PAGE TWO farmers Urged To Plant Large Type Virginia Peanuts Demand Greater Thanj Ever Before, Say Millers The Virginia Carolina Peanut As-1 aoeiation is urging fanners to plant! large Virginia type for greater pro- j fit and to maintain this area's repu-' tation for growing the world's finest j peanuts. The association emphasizes the) fact that there are no acreage res- 1 frictions in 1946. that the demand! for large peanuts of the Virginia; type is greater than ever before.] and that the subsidy program of war production fused on the govern ment’s need for domestic oil has 1 ended. Cri es e n:a: i-.. !*<' per cent of parity are guaranteed in 1916, whieh is substantially the same as last' season, and it is .pointed out that, ■every government program has pro vided premiums; for large peanuts. I Cor that reason growers are urged to plant large type Virginia peanuts,' using good seed and proper soil treatment to insure a good crop. Peanut Planting Begins In Texas Eair Volume Moving to Market In Virginia- Carolina Area Planting of peanuts is continuing in south Texas and has begun in a very limited way in North Florida, i southern Georgia and southern Ala i 1 bama. Planting in the Southeast, j however, is not expected to become i active until around the middle of! Mareh. While mills in both the) Southeast and Southwest are now ac- j tively preparing seed supplies, de-j 1. mand for seed in the Southeast has' s not been as heavy to date as had d previously been anticipated. It is 0 still very early in the season, how- i, ever, and an extremely heavy- de- tl mand for seed could still develop. Inj n some sections of the Southeast carjt. shortage has delayed distribution of >„ fertilizer and labor shortages have;,, also been something of a factor. a In the Virginia-Carolina area the a weather has permitted continuation ~i of harvest, and a fair volume of p farmers’ stock peanuts is moving to j, market at scheduled prices, based on percentage of; sound, mature kernels. a In this section demand for cleaned f jumbos and shelled peanuts has been K very good. While a moderate de- y mand has prevailed on cleaned fancy's, movement of this grade has) h not been as rapid as on other grades !h of Virginias, In the Southeast and [ So*thwest demand continues heavy,! „ although it has not been as active re- j cently as was the case a month | earlier. Practically all movement of j shelled goods has been on previous 11 commitments at ceiling levels, al- 2 though a few sa'.-s of Southeastern 2 Runners were reported on a current 5 basis. j Sales f. o. b. shipping point per lb.,* I Virginia-Carolma, Virginias, cleaned ] jumbos 15 ! ?i; fancys 15-15 fc, mostly • 45 %c; shelled extra large and me- \ diums lG’ac; No. I, few South eastern shelled Spanish No, 1, 14 Abc: j ] Runners No, 1,14 c, Southwestern, i shelled Spanish No I, 14Vic. ““666 j Cold Preparations UQUIO, TABLETS. SALVE, NOSE DROPS « CAUTION USE ONLY AS OIRCCTEO < NOTICE! The Board of County Commissioners of Chowan County will meet as the Board of Equal ization and Review in the Court House on Mon day, March 18,1946, at 10 A.M. for the purpose of hearing complaints as prescribed by law. P. S. McMULLAN Chowan County Tax Supervisor OUR DEMOCRACY f>y*a> # THE 4H CLUBS 1 (HEA D, HE A R.T, HANDS, HEA LTH) * Their membership of 1,700,000 soys and girls IS DEDICATED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF AMERICAN AGRICULTURE AND RESPONSIBLE LEADERSHIP. Pledged to VcEARfR thinking - GREATER LOYALTY - LARGER SERVICE SETTER living the 4h club members Bv THEIR WORK ON FARMS THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY, ARE BUILDING A STRONGER MORE SELF-RELIANT YOUTH AND A STRONGER MORE SELF-RELIANT NATION. Evans Church Young 1 people were presenL One of the j Ponnlp Tn Drtrnniyp ! highlights of the evening wm a re reopie io urganize . ligiottg play with COfltulnee , given by Joint Youth Group ) a number of the young people. An _______ 1 enjoyable social hour followed the At its regular monthly meeting jexercises last Friday night the Youth Fellow-j —— —•———j ship of the Evans Methodist Church] decided to assist in the organization) Ka ( lllfrlf I A I of a Chowan-Perquimans Youth Pel-! »wV A ” m m V<** | lowship Union. It is proposed that, 1 the union meet once each three KVA|ipni||6 months. The Evans group is ex- MJm wllvlllUw tending an invitation to the young j Chronic bronchitis may develop if icople, vouth leaders, pastors and your cough, chest cold, or acute bron "t p^pio.