Released b j 0. S. War Department. Bureau of Public Relations RIPPING THROUGH THE SIEGFIELD LIN E— American infantrymen, afoot and riding the back «f a bulldozer tank, pass easily through a break In the concrete “dragon’s teeth” in Hitler’s much-vaunted Siegfried line near Roetgen, Germany. Julien Warren, 58, Dies In Richmond Former Edenton Resi dent Prominent At torney In Trenton Julian Knox Warren, prominent attorney at Trenton, N. C., and form er Edentonian, died unexpectedly Sat urday morning in Walker Sanitorlum, Richmond, Va., where he had been receiving treatment for three weeks. He was 68 years old and had been troubled with a heart ailment for some time. Deoeased was born in Edenton on August JO, 18S6, be'ng the youngest son of the late William Y. Warren and Fannie liadham Warren, ana a descendant of Dr. Edward Warren, founder of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Baltimore, Md., medical inspector of the Army of Northern Virginia and surgeon-rn chief of the War Department in Egypt.; After graduating from the Bing ham School at Asheville, Mr. Warren completed his law course at the t 'Diversity of North Carolina in 1907 ami. six months before ready-- his 21st birthday passed the, |^ : 'ate !,:ir ("tainiiuitioii. Throughout his entire career he had practiiasi law at Treiiton, though his profes sional , and farming interest, extended t" many other sections. -Surviving, are his wife, Mrs. Etta Kurt Warren; one son, Lieut. J, K. Warren; Jr.; and two daughters, Mrs. Alan A. Marshall .of Charleston. S. and Frances Warren of Tren ton. .A brother, Dr. John W. War ren, and two sisters, Misses Mary and Alethia Warren, of Edenton, also survive, Funeral services were held at Trenton Monday with the Rev. Jack 1 Rountree officiating. Interment was made at New Kern. Sgl. Janies R. Morgan Injured In Luxembourg Mrs. James R. Morgan, on Satur day, received a telegram from the War Department to the effect that her husband, Sgt. James R. Morgan, was slightly injured January 11 in j Luxembourg and was a patient in a j hospital in France. The telegram stated that the hospital address and details would fbllow. Mrs. Morgan was greatly relieved Monday when she received a letter from her husband in which he said he had a few fractured ribs, but ex pected to leave the hospital in four or five days. Sgt. Morgan, an infantryman with General Patton’s Third Army, re cently got in the news when he be came lost and was led back to his outfit by a captured German. In a letter to his wife, before being in jured, he told her about meeting Charles W. Baker, an Edenton boy. CATHOLIC SERVICES Friday, February 2, Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Candlemas Day and first Fri day of the new month, the Blessing of Candles will start at 9 a. m.,'fol lowed immediately by holy mass, and Saturday, February 3, St. Blase’s Day, mass at 9 a. m., followed im- j mediately by the Blessing of; Throats; Holy Communion, but no j sermon these two days; mass every j Sunday at 11 a. m„ including ser-! mon (February 4, on “The Ciories j of Christian Sufferings”), commun ion, music, singing; mass every! all in St. Ann’s Cath- P olic Church. Everybody ihvited, stat- | ed the Rev. Father Francis J. Me- j Court, rector. Confessions for half. hour before every service. Apt | The same tornado that blew away my father’s wagon dumped an auto mobile in the front yard. Huh, that was no tornado. That was a trade wind. j sMI nnHni ▼JEn HRI. ! jiBjUP **thS JfSEll dm* Bob Hutton seems amazed at finding himself in the company of lovelies Jane Wyman and Barbara Stanwyck. These are just three of 62 stars in | the star-studded musical, “Hollywood Canteen," at Taylor Theatre, Edenton, today (Thursday) and Friday. Negroes Organize County Council Eleven 4-H Clubs Also Formed Through out County Recently the Home Demonstration Clubs!