Revival Services j On Chowan Charge Series of Meetings Are Announced by Rev. A. L. Stephenson Revival services are being held dur ing the month of August at the Methodist Churches on the Chowan Charge, according to the pastor, the |i>v. Arthur Stephenson, who extends cordial invitation to the public to attend. Services are being held this week at Evans Methodist Church each night at 8:30 o'clock. The Rev. A. L. Thompson, of Ahoskie, is doing the preaching. Services will close on Friday night. The revival at Anderson Methodist '"'statement'” Dubuque Fire and Marine Insurance Company DUBUQUE, IOWA Condition December 31, 1942, As Shown By Statement filed Amount of Capital paid in cash ——-— —$ 1,000,000.00 Amount Ledger Assets, Dec. 31st, previous year, $4,892,502.0, Increased paid up Capital, _____ ■_ ■ —-Total, 4,892,502.0 1 Income —From Policyholders, $2,491,835.17; Miscellaneous, $ 282,993.92; ■ ; Total, 2,7 1 4,829.09 Disbursements—To Policyholdlders, $1,264,588.20; Miscellaneous, $1,786,909.11; ». Total, 3,051,497.31 Fire Premiums—Written or renewed during year, $2,979,653.91 All other Premiums—Written or renewed during year, $1,324,008.75 _____ In Force, 1,922,100.15 ASSETS Value of Real Estate —__—_____ —________—:s 172,821.98 Value of Real Estate sold on contract —— —_— -_ 49,2 1 8.12 Mortgage Loans on Real Estate ——--—-— _—-—_ _ 8,912.64 Value of Bonds and Stocks ———_____ —-- .in'Tli Cash in Company’s Office ————_— ■■—__ 9,4 Deposited in Trust Companies and Banks not on interest 744,107.38 Agents’ balances, representing business written subsequent to October 1, 1942 —..— —- ———_——__ 501,547.94 Agent’s balances, representing business written prior to October 1, 1942 4 J’?, 4! i’ 94 Deduct Ceded Reinsurance Balances Payable 2,30.7.18 Bills receivable, taken for fire risks -i—113,899.73 Interest and Rents due and accrued —__— 29,392.51 All other Assets, as detailed in statement 49,209.50 Total - .*5,681.502.81 Less Assets not admitted _______ ——_____ 477,783.69 Total admitted Assets _____ $5,203,719.12 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses and claims 208,973.75 Unearned premiums ___. —________ —.. .. 2,902.940.91 Salaries, rents, expenses, bills, accounts, fees, due or accrued - 5,412.54 Estimated amount payable for Federal, State, county and municipal taxes due or accrued • 122,487.80 Contingent commissions, or other charges due or accrued- 15,028.46 Ail other liabilitjes, as detailed in statement 25,430.41 Total amount of all liabilities except Capital _53,279,973.87 Capital actually paid up in cash $1,000,000.00 Surplus over all liabilities 923,745.25 Surplus as regards Policyholders —--- $1,923,745.25 Total Liabilities $5,203,719.12 BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA DURING 1942 re Risks written $ 762,795. Premiums receiced $ 7,080. All Other Risks written 246,171. premiums received 540. Losses incurred—Fire ______ ■ 2,377. paid __. 2,603. President, C. J. Schrup Secretary B. J. Oswald Home Office Roshek Bid., Dubuque, lowa. Attorney for service: Insurance Commissioner, Raleigh, N. C. (SEAL) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT. Raleigh, May 20th, 1943 , I, William P. Hodges, Insurance Commissioner, do hereby certify that the above is a true and correct abstract of the statement of the Dubuque December, 1942. Witness my hand and official seal, the day and year above written. Fire and Marine Insurance Company of Dubuque, lowa, filed’with this Department, showing the condition of said Company, on the 31st day of WILLIAM P. HODGES. Insurance Commissioner. "The Balanced Blend" • The "balance" of Carstairs White • Seal is made possible by careful ESSI 9 selection and skillful blending • from one of the world’s largest re- nH ft • serves of choice blending stocks. jjft • ’—' ICARSIAIRSI : CARSTAIRS . White Seal [^gj MCMOgP WHISKEY 86 8 7 Crain Neutral Spiritv . J Im. Oiiitllti. j Inc.. Baltimore. Md. 