«! ffiffiXIS&NSKSMS attend the first meeting of the group less potent than Creomulsion which at the Evans Church Fridav evening, I goes right to the seat of the trouble to t April T’ at 7-45 n'eirwk \ eo.nnioto! nelp loosen and expel germ laden l complete Bid nature to soothe and program has not yet been arranged heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial but plans so far are for religious mucous membranes, exercises led by the Evans group. Creomulsion blends beechwood creo ,,• . • , ~ h sote by special process with other time ■i business session including reports tested medicines for coughs. It contains from various \ outh Fellowship no narcotics. groups, recognition of pastors and No matter how many medicines you and , T ia, hour. Ihe meeting last rriday night was standing you must like the way it quick held with Beatrice Evans at the ly allays the cough, permitting rest and home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. a«P. <» you are to have your money H. W. Evans. Eighteen young j Anne’s Beauty Salon ! j CITIZENS BANK BUILDING 1 CORDIALLY INVITES THE LADIES TO | ATTEND THE OPENING 1 j MONDAY, MARCH II TEA —2 TO BP. M. f I j THE CHOWAN HERALu, EDENTON, N. C.. THUKriIMY, MARCH 14, 1946. |No Forms Needed For Canning Sugar Housewives Urged to Budget Use of Sugar Carefully This year’s home canners will not have to fill out application forms for canning sugar, OPA State Director Theodore S, Johnson reminds North Carolina housewives. OPA district) | offices, which now handle sugar ra-! tioning, are not equipped to process | the millions of requests that would) result if users were required to make 1 formal application for canning sugar ; as was formerly the case, he said. Canning sugar this season will be) obtained through use of spare stamps) ) contained either in Ration Book Four j or on the sugar ration sheet now be-, ring issued-in lieu of a complete ra | t'ion book, according to the OPA an-' ' nouncement. j First spare stamp to be used espe cially; for canning sugar is No. 9, which became valid Monday, March j 11, for five pounds and remains good through October Ml, Johnson pointed; out. This and another stamp to be validated sometime in June dr July will provide this year’s allocation for home Canning sugar, he said. “Our national sugar supply is still extremely tight, with no signs of im -1 mediate improvement,” Johnson said. “It is still uncertain how much of the Cuban sugar crop will be available to us, and this, along with the require ments of war-stricken areas, makes it impossible to be very optimistic about the outlook on sugar," he ex plained. “The critical state of our supply makes it necessary for every house wife to budget her use of sugar care fully,” Johnson said, and appealed to homemakers to see that their can ning sugar is used only for the pur poses for which it is intended. QUICK RELIEF FROM SyropOoMM sf DlitfiiiAflilimfrMi STOMACH ULCERS due to EXCESS ACID FrMßMkTaOsafHMMltaMbMaNlMl | MuatHaApf HWlflC—tY—N»CMb» Over two mUUon bottle* of IhsWUXABD TREATMENT hare been aold for relief of symptoms of distress arising firoasStonaaD and PuiAwnl Ulcers doe to Imm A«W Nar Digestion, Soar or Upas* Knout, Goodness, Heartburn. Sleepioooneoe, oto. due to Excess Add. Sold on 15 days' trial I Ask for “Willard's Mottoes" which fully explain* this troaUaent —tree —al Mitchener’s Pharmacy 1 1* i “Well, I'll tell you! To my taste, I don’t like to be spent unless | ) my Boss gets his 100 cents’ worth! < i “I’d rather be sitting in a nice cool bank ready to be lent for * \ , f some constructive purpose—or taking one of those wonderful, , ► healthful, ten-year War Bond or Victory Bond vacations that ; i bring me back to work fatter than ever—than to be out bustling i [ from hand to hand, always buying things but not always getting < * my good dollar's worth. f > , ’ “Today, while goods are scarce and inflation is a danger, I think , , you should plan to save me—and most of your ocher dollars— • , plan to spend me later when FI help buy a house or an education i > for your children. I'll feel better about that, ... ..i ittt i »» and so will