Broad Street hv James it, Newcomer The Edenton Police Department, which is gradually gaining the reputation of being the friendliest and most courteous Police Depart ment in the State, made a new step Saturday night. A lady traveling through town stopped in front of the Pd ice Station and inquired of Sergeant Dob Pratt if he knew where she could get a bottle of Coca O la. Sergeant Pratt, who is a past master at being nice to people who deserve to be treated nicely, said, “Just a minute,“ and walked to his desk, got out one of the pots he had in there for the night : midnight- lunch, opened it and served it to the lady on the curb, h ighway Patrolman Sergeant George Duil says that’s one for the books. I'm knocking on wood as I write t' it we do not have a case of polio in Chowan County as yet. Note to boys and girls from Chowan County in the service: Here are some things that will make you think f Kilenbm: Izzie Cam pen wearing his pants three inches below his waistline . . . John Sutton com ing sio* ly up I!road Street saying “hello” to everybody he meets and cussing those who do not return the “hello:' . . . Mint Warren still wear ing his trousers short enough so he can display his white socks . . 7 ' Charlie Wood walking in the middle of Kroad Street instead of the side walk ar.d smoking his pipe . . . Dave Holton chewing cigars without ever lighting them . . . Jack McMullan explaining in detail some historical place to a stranger . . . Doc K. B. Davis bragging about what the boys who used to work for him are do ing to the Japs and Germans . . . T. VV. (Kid) Jones sho-shoing about how many plumbers have been here and gone since he has been in the plumbing business .7. . Jimmy Earn hardt putting window cards in all the windows up town every Saturday morning displaying the program for the Taylor Theatre for the week . . . Herbert Hollowed at the Triangle slicing ham so thin that he almost misses the ham . . . Lloyd Burton,l whether he means it or not, is still j always smiling , . . Cal Kramer still lias his ’39 Chevvie looking like it just came from the factory. Well, Old Newcomer could go on talking about the town’s folks, but I’m tired and no doubt you’re glad, so that’s aljj folks! Iviith Current Urges Using Idle Garments With clothing scarce, high-priced, and no; up to standard, it is wisdom tii rowvrk the idle garments that can be worn, says Ruth Current of X. C. State College. Before autumn comes i* a particularly good time to round up prospect- .and see whether out-of date .coats, skirts or suits have wear enough.;n them to be. worth turning by make-over-magic into snappy : outfits for a chid to wear to school, or perhaps into garments needed by ‘ e o,:,;, • folk- in the family. Ex tensa!. Miscellaneous Pamphlet No. ”< 'thing Using What You Have’' might help with renovation .prniile -. ;! copy of, which may be bad or, • • q..e-t fruni the Home Derii mi-'r.iC Office. State College, Ea . leigh. it .a ' berries A cod Attent ion .-Eceih strawberries' now with about two ipiot- of a good garden fer tilizer per llin feet of row, Work out • and be ready to mulch with pit e needles or grain straw ■ -I during tin 1 early spring months. IN MKMORIAM In loving memory of my dear daddy, .). H. Parrish: Another year has passed away And it seems as yesterday, Yet in s s grave silently asleep While the angels over him a 'water, doth keep. Oh. dear Daddy . how we miss you, *, Never Shall your memory fade', !o\ i a hoi'giiis shall wander To the spot where you were laid. Two yea,;.- have passed in sadness And wt , i ;.7--e ' you.every day, But we i.o'..