Ai Mm mAmnm aril b fmmd o M fresentoMem ■■■■■■■HMMHM <*■•■ '■"" .." ; " . 1 ' Volume XII.—Number 9. NAVY TAKES OVER EDENTON BASE For Red Cross) War Fund Drive Which Will Get Under) Way In Chowan County Monday, March 5 Canvassers Named to Make Solicitation In Edenton READYTO START i Chairman and Workers Hope For Quick Rea lization of Quota .) . Clarence Leary, chairman of the | lied Cross War Fund drive, stated, early this week that an organization. ..has. been effected and that workers are in readiness to begin canvassing for funds next Monday, March |>th. Canvassers for every section of the town and county have been named, and it is hoped that the, entire county will be solicited. County canvassers were listed last week. Geddes Potter; chairman of solici tations in the residential section, has j appointed Mrs. YY. 11. ("offield to be .ip charge of the canvassers on. the; west side of town, while Mrs. Wal-] lace. Jones will head up the 'canvass'.! on the Ast side. Mrs. John laie' Spruill will be in charge of the can- | \ ass in North Edenton, Mrs. Jones has named the follow trig canvassers for the East side: j Water St.—Mrs. Richard Goodwin. Cast side of Oakum St.—Mrs. W. J. j Daniels. | West side of Oaku-m St.--Mrs. Jack Mooney. South side of Queen St. Mis. Wai- ; ace Jones. North side of Queen St. —Mrs. G. I K. Kramer | Court St.- Mrs. Marvin Wilson. Broad St.—Mrs. Wood I’rivott arid i Mrs. Guy Hobbs. Eden St.—Mrs. W. I’. Goodwin. j Church St.—-Mrs. W. G. Brunson. | King St. —Mrs. A1 Owens and Miss Mary Arrington Burton. Mrs. Coffield, for the West side, has named the following: Broad St., Hicks to Freemason— • Mrs. Albert Byrum; Freemason to Queen, Mrs. J. L. Pettus. Water St., Broad to Granville, and King St., Ilroad to Granville—Mrs. J. j It. Conger. Eden St., Broad to Granville—Mrs. j J. Frank White. Fden St., Granville to Moseley— i Mrs. Jim Wood. Queen St.. Broad to Granville. ' north side. Miss Margaret Hines: I south side, Miss Jessie McMullan. j Queen St., Granville to Moseley ( and on railroad tracks—Mrs. West | Byrum. Church St., Broad to Granville, South side, Mrs. Elton Forehand; North side, Mrs. R. 0. Holland. Church St„ Granville to Moseley— Miss Jessie McMullan. Gale St., Broad to GranvilU--Mrs. , W. J. Berryman. Gale St., Moseley to Railroad—Mrs. John Oliver. Albemarle St., Broad to Railroad— Mrs. W. H. Coffield. Freemason, from Broad west among white people, Mrs. W. H. Coffield. Hicks St., Broad to Railroad, Mrs. W. H. Coffield. Granville St.. East side, Mrs. L. G. Plant; West side, Mrs. M. F. Bond, Jr. Moseley St., Church to Water— Mrs. Fred P. Wood. Blount St.—Mrs. Chas. Newcomb. Pembroke Circle Mrs. W. E. Sweetser. Mrs. John Lee Spruill’s list of can- 1 vassers include: Morris Circle—Mrs. T. G. Sheffield and Mrs. Lloyd Allen. Cabarrus St.—Mrs. W. C. Moore. Johnson St.—Mrs. Russell Cobb. East Side Main St. Second to end — Miss Mildred Munden. East Side Main St., Second to Park Avenue—Mrs. Jesse Wiggins. ' West Side Main St.—Mrs. William i Sexton. Virginia Road—Mrs. L. S. Byrum. ; In the Cotton Mill Village, Mrs. ] Eva Alexander has charge of solici- 1 tations, her canvassers being as fol lows: Office Street—Mrs. Miles Twiddy. Mill Avenue—Mrs. Jasper Holmes. | Queen Street—Mrs. Sam Wright, i Church St.—Mrs. George Holland. (Continued on Page Six) 1 THE CHOWAN HERALD A HOME NEWSPAPER DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF CHOWAN COUNTY IjFirst Contribution] Having read in last week’s ! Herald that Mrs. W. H. Coffield i had been named to direct the canvass for the Red Cross War Fund drive on the West side of Edenton, Mrs. L. V. Marshall has made the first contribution in (he drive. Mrs. Marshall, a form er Edenton resident, but now living in Suffolk, Va., sent a $1.(10 bill to Mrs. Coffield Mon day, requesting it to be placed among her contributions and, in her letter, said, “One of the nicest gifts Claire and I had for Christmas was a year's subscrip tion to The Chowan Herald. We have enjoyed it from the very first issue so. of course. I am I able to keep lip with all of your activities,’’ Mrs. Marshall will be remem bered by many Kdentonians, hav ing won many friends while making Edenton her home. Hospital Trustees Meeting Architects )johii Rowland of Kins ton at Meeting - Fri day Night | Trust of t!,e propost d hospital . >r Chowan Cpiinfr met Friday night ' with John J. Rowland, architect, j ftom Kinston. This was the first of | a series of meetings to be; held with ■ ' -v..ri.