you." ' f it it fc* ts* utWi cffarts te U«f jraar Mag «a«ts * * ■—■■■*' ■ Tibii•tfroctJSy M/ UniudSj*Uj Trtstury T f The Bank of Edenton ’ ‘ 1 "SAFETY FOR SAVINGS SINCE 1894” < ' MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION J 1 * MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM I > HrsWi nlii afl i .lt .a .aJ I Classified atidLegais FOR SALE SECOND HAND man’s bicycle. Apply W. Smith, 307 N. Broad St. It* WANTED—PLUMBER AND HELP er, with or without tools. Apply to Horace White, No. 4 Pembroke Circle or phone 402-J. Itc FOR SALE—OUT BOARD MOTOR. I Six horse-power. See W. E. Ma-1 lone, Edenton. lt c j ' B’2xo*4 WILTON RUG FOR SALE—] Blue background, Oriental .design. Practically new. Can be seen at 103 West King Street. mar7,l4pd LOR SALE —ELECI’JUC BROODER, ) in first class condition, 500 capa ! city. Also small electric heater. W. A Harrell, Route 1, Edenton. Mar?,14,21c ] INSURE YEAR ROUND COMFORT i in your home with Celotex Rock Wool. For free estimate, write ( Eastern Rock Wool Insulating C 0.,,. Box 377, Washington, N. C. Mar 7,14 pd I MEND RUNS LADIES’ HOSE i • which are now scarce. Phone 146-W, Edenton. mar7,l4pd i~WANT FOUR MEN TO WORK IN log woods this year. SO.OO per day. No loafers need apply. B. E. Wins-; low, Hobbsville, N. C. Feb2l,2Bmar7.l4pd FOR SALE - — CABBAGE PLANTS and onion sets for early planting. See Halsey Feed & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store,” Edenton, N. C. Feb28Mar7,14,21,28c BABY CHICKS GOOD QUALITY Send for Price List and save money WORTHWHILE CHICKS, 101 Wes North Avenue, Baltimore 1, Mary land. exp Mar 14 pd GARDEN SEEDS. GARDEN FER tilizers, garden tools. Let us sup-| ply you this year. Halsey Feed & Seed Store, “The Checkerboard Store." exp April 18c FOR SALE C.ARRISON~WATER meIon seed. This watermelon is su perior in cutting, quality and taste to that of the average watermelon. Carroll Jordan, Hartsville, S. C. exp Apr 4 p keep Tour lawn looking good with Vigoro fertilizer, peat mbss, sheep manure, bone meal,] lawn grasses, al! kinds. We have it in stock. Give us a call. Phone 273. Halsey Feed & Seed Store,) “The Checkerboard Store.” exp April 18c FOR SALE GIRL’S BrCYCLE, newly painted, in excellent condi tion. See Barbara Hollowell, 103 E. Carteret St„ Edenton. Mar7,l4pd WANTED —WHY WORRY ABOUT Athletes Foot, Boils, Bums, Eczema, Itch, Impetigo, Pimples, Psoriasis, Ringworm or any known skin dis ease. Ask your druggist about V-J-O. ex P Mar 21 P WOOD FOR’"SALE—SPLIT pInE $3.00 load, sl2 cord. Mixed hard wood, $3.50 load, sl4 cord. J. A. Lane, R. F. D. 2, Edenton or L. C. Burton, phone 215-W. decGtfc i PIGS FOR SALE—POLAND CHINA, Chester, white and crossbred pigs, j Crated and shipped. Herbert W. Everhart, Keameysville, W. Va. Feb2l,2BMar7,l4pd ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the Estate of B. F. Holley, de ceased, late of Chowan County, North Carolina, this is to notify afl persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Edenton, North Caro lina, on or before the 4th day of Feb ruary, 1947, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All ) persons indebted to said estate will , please make immediate payment. This 4th day of February, 1946. DELILAH V. HOLLEY, Administratrix of Estate of B. F. Hol ley, d<>ceased. feb7211,28,mar7,14pd North Carolina, In The Chowan County. Superior Court. Mary Pauline Baker, Plaintiff, vs. Hudson Baker, Defendant NOTICE The defendant, Hudson Baker, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Chowan County. North Carolina, by the plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from the defendant upon the ground that plain tiff and defendant have lived separate and apart for more than two years next preceding the bringing of this action; and the defendant will further take notice that he is required to ap pear at the office of the Clerk Super ior Court, Chowan County, North Carolina in the Courthouse in Eden ton, North Carolina on or before the 22nd day of April, 1946 and answer t or demur to the complaint in said : action, or the plaintiff will apply to said complaint. Witness my hand this 26th day of February, 1946. E. W. SPIRES, ( Clerk Superior Court, Chowan County, North Carolina. j J. N. Pruden, Attorney for Plaintiff. feb2BMar7,l4, -jnp

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