PAGE FOUR The Chowan Herald Published every Thursday by The Chowan Herald, a partnership consisting of J. Edwin Bufflap and Hector Lupton, at 423-425 South Broad Street, Edenton, N. C. , /Hmh CirSin* /MSS* association fa J. EDWIN BUFFLAP -Editor HECTOR LUPTON------- —Advertising Mgr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year —- ———f’fj? Six Months _— —sl.oo Entered as second-class matter August 30, 1934, at the post office at Edenton, North Caro lina, under the act of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1945 Bluejackets While Edentonians as a whole regret that the Marines have left Edenton, it is a source of satisfaction to have j Commander Thomas J. Robertson sent to Edenton as I commanding officer of the now Naval Air Station, j Comdr. Robertson has been in Edenton for some time . before officially becoming commanding officer, there fore; he has first-hand information regarding the pleas ant relations which have existed between the Marines j and Edenton. Coindr. Robertson says that the Navy has a big order ; to fill in living up to the record set by the Marines, but | that he will work to the end that the same friendly feeling and cooperative spirit may continue. Already, his attitude is reflected in the men under him, for unite a few Bluejackets have already commented Upon the friendliness of our people and their favorable iaipres- , sion of the town as a whole. Local people want to be friendly anil make whatever contribution they can to the end that members of the] Navy will enjoy their stay here, and with this attitude, i there should be no reason why the same pleasant rela tions should continue as has prevailed while the Marines were here. With local people going at least half way, The Herald feels that the Blue jackets will go the other half, for there are very few in the armed forces who do j not appreciate, anything which is done for them to help ; break the monotony of military duties . . . one of which j is meeting and adding friends. Edentonians, then, welcome the,members of the Navy and hope their sojourn here will be mutually pleasant j and helpful. Chowan Facing - Test Next Monday marks the inauguration of a drive in j which Chowan County is asked to raise $6,700 as its j quota in the national Red Cross War Fund, and it is ( hoped the County will lose no time in reaching the goal. ] J. Clarence Leary, chairman of the drive, reports that j his organization has been effected, and that a group of | canvassers are ready to begin. These canvassers are contributing of their time and energy and are entitled to the consideration of those who will be solicited. They should not be bodged to make back calls, nor should, they be given smaller amounts than one; can give. Chowan has never de faulted in any. Red Cross quota, but if this year’s amount is reached, there necessarily will have to be gen- ; erous contributions. There is little need to emphasize the worthiness of j Red Cross activities, for there should not be a single I person in Chowan who does not know the good which j is accmplished among our fighting and wounded men | Notice To Farmers . . j } NOW IS THE TIME TO SIDE DRESS YOUR WHEAT. ] i BARLEY. OATS AND RYE I | WE ADVISE YOU TO SIDEDRESS WITH | SMITH - DOUGLASS BIG FRUITER j GREEN PASTURES Along about now you may be worrying about your Hay and L other Feed in your barn. The sooner you can turn your livestock on t ► I GREEN PASTURES, the happier youTl be. \ WE ADVISE YOU TO APPLY { [ SMITH-DOUGLASS SQUARE DEAL At once, which will increase your grazing season 30 to 70 per cent, j | REAL RIGHT j [ QUALITY PRICES j f WE SPECIALIZE IN ALL VARIETIES OF | Geo. Tait’s Seeds 1 , Leary Bros. Storage Co. I Phone 152 Edenton, N. C. BusmtssVS 1 V VONTHE SQUARE V S THt CHOWAN HERA.-D, EDENTON, N. C., THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1945. 4-■ ! | | Heard & Seen By “Buff” , | One of the Marines who was transferred to Cherry Point, early this week sent the following which he titles “Ode to the Navy Upon Us Successful Capture of Mf’AS, Edenton:” Now when it conies to building camps And other installations. Marines are no doubt far the best In this or other nations. They took, for instance, arid waste Whore Edenton now stands And built a camp, one of the best in this or other lands. And when the work was nearly done And things were running well. They thought they had a training base Where they could train ’ike hell. They shed their sweat and, blood ami tears They worked both day and night- Unlisted men and officers, To teach Marines to fight. But as the case so often is They nlurily forgot the Navy—- Those lads who neither toil nor spin BUT ALWAYS GET THE GRAVY. For these heroic mariners Who never see the sea ■ Were laying deep, far-reaching plans And waiting patiently. And when they thought the time was ripe To take the camp away, Thov used their guile and pulled their strings And planned both hieht and day. So, finally they got the place - \ way from the Marines | Who worked so hard to, build it up. (They moved to other scenes). It is an oft repeated tale Os politics. and dirt. The N.uvv never does a lick— Ma rines, they lose their shirt. j And so beware, O brave Marines, Who work from sun to; sun— As soon as we got-things built up They captured Edenton. I ' I L . ■ For the Navy needs a quiet plaee To rest its weary bones, Their bones get weary, so I hear, From dodging Davy Jones. So build again, U. S. M. C. Build carefully—and then, Prepare to hand the whole damn works To the good old U. S. N. ]by Red Cross workers. It should scarcely be necessary i to remind any that but for the Red Cross many Ameri- I cans would have starved in prison camps. There are J ever so many ways in which the Red Cross is helping I our boys and girls that we should not only make a ! contribution, but we should make a sacrifice in giving I as much as we are able. Let’s put Chowan over the top—and in record time. | MRS. B. W. COPELAND IN NORFOLK GENERAL HOSPITAL Mrs. llenford W. Copeland, daugh ter of Millard F. Ward, is a patient in General Hospital, Norfolk, Va, where she is undergoing treatment. YOI'NG WOMAN'S BIBLE CLASS WILL MEET AT THE CHURCH The Young Woman’s Bible Class of the Edenton Baptist Sunday School will meet at the church on Tuesday evening, March 6, at 8 o’clock. The president, Mrs. J. A. Curran, urges that all members of the class be pres ent as it is only through full co operation of all members that the class can function properly. I.^^,, i "'j** m i .—.. - 1 -~~ vv 'q pendkr'store p ' .. | 1 (Prices Effective March 1-2-3) y, 1 Florida, Sweet Juicy, Valencia 1 rtft ORANGES 1 ajfej 8 »>s 53c J l . S. NO. 1 YELLOW GLOBE 1 Onions. 5 lbs. 25c When Sold In Mesh Bag 5 lbs. 28c ; J l\ S. NO. 1 VIRGINIA f WinesapApples...slbs.49c j [ When Sold In Mesh Bag-.. _5 lbs. 52c Y FLORIDA’S FINEST , Grapefruit, 64 size. 3 for 24c I MEDIUM SIZE r Green Cabbage ..4 lbs. 15c > FANCY LOCAL f Spinach 2 lbs. 18c £ LARGE STALK T Fancy Celery 2 for 25c i Grange Juice o!a°:l«“«ca„ 39c j 1 Lang's Pickles ? a u r art 19c ABEgf 1 1 Apple Jelly whiten..*. I OCTAGON ! Landry Sap 3 ciktt 14c « Tnilit Soap 3 aka 14e | Sap Ponder 3 Pk|s 14c | Cloister ~, 2 cut 9c | zero j Liquid Hoaehold Clemr | Quart \ Bottle * *> t “Reduces Dirt To Nothing** t I <> 40-60 Watt £ 1' Mazda Bulbs «• 10c | D. P. Green Label % Tissue 3 11c | Arm and Hammer £ Baking Soda fir 4c 5 pennant i WAFFLE OA c SYRUP ‘U ? I it l|| Fill-Up Tear Shopping Bats With i T igto These Fi«e Food Values! 1 I Colonial Cut Beets Ho. V/ 2 Cu 14c j i i New Pack Tomatoes li. 2Cu lOc I I I J Ritter's Cut Asparagus No. 2Cu 30c ! a | v’ V Colonial Spinach No. 2Cu 16c j yrU Del Monte Carrots 16-« Jar 14c j j ’ Lang's Sweet Relish 8-oz Jar lOc * Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the scat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ - laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender inflamed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the understanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION For Ccuchs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis! Double-Fresh JKsaßtiKS&wm Gold Label mtEffg 1 COFFEE $ 1-lb Bag 24c W|V : * | Dromedary Mix f&fi* 20c ~ ; Colonial Macarc:ii "» 4c [ Pillsbury’s Flour SS 1 * 34c f ; Jiffy Biscuit Mix fir,"’ 27c | | Sugar Ripe Prunes 111 17c Pie Apples sliced arg 21c I [ Triple-Fresh ; Sandwich] l BREAD z Giant lip > 1 >a-lb Loaf JL JL V QUICK RELIEF FROM Symptoms of Distress Arising from STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FrooßookToMoofHomoTrootmoiittliat Most Holp or It Will Cost Yoa Nothing Over two million bottle* of tbeWILLARD TREATM KN There been eold for relief or ermptoma ofdlstreee arising from Stenth and Duodenal Ulcer* due to El**** Add- Peer Mateden. Sour or Upset Stomach. Casein***. Meartbum.sieepleesneee.ete due toEscett Add. Sold on 18 day*’ trial I Alik for "WlllanTi Message” which hiUy upl&im this treatment- —It## at ! Mitchener’s Pharmacy PEANUT | BUTTER I 'Z 19c I DOLE FANCY CRUSHED Pineapple N ** —2l c SOUTHERN MANOR 1 Shoe Peg Corn" o .* 14c GIBB’S TOMATO SAUCE Baked Beans'L*/ 8c e j CRUTCHFIELD WATBR GROUND 1 j Corn Meal L CRIMSON QUEEN CALIF. | ! Peaches No, *—2sc HAPPYVALE EARLY } June Peas N * Je " 12c L CORN OFF THE COB | Niblets ,J ”~* 14c FRESH EGGS | LOCAL EGGS nj- J Dozen JjC l I HEINZ { Cream of 5 ] Tomato Soup lar lie | I Pea Soup c»n°* 12c 1 I WINNER | Rubbing 1 Alcohol 1 ! 2 bo4 25c | J '-vraBBSHBBMBaaai ?