<ws aehjteets. Mr. Rowland, who is supervising J the building of the Roanoke-Chovvan j Hospital at Ahoskie, showed the plans j ior that hospital and went into de-; tail about the various features of a i modern hospital building, and the! ■ cost of erecting one. Much interest! was shown by the trustees in Mr.! Rowland's, plans and remarks. W; B. Rudolph, of the firm of j Rudolph, Cooke and Van Leeuwen, of j Norfolk, Va;, will meet with the board jof trustees on Friday of this week. It is hoped that through these meet lings the trustees will be able to se ! lect an architect who will put the | building of a hospital into effect as soon as possible. OPA Director At j ) Rotary Club Today Theodore S. Johnson to' Make Principal Ad dress Today Theodore Johnson, OPA District Director, will be the pricipal speaker at the Edenton Rotary Club meeting today (Thursday) in the Parish House at 1 o’clock. J. G. Campen is in charge of the program and is de lighted to have Mr. Johnson speak to the Rotarians. I Mr. Johnson, a splendid speaker, is well-known to some of the members of the local club, being a former Dis trict Governor. He will, no doubt, speak upon some phase of OPA ac tivities, and President H. A. Campen urges a 100 per cent attendance. Baptists Will Observe Week Os Prayer The Woman’s Missionary Society of the Edenton Baptist Church will meet at the church on Monday afternoon, March sth, at 3:30 o’clock. The young people will have charge of the program, under the direction of Mrs. Mabel Ruth Senterfitt. Beginning Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock, and continuing through Friday afternoon, there will be a pro gram each afternoon on Home Mis sions, observing the March Week of Prayer. Everyone is urged to at tend all of these meetings. Edenton, Chowan County, North Carolina, Thursday, March 1, 1945. leaders Os Girl 1 Scouts Appeal To ; Lions For Quarters Comdr. Thos. J. Robert-j son Guest of Club on Monday Night 1 Misses Katherine Doans and Judy ! ! Cozzens, who recently volunteered to I j serve as Girl Scout leaders, were j ■j special guests', of the Edenton Lions 1 ( Club at its meeting Monday night.,' i Both young; ladies spoke briefly dur- j jug which they asked the help and cooperation of the Lions in securing I a room or small building to be used as Girl Scout headquarters. The ap peal was referred to' the Boys’ arid '•Girls’. Committee, of which J. Clar-i ' e.'ice Leary is chairman. T. G. Sheffield and Commander j Thomas J. Robertson were guests of the club, the latter being command ling officer of the Naval Air Station, I which up until today was the U. S. , Marine Corps Air Station. Com- I inander Robertson said he was de- ■ lighted to be stationed in Edenton, j ' and that the Navy had a big order i in meeting thr? standards set by the! Marines, insofar as pleasant relations j J» ween the base and Edenton is con-| j cerned. However, he said, there, should be no reason for a change in ! this pleasant and cooperative spirit j arid that he will work to the end that j I tie: same friendliness and pleasant | relations should continue. Methodists Change Church School Hour At a meeting Monday night of the Board of Christian Education of the j Methodist Church, various phases of | church work were discussed and plans | were adopted to increase interest and j activity in the work. As a result of toe discussion, the hour of the Church | School was changed from 10 o’clock to 0:45 Sunday in order to allow for worship programs, which will be ar ranged with the assistance of Mrs. <l. A. Helms. The various classes Will also or ganize with officers elected, so that any business of the class can be trans , acted before the lesson is taught. Various other phases of church work I were also discussed, the meeting be j ing in charge of John A. Holmes. | chairman of the Board. AUXILIARY MEETS FRIDAY | A meeting of the Auxiliary of Ed i Bond Post of the American Legion | will be held Friday evening at 8 o’clock, at the home of Mrs. R. E. Leary, on Blount Street. All mem bers are urged to attend. BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT SCHEDULED j IN EDENTON ARMORY MARCH 1,2 AND 3 Teams Competing 1 Include Edenton, Columbia, Creswell, Roper, Chowan, Hobbsville, Sunbury and Windsor Beginning today (Thursday) and • continuing through Saturday, a bas ketball tournament will be held in the Edenton Armory, the tournament being announced early this week by Tex Lindsay, coach at Edenton High School. Teams participating in the tournament will be Edenton, Colum bia, Creswell, Roper, Chowan, Sun bury, Hobbsville and Windsor. Coach Lindsay reports that no lit tle interest has been aroused in the various towns, since these teams are more or less on an equal basis, there fore, the tournament should be very interesting. The first game of the series will begin this (Thursday) af ternoon at 1 o’clock, when the Eden ton girls will meet the Columbia girls. At 2 o’clock Chowan and Roper girls will meet, and at 3 | White Introduces j Several Local Bills ! In General Assembly) Edenton Limits Extend ed Taking In Hous ing Project I