- God who gi'.eih Is the One who taketh away. —His Daughter, Mrs. Gus .Spruill. | .,- - m --- - .. . ' • «■' H / V Alan Hale struggles valiantly but in vain as his gold prospecting com* panion, Mark Twain (played bv Mndric March t, looks on. Scene trom the picture “The Adventures of Mark Twain” at Taylor Theatre, Edenton, to day (Thursday) and Friday. Lieut. Charles Wood Home From Pacific Lieut, and Mrs. Charles H. Wood, j Jr., are spending a few days with' Lieut. Wood’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, on Broad Street. Lieut. Wood last week returned from the Pacific war theatre, having been attached to Task Force 58 as skipper of a squadron of .torpedo I planes on the U. !S, S. Batan, and has seen service in the Marshall Islands area in ami around Kwaja lei i, guing from there to the Mari anas, where he participated in the bombing of Guam, and furnished air i " coverage’ .for the - spectacular rescue j of Tweede, about which so much has t been written in the news. While in ! and arouml the Mariana's-, the llalan j was a part .of the sorte that bombed the islands of Chichi Jima and lo j Jiiiia on June Hi and 17. While on , this operation Lieut. Wood flew to i within 200 miles of Tokyo. His out- ! fit bombed for several days the j island of Saipan before starting on this sorte, which was a part of the I protective scheme for the landing opei at ions which were under way at that time. .. During the return from the mis sions over Chichi Jima and In Jima ( the Jap fleet was sighted, and it was ( leanied that they had already start- 1 ' ed launching planes for an attack on * f the task force of which the Batan i was a part. The battle that ensued ' resulted in the destruction of some 300 Jap planes and a loss of 90 of our own and the withdrawal of the I Jap fleet to parts still unknown. This was the second trip Lieut. Wood has made to the Pacific, his I first being in and around the Coral i Sea in 1943, during which time he 1 was a part of the air cover fur- 1 nished the Marinies for landing op- i erations at Guadalcanal and Munda. < Lieut. Wood is a graduate of the j Edenton High School, The Citadel in Charleston, S. C., where he partici pated in the civil aeronautic training then just being established. He ob-, tained a pilot’s license during this training and upon graduation enter ed the Naval Air Forces, receiving further training at Jacksonville, Fla., San Diego, Cal., and the Naval : Air Station at Norfolk. After spending a few days with; 1 his parents he will again be assigned ! to the Air Station at Jacksonville,; where he will most probably be as signed to instruction of other fliers j in combat tactics. Mrs. Wood, the former Miss Nolle Riddick of Gatesville, is the daugh ter of the late Emmett Riddick and Mrs. Nelle Weeks Riddick of Eliza beth City. PEANUT REPORT j i Virginia-North Carolina Section:: The crop continues to make Unusual- I ly gnod progress in this area. Soil moisture is ample and with one or-j •'two more; good rains before, harvest time prospects seem very good for a good production, ('leaned peanuts, are fairly well cleaned up in this area! and the only offerings of shelled, goods consist of occasional lots of i Number two Virginia.-. Sales f>.l>. shipping point, per lb. Cleaned-Yir ginius. jumbos, 15'ic the ceiling: fancy s lac, a few high its 15 '*c. Shelled-\ irginias, No. 2, wide range in quality and condition 1314' ie, mostly around 13y,-l4c. Still Time To Plant Vegetable- j There i- still time t*tgrow (if planted immediately 1 1 . ..7... . a . six vegetables for use all during the winter: Beets, turnips, rutabagas, , carrots, ebllards and cabbage. Store these vegetables as suggested in Pamphlet No. 88, which is available, at the ( dices of the lnnne agent or (!.< Ur ty agent in tl e jiost office build- Need A Taxi? J Call CIAP j! PSSONE ; THE CHOWAN HELAi.L vnKVTON. N C„ IHT’RSOAY, AUGUST 31, 1944. ! I I f 7 I I ] ■ ! I- «•! An American Ranger billeted in England meets an English Lady. In otherwords, Robert Young meets Margaret O’Brien in “The Canterviile Ghost,” new comedy in which they are co-starred with Charles Laughton at Taylor Theatre, Edenton, Monday and Tuesday. I John Lawrence In , Crack Truck Outfit Serving In England Pfc. John P. Lawrence, son of Mrs. Mattie Lawrence of Route 2, has served in the European Theatre of Operations eight months with the Combat Support Wing, crack truck ing organization of the Air Service Command somewhere in England. Carrying equipment and supplies, gasoline and ammunition from “Port to Fort,” soldiers of the Com bat Support Wing are contributing, vital service in the all-out battle against Nazi tyranny. These driv ing G-I’s are the “special delivery”- men of the Air Serviice Command whose responsibility it is to trans port the hundreds of items of sup ply required to smash the Axis from , the air. Pfc. Lawrence is a member of ail outfit that has been commended for its efficiency and team spirit in driv- 1 ing through storms and British fog to deliver the goods to advanced combat stations. Brig. Gen. Benjamin O. Davis, highest ranking colored officer in the United States Army, and S.