PAGE SIX THIS YEAR PLANT Food Crops ffiVx^^j^B^rfl V % A V JB Tin OIK LIVE SEEDS Irish Cobblers T, L. May Peas Early Corn Evergreen Corn Henderson Limas Wood Pi )-L.imas Clark's 1 knas Fcvdhobk 1 .imas Bountikul •' ■ .’ Black an ki a] -« Blaekeye Pe-as Cantaloupe Watermelon-. Kobe Lespede/.a Korean Lespedeza Pasture Mixture Spring' < >ats Crimson ('lover Punk Hybrid Corn PLANT A VICTORY GARDEN Onion Sets Cabba.ire Plants Turnip Seed Cabtiage Seed Smooth Kale Curly Kale Ruffled Kate Rape Seed Spinach Tender minutes, preceded by half j hour's confessions, in St. Ami’s Cath olic .'Church, stated the Rev. Father | Francis J. Alt-l Vin. tviL r. who in vites Pveryht iiy to all services.. The usual l.enten devotions will he i nniitted this Friday and Sunday, hut ' will be resumed the following Friday j and Sunday. AT FIRST flf 8^ s “’lb a OW’^ O “^666 Cold Pieparations a* directed! Government House fe. Rum \. V 4/5 Quart mk 53.50 Retail c » vo V^-'\ LABEL 8 6 Proof Imported by V/. A. Taylor & Company New York City Idonpancho I TEQUILA IB kt i “DeftUM4 CH I t, il Vurttj I T^"”" I LIQUORS CO u : "M!M^ eye]s3 - nd 14, Omo 8] I BLUE ROCK I ji r ' i-n kitted 9 I j dlfZk I M® IV II IMPORTED LIQUORS CO I THE CHOWAN HERALD, EDENTON, N. C„ THURSDAY, MARCH 1, 1945. Mrs. Myrtle C. Davis , i Passes Away At Home .Mrs, Myrtle Casteen Ilavis, wife of; Hilary 1.. Davis, died at her home on Ilroail Street Saturday night, follow ing a long period of ill health. I)e-1 1 ceased was a native of North Caro-j iina, but had lived most of her life in Norfolk. Ya., until ten years ago • when the family moved to Edenton, Surviving, besides her husband, are , four children, Mrs. Myrtle Davis Wat -1 son and Mrs. L. I*. Williams, of ! Edenton; J. Leon Davis of Norfolk, | Y'a., and Capt. Jackson C. Davis of the | Army Air Corps stationed in Los j Angeles, Cal. Three sisters, Mrs. A. V. Deal and Miss Arine Casteen of . Portsmouth, Va., and Mrs. Robert | Meiggs, of San Diego. Cal.; and three | ' brothers, Thomas Casteen and John | V. Castden of Portsmouth, Va,, ami j W. T. Casteen, of Cape Charles; Yu., also survive. ' I The body was taken to Norfolk. Va„ i Monday, where services were held at ' the graveside in Elmwood Cemetery. 1 PERSONAL ITEMS Jimmy Weathers has returned to Washington. D. C., after spending a furlough with Air. and Mrs. O. M. , Elliott. A memher of the Navy, , f v >ung Weathers expects to .be soon 1 ] as-i. noil to a ship. . Miss Edna Mae Wilkins and Miss .1 Sue llrickhouse, of Columbia, spent I the week-end at Mt. Flla, where they attended the Sloop-Sherrill wedding,! Miss Sherrill is a former eollege mate 1 •f the two young ladies. Lieut. Louis George Wilkins and | Mrs. Wilkin- returned last week from ■New York, Lieut. Wilkins has been granted a liO-day furlough, prior to reporting to the west coast from North Carolina Chowan County. NOTICE OF SALE OK V \I.CABLE REAL ES TATE The undersigned "ill on Fri fday. the oth day of March 1945; offer fru- sale at public auction to. The highest bidder fur cash at the Chowun (‘ountv Court House * I door in Edenton, North Carolina, it 1J o'clock M. (reserving the right to accept or reject any and all bids i the following described real estate lying and being in Rocky Hock, Second Township. Chowan County North Carolina, to wit: Known as the \Y. R. Wilson] j hoineplaee. bounded on the North , i>> \Y. T. Perry Estate lands: on 1 the East by