SALARIES RAISED Bill Also Providing For Levying For Hospital If Necessary i ■ j Several local Dills have been intro ; it-ivd in the State Legislature now •it session by Chowan County’s Re j presentative, John F. White, one of Which has already been passed and ! which extends, the corporate, limits of ; E Futon. The extension takes in the | noy," housing project, on the S. E. • ! Mortis tract along the Suffolk high ; Way, a portion of which was already j within the city limits. There are 35 j houses- in, the development, and ; I (ieorn'e Jin dan. who had charge of the j. project, expressed a desire that it. be, incorporated long before the houses ••ere completed. On the strength of lis request * water and sewerage ser wice were provided by the town, as well, as other services. Another bill prefaced by Mr. White will be introduced today (Thursday), after coming from a committee hear ing which calls for the increase in 1 salaries of Town Councilmen, the j Mayor and members of the Board off i Public Works. The mayor’s salary, if the bill passes, will be S2OO an | mially instead of SIOO, while the j Councilmen and Board of Public j Works members Will receive $5 p'er? I meeting, instead of s2l per year. ; Representative White has also in- I traduced a bill, which has already j been passed, empowering the County j Commissioners to levy not more than 10 cents on the SIOO property valua tion for operation and maintenance of the Chowan County Hospital, if the ! need develops. 1 Mr. White also named members of the Chowan County Board of Educa tion which includes a new member, K. G. Blanchard from the Third Town- j ship. Lloyd Briggs, a member of the Board, is in the armed forces arid I though still a member of the Board. Mr. White added Mr. Blanchard. ; Other members renamed are T. W.! Jones, Clyde Privott, Stillman .Leary, j it. H. HollovveM, Lloyd Briggs and ■ E, G. Blanchard. Edenton PTA Meets Tuesday Afternoon j The Edenton Parent-Teacher Asso ciation will hold it regular meeting on Tuesday afternoon, March 6, at 3:30 o’clock, in the High School Li brary. All members are urged to attend. HEAR FROM SONS Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Jordan of Tyner ; have received word that their oldest j son, Sgt. lister Jordan, had taken part in the invasion of the Philip pine Islands and that their youngest son. Pvt. Ralph Jordan, is with the Seventh Army in France. ' o’clock the Creswell girls will play Hobbsville. Sunbury drew a tie. The boys’ games are scheduled to • begin at 4 o’clock, the first contest being between Creswell and Roper. !{ Sunbury and Windsor will play at 5 o’clock, followed by Edenton and Hobbsville at 6 o’clock, and Chowan vs. Columbia at 7 o’clock. There will ■ be no games played Thursday night due to the weekly meeting of the i State Guard in the Armory. Winners will play in brackets for ’ the championship of the tournament, i first team playing the second team, ■ and the third and fourth teams and so on. Trophies and medals will be awarded first and seepnd place win- I ners in the final play-off, which will take place Saturday night. Lt.-Col. Henry Lane Turns Over Air Station To Comdr. Thos. J. Robertson Today |_one Way StreetJ Edenton's Police Department lias erected a one-way traffic sign at the corner of Granville and Eden Streets, which means that traffic on West Eden Street, from Broad to Granville, must enter from Broad Street and that parking will he allowed only on the north side of the street. Town Council, at a recent meeting, declared only one-way traffic on this portion of Eden Street in order to eliminate a crowded arid serious traffic con dition caused by a very narrow thoroughfare, coupled with park ing and traffic allowed both ways. I nder the old system, it was not possible for two ears to pass at any point where cars were parked, The ordinance provides for SI.OO for any violation. Comdr. Robertson i Speaker For Legion Meeting Scheduled to Be Held In Court House March (> Members of Ed Bond Post of tin- American Legion will have an uppor t unity to hear Comdr. Thomas J. Robertson, new commanding officer "f the Naval Air Station at Pdenton, when he will be the principal speaker! ■ at a meeting to be held in the Court House .on Tuesday night, March 6, at. S o clock. Comdr. Robertson is him-. ' self a legionnaire, having served in j the ,\avy during the first World War. j He will be introduced by Chief Law-! j retire Fierce of the Shore Patrol, i J. 1.. (Ibestnutt, commander of the 1 Post, urges every member to be pres- j ! out and extends a cordial invitation] ; to visitors to attend. .' . t Murray Byrum Is • Injured In Action Edenton Boy Member of Patton’s Third Army In Germany Mr. and Mrs. Graham By rum have i been notified by the War Depart ment that one of their sons, Pvt. l Murray