-Sgt. Joe Louis, world’s champion heavy weight.boxer, were recent visitors at this station. BUY WAR BOND*. ! ___________________ ; SEELEY’S QUALITY CHICKS No culls. Baby chicks, Barred | Rocks or Hampshire Reds, nat' - -i"d J 1 in Virginia. $11,95 per 100 post oaid. Barred Rocks Rhode I -I;.:. ! I Reds, White Rocks or 1 e.’hnri.s I hatched in hidiajiy or N'e . Jersey;, t $10.45 per 100. Mixe 1 chicks.- i $8.05. Surplus, chicks, $7. post- , oaid.-Prohipt shipment; No do- i !. lay. \Ve siuirantee 100. per -iv'&t. ur- j rival. Wholes:,', of rota'!. W rite for j j prices. j Seeley’s Market NORFOLK to. V,\ b r Mb #*Tm aF~ May Warn of Disordered Kidney Action Modern life with its hurry and worry, irregular habits, improper eating and I drinking—its risk of exposure and infec tion —throws heavy strain on the work I of the kidneys. They are-apt to become over-ta.*ed and f./i *•> fArr excess.acid ! and other impurities from the life-giving blood. You mav suffer nagging backache, headache, dizziness, gelling up nights, leg pains, swelling—feel constantly tired, nervous, all worn out. Other signs of kidney or bladder disorder are some times burning, scanty or too frequent urination. Try Doan’s Pills. Doan’s help the kidneys to pass off harmful excess body waste. They have had more than half a century of public approval. Are recom mended by grateful users everywhere. Ask your neighbor! Classifier and Lcgais FREE LISTING OF ROOMS, i apartments and houses available! in Edenton and vicinity. Call j Post Exchange, .‘l4O, Edenton Mu rine Corps Air Station, Exten- j sion 33. WANTED TO BUY TRICYCLE FOR I three-year-old child. Call Mrs.) George P. Byruni, phone 38-J. ltpd^ FOR SALE—Kingsdown box springs and mattress, dressing table and stool. Call Captaiip Melvin Grif fin, Extension 167, C. S. Marine Corps Ai» Station, Edenton, N. C. ltc i fOR SALK KATHENETT. In good condition. Cal 1 Mrs. Wil liam Giegory. Phone 311 -J, Eden ton. ltpd FOR SALE—ONE GOOD MILK j ! cow, now fresh. Also heifer fresh in December. Paul Ober, Route 1, Edenton. N. C. ltpd ciii; SaLK—l9s-acre farm, 190 acres cleaied. On Center Hill to j Hertford highway, located one mile from Center Hill and con venient to schools and churches. Apply T. C. Byrum, Edenton, 1 i N. C. auglO-tf; LOST RED AND WHITE SPOT-' ted fox dog, with collar. Half •j tail. Answers to name of Sam. If found, notify C. A. Bass, Route 3, Edenton, and receive reward. aug17,24,31,5ep7 pd WANTED TO BUY OLD NEWS paj>ers. Must be clean. Broad Street Fish Market. jly 20 ts PERMANENT WAVE. 59c. DO your own Permanent with Charm- Kurl Kit. Complete equipment, including 40 curlers and shampoo. Easy to do, absolutely harmless. Praised by thousands including ; Fay McKenzie, glamorous movie star. Money refunded if not sat isfied. Mitchener’s Pharmacy exp Oct 5 pd j ’flu's raises a Question j y° un ß men are fitting ' n f'' e V ’■ -gjar Jwa mi , ures. 1 /J' fIH Ask yourself—are you doin s fesgJHfcliC. i anything to match their supreme C | 6acr;^ice ’ | ***V.question—and no one can, who 5 r isn’t actually under fire—that's I \ „ 5 »• If not... go out noW and buy f ’ ,fts- yy' .;.