'Church, near Hertford, will begin on i Monday night of next week. Begin- | • ning Tuesday afternoon servrees will be held during the afternoon as well as at night. The revival will close! the following Sunday night. Revival will be held at the Center Hill Methodist Church the third week in August each night from Monday through Friday. The Rev. M. E. Cotton of Poplar Branch, will do the preaching. Revival services at Bethany Metho dist Church, near Belvidere, begin the Fourth Sunday night in August and closes the Fifth Sunday night. The Rev. J. W. Hoyle, retired Methodist minister, and D. C. May, prominent Baptist speaker, both of Durham, are expected to be present for this meet ing. Afternoon and night services will be held with the possible excep tion of Monday afternoon. i Have something to say; say it, and stop when you’ve done. Tryon Edwards. THE CHOWAN HERALD EDENTON, N C.. THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1943 j Legals | NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION* - • Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Naomi Rebecca Cobb, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all creditors to present their claims to the undersigned at Edenton, N. C., on! or before August 5, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate ► will please make immediate payment. This sth day of August, 1943. CLYDE C. COBB, Administrator of Naomi Rebecca Cobb, Deceased. aug.5,12,19,26.5ep.2,9c. North Carolina In The Chowan County Superior Court I Before the Clerk IN RE: Estate of T. E. Harrell NOTICE TO CREDITORS The undersigned, Mary B. Harrell, having qualified as Administratrix of T. E. Harrell, deceased, all persons t having claims against the decedent are hereby notified to present the same to the undersigned Administra trix on or before the sth day of August, 1944, or this notice will t>e pleaded in bar of their recovery. This sth dav of August, 1943. MARY B. HARRELL, Administratrix of T. E. Harrell, deceased. aug.5,12,19,26,5ept.2,9 —wqp NOTICE OK ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Administrator of the Estate of Ethel H. Taylor, de ceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all credi tors to present their claims to the undersigned at Edenton, N. C., on or before July 1, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This Ist day of July, 1943. R. HECTOR LUPTON, Administrator of Ethel H. Taylor, Deceased. ju1y8,15,22,29,aug.5,12 North Carolina Chowan County NOTIC E OF SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of a certain Deed of Trust executed by Cleamon Holley and wife, Beatrice Holley, to W. S. Privott, Jr., Trustee, on Sep tember 18, 1937, which Deed of Trust | is duly recorded in Book 47, pages 16 and 17, in the office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Chowan County, North Carolina, default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured, the undersigned will on Saturday, the 21st day of August, 1943, at 12 o’clock Noon, at the Chowan County Court House door in Edenton, North Carolina, of fer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash all the right, title and interest of the sail) Cleamon Holley, the same being an undivided 2-13 interest in and to the following described real estate lying and being in Third Township, said county and state, and further described as follows: That certain tract of land known as the Poplar Run Tract, containing 45 acres, more or less, and bounded on the north by the James L. Baker Estate (now owned by John Baker) lands, on the east by the State High- | way leading from Edenton to Sun-, bury, on the south by the George' j Webb lands and on the west by the 1 I Fannie H. Welch lands. One of saro ' two-thirteenths interest having been heired by the said Cleamon Holley from his father, Lawrence Holley, deceased, and the other having been this day conveyed to the said Clea mon Holley by S’. E. Everett and ’ wife, by deed dated today and to be duly recorded in Chowan County in Book of Deeds in the Ooffice of Reg ister of Deeds tor Cnowan County, said deed and those Instruments mentioned therein made part hereof for fuller description and chain of title. Dated and posted this 21st day of July, 1943. W. S. PRIVOTT, Trustee, By: J. N. PRUDEN, Attorney. july29,aug.s,l2,l9—JNP. