Rose’s Christinas Party Held Friday At Community Building Affair One of Most De lightful of Holiday Season One of the most delightful social affairs of the season took place Fri- , day night at the Community House at Cross Roads when the employees and a few invited friends were guests of the Rose concern at a turkey dinner, served by the ladies of the Chowan Woman’s Club. The affair was in charge of the girls working in the, store, who planned and super- j every phase of the party,,] Manager Paul Wallace turning the entire arrangement over to them. Miss Mary Leary acted as toast- i mistress and welcomed the guests, which was responded to by Lester Perry. Robert Harrell delivered aj ■ timely talk on the true spirit of Christmas giving. Sara Saunders re-; cited a poem which was followed by a toast to Mr. Wallace and a toast to the ladies of the Woman’s Club by Doris Small. Little Jackie Wallace sang a solo and the farewell remarks were made by Mary Leary. The pro gram was interspersed with Christ mas songs with Jimmy Weathers pre siding at the piano. At the conclusion of the dinner much pleasure was derived by the exchange and display of Christmas l resents. Those attending the party were: Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Wallace, Jackie Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Coodwin, Beulah Perry, Lester Perry, Aiethia Forehand, Doris Small, Ever ett Small, Mary Leary, Robert Har rell, Doris Copeland, Clyde Blanch ard, Blanche M. Bass, Murray Bass,i Need t Taxi? . CALL CHAP PHONE 228 MtfVl ■■■ ■■■!!» '"’tf ”W* —' W' w- K g?SJ5v*% te'* Y *“ Tm&fcep [ j ? VA It is our sincere wish that we may have a part in j I making your Christmas full of good cheer and fel- | b - lowship. We want to add something to the happiness '"S? r 'y^ =: ' ever y person in this community. I Perhaps this little message will help you forget | the unpleasant incidents and experiences of ordi- « ^ = ’ nary days. May brighter days be the compensation 1 I lUWr for your sacrifices toward making this a better & $ ?■- world in which to live. May you find the beauties •* r J 1 of life around you and the opportunities for the c sen-ice it affords. i | The Norfolk & Carolina Telephone ' | & Telegraph Co. Lessie Bunch, Lillian Bass, Jess e Harrell, Elsie Nixon, Dorothy Mae Bass, Annie Mae Hollowell, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Dale, Dorothy Mae Bunch, Sara Saunders, Mable Bunch, Dorothy Bass, Vivian Hayman, Scott Harrell, Gumie Hobbs, Jr., Myra Boyce, Norma Jernigan, Delcie Jordan, Fran ces Collins, Faye Parker, Hazel Am brose, Jessie Rae Bunch, Elizabeth Copeland, Pennie Wood Boyce, Kath leen Ward, Madeline Berryman, Mary Bunch, Mary Alice Muth, Helen Mans field, Leona Dale, Annie Marie Bunch, Marie Bunch, Irene Osborne, Doris Ann Waff, Willis Ray Peele, Viola Byrum, Irene Byrum, Jimmie Weath ers, Mrs. Bertha Williams, Percy Saunders, J. C. Boyce, J. Edwin Buf lap and Lois Williams. New Vestrymen Elected For St. Paul’s Church i At the annual meeting of the con gregation of St. Paul’s Episcopal j Church Thursday night three new| vestrymen were elected to fill the staggering terms of office. They i were Marvin Wilson, Ernest Swain and Wilbur E. Malone, who succeed J. H. Conger, J. A. Moore and Dr. W.| I. Hart. Too Late to Classify j EXPERT PIANO TUNING BY local tuner. 