In these columns will y found a fair presentation C* of local and county nows I of tenoral interest. Volume IX. —Number 52. $2,500F0r Navy Relief And sloo,oooWorth War Bonds Result Os Christinas Party chat v —1 Success of Affair Sur passes Most Optimis tic Expectations PRAHL SURPRISED Armory Crowded Satur day Night With Danc ers and Spectators Though members of the personnel of the Navy Department and the two contracting concerns at the U. S. Marine Corps Air Station were very optimistic in their predictions as to the financial outcome of the Christ mas party held in the Armory Satur day night, the success of the affair outstripped all expectations. Many local people felt at the outset, when the party was planned, that a goal of SI,OOO for Navy relief was more than could be realized, when as a matter of fact, the party cleared more than double that amount, George C. Cun ney and H. S. G. Verlander reporting Tuesday morning that $2,500 re mained for the Navy Relief Fund, after all expenses were paid. This sum was realized through three sources. Headed by Mr. Cun ney, a drive for outright contribu tions was made among base workers and Edentonians, which resulted in $1,140 being raised. From this a mount nothing was taken for ex penses, so that the sale of tickets for chances on war bonds and tickets for the dance netted $1,860, after paying the expenses incurred. Without doubt, the affair was by far the best attended social function ever held in Edenton. The spacious building was filled to capacity with dancers and those who turned out to see the floor show, as well as others who attended principally to show ■ their interest and cooperation in raising funds for Navy relief. The whole affair was delightful throughout, and it appeared to be one large, happy family with a very friendly atmosphere pervading the entire building as many danced to the music of the U. S. Navy Orches tra from Elizabeth City, and others milled around meeting and greeting friends. So much merry-making was in progress that it was difficult to even quiet the crowd and clear the floor for the floor show. This fea ture, too, was very much enjoyed by the huge throng on hand. No little interest was directed to ward the drawing for the war bonds as prizes which followed the floor show. The first prize of a SIOO bond was won by J. H. Gray, Jr., of Edenton. Second prize of a SSO bond went to C. L. Whitfield, of Route 2, Winterville, N. C., and Harvey Bragg, Box 107, Edenton, was awarded the $25 bond. Another $25 war bond was awarded as a door prize, this going to H. L. Linda, 53 Market Street, Hertford. A climax to the entire party, how ever, occurred when Harold Woodall j mounted the platform and, after a few ; remarks, called for Lieutenant C. G.! Prahl, officer-in-charge of construe-j tion of the air station, to come on the stand. Lieutenant Prahl was al most speechless when Woodall stated that more or less of a secret cam-' paign had been waged by the pur-1 chasing department of North Eastern.! Warren, Beckham & Brooks to sell war bonds as a feature of the partv. i Woodall reported that sales of bonds had totalled SIOO,OOO, and at once : handed to Lieutenant Prahl the checks j in the amount of $90,000 with the remainder promised to be bought.; So that the tabulation listed $90,000 with an assum'd fact that as the re sult of the campaign SIOO,OOO worth would be purchased, and possibly more. These bonds w r ere purchased by firms furnishing material for the base, some coming as far as the west coast, some by the contractors and workers at the base, and some by Edenton concerns and individuals. The report of the sale of these bonds immediately brought a thun derous cheer from the crowd, and it was some time before Lieutenant Prahl could respond to the surprise. He expressed his appreciation and said that while the boys on the front lines are doing their duty, those on the home front are cooperating and helping to Aise the money needed L for furnishing supplies with which to " win the war. The list of those who purchased bonds was not completed when The Herald went to press, but this list will be furnished in order to be pub lished next week. Decorations in the Armory were verv timely and most attractive, fea * taring a large illuminated V over the THE CHOWAN HERALD A HOME NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO TNE INTERESTS OF CHOWAN COUNTY -Vt. Ij — t Leaving Edenton r » • ■ :v.v; v "*x ; :