Delinquent Town Taxes Advertised Next Week Attention has been called to an error appearing in the advertisement last week relative to advertising \ Announcement We wish to announce to our many friends that we have secured the ser vices of o MR. SAM MOORE an experienced and thoroughly trained mechanic in servicing auto mobiles of all makes. Drive In Now For a Spring Check-up or Call For an Appointment 0 CHAS. K. JENKINS MOTOR COMPANY PHONE 147 EDENTON, N. C. Sa ✓ The Natural Side Dresser «t Over 500,000 tons of Chilean Soda have been brought in for this year’s crops. More is expected in time for side dressing, but there are distribution complications. The War Production Board and the War Food Administra tion control distribution of all nitrogen supplies under . an allocation program. Principally, this program takes into account three things; (1) total supply of nitrogen , products; (2) their respective locations and capacities; (3) crop requirements. So, if Chilean Soda happens to be scarce in your section, it is a war-time dislocation, a x temporary scarcity. U you haven’t been able to get the Chilean Soda you need tor top dressing and side dressing, *’ don’t blame your fertilizer man. Put the blame where it belongs ... on Hitler and Hirohito. A vast supply of natural soda is right where nature put it —in Chile. Large quantities are ready for shipment Every possible ton of this vital material is being brought here in time for this year’s crops. §f CHILEAN NITRATE of SODj£ t - H CANDIDATE FOR First Senatorial District SUBJECT TO THE DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY May 27,1944 YOUR VOTE AND SUPPORT WILL BE APPRECIATED W. T. (Bll) CULPEPPER "ELIZABETH CITY, N. C. I- ■" 1 Town taxes. It was Btated in the ad that these delinquents would be ad vertised Tuesday, April 11, and the property sold Monday, June 12. The date of sale was correct, but the date of advertising should have read Mon day, May 8, which is next Monday, those who have not paid their 1943 THE CHOWAN HERALD. EDENTON. N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1944 Catholic Religious Services Scheduled The Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is being offered three times every Sunday now, twice at Harvey Point Air Station, 6:10 to 6:46, and 8:46 to 9:30 a. m. (singing by Harvey Point Air Station Catholic Choir), and once at St. Ann’s Church, comer of N. Broad and Albemarle Streets, Edenton, 11 to 11:46 a. m., each in cluding Holy Communions and ser mon (May 7 on “The Evils of Drunk enness”), announced the Reverend Father Francis J. McCourt, pastor of St. Ann’s and of all Catholics con nected with the Harvey Point Air Station. Confessions are heard in St. Ann’s every Saturday, 7:30 to 8:30 p. m., Sundays, 10:30 to 10:44 a. m.; at Harvey Point Air Station Sundays, 5:45 to 6:10 and 6:45 to 8:40 a. m. Everybody invited to all St. Ann’s services. E. L. Winslow Honored At Birthday Dinner Mrs. E. L. Winslow entertained a number of friends and relatives at a turkey dinner Sunday in honor of her husband’s 75th birthday, which was observed April 28. The home was decorated with a profusion of spring flowers for the occasion. The guest of honor was the recipient of many useful gifts. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Winslow, Ira Winslow, Miss Olive Layden and Mr. and Mrs. Willie Winslow', of Belvidere; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Arba Winslow, Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey Winslow, Gale Winslow, Dallas Wins low' and Mrs. Calvin Winslow, of Whiteston; Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Bunch and daughter, R. R. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hollowell, Paul Byrum, Mr. and Mrs. Tyree Buck and daugh ter, Mrs. Bill Epps, and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Winslow. GOVERNING BODIES DISCUSS PROBLEMS (Continued from Page One) could not share in the expense of a proposed remedy. Adjourning shortly before noon, the Commissioners and Buff lap went to the dock to make a survey and decide upon some course to pursue in making it adequate for boats to safe ly use. It was tentatively agreed that what temporary work is done should be of a permanent nature for use in completing the project after the w r ar is over. Plans call for a new row of piling just outside the present row of old and rotten piling, many of which are submerged. On these pil ing, however, will be heavy timbers at top and bottom for the purpose of sheet piling when more permanent improvements are made. The space between the present dock and the new row of piling will be filled in, according to the plans as agreed upon by both the Commissioners and Town Councilmen. The cost of the emergency im provement is estimated to be in the neighborhood of $3,500, and the com mittee from Town Council was in structed to secure a bid and present plans to both groups as early as possible so that the work may be done in time to benefit shipping of local crops by boat. PIANO RECITAL MONDAY On Monday evening the following piano pupils of Mrs. L. L. Lewis will be presented in a recital to be held in the Edenton school auditorium: Betsy Duncan, Margery Thigpen, Billy Earle Russell, Marian Goodwin, Sharon Lupton, Barbara Leary, Jac quelin Wallace, Barbara Dail, Peggy Lu Goodwin, and Julia Leary. The public is cordially invited to attend. MONTHLY INSPECTIONS R. K. Hall, building inspector, plans to make monthly inspections •back of business houses. Mr. Hall reports that at present premises are in good shape and urges merchants to exercise some care in preventing untidy as well as dangerous condi tions. BIBLE CLASS TO MEET The Young Woman’s Bible Class -of the Edenton Baptist Sunday School will meet Tuesday evening, May 9, at 8 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. W. J. Daniels, on Oakum Street. This is the anniversary meeting and it is hoped that all members will be pres ent. Members Who have been in active for some time are urged to attend. , EDENTON ALL STARS DOWN MARINES TUESDAY 1 TO 0 Edenton All-Stars, behind the pitching of Lester Jordan, downed the Edenton Marines 1-0 in a tight game Tuesday afternoon. Jordan allowed only two hits, while fanning 14 Marine batters. Knickerbocker, for the Marines, allowed three hits and struck out 7. The two teamß will meet again Sat urday afternoon at 2 o’clock on Hicks Field, when another battle royal is in prospect. Classified and Legals WAiNTED —GIRL TO STAY OCCA sionally evenings with baby. Pay SI.OO per evening. See Mrs. Wal lace, 211 East King St. ltpd. NOTICE Sale Os Valuable Property Under and by virtue of the author ity conferred upon the undersigned Commissioner of the Court by a judg ment duly entered in the Superior Court of Chowan County, in that cer tain Special Proceeding now pending therein and entitled “Incaria B. Ford, Petitioner and Katie Beasley, et als., Respondents, and by virtue of an or der of Re-sale entered by the Court on April 19, 1944, the said Commis sioner will on Saturday, May 20, 1944, at 12 o’clock Noon, offer for sale before the Court House Door in Edenton, North Carolina, to the highest bidder for cash, the following real property, the subject matter of said proceeding located in Edenton, said county and state, and described as follows: The house and lot on Peterson Street, designated as No. 133 Peter son St., and bounded North by said Peterson Street, east by lot of Mrs. Camilla Skinner (1910), south by Florence Murphy (1910), and west by Harriett Riddick (1910), and be ing the same property conveyed to Arthur Beasley by R. F. Cheshire and wife June 14, 1910, and recorded in Deed Book “L”, page 228. This 3rd day of May, 1944. HERBERT LEARY, Commissioner of he Coturt. may4,ll—hr. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION The undersigned was appointed and has qualified as Administratrix of the Estate of W. A. Nixon, de ceased, and all persons having claims against said Estate are notfied to exhibit the same before her on or be fore May 6, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 4th day of May, 1944. BERA W. NIXON, Administratrix of W. A. Nixon, Deceased. Address: R. F. D. 3, Edenton, N. C. may4,ll,lß,2s,junel,B—hr. IN MEMORIAM M. T. Lane Brother M. T. Lane, of Route 2, Tyner, N. C., was bom on July 17, 1895. He met his death on Novem ber 26, 1943, as a result of being thrown from his' farm cart when struck by a car, on the highway at Belvidere. Though carried to a hos pital, he lingered only a short time, and passed away. He was a prosperous farmer, with broad visions, and high ideals for his family. In early manhood he joined the Chappell’s Hill Baptist Church, and was a member thereof when he died. He was faithful as Sunday School superintendent, as teacher church clerk and deacon. During the more than fifteen years that the writer, his pastor, was privileged to work with him, he was almost never absent from the church services; and his spirit of cooperation was some thing beautiful to experience. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Lane; by two daugh ters, Seva and Vida Lane, and one small son, M. T. Lane, Jr., of Route 2, Tyner, N. C. Also surviving him are five brothers and three I’sters: E. J. Lane, Arthur Lane and L. H. NOTICE TO HOG GROWERS This is to notify all hog growers not to bring any hogs to my place of business unless arrangements have been made beforehand. D.R. Baker & Son TYNER, N. cT FOR SALE 1 Guernsey Cow and 1 Jersey Cow BOTH FRESH Gentle family cows, also some springers Walter Hurff DRIVER, VA. Norfolk Phone: Holly 15F4 Lane, of Route 2, Tyner, N. C.; M. D. Lane, Route 2, Hertford, N. C., and Horace Lane, of Portsmouth, Va.; Mrs. Elizabeth L. Copeland, Route ; 2, Tyner, N. C.; Mrs. R. H. Goodwin, Tyner, N. C., and Mrs. H. P. Lamb, : of Hampton, Va. WANTED : AUTOMOBILE MECHANIC Sixty Per Cent Commission Paid! Plenty of Work! Good Salary Guaranteed! Nice Working Conditions! Pleasant Associations! CHOWAN MOTOR COMPANY Phone 150 Edenton, N. C. V i A OUR APHMMTOTHE VANISHING PINT Banish your "shortage” cares? We can’t, ’cause it’s true that Carstairs White Seal whiskey’s hard to get. That’s because we’ve got to ration it, to keep it Iran becoming the “vanishing pint.” But we think you’ll ) like our approach to the problem. You see, the Per* lectly Balanced Blend won its favor with its quality. Wdl, we won’t sacrifice that quality— even though our prewar reserves are dwindling. So while our rare whiskey’s not plentiful, when you do get some it’s as pleasureful as ever. And nowadays that’s something. THE MAN WHO CARES SAYS: CARSTAIRS BLENDED WHISKEY St,.* Proof 60X Grain N antral Spirits. Carstairs Bros Distilling Co , Inc., Baltimore, Md. I Hard-to-Get 1 I I I ' FOR COUPONS ■ r/^coar^-gjj^ ' BORDER'S •228l l ?Z» . When you huy soap, milk, coffee, tea, I I fl7iau nim""*® f baking powder and flour give your* I •"*IAnNE COTFEf I self an extra “Free-Gift” dividend! I u I Buy the high-quality brands featured JiHEARTH I*l Ills n«— I here. You’ll be thrilled when you see / * M «D I the hundreds of lovely free gifts they /*****>'* § bring—all the things wanted / OBELISK Dim I for yourself, your home, your family! I ***** ■ Visit your local premium store and l When y ou . ■ see these sensational free gifts. Re- I Products, *ol, th *Se ■ member, they’re yours for coupons I lute “TOPs ,,U j® et a *»so- ■ only—absolutely no cash required. I ~~pltts rafuahn* quality I r “ “* —• Lgaesi-s I Quinn Furniture Co. Edenton, N. C. Or Premium Distributor in Your Town. Ask Your Grocer for Address. No Mail Orders, Please! In his death our church lost of its most faithful members, tH I the community has lost one of He most righteous influences. BA Precious in the sight of the LWI is the death of his saints.” , W. T. C. BRIGGS. PAGE FIVE