Byrum, has been wounded | while fighting in Germany, the cas-i ualty occurring on February 17, i though the extent of the injury was | ( riot given. j Pvt. Byrum is a member of the I 318th Infantry of General Patton’s | Third Army which has been in trie j thick of the fighting in Germany, j oung Byrum landed in Germany on j January 29th and has taken part in j many tough engagements with the ' enemy. Pvt. Melvin Griffin Injured In Germany Mrs. Melvin Griffin has been noti fied by the War Department that her husband, Pvt. Melvin E. Griffin has been wounded in Germany, where he was a member of General Patton’s Third Army. Pvt. Griffin is now a patient in a hospital in France. St. Paul’s Auxiliary Will Meet March Bth The Woman’s Auxiliary of St. Paul’s Church will meet on Thursday afternoon, March Bth, at 4 o’clock, in the Parish House. Members will please take notice that the meeting is to be held on Thursday instead of on Monday. This newspaper is circu lated in the territory where Advertisers wA realise good results. $1.50 Per Year Marines Have Occupied Base Since Early Por tion of 1943 - REGRETJLEAVING New Commanding Offi cer Desires Continued Friendly Relations What has been known as the U, S Marine Corps Air Station, located a j few miles from Edenton, is now the i Naval Air Station, Edenton, N. C„ • the change taking place today j (Thursday), when the last contingent | of Marines left after officially turn ing the base over to L'ncle Sam’s ' Bluejackets. The last Marine to • leave the base was. Lieut, Col. Henry ('. 1 -me. who was commanding ol'fj . cere and I who -transferred' authority as commanding off.'or to Commander Thomas J. Robertson,. , who Will be commanding officer of the station. For softie, time Marines have beil t gradually departing, arid on Wed nesday Col. Lane went to Cherry Point to report in with his command. ! He returned to the local base today to officially turn the base over to j Commander Robertson, after which i he returned to Cherry Point. J Work was begun on the Edenton ' ba.-e “arl\ in August, 1942, at which time it was scheduled to be a glider However, irefore it was com pel! . Jans wen changed so that it ho - designated as a Marine Corps Air Si .iioii. Early in 1943 Marines be an arriving and in June of the same Kdentonians got their first gntujise of a Marine Woman Reserve, when the young ladies began arriving at the base in order to release Ma , ruies tor combat; or more strenuous duties. Colonel Zobuioii Hopkins Was the : first: commanding officer of the base, i and when he was transferred to the West Coast and subsequently to the Pacific, Lieut.-Col. Chester J. Peters became the commanding officer. Fol ! lowing Col. Peters’ tragic death in a | plane accident on the night of Octo | her 4, 194 1. Lieut.-CoL Henry C. Lam» became the commanding officer 1 until today. During the Marines’ stay in Kden toii a .very friendly and cooperative spirit has prevailed, therefore, the i -Marines as well as Edenton as a whole; regret that they must leave, j Commander Robertson, L'SNR, the new commanding officer, is a native of Columbia, South Carolina. He is a veteran of the .last World War, when he enlisted in the Navy while a stu dent at Vale University. After the war, he resumed, his college career as \ ale. Before his present enlist ment in the Naval Reserve, he was president of the First National Bank | at Columbia. S. C„ a position he still j holds. The new commanding officer re ceived his flight training at Key ! West and Pensacola, Florida. He is j married and has two children, a son i now a student at West Point, and a j daughter, who is a student at Chat j ham Hall, Virginia. Comdr. Robertson has been inform ; ed of the splendid relations existing i between Edenton people and the Ma- I fines and expressed the hope that the | same conditions will continue. He I told The Herald that, according to what he has observed and learned while in Edenton, the Marines have , set a high mark to shoot at. but that he saw no reason why the Navy could not follow in the same foot steps and that he would direct his ef forts toward that end. i Os course, Comdr. Robertson has ■ his own ideas as to the kind of train ing which will be carried on at the air station and as to the number of men who will be stationed here, but this information could not be re leased by him. .. Asked about the housing situation, Comdr. Robertson said that most of I the men realize the situation, which is practically the same near all mili . tary projects. However, he express ’ ed the hope that homes will become i available for those already here and 1 those to come later. For families to ’ b® with service men, he said, ma s terially helps the morale and the men are better behaved.

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