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of J. E. Jordan, de ceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all credi tors to present their claims to the undersigned at Tyner, N. C., on or be fore June 30, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 30th dav of June, 1943. SELMA j. PRIVOTT, Administratrix of J. E. Jordan, De ceased. Ju1y8,15,22,29aug5,12np EXECUTOR’S NOTICE Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of William J. Harris, de ceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all credi tors to present their claims to the undersigned at Edenton, N. C., on or before July 5, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This sth dav of July, 1943. R. E. LEARY, Executor of William J. Harris, De ceased. ju1y8,15,22,29,aug.5,12—REL NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of Ida B. Goodwin, Deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the Estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at R. F. D., Edenton, N. C. on or before July 3rd, 1944, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please j make immediate payment. This Ist day of July, 1943. LEORA G. LANE, Administratrix of Ida B. Goodwin, | Deceased. CHlr |lt Ain’t No Fun ... I I Standing Up All The Way j T Be Smart ! Stay At Home This Week-end ? y 3on’t let anybody tell you it is fun traveling- these | t days ..... it no fun” . .. when you have to stand 1 14 .up the entire distance of your trip. ■**&,. AM2L&- 4 But that is what is happening many times, especially T during week-ends, when lots of people are traveling j 4 to resorts and beaches for an outing, crowding buses J . | to capacity. . It’s not fun when you board a bus and ~ J: ; find no seats .. . just standing room • -*» ? But that is how it is .. . and it can’t be helped. There j isn’t a possibility that we can get additional buses to y ease the increased demands on our service. So, we ! { must ask your cooperation. 4 A |lt would be swell if we could add a lot of extra buses i J | to take care of the increased travel over our routes. j ? I» ; ; We did it for you when it was possible, but this is out j I of the question now. 4 Office of Defense Transportation governs the number j and mileage of our buses and thus with extra heavy 4 traveling during- week-ends, our buses are usually | taxed to capacity. , f We suggest that you travel only when it is absolutely necessary ... then be sure to plan your trip well in , advance. Consult our Bus Agent nearest your home 11 for complete travel information as to schedules least crowded, arrange for your ticket ahead of time and ;» travel light. When you board a bus take only one piece of luggage. This saves time and trouble for us , and worries for you. T 11 The Norfolk Southern ’ Bus Corporation V “ V ~ ■** ■ ■** ■ IPEMDERI Good News! Coffee No Longer Rationed! Oar atorea hava aa idaqiata aapply ai Daabta-Fraah Coffee. New yea aaa eajey all yaa waat everyday at year lavarita blaad. Freak Kaaated-Fraah Greeadt RICH, FULL-BODIED D. P. Blend ib 24c NO COUPON REQUIRED <3' Tomato Juice u£ m c*!„ 10c (IS>Standard Tomatoes % lie (3) Tomato Soup »***■«■■ 8c (1> Gerber’s Ca - 7c RENDER S BEST FLOUR 10 'L 59c HIGH MARK PANCAKE FL ,T 7c COLONIAL OK LUCKIES WHEAT pu £? 6c PROTKC ’n MAK ES >■* 10c Your Pender Store Has A Complete Variety ot Canning Needs ! Fruit Jars d«t„ 63c 73c Jar Rubbers, dozen 3c Kerr Jar Lids, Pkg 10c Certo, bottle 21c Sure Jel, Pkg 12c LETTUCE, head 10c CABBAGE (New) ... .4 lbs. 15c CELERY, stalk ....... 15c PEACHES .... 2 lbs. 45c GRAPES (Red) lb. 39c LEMONS, dozen 39c CANTALOUPES 2 for 25c ——■— ' ' —— MILD AND MELLOW Golden Blend ■b 21c WHITE HOUSE APPLE 18c HUDSON BATHROOM TISSUE 3 «* 15c LAUNDRY BLEACH FLEECY SSL 23c DEODORANT, DISINF: CfANT CLOROX tattle 12c PAGE THREE