-/ met under the leadership of , Mrs. Onnie S. Charlton, Home Dem onstration Agent of Chowan County, and organized a County Council. The members of the Council constitute the ' officers of the various Home Demon stration Clubs. The purpose of this Council' is to plan and assist with , carrying oil Home Demonstration; ( work throughout the county, The I officers of the County Council are as follows: President, Mrs. Lucy Sharpe j Green Hall Club. N ice President, Mrs. Lula Wills, Canaan Temple Club. Secretary, Mrs. Mattie Jordan, • j Center Hill Club. j Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Rosa; j Lee White, Hudson Grove Club. 1 Treasurer, Mrs. Cora Felton, St ; John’s Club. J Eleven 4-H Clubs have been or ganized in the following communi ties: Cedar Grove, Canaan’s Temple, St. John’s, Ryan’s Grove, Warren Grove, Green Hall, Junior and Senior, Center Hill, White Oak, Hudson Grove and Britt The Negro Farm Bureau met some time ago and re-organized and launched a membership drive. Their goal is set at 100 members, and they are going toward their goal. The president, J. W. Littlejohn, is very anxious that every Negro farmer and farm friend help the organiza tion realize its goal. BUY WAR BONDS! rZ.r' ! ■ ” R. J. Boyce Electrical Contractor - ’ . -.j V. ' r" -•■ ;■' .!.■■■- -' ’V " !'' ;■ y - ' .! : 5 REPAIR WORK ANI) HOUSE WIRING Phone 249-J —jj—-j THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1945 Chas. Baker Wounded In Luxembourg Fight Charles W. Baker, grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Haste, has been wounded in action, according to a telegram received by Mrs, Haste from the adjutant general. The telegram Vt:Ped: “Regret to. inform you that your grandson, Charles W. Baker, Jr., was wounded in action January 9 in Luxembourg. Address from a hospital and details will follow.” Young Baker, who is only IS years old, is a member of an artillery out fit in General Patton’s Third Army and Was sent overseas in March of last year. LOGAN ELLIOTT OVERSEAS Mr. and Mrs. William O. Elliott, on Monday afternoon, received a cablegram from their son, Pfc. Logan Eliott, stating that he had arrived safely overseas. Young El liott is a member of a field artillery outfit. When Your ■ Back ljurtsi| And Your Strength and Energy Is Below Par It may bp caused by disorder of kid ney function that permits poisonous waste to accumulate. For truly many people feel tired, weak and miserable when the kidneys fail to remove excess acids and other waste matter from the blood. You may suffer nagging backache, rheumatic pains, headaches, dizziness, getting up nights, leg pains, swelling. Sometimes frequent ana scanty urina tion with ams King and burning is an other sign that something is wrong with the kidnevs or bladder. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment if wiser than neglect. Use Doan’t Pilla. It is better to rely on s medicine that baa won countrywide ap proval than on something less favorably known. Doan'a have been tried and test ed many years. Are at all drug stores. Get Doan r a today. llDoansPillsl WMC Checking j On Employment Information Available At Local Employ- j ment Office "". . . ! The War Manpower Commission in North Carolina is moving out im j mediately on the Brynes’ Directive by making a State-wide check on em ployers as to their adherence to I U.'.IC regulations in the hiring of w-rkers, maintaining approvni em ployment ceilings and turnover al -1 :il. > a: e;l DilV.ctor I'. B. B k, IV r live K iieal* 1 ' •- Been area. WhlC-I’SES /Compliance Officer ■ i- :. i / hu fy > gagi d in checking ; ■ ,!o at ; i - ir .nil e sential : and non-essn'Mitfl \a rs to de terniino if their wqrki >\s iiave .hemi a- e v. ii ii WMC di rectives. No stone will he left un i u.ied te tied out. if hiring, ceilings, i ami .stanili.'.ation prucedurcs have j I*o :1 foiloW (d. Veterans of World War II are exi t ir. in tliese controls and have freedom of movement in their choice iof jo s. (The WMC defines a veter an to be a person discharged from j ! the armed forces subsequent to De : ceinbex 7. 