32 years experience and work guaranteed. Drop a card and I will be glad to call. R. L. j Martin, Box 182, Edenton, N. C. dec.10,17,24,31 pd. FOR SALE SIX REGISTERED •bred Hereford Heifers, good colors, j ——— i Kidneys Must ■ v Work Well-| For You To Feel Well 24 hours every day, 7 days every week, never stopping, the kidneys filter waste matter from the blood. If more peopfc were aware of how the kidneys must constantly remove sur plus fluid, excess acids and other waste matter that cannot stay in the blood without injury to health, there would be better understanding of why the whole system is upset when kidneys fail to function properly. Burning, scanty or too frequent urina tion sometimes warns that something is wrong. You may sulTer nagging back l ache, headaches, dizziness, rheumatic pains, getting up at nights, swelling. Why not try Doan’s Pills'! You will be using a medicine recommended the country over. Doan’s stimulate the func tion of the kidneys and help them to flush out poisonous waste from the blood. They contain nothing harmful. Get Doan’s today. Use with confidence. At all drug stores. I Doans Pills! THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1942 nicely marked a"d uniform. Phone 1827-L. J. M ck Thomas, Mount Tucker Farm. I!:-' t 1 Tennessee. * dec. 10.17,24,31 pd. YOU CAN’T MAKE A MISTAKE i by investing in Fuller. Workman ship and materials guaranteed. Prices to suit all. Wr te or phone 84-W, R. H. B ichman. tvi-mton. j dec. 10, IT, 24,31 c. EXPERT PIANO TUNING AND RE building. Equipped to ~e -r’er an> OAftftAAAAA A A A A A AA A maammmmmmam^^ of the Season ' . ! / IT IS TIME TO BE MERRY Os all the grand occasions and celebrations throughout the year, none has the full signifi cance and genuine feeling of thoughtfulness as the occasion of Christmas. It is a time of merri ment for all—an opportunity to express the true feeling we have for friends and loved ones. An experience to be treasured during the other 364 days of the year. It is good to be alive on Christ nuu! It is good to observe an Amerh can Christmas. It is good to receive the thoughtfulness and good wishes of those who mean so much to us! , < j > - It is a good time to have a good time! XSOftp Lot’s all be merry! , ||. . I .. «■■■— ,1 ■ M ■ - l. * BADHAM BROTHERS service to any make r 'ano. Six teen years with Baldwin Piano Co. | All work puaranteed. Chai’es Goodrich, l.ox 40 . V. a)i r.gton, N. C de ?o. 17*24 31 _ian.7pd. , i i use 666 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS /TK /bear ha Brmg wV fQ- sometimes j A § . 1 bring “*/ £TK SSI ~ voU..-an^°' J1 feSt: L*- 1 TO YOU,. - \ \ ii i me some Irmml n . . ~ believe we have a host U. »»* fitoi®'*! | / te sincerely b community. 1 J Y.wn.l ' I / ot '"Tfhomdowewishtoover- l J »nd l L l none of v/n e y/ould 1 w nat I ' wan H / . „ soy', 09 ChriS Tv ,o express oar I L.» ,n SOY , you personalty W exp 15 «»*/ r ~:o see each of you P we cannot da I™. «*~l Mine to tell 1 cent'ment. t>u if 22 xjjfi 1 Chnstmo \ *** { 1 / , _ c< » keep In \ ***? cL t I J*®* \ / - s yo u read with sin- Lnm <M 7 rnTnd that »t q{ the good \ \ J&* 1 / / cere app re °°, Whatever has 1 Dear M it \ o have enjoyed- , Q rae whot lgiriinthfl &“ & £ fellowship we have yeor'-ewn i -j /fS»r 1 happened wdh "me P chr . st Sin the-“ Motions caused I bymedi- "few minutes of peocet 1 fe'-l a good tor •*** J^*”* 9^**^ VTtoy whatr I a - Vc and 1 bicycle. *«» 0 r The Texas Company J. H. CONGER, Wholesale Distributor / .. OUR CHRISTMAS WISH |j V\ J !|i 1 '! 'll II (pmjietiify ■ j l" ' • fy ' 4 It is o big order, we know, but we ore sincere in the knowledge that our friends deserve all three. „ A- • ’? It is good to think back over the events of the past yeor, and to pick out those . f things which .ore bright and cheerfuf. * These occasions overshadow the dork ,■- - j spots and simplify the task of forgetting X- dreams unrealised. Your thoughtfulness j ; to this organization is deeply oppreci f ' oted, end because of this wo doom it a j K l privilege to express Season's Greetings. \ sincere good wiihei lo, One CHOWMMOTM COMPANY --. . _ PAGE THREE

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