Clarence Hunch: on The South bv Paul Perry, arid on ’ i tin West by C. E. Tynrh. con taining 40 acres, more 01 less .1. X. I’RCDEN. Attornev and Sidling Agent j marl-Xjnp For Owners. I When Your r Bock Hurts a And Your Slrenyth mid It may be cau»«‘d by disordt-r of kid noy function that permit* poson. is waste to accumulate. For truly tn'any people feel tired, weak aqd miserabl** j when the kidneys fail to remove excess acids and other waste matter from the blood. You may suffer napgffltf bucka**! -. rheumatic pains, headacnes. dizziness, gettinß up nights, leg pains, gwellmg. Sometimes frequent and scanty u? na- I tion with smarting and burning is an other sign that something is wrong with j the kidneys or bladder. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. l ! se j Dunn’s Ptlls. It is better to rely on a medicine that has won countrywide ap } proval than on something less favorably • Known. Doan’s have been tried and test ed many years. Are at all drug stores. Get Doan's today. Idoan^pillsl Ijr - --^r■— ——\ rut JACKSON’S BEAUTY SHOP Announces That Beginning Monday, March 5 ANNE PAYNE LANCASTER Will Be Associated With MARGARET FRANCIS WHITE In the Operation of the Shop. Many customers of the shop will remember Anne Payne as an efficient operator with Mae Jackson S : r where he will again go overseas. Lieut. Robert Harrell left Saturday for the West Coast, after spending a brief leave with his parents, Mr. and ; Mrs, Rodney Harrell. Mrs. J. H. II dines left Monday for! Alabama, to visit her daughter, Mrs. j | George Eliwlt. and Mr. Elliott. RED CROSS AVAR FI ND DRIVE ST AIM'S MONDAY (Conti 11 tod fmm Page One) King St. Airs. Eva Alexander. It is geui' , ; dy known that Chowan County's quota this year is .$6,700, which means that there will have to be no little generosity on the part of Chowan County people if the quota is to lie reached. The county claims j the reputation of never having fail »>ii to meet any quota in connection | with the Red Cross and Lnairman I hope that this year will he no ex -1 cep!ion. They realize .that "many re | cent requests have been made for j !-contributions: and outlay of money, 1 'out because of the import ree of ! ( Cross work, especially as regards 1 men and w omen in uniform; they feel confident that Chowan wilt again, live up to its! past reputation of sup -1 porting any and every .worthy cause, CAROLYN WHITE BREAKS ARM ‘ Miss Carolyn White, daughter of . Representative and Airs. John E. White,..had the misfortune to break an arm Saturday afternoon while play ing in front of her home on Gran ! vide Street. The accident occurred ! while she was playing ball when she tC pod, falling tiv C sidewalk. The li ft an ; was broken near the wrist, and w'ilr.i.t i- in.a cast, she is mat.• iny* sat: ■ factory progress. CARD OF THANKS We wish to take this means to ex press our most sincere and heartfelt appreciation fop the.many kindnesses and lovely floral tributes given dur ing the illness and death of our be loved husband and father, H. S. By-1 rum. Each anil- every .one will he 0i g remembered. W ife and .-Children. WHY SUFFER FROM ARTHRITIS? You get quick and steadv relief by using DMC PRESCRIPTION No. 49. A full home treatment is guaranteed to show results. Users of this amazing new medicine are unstinting in their praise of its efficiency. DMC No. 49 is sold in this vicinity by Mitchener's Pharmacy f"T a feX’ M HEADACHE j. Capudine relieve* headache » because it’s liquid. It* in || gredents are already dissolved I ■.r£ c - II ~“ alt rc;!