„5 those extra War Bonds. The * ( ■Pf Bonds you didn't think you could P quite afford. f IraScjHft y ‘‘‘WKmiiKi? M The Bank of Edenton | -» “SAFETY FOR SAVINGS SINCE 1894" 5 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation J BABY CHICKS ROCKS, REDS,' Closses or Heavies Mixed. $12.50 ! per hundred. The quality ex j jierienced chick raisers demand. Lay. ant with order free delivery. Worthwhile Hatcheries, 101 West Baltimore 1, Md. 1 exp sep 28 NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION I Having qualified as Admit .stra-! I tor of the Estate of Jarvis Henry {- Chappell,' Deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to | notify all creditors to present their claims to the undersigned at Hobbs villo, North Carolina, on or before the 15th day of August, 1945, or; this notice will be pleaded hi bar of : recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay- ■' ment. This the 15th dav of August, 194 4. VV. .VI. HOLLOWELL, Administrator of the Estate of Jar vis Chappell, Deceased. aug. 17,24,31 ,sept .7,14.21 pd. AD MINI ST R AIR IX NOTH K 1.: Having qualified as Administratrix j ot' the estate of Mattie E. Burke Hobbs, deceased, late of Chowan j County, North Carolina, this is to notify all cieditors to present their claims to the undersigned at 149 Spruce Street, Newark, X. J., on or I before August IS, 1945, or this no tice will be pleaded in bar of recov-1 ery. All persons indebted to said! ' estate will please make immediate payment. ■ This 18th dav of August, 1944 TESSIER. WIGGINS. Administratrix of Mattie E. Burke 17 Hobbs; Deceased. aug24,31 sept7,l 4,21,28 pd EXEC l TOR’S NOTICE .... ■ I Having qualified as Executor of the estate of T. J. Jordan, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Caro j lina, this is to notify all creditors to j ; present their claims to the under- > ! signed at Tyner, North Carolina, on 1 • ' or before August 17, 1945, or this ' notice will be pleaded in bar of re , covery. All persons indebted to said : estate will please make immediate ! payment. [i This 17th day of August, 1944. j ELTON JORDAN, Executor of T. J. Jordan. Deceased. J aug24,315ept7,14,21,28-pd ADMINTSTRATRI\ NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of VV. I. Cozzerts, de ceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all credi tors to present their claims to the undersigned at Edenton, North Cam- j lina, on or before August 10. 1945; j or this notice will he pleaded in bar j of recovery. All persons indebted to, • PAGE THREE f ■>: i estate will please make imme diate payment. This 10th day of August, 1944. MRS. ADA D. COZZEES, Administratrix of VV". 1. Cozzens, Deceased. augl 7,24,315ep7,i4,21c EXECUTOR’S NOTH’ E Having qualified as Executor of ! the estate of Mrs. Annie B. Wood ard, deceased, late of Chowan Co unty, North Carolina, this is to no- I tify all creditors to present their claims to the undersigned at Eden ton, North Carolina, on or before Aug. 31, 1945, or this notice will be 1 pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate ; will please make immediate payment. THE BANK OF EDENTON, W. H. Gardner, Vice President and Cashier, Executor aug3lsept7,l4.2l,2Bdcts ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as Administratrix of the estate of Margaret J. Jackson, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all . creditors to present their claims to the undersigned at Edenton, North Carolina, on oi before August 3, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 3rd dav of August, 1944. ALVERTA JACKSON, , Administratrix of Margaret J. Jack son, Deceased. aug3,10,17,24,315ept7 pd NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION ! Having qualified as Administrator | of the estate of Woodson Tetterton, deceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify all creditors to present their claims to the undersigned at Edenton, North Carolina, on or before August 3, 1945, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons in debted to said estate will please 1 make immediate payment. This 3rd day of August, 1944. JOHN B. TETTERTON. Administrator of Woodson Tetter ton, deceased. Aug 3,10,17,24,31 sept7 pd j ANNOUNCEMENT We are buying all left-over SHELLED peanuts both small and large amounts. Bring them to us during the next two weeks or leave them at your nearest grocery.-, store. Jackson Wholesale j Company HERTFORD. N. C. _____ anHraBMHHOHUHBn

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