- colored . cal! for December lh. Those who will be sent for exiuni-. nation in these two calls had not; been selected this week. BANK CLOSED THANKSGIVING Thanksgiving Day will, be observed as, a holiday on Thursday of next 1 week. November 26, by the Bank of Edenton. The bank wll be closed all day, so that patrons having'- impor tant.' business to transact should gov . ern themselves accordingly. | Stores Close Information from the Mer chants Association is to the ef fect (hat practically all stores in Edenton will close all day Thurs day of next week in observance of Thanksgiving. Drug stores, restaurants and filling stations, however, will re main open during the day. in Edenton, the Chowan High School and Rocky Hock Central School. All families living in the Edenton school districts should register in Edenton, while those living in the Rocky Hock auction and up-county ] should registsgrVjit' either the Rocky I Hock school , 4 ot at Chowan High, whichever may be most convenient. When registering it will be. neces sary for to be able to furnish the name jUid serial number of any equipment using fuel oil or kerosene.