1941).. The local United States Employ ment Service Office is .seated at; Room 204, Citizens Bank Building,! I Phone 124, with Mrs. Corie B. White as Interviewer-in-Charge. This office services both Chowan and Perquimans Counties and Mrs. White urges all employers in this area who desire further information or assistance to contact the office immediately. BIBLE CLASS TO MEET The Young Woman’s Bible Class of the Edenton Baptist Church will meet on Tuesday evening, February 6, at 7:30 o'clock, with Mrs. W. Jim Daniels, at her home on Oakum Street. All members are urged to j be present. T. E. L. CLASS MEETS I The T. E. L. Class of the Edenton ! Baptist Sunday School met oq Mon | day afternoon with Mrs. C. T. j Doiightie. Though the attendance i was small, a good meeting was en i joyed. The next meeting of the Class will be held with Mrs. B. F. Francis. ' y Mother's { Cocoa 1 ITn ioc I 1 | Onions, 3-lb. mesh bag.. ..18c; I | Florida Oranges 5 lbs. 35c j J | Winesap Apples 5 lbs 49c i f j Florida Green Cabbage 3 lbs. 18c; j j* Local Collards or Kale 2 lbs. 15c; | I Texas Beets 2 bunches 17c 1 i I Brussels Sprouts, lb 29c I I {Tangerines slbs.4scj \ a-» 6C 1 i 1 f j I c " OC sxBUP \ f \ j toilet soap j Octagon 3 Cakei 14c a LARGE SIZE ] Super Suds p >* 23c I TOILET SOAP Palmolive 7c HOUSEHOLD CLEANSER Octagon 3 CaM 14c 100* BRAN Nabisco 16 oz rk « 17c SHREDDED WHEAT Nabisco 12 . 0Z ’ 11c pkg. MERRY HILL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Slaughter and Mrs, Jordan Leicester, of Harrells ville, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. 11. N. Spruill on Sunday. Mrs. Gus Cullipher, of Windsor, was the week-end guest of Mr. and Mrs. 1,. M. Pierce, j Mr. and Mrs. William White visit ed Graham Fairless and family, of ! Mill Neck, on Sunday. ' Mr. and Mrs. George Keeter, of Windsor, visited Mrs. T. E. Bowen Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Janies Davis and son, Jimmie, of Windsor, visited Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Davis Sunday. Mis. Jimmie Love, of Newport Now Va., ’ spending t 1 >. I *-•■ , a cats.. Mr! and .Mrs. T. li. White. Mr. 1 M s. .Wo -1 V ’ leaded thy L-.r.i'U of'o. \ - .'- *l-11,1-. of ! i- in", it ;':o V.'i .i r O • « •;*■:/•;- ■ a Siij day. T. - IS .. -•■*..! M*-. \.. 11. Iloipixvell *if Reiiii'-tiioa'i, wore tin'- 'guests ; of* . .Mr. . ::;•*! .Mrs. S.. ir: i.oii li. . . . . Sunday. Mrs. Chesley White and Mrs. \ r gio Baker \i - "<• . lie .. . day. Mrs. li. J. Prudeii and Mrs. die White were j■ ■ int hosles.-es at a shower, complimentin '. Mrs. William White, on Tuesday evening. The ef j fair was held at tile home : of Mrs. i Jce White, The received a | large number of nice gifts. Compound Interest “So you met Mirian tod y?” "Yes. I hadn’t seen her for ten j years.” “Has she kept her girlish figure?” “Kept it? She’s doubled it.” \ IF INTERESTED in REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE ... SEE Chowan Insurance & Realty Co. J. H. McMULLAN, Prop. i J Office: no E. King St.. Opposite Hotel Jeseph Hewes WE REPRESENT: !| World's Largest Ordinary Life Company World’s Largest Health and Accident Association World’s Largest Auto Mutual Insurance Company (Over 135 Edenton Customers Can't Be Wrong) • \ - X irflrmrmTi I 111 I ■■■■■.■■ ml mill ■lll B Mother’s Sa,a ß d JJ7.” in ‘ 12c [ Pinto Beans PickleS Jar 24C { Pender’s BEST ’£ 61c f Sliced Beets S o .^^ 1 c.„ 14c ! Snowdrift Sh iTi"r n ‘ 24c \ Wesson Salad Oil, pint bottli 30c j Nucoa Margarine, 1-lb cirton 26c £ Blackeye Peas, 2-lb Cello 21c J | Double-Fresh Coffee s S Gold Labels 24c I j : \ J I Triple-Fresh Bread s 1 Sandwich irl lc 1 ] OUR PRIDE 2 loaves 15c | I Civil Service Labor Recruiter In Edenton J. L. Chinn, civil service labor re cruiter for the Norfolk Navy Yard, with headquarters in Elizabeth City, says that the Navy is. making a re newed effoit to get 4-L’s and men who are not in essential jobs to ac cept employment in the Norfolk Navy Yard, where construction has been delayed lie shortage of man power. Mr. Chinn says there are openings in more than 30 job classi fications, ranging from machinist to laborer. Mr. Chinn is at the Edenton em ployment office Wednesday and Thur day of each week, ami he will be gldd. to furnish any information.-'' i■ alri <! employed in < .< n •: work should nut apply. * - ——■ '- ? i ' ( w .i -r~- LAC (IIICKS ft Is now time to get ready for ,-ycur Chicks. We are hatching again now. They will come oil' each Friday. Let us book your order now for future delivery. I X. 11. Red, Bar-red Rock and White j Leghorn. Superior Hatchery l . S. 17 Two Miles West of Edenton f New Pack A TOMATOES j ! 10c f t NIBLETS | Brand Corn e [gr 14c I x. CLOROX i Laundry Bleach BotHe 21C I B !> ’ PAGE THREE

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