(,y ** bcgin eas,n * th * IV- Pi pjin ‘ ■ },so soothcs ncrvt te *“ H * a dt.c to the paio. Use b t jX cnif as 10c, 30c,60c. HTti I il I I ■! M -1 : ■ BABY CHICKS | It is now time to get ready for your. Chicks. We are hatching again now. They will come off each Friday. Let us book your order now for future delivery. N. 11. Red, Barred Rock and AVhite Isjghorn. Superior Hatchery U. S. 17 Two Miles AA'est of Edenton V. -■/ CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who so thoughtfully rendered kind ness and sympathy during the recent illness and death of our wife and ' mother, Airs. J. C. Bass. J. C. BASS AND FAMILY. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our dear hus band and father, Lawson Henderson Spruill, who died February 26, 1943: 1 have lost my soul’s companion, A life linked with my own. And day by day I miss him more, As I walk through life alone. You shall never be forgotten, Father, Never shall your memory fade. Sweetest thoughts will always linger Around the grave where you are laid. —Wife and Daughter. rDDUBLEJ TAYLOR THEATRE EDENTOX, X: ( WE lI.W E THE SHOWS . 'Today t Thursday i and Friday, .March i : V the SCREEN'S MOST pr»l*nr« DARING LOVE STORYI ( j | Cov&oVa Frenchmans ‘ Creekc I MITCHELL LEISEN ™°w*"on technicolor t .M M IWbon* • Ni«.l tnxr • C«c» toltawoj • My* foHm • by MifcMl Uix* l.atl'St \<‘\V- Saturday, March y ....... V i .1. and .''l NbJST CARSON in CODE OF THE PRAIRIE” "Manhunt cl Mysterj T and" No. 7. ( unuah I Sunday. March 4 Double I raUirr 20ai twpa«*»ci Also t■ ■ \ • ■ ' -• . ■ .; v '•. ..•■' •• ■ . • ■ ; . I a UNIVERSAL PICTURE 201 Monday and Tuesday, March 5-h —~ TpTICHNICOLORI hckks -«Mot di | ' iamtBLAIR• Lei y ■ ,-^^^ lu {iL!iiilL*»!■«wwbwwut *Y scr«« Play by I«hi Sams* iMMwhM, tmgt br Mb Styab ta* Sammy Cabs Latest News Latest March of Time Wednesday. March 7 TOM TYLER, ROSEMARY LANE, PINKY TOMLIN, SLIM SUMMERVILLE, HAL McINTYRE and ORCHESTRA, HOOSIER HOT SHOTS and RIDERS OF PURPLE SAGE in "SING ME A SONG OF TEXAS” “Black Arrow” No. 6 Color Cartoon Thursday and Friday, March 8-9 — ROSALIND RUSSELL and JACK CARSON in V “ROUGHLY SPEAKING” COMING SOON—“Eadie Was A Lady,” “This Man’s Navy,” “Lost la A Harem,” “Music For Millions,*' “Objective Barm*.” “Here Come The Waves." N * ! WRIGHT TRIO SINGS Featuring the Red Men meeting on Monday night three Wright brothers rendered several numbers, much to the delight and applause of a large number of members present. The three brothers comprising the trio are Kennth, William J. and Sam AVright. Home Remedy For Relieving Miseries of CHILD'S COLDS The modem external treatment most I young mothers use to relieve discom forts of children’s colds . . . muscular soreness or tightness, coughing, irri ® VWi/7 tation in upper bronchial tubes ... is Vicks Vapo- Rub. So easy to use. You just rub it on—and right away blessed relief starts to come as Vapoßub .. . pS/d£TRAT£s to upper bronchial tubes with its special medicinal vapors J vTML— ST//HVt*rss chest and back _ 'j surfaces like d wanning poultice ”.*'7 1 Often by morning most of the misery of the cold is gone. Remember this. .. ONLY VAPORUB Gives You this special penetrating-stimulating action. It’s time-tested, home-proved, the best known home rem- m m a cdy for relievin ~ 9 miseries of , aid ® / vaPOROO